yu feng xing

Chapter 33: Blood Gun Ding Yu

The sound of horses' hoofs came, and the two guards guarding at the gate of the prime minister's mansion hurried to the front of the carriage.

Jin Yilai pulled the rein, stopped the horse and jumped off the horse flexibly. Seeing that it was Jin Yilai, the guard quickly opened the gate of the prime minister's mansion. Jin Yilai said to the carriage behind him, "Come down, here we are."

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian disarmed one after another and looked around vigilantly. No one cared about them with hostile or greedy eyes, so they put down their hanging heart.

The Prime Minister's Mansion of the Tang Dynasty is magnificent and brilliant.

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian opened their mouths and stared at the gate of the prime minister's mansion. The lifelike stone lions on both sides squatted majestically, and their eyes were not angry. The door is two feet wide and one foot high. The door lock is gold-plated, jasper buckle, and the bluestone steps are spotless. Looking up, the two golden lacquer plaques of "Li Fu" are magnificent and invincible. At this time, the two were as small as ants standing in front of a giant in gold and noble clothes.

A middle-aged man came out of the house, dressed in a blue robe and looked like a family man. He hurried to Jin Yilai. At the same time, he looked at Chen Jiang suspiciously and whispered in Jin Yilai's ears. He was obviously much bigger than Jin Yilai, and barely stood on tiptoe to reach Jin Yi. Ears coming.

"They are the guests of the master." Jin Yilai said lightly, and the suspicion in the man's eyes suddenly turned into respect. He bowed slightly and walked to Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian, and said respectfully, "Two heroes, I am Tian Yishan, the general steward of the prime minister's mansion. The master hasn't returned to the house yet. Please follow me first. I will take you to the wing room to rest."

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian, who had been driving for several days, heard that there was a chance to rest. They shouted for joy in their hearts and hurriedly followed Tian Yishan and stepped on the noble stone steps into the house. Jin Yilai also followed them and handed over the carriage to the doorman.

When you step into the prime minister's house, a refreshing fragrance comes to your nose. The fragrance is much thicker than the fresh flowers. The two are like the difference between a lady with heavy makeup and a pure girl with light makeup. Looking at both sides, the two did not find the existence of a flower house. They didn't know where the incense came from. Now standing in front of them is a huge living room, with two small doors next to a gate, and two gorgeous maids nodded slightly and served on both sides of the gate. There are two main seats in the hall, of similar size. One of the tables is separated. There is a golden sandalwood incense burner on the table. There is a picture of a tiger hanging on the wall. There is a couplet on both sides of the picture. On the left is "the prime minister's dedication" and on the right is "loyalty to the king and patriotism" on the right. The passenger chairs lined up side by side are more than a foot shorter than the main seat. They are made of rosewood and are not stained with dust. The Phnom Penh embroidered dragon and phoenix dance carpet runs straight from the door to the main seat, showing luxury.

"Two, please!" Tian Yishan's slightly enlarged voice, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian came back from the palace-like palace of fairyland.

There is a corridor on both sides, leading to the guest room in the west and the master's room in the east. Tian Yishan led them to the west corridor. The slender scarlet railing extends to the distance and then folds to the right. Where the railing is surrounded, the rockery pond water and lotus leaves are lush, especially the largest in the space occupied by the rockery. It is full of two adults. It is majestic and magnificent, and the caves are clustered, like shrinking a real giant mountain tens of thousands of times.

Every ten steps, there is a circular arch exit on the left. Chen Rufeng looked in in surprise. It turned out that two houses were built opposite each other, and there was another door leading to the wide garden, which became a unique house. There is a layout of the house, which is independent and independent. The best thing is that there is an elegant name on the round arch exit of each house, such as "Chenguang Pavilion", "Forget Wine Supervisor", "Songyang Temple" and so on. According to Tian Yishan, these are the places where the Prime Minister's guests live. Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian can no longer hide his surprise. If the guests' residence is so noble, the owner may live in a fairyland, and it may not be too much to be built with gold.

Chen Rufeng secretly wondered that if there was a chance, he would definitely go to the corridor in the east to find out if it was really better than heaven and earth, and even the emperor would be ashamed to see it.

At the end, Tian Yishan stopped in a mansion for "Ruiyuan", turned around, and said respectfully, "This is the temporary residence of two people. Due to the large number of guests in the prime minister's mansion, I have to give up to the two young heroes living in the same room."

"Don't be afraid. Our two brothers have been living in the same bed for a long time. It doesn't matter." Thank God that the two of them have tiles to cover their heads, and they can't care about one person and one room.

Chen Rufeng looked at the two large rooms. When Tian Yishan opened the door of one of them, the two secretly called it at the same time, which forced them to enjoy it. Although the room has not been occupied for a long time, everything is orderly. The golden washbasin is placed on the round chair, and the jasper kettle and tea cup on the table are top-notch. Even the tablecloths are embroidered with golden threads and dragons flying phoenixes. Not to mention the seemingly soft bed, it is estimated that the two will never get up as soon as they sleep. Moreover, the fragrance of the flowers planted in the garden is even more sleepy. If you have to point out the flaws, the landscape of the windows on four sides is monotonous. In addition to the garden, which has colorful and strange flowers to enjoy, the other two sides are facing the white wall, and the other side is facing the opposite side. House.

The deep door of the opposite room was locked, and the window did not open. Chen Rufeng immediately outlined a lonely old man who stayed at home all day long, but the room seemed to cast a deep look at him.

"I'll bring the food later." Tian Yishan left the room after saying that, and only Jin Yilai and them were left in the room.

"Have a good rest here. I live in 'Spiritual TV'. You can find me there." Before Chen Jiang and the two answered, Jin Yilai turned around and left the room and left.

When his feet just stepped out of the threshold, he paused and said indifferently, "Have a good rest."

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian smiled at each other, looked at Jin Yilai's light but not cold back, and felt as reliable as the eldest brother.

Along the way, they have been in trouble together. They and Jin Yilai have established a deep friendship like a wall. Now that they are separated, there is a kind of unspeakable reluctance in their hearts. They have long been used to Jin Yilai being accompanied by their side. As soon as there is a dangerous obstacle, it must be he who stands in front of them.

Although it is in the prime minister's house, the escape life is temporarily over, but after all, there are still some people who are not used to it at all.

The two took a good look at the scenery in the room. After a burst of exclamation, they rolled to the soft **, and suddenly seemed to be hugged by a pair of gentle hands. They were soft, comfortable and extremely comfortable. They couldn't help but let out a "ah~" of enjoyment.

They almost fell asleep as soon as they touched the bed, and the sleepworms were on the brain. After a while, there were two continuous and disturbing snoring sounds.

The knock on the door woke up Chen Rufeng in his dream. A blue robe Jiading gently pushed the door, carefully brought the plate to the table, and arranged the dishes. Seeing Chen Rufeng lying on his face who was dissatisfied after being woken up, he quickly bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry! Sorry to bother the young man to rest! The little one is leaving!"

After the door was closed, Chen Rufeng could no longer sleep. It was not because of the loss of sleepiness, but because of the fragrant and seductive five dishes on the table made his stomach bulge. When he got closer, he drooled and his eyes were bright. What the family picked up were all high-quality abalone and bird's nest shark fins. Each dish was exquisite and generous, and the gravy was overflowing. It was estimated that it tasted more refreshing and strong, and he couldn't stop eating it.

When Chen Rufeng stuffed the last abalone into his mouth, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Shengtian, who was sleeping like a dead pig, guiltily.

Through the open window, Chen Rufeng saw the door of the opposite room open and no one in the room.

After a full meal, Chen Rufeng opened the door and the cold wind came to his face. He couldn't help fighting a cold war. As soon as he stepped out of the door, bursts of screaming sound came, followed the sound and looked at the garden on the left. A figure was actually dancing a long gun there, and the image of the gun was as beautiful as a flower shadow.

"I think he lives opposite?" Chen Rufeng stepped up and went to say hello to him. After all, they are neighbors, and basic etiquette is still needed.

The man seemed to be intoxicated with dancing guns and didn't notice that someone was walking into the garden. The four corners of the garden were surrounded by ten feet wide flower gardens, and there were several strong old trees leaning against the wall. There were few leaves left under the roar of the cold wind.


The long * sky stopped abruptly like a sonorous vocal music. Chen Rufeng politely applauded. The man turned around and looked at him coldly and said, "Who are you?"

Chen Rufeng held his fist and said, "I'm a guest of Prime Minister Li. My name is Chen Rufeng. Now I live in Liuxinyuan' for the time being. Do you think this big brother also lives here? We will be neighbors in the future, and please take good care of us.

The man looked at most 30 years old. He stood up and said with a slight contemptuousness: "The Prime Minister's guests are nearly half a hundred, and among them are many masters. Those who can be recruited by adults must be extraordinary people. It must not be useless to see that you can enter the prime minister's house at a young age, right? It's better to compete with me, distinguish between high and low, and then decide whether to make friends.

After hearing his words, Chen Rufeng was shocked. When this person met for the first time, he wanted to fight and kill, and said such mean words, which was really puzzling.

"Can't the weak make friends with the strong?" Chen Rufeng retorts angrily, "This world does not only allow strong people to exist."

Ding Yu smiled disdainfully, "You are still young and have little experience. Only the strong deserve to live in this world, which is what my master told me. It was because I was not strong enough that I was kicked out of Bi Xuexuan and became someone else's guest. Doesn't my living example illustrate this point? You see, those weak people can only beg on the street or sell them to make a living. Look at those strong people, the prime minister, covering the sky with one hand, the emperor, commanding the world, those weak people can only live under the back of the strong! Therefore, if you want to survive, only the strong are suitable! The weak can only live secretly!"

Chen Rufeng sighed and shook his head. This person's words are extreme and his thoughts are even more stubborn. I'm afraid it can't enlighten him for a moment. It's just a waste of words to talk to him any more.

"Come on, let me see if you are a strong man. Only a strong man is qualified to speak." Ding Yu took a good step, and the horizontal gun stood still. The tip of the front was shining brightly, pointing directly at Chen Rufeng. The red on the head of the gun was like a flame, and it seemed to turn into a stronger red light between the shaking. A momentum swept over Chen Rufeng, and he suddenly felt a faint murderous atmosphere in the bleak cold wind.

"I am a weak person. But I also have a better way than you." Chen Rufeng suddenly punched his hands, and there was a green light between his fingers, as if Chen Rufeng had just crushed a green projectile. He made up his mind to prove to Ding Yu that the world is not only for the strong, but also for the weak to support their own sky.

Ding Yu's eyes flashed and walked quickly. The gun stabbed forward in the void, and several vigorously shot at Chen Rufeng one after another. Chen Rufeng turned a lot and walked with the wind. His body was like a leaf, like a rope tied around his waist. His body was lifted up to avoid Ding Yu's gun strength. Those vigor swept across the flowering behind him, and suddenly a petal fell away.

Chen Rufeng suddenly turned into a green shadow and rushed to meet Ding Yu. In the shadow, he punched quickly and took Ding Yu's face. Ding Yu did not panic. He stepped on his foot to stop the forward rush, picked up the long gun, stretched up diagonally, and collided with the green shadow fast fist. Chen Rufeng's internal strength was obviously inferior, the tip of the gun was strong, his fist was stiff and shocked, and the offensive suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Ding Yu jumped to the top of Chen Rufeng, held the gun in both hands, and inserted it straight down. After all, Chen Rufeng has erratic magic skills, and the speed and speed of reaction are absolutely unquestionable. When the tip of the gun approached the bridge of his nose, he rolled into a green shadow and teleported behind Ding Yu with the momentum of lightning. Due to the proximity between the two sides, when Chen Rufeng punched, although Ding Yu reacted, he could not block it. He only ate Chen Rufeng's back and waist. The fist, humming, penetrated the back, and melted the strength of Chen Rufeng's fist. At the same time, there were waves like a lake of rain on his back, shaking Chen Rufeng a few feet away and barely getting a time to calm down. He turned around quickly, put his hands together, rotated the gun in mid-air, and gave birth to a shield-shaped true qi and hit Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng rushed forward with his fists, but it was like being hit by a cow. He was hit by his feet on the white tile of the wall, and the air shield was broken by the true anger bursting from his fist.

Ding Yu flew backwards and fell on the roof of Chen Rufeng's residence, panting slightly. Chen Rufeng was so tired that he bent down, supported his hands on the ground, and his breathing was still above Ding Yu.

"Do you think I'm a little bit?" Ding Yu sneered and straightened up, "You immortal and weak, let me show you what the law of survival is!"

Chen Rufeng raised his head, but saw Ding Yu's face suddenly pale, as if he had been taken away.

On the contrary, the long gun waved in his hand was covered with a red light on the head of the gun. As Ding Yu's face became paler and paler, it became more and more red, like a huge apple inserted into the head of the gun.

"Blood gun!" There was an exclamation from the round arch entrance of Liuxinyuan.