yu feng xing

Chapter 34: Return to the Qu Girl

"It is a person from the Yin and Sanskrit sect who wants to take back the secret biography. But we didn't expect them to use such a bloody method.

"What's that secret?" Chen Rufeng asked.

Yin Ping just looked at him, blinked his eyes, and then lowered his voice.

"Since the past dynasties, there has been a kind of evil skill. The power of that evil skill is huge. Once you have it, you can overthrow the sky and the earth, and there is no one in the world. However, the cost required is also extraordinary. As soon as Yin Ping finished speaking, his face became paler and paler, and his long hair trembled.

"What the evil skill needs correspondingly is 100,000 people as a living sacrifice, and with their resentment, they can gather in the Jiaye Tianzhen of Yin and Sanskrit to achieve great success." Yin Pinggang seemed to have been brewing for a long time before spit out this sentence. "This is recorded in detail in the secret biography my friend got. After that, I hurriedly burned the secret biography. However, I was accused of a murderer and became a prisoner."

"They wronged you? But it was obviously done by those masked black killers..." Chen Rufeng said unevenly, and Yin Pinggang just sighed and shook his head.

"There is no proof of death, and those killers come and go without trace at all." Yin Ping just looked up to the sky and said, "But a few days later, the Yinfan religion disappeared in Tianzhu, as if it suddenly evaporated. Anything about this sect disappeared, and even their leader disappeared."

"Gone?" Chen Rufeng said doubtfully, "How could this happen?"

"It is rumored that Harpa, the lord of the Inma religion, once asked King Parat to realize the evil skills on the secret. Naturally, the king refused. Since then, Halpa has disappeared from the world together with his Infan religion."

"Is there such a strange thing?" Chen Rufeng was shocked, "Is it because the king felt that this sect was too evil, so he secretly caught them all and wiped out?"

Yin Ping just nodded and said, "It's possible. But not necessarily, maybe this sect has gone to other places to develop its own power, or persuade a country to provide 100,000 live sacrifices.

"Impossible! Where is the place so inhumane?" Chen Rufeng's tone was like he had just heard a story, denying a completely absurd thing.

Yin Ping just shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe, but my grievances will never be washed away."

As soon as Chen Rufeng heard this, the feeling of pity for the same disease grew in his heart. He was not wronged. It was because he wanted to be wronged that he went to a foreign country thousands of miles away to carry out the emperor's secret order, but now he is in prison. The responsibility entrusted by the emperor to find out the origin of the black yuan stone has been a little eye-catching, but not Why should I give it to the Tang Dynasty is still a mystery? I'm afraid I have to meet the king in person to find out.

Suddenly, Chen Rufeng seemed to remember something, as if the two isolated islands were built on a bridge to connect it, and that bridge was what Yin Ping had just said to him.

Yinfan religion, magic religion, black stone, black masked killer...

Everything is like a torrent, whirlling in Chen Rufeng's mind. Chen Rufeng has to close his eyes and clear his thoughts.

Those masked killers in black are the people who killed Sachard and chased him.

That is to say, the Yinfan religion has not disappeared from Tianzhu. The black yuan stone is probably planned and sent to the Tang Dynasty by the Yinfan Church.

However, it is impossible for the king to participate in this plan, and why did the Infan religion do this?

Is there something in the middle where he is wrong?

Chen Rufeng shook his head fiercely. Before he could figure out the relationship between the two, the sound of gongs and drums sounded, which was a signal to start work. Everyone put down the porridge bowl in their hands, stood up, and hurriedly walked to the pile of stones in the center.

Outside the Qunu City, the smoke and dust rolled and flooded the shadow of a horse. The mane flutters, the majestic hair, and the horses are impeccable good horses.

30,000 soldiers waited here quietly, ready to go, one by one with armor and guns, showing the strict military discipline of this army.

Just faintly in the sand and dust, you can see the flag flying in the wind, with the word "high" written on one side and the word "Tang" on the other. The person standing at the front of the army, dressed in armor, his eyes are as sharp as lightning, and his face is sharper than a sharp knife. The general's wind is highlighted without leakage.

"General Gao, you can wait here." A snow-white figure beside him got off his horse and said politely with his fist. The tall and strong figure nodded and replied, "Take care, Mr. Han! Once something is wrong, send a signal immediately, and I, Gao Xianzhi, will immediately lead the army to attack the city!"

Han Ling said that he turned around and stepped forward on the hazy road ahead.

The cloudy smell of sand and dust spreads beyond the snow-white.

Junxiu's face seemed to have an invisible protective film, which made the dust untouchable. Han Ling's face smiled and walked to the towering Qu Women's City.

Fjiaos fell on the sand dunes.

Reimmersing himself in the bustling noise, Han Ling's mood did not ease at all. Although he still had a smile on his face, his heart was as heavy as a huge stone.

If there is a little difference, I'm afraid that the prosperity here, the noise here, the earth and wood here, the people here will all disappear. Now the beautiful scenery is just an illusory dream.

No one knows that the dead army is hiding a hundred miles away from the city and can destroy the city anytime and anywhere.

The emperor's anger cannot be extinguished in a moment. If you don't figure out the murder of the envoy and why the black yuan stone will be given to the Tang Dynasty as a tribute, I'm afraid that the war will really happen.

And the people living in Qunu City still live happily, unaware that the war is just hanging between the lines. This line is the cloud-wearing arrow in Han Ling's clothes.

I hope he miscalculated King Pratt's ambition. Han Ling straightened his clothes and walked in the direction of the imperial city.

"The man in white... Wait..." A voice shouted behind Han Ling. Han Ling was shocked and was stopped in Chinese on the streets of Qu Women's City. It was really a little unexpected. He turned around and saw a man with a white roll in his arms running behind him. At first glance, he felt that there was A little familiar.

"Excuse me, are you?" Han Ling raised his eyebrows and asked.

Cao Jin held the picture scroll on his chest and grinned, "We have met before. I'm a friend of Chen Rufeng. My name is Cao Jin. You must be Han Ling, one of the famous eight hidden in the Central Plains, right?"

"Do you know Rufeng?" Han Ling said in surprise, and Cao Jin must have nodded.

"He asked me to come to you and told him as soon as I saw you." Cao Jindao.

Han Ling thought for a moment. Chen Rufeng is still in prison. Naturally, it is urgent to get him out, but there are more important things in front of him, and he has to give up.

"Well, you bring me a message to Rufeng, and you tell him that he will be released soon." Han Ling said to Cao Jin, now it's Cao Jin's turn to show surprise. He couldn't imagine what power Han Ling could make a murderer be released? He laughed in his heart and nodded and agreed.

Han Ling did not think much about Cao Jin. He bent down gratefully and continued to walk to the imperial city.

Cao Jin saw his back and turned his head. At the corner of the street, two people came out. It was Pujina and Tacora.

"Is that the person Rufeng is looking for?" Pujina stared at the snow-white back suspiciously. At this time, Cao Jin put on Tacola's shoulder and said greedily like an acquaintance who had known him for many years, "Hey, my friend, may have you fulfilled what you promised me before?"

Tacora glanced at him with disgust, took out a bag of things from the cloth bag he brought with him and fell to Cao Jin's chest. Cao Jin quickly held it with both hands, like a hungry dog that got food.

"This is only half, and the other half is waiting for you to meet with us." Tacola is cold.

"No problem!" Cao Jin said casually, stuffing the bag into his arms and blocking it with a scroll, as if he was afraid that the bag of things would fall out while walking.

The pile of stones in the center is about to be removed, leaving only dozens of scattered pieces.

Acas stood on the high platform, pulled his throat and shouted a few words. Everyone immediately put down the stones in their hands and approached him one after another.

Seeing this, Chen Rufeng quickly put down the boulder on his shoulder and followed the crowd.

"What is he talking about?" Chen Rufeng pulled Yin Pinggang, who was standing beside him doubtfully, and saw that Arcas spoke impassionedly, with some pride in his eyebrows.

"Oh, it's an annual martial arts meeting." Yin Ping just heard it clearly and explained to Chen Rufeng, "This martial arts club is unique in prison. The winner of the martial arts club can be released in prison no matter how many crimes he has committed."

"What? Release?" Chen Rufeng's eyes lit up. At this time, Arkas laughed and jumped down from the high platform. The people on the ground immediately made a circle of space, making Arkas fall to the ground, and the earth seemed to tremble.

"Yes, but no one has won this martial arts meeting so far. I don't know how many people died at his hands. Yin Ping just pointed to Akas.

The opponents of the martial arts meeting every year are Arcas, but no one can defeat him at all, so Arcas will have such pride on his face. I don't know which unknown guy will sacrifice his fists this year.

Acas roared at everyone, and the unknown Chen Rufeng looked at Yin Pinggang doubtfully. Yin Pinggang immediately translated for him: "He said, come out, that is to say, whoever wants to be his opponent will go out."

The whole audience was silent, and the pride on Arcas's face became more and more prosperous, as if he was the only strong man in the world. In his eyes, he was a weak ant.