yu feng xing

Chapter 4: Death in Silence

Li Longji had just stepped out of the Xuanzheng Hall, but his eyebrows did not have the pleasure and ease when he was on the hall. He frowned slightly and walked not in the direction of the bedroom, but to the imperial study.

Opening the door of the imperial study, the people who had been waiting in it for a long time immediately greeted him. The face that emerged from the darkness behind the yellow curtain of the imperial study was Han Ling.

"See the emperor!" Han Ling saluted, but was stopped by Li Longji's hurried "no gift". Li Longji seemed to be upset and sat on the wooden chair anxiously, in sharp contrast to the face just on the Xuanzheng Hall.

Han Ling stood by the table with a faint smile on his face and courtesy. He nodded slightly and dared not speak first.

Li Longji closed his eyes and breathed gently. He is many years old and works hard on state affairs. He has to face a group of courtiers who fight with each other. The depleted mind of a country is really not what he can afford to consume.

There are too many things that he needs to worry about.

"Everything has been done as you said. Are you really sure about your plan?" Li Longji asked others in a tired voice, and Han Ling nodded respectfully.

"The emperor can rest assured that this is only our first step. Let's leave it to the villain immediately." Han Ling was full of confidence, and he also saw the trace of worry and fatigue on Li Longji's forehead.

With an emperor, he really needs such a person who can share his worries. Li Longji is relieved to be able to win such a talent.

He has never been disappointed with Han Ling. Since the moment he selected him into Qingfeng Pavilion that day, he knew that his choice would be greatly rewarded. Although he clearly understood how Qingfeng Pavilion trained a person to be loyal.

Looking at the snow-white Han Ling, this elegant young man is the only one in the world in terms of martial arts and talent. Sometimes Li Longji even sighs that if there is no Han Ling, I'm afraid he will be old for more than ten years.

"To be honest, I don't like you to call yourself a villain." The wrinkles on Li Longji's eyebrows were slightly stretched, and the corners of Han Ling's mouth bent, showing a bright smile.

"In this case, Han Ling claims to be fine." Han Ling bowed.

"Alas, this world... really annoys me. In fact, isn't there another world above the imperial court? It's just that flesh and blood have been exchanged for words and power. Li Longji couldn't help leaning against the back of the chair and sighed.

"What's more, I feel that the struggle in the court is no less fierce than that in the world." Li Longji closed his eyes and added another sentence.

"Your Majesty, please have a good rest. I will try my best to share the worries of the emperor and reduce the burden on the emperor." Han Ling understood and was about to retreat. When he was near the door of the imperial study, he was stopped by Li Longji.

"Han Ling... Do you think there is any variation in what you have done?"

Han Ling turned his head with a smile, did not look directly at him, and said, "The only variable will also be in the hands of the bottom."

"Oh, by the way... You still have that thing, and you haven't found a way to open it?" Li Longji seemed to remember something forgotten and suddenly said.

Han Ling replied truthfully: "You have to wait until the right time when the sun, moon and stars are ready to use it."

"Okay... you step back first. I'll take a nap here." Li Longji waved his dragon sleeve. After Han Ling retreated, he stood still in front of the door of the imperial study, with a deep smile on his face.

He took out a piece of red cloth in his arms and opened it carefully. A thing wrapped in red cloth revealed the true face of Lushan.

Without the strange light of Xuanqing, it seems to be lifeless as if it had fallen asleep.

Han Ling quietly looked at Tianbu in his hand and tightened his eyes.

Out of the imperial city, he felt the relaxation of his body and ran back. Chen Rufeng could even smile when he looked at the sky. He thought that it would be difficult to sleep tonight.

He didn't know where the emperor got to know that he had such a grand wish, and only a few people knew about it, and the emperor promised to help him realize it so cheerfully. This was a great surprise, which made him feel a little fluttering.

He pinched his face hard and told him that all this was not a dream.

Maybe Han Ling mentioned it to the emperor, but how much did Han Ling's words weigh in the emperor's mind?

Then, he found that he had never thought about the relationship between the emperor and Han Ling. Suddenly, Han Ling became the emperor's secret envoy and had the emperor's edict, and he did not ask properly.

Soon, the leisurely and pleasant feeling completely washed away his doubts. As he walked, he thought about how Jiang Shengtian would react when he heard the news.

They can really have their own gang. At this moment when they became famous, they finally no longer have to appear in their dreams. Excitement and excitement made Chen Rufeng can't help jumping forward, humming his tone, while thinking about how to build a gang that stands at the peak and is proud of the heroes. .

In his opinion, all this is readily available without any difficulty.

He wants to tell this news to everyone he wants to tell, Guan Xingyi, Jin Yilai, Han Ling, and even... Li Yinru...

As soon as the last person came to his mind, he immediately calmed down.

Yes, he has to work hard to achieve achievements. He doesn't want to be the lowest ant. He doesn't want to be trampled under his feet. He wants to become famous, and then... and then...

Li Yinru's beautiful face lingered in his heart for a long time.

Returning to the prime minister's mansion, Chen Rufeng immediately ran to Liuxinyuan.

Before he arrived at Liuxinyuan, when he passed the Lingyingtai, a man who came out of it surprised him.

Is this a stranger?

The black hair is mixed with white hair, and there is no plainness on the face as before. Instead, it is smeared with an indescribable sadness, and what flashes in the eyes is the fire of hatred.

The temperament he exudes all over his body only makes people feel like he is trapped in a sea of infinitely complex emotions and lost. However, his face is at the other extreme. Perhaps this is the deepest indifference, which seems to be a disregard for the world.

"Jin Yilai?" Chen Rufeng called him in disbelief. Jin Yilai turned his head stiffly like a body that had been robbed of his soul, and a rebellious look met Chen Rufeng thousands of miles away.

Did something change during the period when he went to Tianzhu? Why does Jin Yilai seem to have changed into another person?

Jin Yilai did not say anything, withdrew his eyes again, turned around and walked back to the Lingying platform, but did not walk to his room, but slowly stepped on the opposite room.

Isn't that Charming's room? Chen Rufeng was puzzled and followed him.

Jin Yilai gently opened the door as if he was afraid of something to startle. The sunlight happily threw into the room, which lit up a little vitality for the long-lost unpopular room. The dust danced excitedly in the sunlight. Only Jin Yilai's slightly trembled body walked into the room step by step.

"Where has the spirit gone?" Chen Rufeng looked around the room. It was obvious that the owner of the room had not returned for a long time, and even the bed was covered with a layer of light dust.

Jin Yilai's hand stroked the tablecloth on the round table, wiped away the dust on it, and his eyes rippled with light.

I have never seen Jin Yilai like this. Chen Rufeng looked at him in astonishment and did not dare to disturb him for fear of pushing fragile things to the edge.

A soft sound came from the tablecloth.

Tears, drop by drop, overflowed from the corners of Jin Yilai's eyes and hit the table, moistened the tablecloth little by little.

It was the first time that I saw the man in front of me crying.

Chen Rufeng left the room. Although he didn't know what had happened, he also knew that it was better to let Jin Yi come alone at this moment.

With doubts, Chen Rufeng returned to Liuxinyuan, but did not see Ding Yu playing with a gun in the garden.

Opening the door, it turned out that Jiang Shengtian and Ding Yu had already been waiting here, waiting for his news.

Looking at the two, Chen Rufeng swept away the sadness previously stained by Jin Yilai, smiled and said, "We have been wronged!"

Jiang Shengtian breathed a heavy sigh of relief and couldn't help punching the table. Ding Yu was shocked.

The long-standing grievances were finally vented at this moment, and a fist was not enough to vent. Jiang Shengtian even wanted to look up to the sky and shout.

"There is another news," Chen Rufeng pretended to be mysterious, but looking at Ding Yu and Jiang Shengtian's urging eyes, he had to say, "Your Majesty promised to take care of a gang, in other words, we became the leader! Haha!"

Jiang Shengtian seemed to be greatly shocked. He stood up and grabbed Chen Rufeng's shoulder. His eyes were wide open and he said in disbelief, "Are you serious?"

"Yes... And the emperor opened his mouth and asked Li Linfu to complete this matter!" Chen Rufeng was excited and remembered Li Linfu's face in the hall that he was reluctant and did not dare to disobey, and his heart was big.

"Haha! Congratulations! Two masters!" Ding Yu was also happy for the two, "I will bother the two masters when I have something to do!"

Chen Rufeng pretended to be modest and waved his hand and said, "I dare not do it! By the way, we have to think about what name our gang should be..."

The two began to spit out all the ideas that had been brewing in their minds without omission, and ambitiously depicted a good river and mountain in the future. Sometimes the two disagreed in some places, and they would argue. In the end, no one was allowed to let anyone, so Ding Yu had to persuade them.

"Okay, okay... There is no word about this matter, so you can quarrel less for a while." Ding Yu smiled bitterly and looked at the two of them facing each other.

Hearing this, both of them felt reasonable. After all, even the location of the gang was not clear. They didn't feel that it was a little long-term to talk about these things now.

"Bear by the way, I just saw Jin Yilai. Why do I think he is a little weird?" Chen Rufeng asked.

"Jin Yilai?" Ding Yu and Jiang Shengtian said in unison, "We haven't seen him for a long time. He has been hiding in the house and refused to come out."

Chen Rufeng's doubts were deeper. What happened to Jin Yilai, which made him feel like a changed person.

In the study of the prime minister's mansion, Li Linfu was the only one in the study, looking at the thinness on the desk.

The door of the study was knocked, and Tian Yishan's voice came and said, "Sir, the superior bird's nest is here."

"Come in." Li Linfu said impatiently. Tian Yishan came in with a cup of bird's nest, gently put it on the desk, and looked at the messy pile of books on the desk.

Although he is a subordinate and doesn't know much, his ability to observe words and colors can be said to be first-class. Looking at Li Linfu's face, you can see why he is upset about things.

"Master, please take care of yourself and don't wear out. We Tang can't do without you, the prime minister!" Tian Yishan said with a smile. Li Linfu was familiar with these flattery words, but he also listened to it freely, and the annoyance in his heart suddenly eased a little.

"Yishan, what do you think the emperor wants me to give a gang to Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian to take care of? I put a lot of effort into every gang to barely stand in the world! Moreover, I also hope that one day they can contribute to me. Li Linfu stroked his forehead and said.

Tian Yishan turned his eyes and bent his body and said, "Sir, didn't you say some time ago that there was a gang that didn't work well and survived under several waves of annexation. Now it is devastated and difficult to return. You plan to give it. If you give this gang to them, you just let them deal with it. Isn't it the best to get rid of this garbage and complete what the emperor has said?

When Li Linfu heard this, his heart was suddenly enlightened and he laughed and said, "Okay! OK! Well said! And that gang is in the same place as the hinterland of Qianjianmen. I'm afraid it will soon be eaten by Qianjianmen, so give it to them! Hahaha!"

Tian Yishan also laughed with the master, and the cunning laughter of a master and a servant was so comparable.