yu feng xing

Chapter 32: Forward Chang'an

"Are you really not going to Chang'an with us?" Chen Rufeng asked through the window of the carriage. Guan Xingyi shook his head and said, "I'll help you go to Ningzhou to find clues about your case and see if I can help you overturn the case."

"I will also write to the emperor later and ask him to thoroughly investigate this matter." Zhao Fengzhang also came to see them off in person, with determination between his eyebrows.

Chen Rufeng was moved by this, and at the same time, he was glad that he had torn up Li Linfu's letter. Otherwise, he would be punished by God for such resentment.

"With your help, even without Li Linfu, I am full of confidence that we can be wronged." Chen Rufeng said from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Shengtian walked to the gate, but his thoughts drifted back to dozens of days ago.

"Why do you want to see me alone?" Jiang Shengtian looked suspiciously at Li Linfu's calculating back and asked. Li Linfu smiled and said, "There is a letter on the table. Put it away. If you get to Zhao Fengzhang's mansion, hide it in a hidden place in Zhao's mansion and tell me where it is."

Jiang Shengtian glanced at the snow-white envelope on the round table, went to pick it up, looked at it, and said, "Didn't you have given us an identical letter? Why do you want to give us one more?"

Li Linfu turned around and shot in his eyes, which scared Jiang Shengtian to think that he had lost his words and his face was shocked.

"It's just in case. I hope you also have your own choice. Li Linfu said lightly that Jiang Shengtian looked at him in a daze, but could not understand the meaning of his words.

"Hey!" Guan Xingyi patted Jiang Shengtian's shoulder hard before pulling him back from his thoughts. Unconsciously, he had arrived at the gate and almost hit the carriage of the prime minister's mansion. After all, Guan Xingyi is a martial arts learner, and that kind of strength is not affordable for ordinary people. Jiang Sheng, who has just returned to consciousness, gradually felt a burst of soreness on his shoulder.

Chen Rufeng looked at his distracted appearance and thought he was reluctant to give up and said to him, "Don't do this. It's not that we can't come back in the future. Hurry up and come up!"

"Is there really a future?" Jiang Shengtian repeated in his heart that he suddenly had an impulse to turn around and enter the room to take out the newly hidden letter.

A burst of regret surged into my heart.

Jin Yilai in the driving seat turned his head slightly and looked at Jiang Shengtian. The moment, Jiang Shengtian's eyes were immediately like a collapsed river embankment, becoming scattered and at a loss.

Unconsciously, Jiang Shengtian was pushed into the car by Guan Xingyi.

"I thank you on behalf of the people of Xianning." Zhao Fengzhang picked up his fist and said sincerely, "I'm goodbye. I hope we can meet again in the future!"

"I believe that on the day we meet, we must be innocent!" Chen Rufeng finally smiled at Zhao Fengzhang, as if to sweep away the previous haze.

Jiang Shengtian still sat next to him with heavy heart and didn't say a word.

The carriage has begun to run. On Xianning Street, everyone gave way to the noble carriage, and the figures of Guan Xingyi and Zhao Fengzhang gradually disappeared behind.

"Don't do this, we don't have to use such a selfish method." Chen Rufeng knew that Jiang Shengtian was still worried about the letter. Jiang Shengtian looked at him and the words that had rushed to his throat were suddenly suppressed, but slowly spit out two words: "It's okay."

The guards of the city gate did not make it difficult for them. Xianning knew that they had made trouble with the Zhensheng gang and taught a large number of abducted children. Nowadays, the whole city regards them as the embodiment of justice, and no one will explore their true identity. Some city residents even gathered behind the carriage and saw them off. Many of them held the lost children and recovered. They were moved to tears and kept saying, "Son! "Engong!"

The more we move towards Chang'an, the surrounding environment is getting colder and colder. After all, it is near the end of autumn and the beginning of winter.

The clothes sewed by Jin for them did not play a role in resisting the cold, so they had to risk entering a small town and let Jin Yi come and buy some thick clothes for them to resist the cold, and comfort Chen Rufeng's protest.

Reassuringly, the road is calm, and there is no special obstacle to stop their journey.

Before reaching Chang'an, Chen Rufeng was already looking forward to the grand scene of Beijing.

After all, it is the capital of the Tang Dynasty, but it is the most prosperous and vast capital that Chen Rufeng can see in his life. All Ningzhou and Xianning Qianzhou can only be the stars to arch the bright moon of Chang'an.

"I must taste all the food in Chang'an!" After fantasizing about the magnificence of Chang'an, Chen Rufeng patted his thigh and secretly glanced at Jiang Shengtian. He just wanted to arouse Jiang Shengtian's interest, but he turned a deaf ear to it, as if he had returned to the state where he was almost buried in Shekou in the mountains.

The carriage slowed down, and even Jiang Shengtian was so nervous that he turned his eyes to the curtain of the tightly covered carriage. Jin Yilai's majestic back penetrated on it, giving people an unspeakable sense of security.

The high wall stands in front of you. The towering city tower is awe-inspiring and majestic. The word "Chang'an" has fallen into many heroes, and the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty is dazzling.

Jin Yilai got out of the carriage and greeted the two soldiers who came. They approached and looked at the carriage decorated with resplendor, and their originally empty faces suddenly became respectful.

Jin Yilai raised a raised plaque with the word "phase" engraved in the middle. The two soldiers stared at it and quickly retreated to both sides in unison and said in unison, "Your Excellency, please enter the city!"

Although Jin Yilai does not have a full official position, the people who work under the Prime Minister's mansion are already superior in the eyes of these ordinary city guards.

The carriage**, two soldiers coughed one after another by the raised sand and dust.

The road is no longer as bumpy as before. Instead, it is flat enough to make the two teenagers in the carriage a little unaccustomed. They couldn't help raising a small gap from the window curtain to peep at the street scene in Chang'an.

What can be seen is only surging heads and a variety of business names. Of course, there is an endless boiling sound, and exotic sounds are transmitted to the ears. I don't know what kind of novel instrument is played. There are also all kinds of people in strange costumes shuttling around the streets, but they are very conspicuous among the people of the Tang Dynasty.

The two people who were itchy wanted to jump out of the carriage immediately, enjoy the scenery of Chang'an, and feel the prosperity of the capital and the beauty of the streets.

The carriage also had to be as slow as a snail because of the growing crowd, and soon stopped. Chen Rufeng finally couldn't help lifting a curtain and looking forward through Jin Yi. Seeing the crowd in front of him, he burst into applause from time to time. There were more torches flying in the air, and the flames in the air were spinning, which was wonderful. Jiang Shengtian also raised the curtain from the other side, and also couldn't take his eyes off it, and his heart was abbed.

At this time, even the noble prime minister's carriage had to stay in the starry crowd.

Jin Yilai's face also showed a trace of rare impatience, and it seems that the crowd in front of him will not dissipate in a short time. If it were a fairy, he would not have this patience.

This luxuriously decorated and noble carriage has become the object of people's scolding and complaining at this moment, and some people have punched the car body. Because the carriage occupies a large part of the street, people close to the carriage have to be squeezed into meat cakes. Jin Yilai coldly watched these people from the carriage like the water of a narrow stream. Passing by, he didn't care about the anger of many people.

Suddenly, the murderous intention suddenly came, like a sudden spring, erupting.

Chen Rufeng has never felt such a strong momentum, but the powerful momentum only stayed in the carriage for a moment, and he subconsciously looked at the source of momentum.

Jin Yilai raised his head to the right, and the roof was just green tiles and eaves, and there was nothing different.

The crowd is noisy, and everything is as usual.

After many fierce battles, Chen Rufeng's internal cultivation has improved by leaps and greatly enhanced his senses. He can feel that the fierce murderous atmosphere just now was emanating from the roof. At this moment, it is just like a ghost passing by, flowing a trace of faint air.

"The speed is very fast." Jin Yilai whispered. Chen Rufeng knew that he was talking to himself and asked, "Do you know who it is?"

Jin Yilai was silent, and after thinking for a while, he could only shake his head slightly.

Come faster and go faster. The two paid attention to their surroundings again, but no one surged out such a fierce and powerful murderous atmosphere.

However, the more people get together, the more Chen Rufeng even has a feeling that the people around him will squeeze their carriages out sooner or later. However, the three of them have nothing to do.

The sound of breaking the air suddenly came, followed by the sound of eggs falling to the ground.

"Ah--" The thick fog suddenly dispersed, covering the whole street like a sudden ghost. Only in the rolling, people saw the torch shining. People screamed in panic and ran around. For a moment, people hit people, and the goods sold on the street were pushed down and crushed, and there were even painful moans, probably Who was unfortunately thrown to the ground, stepped on by countless frightened feet, dying, and the street fell into a runaway chaos.

"In the fog!" Chen Rufeng exclaimed that he had used the smoke hidden weapon of Peijiazhuang in Ningzhou at the beginning, and he was even more familiar with the current thick fog.

The horse was hissing by the irrational crowd, and the carriage shook left and right. Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian fell back and forth on both sides. Jin Yilai struggled to pull the rein of the horse and wanted to stabilize the crazy horse. At the same time, he caught a glimpse of a shadow on the roof.

The woman on the roof exposed two snow-white thighs, and the purple-black rare silk barely wrapped the important part, which was concave and convex. There was a seductive light purple under her eyebrows, and a gorgeous face made people's hearts burn.

Jin Yilai looked at her coldly, but she waved to him with a proud smile, as if she had just shown a masterpiece.

Chen Rufeng also sensed the woman's momentum and poked his head out of the crumbling carriage. When the fog faded and he saw the woman's face and figure clearly, his eyes seemed to be out of control, sticking to her body and face.

The woman noticed Chen Rufeng, but her eyes only stayed on him for a moment and fell back to Jin Yilai. Suddenly, an extreme disappointment swept over Chen Rufeng's heart, and there was an uncontrollable impulse in his heart to get the woman's attention.

Obviously, the "mist" just now is this woman's masterpiece, but I really can't figure out her motivation.

The thick fog on the street gradually dispersed, and the whole street was like a building in the sky, with fairy clouds lingering. But those who have been paralyzed on the ground and trampled by countless feet are moaning in pain and are not in harmony with this fairyland.

Jin Yilai has been looking at this woman. Jin Yilai's eyes are more hostile, and the woman's eyes are more provocative ambiguity.

The street suddenly became much more empty, and the goods originally sold were scattered on the ground, and some merchants picked up the fragments with heartache.

The horse also stabilized. Jin Yilai waved his whip and drove the horse forward, and no longer paid attention to the beautiful woman on the roof.

Chen Rufeng's eyes never left her. He had always longed for her attention, but she did not give him a glance for a moment.

Wait for the carriage to leave the distance, Chen Rufeng woke up, as if waking up from a fantasy dream and leaving a charming world. He shook his head and felt puzzled by his mind just now.

Although the woman's momentum just now is strong, it is only a drop in the bucket compared with the previous fleeting strong momentum.

As soon as he entered Chang'an, there were strange things, and Chen Rufeng's eyebrows were unconsciously locked.

Will the road be stable after that?