yu feng xing

Chapter 28: Impaltation

There is no anger in the cold cell, only the darkness all day long, and all kinds of disgusting smells, and the expected sunshine has not come for a long time.

So the people here have been living in the dark, and even their pupils are covered with a layer of black. What they see seems to have lost their surface luster.

Light, such a rare thing is indeed rare.

Unless it's time to go out to work.

Perhaps, the only day that can support the people here to survive is the day of release.

However, how long this process is, like suffering in hell, and how many people can't hold on and lie down in this cell forever.

Of course, there are also a large number of people's death, which is not an accident.

In this dayless purgatory, no one knows which day will be the end of their life.

In the endless dark river, everyone is struggling, just like giving their hearts to the devil, and every day is spent in pain.

On the long and slippery corridor, there were piles of mud. As soon as I stepped on my feet, the dirty mud splashed out, and even the moldy wooden fence on the cell was stained with dirt.

The bloated torch is burning, barely illuminating this place alone for the lack of light.

The miserable hum of the prisoners often echoes in every inch, like the screaming of the sad ghost under the underworld.

At the end of the corridor is a deep darkness.

I only faintly saw a few cold iron poles there, which was a cell.

The sound of straw came out from time to time.

The footsteps are getting heavier and heavier, and it seems that the visitors are getting closer and closer.

A low gasp, played in the darkness, like a stammering sound.

Who is coming? The man in the dark thought so and raised his head, but his eyes were submerged in black and could not see a trace of divine light inside.

Kru Jun's beautiful face appeared in the firelight without any smile.

Looking coldly at the people in the cell, Crewe put his hand on the hilt of the sword and kept silent.

"Are you still used to these two days?" Crew's tone was flat, and he didn't hear whether it was caring or laughing.

"What do you think?" A slightly miserable voice came from the cell with a trace of perseverance, which made Crewe speechless.

The people in the cell picked up a straw and waved it up and down, like those shepherds who urged cattle to plough, but they could not see any leisure.

That person is not Chen Rufeng and who can be.

The entourage behind Kru raised his torch, and the firelight shone into Chen Rufeng's cell.

At this moment, Chen Rufeng's face is unkempt, wearing a rag cloth, sitting next to a wet wall, with his head slightly raised, and a pile of messy straw under his buttocks.

Chen Rufeng's smile is full of vicissitudes that do not match his age.

That day, after following Crewe, he was taken to this cell for interrogation.

The tattered prison uniform, coupled with the harsh environment, made him feel bored and almost vomited as soon as he came here. Especially those meals that dogs don't eat, he just took two bites in a hurry and felt that his throat was full of disgusting things.

At night, the humming of those prisoners will be endless, making him unable to fall asleep on the first night. From time to time, among the straws spread on the ground, there will be a huge mouse running happily, not afraid of people at all, so scared Chen Rufeng only half of his courage.

The most chilling thing is the darkness that never fades and the spontaneous loneliness in the heart.

In this case, who can comfort the soul?

You are the only one to face this boundless darkness and loneliness.

He grabbed a bundle of straw and hit the hard and cold wall fiercely, in exchange for the soreness from the tip of his fists to all parts of his body.

The loneliness and fear in my heart have not been relieved at all.

Perhaps only Ma Yulin's encouraging words that day and Han Ling's "wait for me" can barely make him survive. Although he lives like nothing.

In this way, he looks forward to the day when Han Ling comes, and then he can leave the purgatory.

He is still thinking about his heavy responsibilities, so he must endure humiliation here.

Persist, persist, suffer, and swallow complaints into the bottom of your heart.

Kru came today and didn't know what happened.

"I hope you're fine." Crewe said lightly and looked at the top, "I'm here to tell you something. I've been removed from the position of prison officer."

"Hmm?" Chen Rufeng raised his eyebrows and stopped waving the straw in his hand. In the past two days, it seemed that playing with these straws was his only pastime.

"What does this have to do with me?" Chen Rufeng asked rhetorically.

Kru smiled and said, "I was dismissed because I released a criminal, and now the criminal is going to be hunted down and the wanted notice has been issued."

Chen Rufeng was shocked and his face changed.

"You mean that Han Ling has become a fugitive now?" Chen Rufeng said, and Crew nodded, turned around, and stopped looking at him.

"However, I have no regrets. It is really rare to find an enemy comparable to you in your life. And the battle that day was indeed hearty and extremely happy. I have no regrets in my life!" Speaking of this, Crew actually put down his flat expression and laughed.

The comfort and nature, as if releasing the rare depression, is like a painter with exquisite brushwork has just completed a great work.

A rare smile appeared on Crewe's face, which really surprised Chen Rufeng.

However, he is more worried about the safety of Han Ling at this moment.

It is still unknown whether he can successfully bring the news back to the Tang Dynasty.

Once he can't bring the news back to the Tang Dynasty, I'm afraid that Chen Rufeng will leave this damn place by himself.

Chen Rufeng's heart suddenly sank, and his face suddenly turned dark.

His head also lowered, and Crewe's eyes scraped at him like a knife.

"Bear yourself. Maybe we will meet in the future." Crewe threw down such a sentence and turned around, and the torch gradually darkened.

A valuable little light gradually disappeared.

Chen Rufeng's heavy face was also buried in the darkness, and he could no longer see the brilliance on his face.

The footsteps went away, and Chen Rufeng's pupils disappeared again in the thick darkness.

Another sleepless night.

Even if the sun shines, what's the difference in this invisible cell?

Chen Rufeng looked blankly at the front, with one hand sticking out from the iron frame, as helpless as a person calling for help from the sea of purgatory fire.

A few fires swayed and approached in front.

Chen Rufeng didn't seem to feel anything. He still sat next to the wall and held a handful of straw in his hand. It seemed that only this handful of straw could give him enough sense of security.

Maybe in the near future, Han Ling will also be sent into this dark prison.

No! Chen Rufeng immediately denied this idea. With Han Ling's ability, he would never be so easily captured. Moreover, he did not believe that his only hope, which was as weak as a candlelight, was dashed.

Several tiger-like men approached Chen Rufeng's cell, pointed to him through the iron fence, and said in funny Chinese, "You, come out!"

A jailer hurriedly opened the iron bolt of the cell door. Chen Rufeng stared at the men and stood up.

"Anyway, it's better than holding it in this damn place." Chen Rufeng thought to himself, and the men glanced at him, turned around and shouted, "Follow him!"

Walking along the long corridor, the shouts of the prisoners beside him were endless, and his ears were miserable. As if he were in a fierce hell, Chen Rufeng tried his best to exclude their voices, and his heart was covered with a layer of chill.

Out of the cell, the rare sunlight shoots into people's hearts like a bunch of bright arrows, feeling the precious warmth, like coming out of the poor winter wind and entering a world of fire.

All the scenes are so kind. For a person who has been in the cell for three days, the tree, the grass and the soil are full of vitality, beckoning to Chen Rufeng and calling him.

If it weren't for the big men who bet him, Chen Rufeng really wanted to fall into the grass and roll away.

Now, it's probably spring.

After a while, Chen Rufeng was taken to a mountain pass. The two of them were narrow. A man pushed Chen Rufeng's back. Chen Rufeng staggered and almost couldn't stand still and fell forward. He barely stabilized his footsteps after entering the mountain pass. Looking at the scenery in front of him, his heart was full of shock.

A huge stone field is displayed in front of you. Everyone who carries stones is wearing tattered prison uniforms, and some even ** upper bodies, carrying stones with difficulty and walking straight to an endless staircase on the mountain. Standing on the high platform built by some stones, there was a fierce supervisor with a fierce face, holding a leather whip in his hand. As soon as someone slowed down, he immediately threw the whip over to ensure that the skin would open the flesh and never be completely. There are ten such supervisors around the whole stone field, and there are as many as 100 prisoners carrying stones.

"Go in! Someone arranged for you to work!" The man behind him said fiercely. Chen Rufeng was afraid that he would come again on his back and hurried into the stone field. Oncoming came a fierce man with a whip on his shoulder. He looked down at Chen Rufeng. The man behind Chen Rufeng whispered in his ear. The fierce man's supervisor nodded sternly and looked at him. Chen Rufeng pointed to the mountain of stones in the middle of the stone field, and then pointed to the stairs on the mountain. Chen Rufeng immediately felt it, rolled up his sleeves and ran to the pile of rocks in the center.

Under thousands of selections, Chen Rufeng chose a smaller stone, but there were also two people whose heads were so big that they resisted their shoulders and gritted their teeth. After all, as a person of Qi, the heavy burden of these stones is still negligible.

So, Chen Rufeng easily transported the stone up the mountain, and someone took over halfway up the mountain and continued to transport it to the top of the mountain. A group of people looked at this teenager with strange natural magic power, and were shocked and admired. The supervisors standing on the stone platform also shot bursts of surprise in their eyes. They watched Chen Rufeng quickly carry stones up the mountain one after another without taking a breath.

Chen Rufeng was curious about what was used to transport these stones to the top of the mountain, but he was too lazy to worry about it. Soon, the pile of stones in the center of the stone field was more than half less.

Soon, at lunchtime, all the hard workers rushed to the mountain pass to get porridge water. The porridge water was even thinner. Of course, compared with the food that dogs did not eat in the cell, these were delicious dishes, at least they could be swallowed.

Chen Rufeng led a bowl of porridge, chose a seat, sat down, and was about to eat. He came to him alone, making him hold the hand of the bowl with a broken corner and put it down again.