Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 207 Goodbye to the eldest son!

"This boat is really not enough to carry you across the lake." Uncle Yi listened to Yuan Xiu's doubts, but there was no difficulty. Instead, he pointed to the boats nearby and said with a smile, "But the boat over there is also clean, as long as you have to wrong a few gentlemen."

Yuanxiu looked at Li Shiniang. Li Shiniang agreed and pulled her aside and said, "Don't worry, let alone say that we came here today on a whim. Several times, the guards of the minister's family also rented another boat to follow him. Yi Laozhang lived near the world and was very nice. The minister's brother asked him to take care of the boat. The boat, what's more, there are mostly tantra believers near Cuiwei Temple. They are afraid of the retribution of heaven. They dare not say that they are all monks who eat fast all day long, and their character is not bad.

"Since you dare to guarantee it, then ask Yuan Beihe and others to board the boat separately." Yuanxiu thought for a moment and said.

Yuan Beihe insisted on being with Yuan Xiu. He and the imperial army wore casual clothes today, but because he was the envoy of the army, he was slightly older and had a calmer temperament. When Mr. Yi saw that he insisted on refusing to separate from Yuan Xiu, he wanted to leave. He couldn't help but look at Yuan Xiu curiously, but took her and Yuan Beihe as a couple.

Yuanxiu didn't know the idea of Uncle Yi. This Taiyichi appeared in this dynasty, but it was famous. When the boat walked on it, he felt more and more like jade and the mirror was like a mirror, but the waves were sparkling in the distance. He wished to throw himself into it. Sometimes he saw a fish shuttle past the boat, Yuan Xiu couldn't help but leaning over to the side of the boat to catch it. The boat swayed, and Yuan Beihe was busy. He said, "Gui... Jiu Niangzi, be careful!"

The boat is not a big place. Although his voice is not very loud, Mr. Yi's father-in-law can hear it clearly and smiles cheerfully: "That Lang Jun has relaxed. There are no winds and no waves on the lake. It's nothing if the little women are lively. The little old man stayed on the river in his early years. Now he is not as old as he used to do. Make it."

Father-in-law Yi was confident, but Yuan Beihe did not dare to believe him completely. Yuan Xiu was interrupted by him, so he had to withdraw his hand and asked, "Which side is the wind tunnel?"

"That's it." Li Shiniang pointed to her, but saw two tall rocks exposed in the green trees in the distance. The direction Li Shiniang pointed to was in the middle of the rock.

Seeing that Yuanxiu was no longer interested in Taiyi Pool, his father-in-law secretly accelerated the speed of rowing. The boat also rowed open the lake like an arrow. Soon, in front of the wind tunnel, he chose a dry and stable pool bank, stepped on the water first, tried the ground, then returned to the boat, set up a springboard, and invited everyone to board. Shore.

Yuan Beihe first ordered their maids to go ashore. Li Shiniang asked Yuan Xiu, "Do you want me to help you?"

Yuanxiu waved her hand. Although she shook when she stepped on the springboard, she quickly stood firm and jumped down easily. The group went ashore, but saw that the other two rented boats were still a little far away. Yuan Xiu saw that the wind tunnel was right in front of him and could feel that the surroundings were obviously cooler than the lake, so he said, "Let's go first to see it first. Look."

Without waiting for Yuan Beihe to stop, she had already walked into the cave. Li Shiniang naturally followed and bypassed a few green trees outside. However, seeing that the wind tunnel was sandwiched between the two huge rocks, the whole cave was about six feet high. In the depths, there were no lights, shadows and shadows were not clear. When she arrived at the mouth of the cave, she felt a cold wind rolling out. Everyone and his group wore summer shirts, and it was cold at this moment - Yuan Xiu couldn't help saying, "It's really a good place to escape the summer."

"It's actually cold after standing for a long time." Li Shiniang stroked her temples and said with a smile, "Fortunately, we came here by boat, and the sweat that just climbed the mountain has dried up. Otherwise, if the holes are not combined, they will come and be blown by the wind. If you are weak, I'm afraid that you will be caught in the wind and cold."

"This wind tunnel is already so cold. No wonder the ice cave can still hold hard ice at this time." Yuan Xiu sighed, "Creation is really wonderful." When she saw the dark in the hole, she did not go in first, but stood at the mouth of the cave and asked, "What's inside?"

Because Yi's father-in-law looked at the boat by the lake, everyone returned to their original name. Li Shiniang said, "When the court lady came back first, she was also very curious. The elder brother specially asked someone to go down the mountain to find a dead wind lamp to illuminate the surroundings. In fact, it is just such a cave, and there is nothing in it... Oh, sometimes there will be some The nearby mountain people, bring some things that are easy to break and put them away for the time being.

Hearing what she said, everyone suddenly had no interest in going in. They took a look at the green probe and laughed, "This place is also often visited by people. How come anyone to do a good thing and light a lamp in it?"

"Have you forgotten what this hole is called?" Hearing this, Li Shiniang couldn't help squeaking her lips and happy. Yuan Xiu said angrily, "Even if it's angrily wind lamp, you can see that the wind here is blowing up and down, and it may go out. Anyway, there is no scenery in it. The nearby mountain people still plan to use it to store things. Can you light the lamp to let you see clearly and hold the sheep? It's so dark that we look at the mouth of the cave, but we won't go in and touch their things.

Li Shiniang smiled and said, "You are talking about it."

Picking greens is laughed at and doesn't take it seriously. He just said with a smile, "This cave is really strange. It's just a good wind. It's still so cold, as if it was born for nearby mountain people."

"That's what the so-called Zhong Shenxiu is." Yuan Xiudao.

"There is also a Xiu character in the family's title, which shows that the family is also the center of creation." Cai Lu blinked and laughed.

When she said this, Li Shiniang also nodded and said, "Your title is Yuanxiu, Yuan is the first, and Xiu is proud to be beautiful, which shows the love of the previous emperor."

The topic suddenly turned to Emperor Xianzong. Yuanxiu smiled disapprovely and said, "Let's go to see the ice cave."

The ice cave is in the north of the wind tunnel, surrounded by green trees. At this time, the sun is the most vicious. Originally, when they came out of the wind tunnel, everyone was surrounded by a cool air. When they walked near the ice cave, they were still not dispersed. At this time, they actually felt hot again.

"Your host, the ice cave is cold, just stand outside and have a look." Despite this, Yuan Beihe looked at Yuanxiu's thin Hufu and persuaded him.

"What's the point of this? I heard that there will be hard ice storage in it now, and I'm going to have a look. Yuanxiu didn't agree.

Yuan Beihe couldn't stop him, and only a few more people could follow.

This ice cave is different from the wind tunnel. The wind tunnel is not close to feel cold. The ice cave seems to have an invisible boundary. Three steps away from the mouth of the cave is still a hot summer day. Within three steps, Yuan Xiu suddenly felt a thrill - a chill came, and his head looked into the cave, and it was painted in the wind tunnel. It's dark, and the ice cave is actually very bright!

Bright comes from ice and snow.

Yuan Xiu turned his head and looked behind him, but saw the green trees and the sun shining high. Then he saw the icicle hanging, like a forest of ice and snow. The scene was spectacular. Many ice edges had broken marks. Obviously, people came nearby to get ice. Even so, there were still thick icicles in the depths, only through the mouth of the cave to enter. A little light illuminates the outline of the hole clearly. There is even a path for ice-taking in the cave, winding and disappearing among the ice forests.

Although Li Shiniang has been here several times, she is still very excited at this moment. She can't help saying, "I don't think it's hard to store ice every winter on the other side of the sleeping bureau?" If there is such a cave in Daming Palace, how much will be saved if it is the inner library alone?

"What you said is easy. Such a place is the center of heaven and earth. If it is everywhere, why do we have to ride a horse for a few hours today and work hard to cross the lake to see it?" Yuanxiu looked up at the ice in the distance and said with admiration, "Qiongyu made snow, but I didn't expect to see this scene in summer!"

Li Shiniang was about to answer when suddenly a low voice came from the ice forest in front of her: "The clock of heaven and earth? Winter, summer and heat are the usual ways in the world. Such a reversal of cold and summer is regarded as a difference between heaven and earth. There is a saying that something abnormal is a demon. How can it be related to love?

At first hearing that there were others in the ice cave, everyone was shocked. When they heard the other party's words clearly, Yuan Xiu frowned and Cai Lv had already scolded: "Who is hiding here? Answer nonsense!"

Li Shiniang frowned: "Come out!"

After pulling out the crossbow, a man turned out of the ice forest, but he saw that this man was dressed in sackcloth like snow and almost integrated with his back. His appearance was rich, his eyebrows were long into his temples and his eyes were like stars. Looking at his appearance alone, he was a teenager, but his head was full of long hair, but it was a snowy color, with a lotus crown on his head and a green jade hairpin. It was Yuanxiu who was forgetting to see. The eldest son I have seen once!

"You Taoist priest are sneaky..." The appearance of the eldest son is too strange, but it is hard to forget that the green picking was originally fierce. When she saw him, she couldn't help but be stunned. Li Shiniang didn't know him. Seeing him coming out plainly, she sneered and said half a few words, but she saw Yuan Xiu raise her hand to silence. The long-term son said alertly, "Why are you here?"

"The poor road is waiting for your lord." The eldest son held the dust in his hand. Although he was dressed in ma yi, he was tall and stood in front of the summer ice forest, like a fairy.

At this time, Li Shiniang also noticed that the other party's extraordinary identity. Yuanxiu actually knew the other party, which was not an ordinary person. She looked at Yuan Beihe, but saw Yuan Beihe frowning slightly, staring at the other party without blinking, and pressing his hand on the waist, it was actually like a big enemy!

Li Shiniang was stunned and became a little nervous.

Yuan Xiu frowned and said, "You are a monk, but I am in the world, but I don't know what you are waiting for?"

"I heard that your lord was looking for the poor road a few months ago, but when we didn't meet at that time, the poor road specially avoided to the south of the sword. Now it's time to meet each other from now." The impression left by the eldest son on Yuanxiu was domineering and arrogance. Later, he met He Yijian's description. Now it is suddenly unpredictable. Yuanxiu thought a few times and said lightly, "Oh, the sixth sister who was originally in my palace had some Taoist scriptures. I also looked for you for her, and later someone answered it. , I don't need you now."

She said lightly, and the eldest son was not angry, but said, "Your master is going out today, but you have made an appointment in advance?"

Yuan Xiu narrowed his eyes: "It's just a coincidence."

"Is your master really just to make your sister find a way to poverty?" Yuan Xiu blocked the eldest son with one sentence. The latter thought for a moment and asked faintly.

Yuan Xiu frowned, but not for his words, but when he entered the ice cave, he couldn't stand the cold. Yuan Beihe noticed it and said in a low voice, "Your master only wears a summer shirt. Sometimes when he enters the hole, please withdraw from the ice cave first!"

When Yuanxiu and Li Shiniang left, Yuan Beihe stepped forward and stepped back to the mouth of the cave.

In the cave, the elder son who obviously entered the ice forest earlier than Yuan Xiu and his party. The linen clothes were as thin as paper, but as if nothing had happened. Seeing Yuan Beihe's posture like facing the big enemy, he smiled meaningfully and slowly walked to the mouth of the cave.

Outside the cave, standing under the scorching sun, everyone exhaled cold air, touched the corners of their clothes, and shouted in a low voice, "At this time, even the corners of their clothes are frosted!"

"This ice hole is really strange!" Yuan Xiu squeezed his lips and said.

Li Shiniang quietly pulled her sleeve: "Your lord, that Taoist priest just now..."

"A guy who pretends to be a ghost, don't pay attention to him!" Yuan Xiu snorted, but heard the elder son behind him say indifferently, "If you don't believe in ghosts and gods, why did you go to Qing Wangguan and ask the Lord to see you to be a monk?"

I fell out with the princess of Yunzhou and ran to Qing Wangguan to be a monk. This is one of the things that Yuanxiu is ashamed of. From the time he returned to Daming Palace, he didn't like to be mentioned. This will be told slowly by the eldest son. He suddenly became angry and sneered, "What does this palace have to do with you?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her!

Li Shiniang and Cai Lv exclaimed, but I don't know when the eldest son suddenly appeared in front of them, still floating out of the dust, as if he had become a master, and said calmly, "If your master is looking for poverty and nothing to do, there is something wrong with the poor path. I want to ask your master, but I don't know what to do?"

"No!" Yuan Xiu was also shocked, but she saw Yan Jiuhuai and Du Furi. She thought that the eldest son was just a skillful, so she said disdain, "What kind of identity should I be questioned by you?"

Hearing this, the long-born son sighed gently, and his eyes were full of compassion.

Yuan Xiu suddenly felt something wrong...