yu feng xing

Chapter 33: Yinfan Secret Teaching

"Quick pass!" Li Longji can't wait to say that the troubles of the past few days may be solved today.

The door of the study opened respectfully and a figure came in. Li Longji looked at Han Ling and was shocked. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes were full of surprise.

Han Ling was supposed to be snow-white clothes, but now he was stained with a touch of uncoordinated black stains, and his face was also full of wind and frost. It seemed that he had never groomed it until this moment. As soon as he returned to Chang'an, he hurried to see the emperor.

"See you!" Han Ling knelt down and saluted. Li Longji said repeatedly, "Get up quickly. What's going on?"

Han Ling raised his head with a flash of light in his eyes. Across the desk, he said, "It's a long story. I hope the emperor will listen patiently."

Hearing Han Ling's words, Li Longji's heart tightened. It seemed that Tianzhu's trip was really a bumpy journey, and it was by no means a relaxed and pleasant foreign journey.

Therefore, Han Ling will report what happened in Tianzhu, together with Chen Rufeng's experiences, to Li Longji one by one. While Han Ling was talking, Li Longji changed several times, especially when all the envoy team was killed and General Ma Yulin died bravely, his fist unconsciously clenched and the desk was slightly. Trembling.

Finally, after spitting out a long series of things, Han Ling also bowed his head solemnly and said nothing, while Li Longji frowned and his eyes were even more angry and sad.

The severity of the matter is far beyond Li Longji's imagination.

"So, Chen Rufeng is imprisoned in Qu Nv City now?" Li Longji tried his best to suppress his anger, and Han Ling's eyes quickly swept over his angry face and nodded.

The imperial study fell into a dead silence full of the smell of gunpowder, as if there was a volcano that would erupt at any time.

Only two words can be read from Li Longji's eyes: fury.

"I will send troops immediately to attack Qu Women's City." Li Longji's expression gradually became excited and became unable to restrain the anger in his heart. He slapped the desk and said harshly.

"Please don't be impatient. I'm afraid that this matter is not only related to the relationship between the two countries, but also the well-being of the people. If you don't find out, you will rush to war, and in the end, innocent civilians will always suffer." Han Ling advised, Li Longji took a deep breath, calmed his thoughts, closed his eyes, as if extinguishing the anger in his stomach alone.

"Do you have a plan?" Li Longji raised his eyebrows and stared at Han Ling.

"Please ask the emperor to give the villain an identity. The villain can use this identity to make clear the twists and turns. At that time, the emperor will make a final determination. I don't know if the emperor can adopt the villain's idea." Han Ling is respectful.

After thinking for a while, Li Longji said, "Well, I will send troops to wait outside the Qunu City. If there is any abnormal movement, I will attack the city!" Speaking of the last two words, Li Longji's tone was sonorous, like pulling a sword out of its sheath, and patting his hand heavily on the desk.

Han Ling knew that the emperor's order could not be violated at this time, so he had to agree to it obediently.

"Do you want to go back to Tianzhu immediately?" Li Longji's voice calmed down and asked. Han Ling answered yes. Li Longji sighed, "Don't you rest here for a few days before leaving?"

Han Ling shook his head and smiled, "Don't wait for me. Chen Rufeng is suffering there. How can I delay another moment?"

Li Longji nodded with understanding. When his eyes looked at Han Ling again, he was a little more grateful and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Hearing this, Han Ling quickly bowed his head and said, "It's what a villain should do to share the worries of the Lord."

Li Longji laughed a few times, and his eyes fell back to the memorial on the table. "I have always been relieved about your ability to do things. After this matter is done, I will be rewarded.

"The villain must do his best and die!" Han Ling held the boxing and kept staring at the ground.

Qu Women's City, in a dark and light prison.

Looking at the thief's eye-eyed face through the iron pillar window, although Chen Rufeng was disgusted, he had to put on a friendly smile.

Pujina and Tacora stood behind his cunning posture, their eyes full of grimination and staring at the resourceful back. Both of them had the desire to listen to what they were saying, but they felt that it was a little impolite, so they gave up the idea.

"I don't know why the chivalrous man asked me to do something?" Cao Jin smiled and looked at Chen Rufeng Dao through the window, with a little gloating in his eyes.

Chen Rufeng stared at him, lowered his voice a little and said, "I have something to ask you."

"Oh, please? Isn't Chen Daxia powerful? When do you need our help? Cao Jin had a begging expression, but Chen Rufeng was angry and had to talk to him quietly. After all, Cao Jin was the only hope he placed, and he could not casually break this precious hope.

"The other Middle-earth you met last time, his name is Han Ling, and he is one of the eight hidden in the Central Plains." Chen Rufeng said quietly, and Cao Jin's face did not show any surprise. Obviously, he had known so.

Chen Rufeng continued: "I hope you can help me contact him... Maybe he is not in Qu Women's City now, not even in Tianzhu, but I hope you can inform me as soon as you have any news of him."

Cao Jin still smiled. Naturally, he was like looking at the ants on the hot pot and was not anxious at all. He asked with a sneer, "Why should I help you?"

Chen Rufeng knew that Cao Jin was not a broad-minded and generous gentleman. At that time, he had been worried about his deal with Sack, but because of his limited ability, Chen Rufeng had to swallow this breath back into his stomach. Now that Chen Rufeng is in prison, isn't it possible to fall into the well?

Looking at Cao Jin's proud and annoying face, Chen Rufeng stroked his chest and calmed his shame. First of all, he expected that Cao Jin had this hand. He continued to say calmly, "As long as you can agree to my request, when I return to Middle-earth, I will definitely repay you with great courtesy."

"A generous gift? Why should I believe you? Cao Jin laughed and said that Chen Rufeng was angry. If it hadn't been for the separation of stone doors at this time, he would have shot him away with a fist early in the morning.

"Please help me call my friend over." Chen Rufeng said, Cao Jin retreated, and Taco came up. Chen Rufeng said with pleading eyes, "If he has any request, you can try your best to satisfy him." Chen Rufeng's words were loud enough for Cao Jin to hear. As soon as Cao Jin heard this, he was immediately happy. Originally, he didn't want to come into these dark and sloppy places. It was just that the Tianzhu man named Tacola hired some fierce men to "invite" him. He knew in his heart that this Tianzhu man was not rich. Expensive.

"Is that okay?" Chen Rufeng said to Cao Jin, one foot away from the stone gate. Cao Jin nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes were full of greed.

On the second day, Chen Rufeng was taken to the stone field as a laborer as usual, but today, the eyes of other hard workers were a little more afraid and walked away from him, as if he was afraid that the secluded ghost would appear again, like a fierce spirit devouring people.

Chen Rufeng didn't care, and more than half of the wounds on his body had healed. The stairs where he carried the stones were also unimpeded. Everyone gave way to let him go up and did not dare to approach at all.

At lunchtime, Chen Rufeng took out a silver needle, dipped it in the porridge, held it flat in front of him, and found that it was no different, so he ate at ease. After all, after the drug case, you should be cautious at all times here.

At this time, Yin Ping just sat next to him with a calm face and a bowl of porridge. He did not test the poison with a silver needle like Chen Rufeng. He grunted and looked up like drinking, and poured the whole bowl of porridge into his throat.

"What's wrong?" Chen Rufeng felt that he was a little restless, so he asked.

Yin Ping just shook his head, "No, I just remembered that I have been imprisoned for several years, and I'm just a little out of my heart."

Chen Rufeng was shocked. He has never asked Yin Pinggang why he fell here. Today, listening to Yin Pinggang's tone, it seems that the internal situation is also quite tortuous.

"I would like to hear more about it." Chen Rufeng licked a mouthful of porridge and looked at Yin Ping's depression, so he had to make a respectful look.

"In those years, there was an extremely active sect called Yinfanism in Qu Nvcheng. Their sect was respected by Brahman. The ancestor had communicated with the demon ancestor of our Middle-earth. In the latest generation, the patriarch Halpa was called the 'two demons of the world" together with our famous demon king and the Xingshi. In other words, this Yinfan religion is a demon religion in Tianzhu. Yin Pinggang recalled.

Chen Rufeng was shocked when he heard this. He never knew that Tianzhu still had this kind of sect. Fang Jingpo and Xing Shi were both frightening demons in Zhongtu rivers and lakes, but they had all waned.

"I remember that I was doing some translation work in Tianzhu, translating Chinese works into Sanskrit, and I worked in a library in Qunu City. However, one day, a group of black killers suddenly broke into our library and killed one of my friends who worked as a translator. At that time, I was so scared that I hid under the curtain of my desk and survived. Yin Ping just took a deep breath, as if the scene of the day was still vivid.

"Afterwards, I came out timidly and found that my friend had been lying on the desk and stained with blood on those articles a lot." Speaking of this, Yin Pinggang's face has turned white and cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

"Those killers in black are terrible, like ghosts, standing around and disappearing."

"However, I found that our library has been searched and the books have been turned upside down. Those killers seem to be looking for something." Yin Pinggang's tone began to tremble, "I remembered that my friend had got a secret biography from somewhere before. I asked him where he got it, but he refused to say anything. In the end, I found the book from his pocket, and those people didn't seem to have searched him.

"Is that secret biography related to Yin Fanism?" Chen Rufeng asked, and Yin Ping just nodded.

"I found a secret of Infanism, a very evil secret." Yin Ping just breathed a cold breath.