yu feng xing

Chapter 30: Gang of Evil

When a faint sunlight in the sky pierced the clouds and quietly came to Xianning City, which was still in its shallow dream, Chen Rufeng and Jin Yilai had put on a black gauze hat and quietly waited for the arrival of the empty street to help a crowd.

The sound of horseshoe came, and He Shile drove the prime minister's carriage they sold to him that day and came through the morning light reluctantly. There were two voices riding horses on both sides to help the public. The two had horizontal knives tied around their waists and looked aggressive. But Chen Rufeng dared to bet that Jin Yilai could easily subdue them in two rounds.

"Please get in the carriage and take you to the place of the transaction." He Shile bent down and put on that disgusting respectful look. Jin Yilai looked coldly at the luxuriously decorated carriage in front of him, raised his fingers slightly, and stabbed He Shile's waist vigorously. He Shile stood straight as if he had been shocked from behind.

Chen Rufeng smiled secretly, followed Jin Yi with satisfaction, jumped into the carriage and got into the familiar carriage.

"Drive!" He Shile shouted loudly and drove his horse forward. The two guards left and right, and quickly turned a corner and disappeared into the heavy building.

The tile roof of a tall building exposed Guan Xingyi's sneaky head. He stared at the direction of the carriage's disappearance. A meteor jumped to another roof and hung behind the team of the Zhensheng Gang. Every landing point was silent, as if only his toes were touching the ice and snow, not the blue and white tiles.

"Oh, I didn't expect to let the boy Rufeng point out my light skills." Guan Xingyi sighed in his heart and crossed another roof to prevent the carriage from looking out of sight.

The carriage came under the wall in the west of Xianning, but it was not the place where Chen Rufeng and the others entered the city. Guan Xingyi hid his body behind a water tank in front of a private house and poked out his head to watch.

The two vibrating men who served as guards jumped off the horse lightly, climbed up the pile of debris boxes that were almost as high as the city wall and moved down, and a door with chains gradually emerged. After completely moving the debris to both sides, the two big men opened the door, which was just the size of the carriage to pass through.

A big man made a gesture of He Shile, and He Shile hurriedly drove forward. After the carriage came out of the door, the two men closed the door again, chained it, piled up the debris wooden boxes, and hid the door again.

What made Guan Xingyi feel difficult was that the two big men did not mean to leave, but put the horse aside and sat alone on the wooden box to chat. It seemed that they would stay here.

Out of Xianning City, along the narrow path of the forest path, the carriage galloped all the way, raising the broken leaves on the ground.

After a while, He Shile tightened the reins, and the horse hissed and stopped. He Shile lifted the curtain of the carriage and said, "You two are here."

Chen Rufeng jumped out of the carriage first and was immediately stunned by the situation in front of him. Two rows of burly swordsmen with leather armor and iron feet stood straight on both sides, as if they were building two walls. At the end of the city wall, the five important figures led by Zhao Fengyi all smiled and seemed to welcome the arrival of the two. However, Zhao Fengyi's face is even more arrogant. This formation is obviously carefully prepared by him to strengthen his momentum and increase the bargaining chips for later trading.

Jin Yilai's footsteps are still vigorous, but Chen Rufeng is a little weak. He closely follows Jin Yilai, passes through the cold vibrating voice of his eyes to help the elite and go to Zhao Fengdi.

"Welcome!" Zhao Fengyi said enthusiastically, and the other four elders held their fists to salute. Chen Rufeng originally wanted to return the gift, but when he saw that Jin Yilai did not move, he had to withdraw his fists that was about to be stretched out.

"Where are the goods?" Jin Yilai said lightly.

Zhao Fengyu laughed and said, "Don't worry, please follow me."

Except for them, the two rows of vibrating elites did not move at all and still stood in place like cedar trees rooted in the deep. Zhao Fengyi turned around and led the four people forward. Jin Yilai followed quickly without any hesitation. Chen Rufeng turned his head worriedly and looked at the leaves and two rows of flimbling swordsmen, which were empty only a few wisps of cold wind behind him. His anxiety increased a little, but he had no choice but to hurried behind Jin Yilai.

"Is there any change that has delayed the arrival of the reinforcements?" Chen Rufeng couldn't help thinking, and then immediately pessimistically thought that once he and Jin Yilai were in danger, and the reinforcements did not arrive, even if they were Daluo immortals, they might not be able to save them.

Zhao Fengxi stopped, and the people behind him stopped. He pushed away the half-person-high straw in front of him, and a stone with a huge hole appeared. When he fixed his eyes, he found that it was a stone step that led straight to the ground. Zhao Fengyi bent down and could barely get in. Others quickly followed closely.

Walking down a path from the stone steps, the scene in front of him came into Chen Rufeng's eyes, and he couldn't help gasping.

There are countless air holes in the ceiling, and a beam of sunlight comes in like a needle. At night, it may be so dark that you can't reach out your fingers. There are many cages next to the wall on both sides, and the imprisoned children are crying incessively. The eldest child is only three years old. It was full of the smell of feces, which made the people who came in have to cover their noses tightly and fly rampant everywhere. Each cage has two rice bowls, one with some leftovers and the other with water, which is almost the same as a cage for raising poultry.

In this situation, people are sad and indignant, but these core figures are all greedy and do not regard these poor children as human beings at all.

"You can see which one you want and choose by yourself. One hundred taels for boys and eighty taels for girls. Xue Tong covered his nose and said, eager to leave this stinky place immediately.

Thunder penetrated his whole body, and Xue Tong's words further aroused the long-burning anger in Chen Rufeng's heart. Near the outbreak point, facing these people in front of him, I believe that even the Buddha can't stand it.

Chen Rufeng has seen that Jin Yilai has clenched his fists, and the blue veins on the back of his fists burst, and he can almost hear the sound of joints.

At this time, the shouts behind him suddenly sounded, with bursts of swords. When he heard the sound, Zhao Fengyi and five other people's faces changed dramatically.

"I want all of it." Jin Yilai said softly. As soon as his words fell, his fists and ten fingers were open. The dark and sharp momentum suddenly surged away to help the five people. Except for Zhao Fengdi, the other four of them resisted their hands to try to resist, but were knocked back by invisible anger.

Jin Yilai's hands were dark and powerful, and ten black air columns ejected from his fingertips, like ten tentacles covering Zhao Fengyi. Zhao Fengbei stepped back a few steps and crossed his chest. When the air column was approaching, his arms flew out. The gas net of his arms and flew out of his arms to meet Jin Yi's ten dark pillars. Several burst in mid-air, emitting thick smoke. The four elder protectors have stood up again and turned to Jin Yi. Come and rush over.

Zhao Fengyi retreated. In fact, he had suffered a secret loss in the hand of the fight just now. He knew that there was no chance of winning against Jin Yilai, so he quickly turned around and fled.

"Go and chase him!" Jin Yilai said to Chen Rufeng as he danced his hands, and a black ribbon-like aura spun around him. In the face of the four elders of the Zhensheng Gang, he naturally knew that the other party was not an idle person, not to mention that there were innocent children around him, so he had to deal with them carefully to avoid hurting them.

Chen Rufeng hurriedly took a series of long shadows and quickly skimmed his body to chase Zhao Fengyi.

Back on the ground, the officers and soldiers were fighting with the vibrating sound on the ground to help the swordsman. Guan Xingyi's sun-eating tiger knife kept sweeping the green knife, and several swordsmen could not resist screaming and fell to the ground. Not far away, Zhao Fengzhang led several officers and soldiers to suppress the array to ensure that there were no fish that missed the net.

Obviously, the Zhensheng Gang guarding at the gate has been solved by Guan Xingyi.

As soon as Zhao Fengdi arrived on the ground, he looked around a little, and his feet kicked on the ground and soared up in the air. A green figure in the cave shot out, with a burst of rapid momentum from below to Zhao Fengyi. Zhao Fengying was slightly aware of it and moved forward sharply, with his feet standing on a branch in front of him.

Chen Rufeng hit and fell empty. He quickly stopped and also stood on another branch higher than Zhao Fengdi. At the same time, he was lucky all over his body, otherwise the thin branch would not be able to support his weight.

"You can't escape." Chen Rufeng said condescendingly to Zhao Fengdai, but the branches he stood were still swaying up and down, not as good as Zhao Fengtai standing on the flat ground. It can be seen that there is still a considerable gap between the skills of the two.

Zhao Fengyi sneered, "What do you think you can do with me?"

After all, Chen Rufeng was a teenager. He couldn't stand the ridicule. He shouted and turned into a green shadow. His fists merged, his strength condensed, and he hit Zhao Fengfei. Zhao Fengjiu left the branch with a little toes, but he had no intention of avoiding Chen Rufeng's angry blow.

On the contrary, he suddenly raised his palms and pushed them forward. Chen Rufeng's fists were like hitting a stone, which was so painful that he drilled his heart. Zhao Fengyi took advantage of the situation to turn his palm into a palm knife and cut it flat. Chen Rufeng knew that the power of this palm knife was comparable to that of a real blade. He quickly bent his upper body back and only felt a sharp force brushing the tip of his nose, which was extremely sinister.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Fengyi's other hand had already accumulated true spirit and crossed the air to press Chen Rufeng. It was really unavoidable. Even if Chen Rufeng's body skills were skillful, he could not avoid two attacks in such a short time.

There was a killing sound behind Zhao Fengdi. Guan Xingyi held the sun-eating tiger knife and raised it up. The knife was as sharp as the moon. If Zhao Fengdi chooses to continue to attack Chen Rufeng, he may not die and be seriously injured. After weighing the weight, he still felt that his life was important. Zhao Fengyi took his palm and moved his body and fell to the ground.