yu feng xing

Chapter 5: True Confession

In Chang'an, the best teahouse is the "moon tower" that can enjoy the scenic scenery of Chang'an, which is as high as a flying dragon and ranks first in Chang'an teahouse. Even if you want to walk to the second floor, it will take a lot of time, but in order to have a bird's eye view of Chang'an, these little footpowers are also worth the money.

The fragrance of tea lingers, and the faint elegance makes people relax. It is like being in a leisurely floating cloud, and all the sorrows float out of the sky.

Han Ling gently picked up the teacup and took a sip. Outside the fence, the roof was vertical and horizontal. The crowd was like a busy ant, and those street vendors who were screaming were almost begging the past to patronize the goods they could not sell.

"All sentient beings...hehe..." Han Ling silently lived high and looked down as if watching the play.

There were footsteps coming from the stairwell, and Han Ling immediately turned his head and knew that the appointment was coming.

With a refined face, he walked to the table where Han Ling sat, sat down, and poured a cup of tea by himself, but put it on the table without drinking it.

"I didn't break my promise to you, did I?" Han Ling looked at Chaoqi and smiled. He looked at him. His eyes didn't seem to blame him, but always seemed to be hiding something.

"It's okay, my apprentice just lost a few hairs." Chaogu wiped the teacup over his lips and took a small sip. "However, I secretly observed him, and he seemed to be strong again."

Han Ling smiled slightly. Whether that "he" refers to Chen Rufeng or the magic spirit in Chen Rufeng's body is indeed an intriguing question.

"What the hell happened to you when you were in Tianzhu?" Chaoqi frowned and said with a faint intention of questioning.

"Because I had no choice but to fight against the strong enemy, I asked him to practice the magic classic "Anti-Demon Heart Tips" to play demons, but this is really the only way to live under all kinds of impossible situations." Han Ling said slightly with self-reproach, and at the same time, he was a little helpless.

He looked at him and said, "So, that is to say, the magic in his body has also been greatly strengthened?"

Han Ling nodded, "However, in the battle with Halpa, the magic that had been accumulated in his body seems to have been shaken a lot by Halpa's method of demon disintegration. Otherwise, I'm afraid he will not be able to come back alive."

Chaohou lowered his head in silence and listened to Han Ling's words. Although he had some complaints about Han Ling's behavior before, if it had been for him, he might have done so in such a critical situation at that time.

"Apart from the evil spirit of the devil, his own martial arts are also much stronger." Chaoqi said, "I looked at him secretly, and his temperament has also changed a lot. I'm a little regretful now. I shouldn't have taught him errath, let alone teach him the method of practicing qi, I'm afraid..." Chaogo said here, choke a little and continued, "It will become a disaster in the future."

Han Ling said with admiring tone: "Indeed, his martial arts talent is no less than mine, and he has learned the method of life and death. After the danger of life and death hanging on the line, if he can survive, his skills will be improved. Although I don't agree with this gambling method of practicing qi, there is no denying that this is a very effective way to improve internal power.

Chaogo looked up and sighed and fell into meditation. Han Ling also smiled and quietly tasted tea.

"I'm afraid... If he is magical and uncontrollable in the future, I may have to destroy him myself. After all, I taught him myself." The morning can't hide the sadness in his heart, and his face is sad.

Han Ling's expression also became solemn, remembering what the twelve holy monks of Tianzhu said.

"The magic gas in his body is also accompanied by magic poison. If it can't be purified, I'm afraid he will die in the long run." Han Ling said truthfully to the court. As soon as he heard it, his face became more ugly, like a twisted bitter gourd.

"For others and ourselves, we have to find a way to purify the evil spirit of the demon family in his body as soon as possible." Chaogu said that although he said that he might destroy Chen Rufeng's apprentice, in fact, can he really be cruel?

Han Ling thought for a long time and said, "I think there is someone who can help him."

Chao Gu was also thinking about it. When Han Ling opened his mouth, he suddenly looked up. The divine light in his eyes seemed to be a torch that had just been extinguished and lit up. "Is that person?"

Han Ling laughed and said, "I'm afraid we are thinking of the same person."

The two picked up their tea cups and began to talk in detail.

Finally, he patted the wine pot at his waist and left the bench. "Well, he will ask you."

"He is your apprentice and also my brother." Han Ling smiled and said, "I will try my best."

Chaoguo finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the stairs.

Han Ling's smile faded, and when his figure disappeared from his vision, he looked again at Chang'an City, which had been shrouded in the sunset. He turned a brown teacup in his hand and fell into deep thought.

"Have you notified Brother Guan? And the master... Oh, yes, and Lord Zhao Fengzhang..." Chen Rufeng has begun to pack his clothes and will go to Cuihua Mountain to become the leader in a few days.

On Cuihua Mountain, in addition to their gangs, there is also Qianjianmen, one of the three major gangs, so they will also pay a lot of effort and effort to make a fortune in Cuihua Mountain.

Hearing Zhao Fengzhang's three words, Jiang Shengtian was suddenly stunned and didn't know how to answer Chen Rufeng. He noticed that Chen Rufeng turned his face to look at him. He quickly picked up the stopped hand and buried his head in packing his clothes.

"Well... But Lord Zhao is busy with official business and may not attend our founding ceremony." Jiang Shengtian said humbly that Chen Rufeng was also in an excited state and did not hear Jiang Shengtian's voice trembling slightly for a moment.

The so-called Gang Building Ceremony was set up by Li Linfu for them. In fact, it was just to show the prestige of his prime minister. But this is enough to make Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian happy. It is rare for them to become masters at a young age.

After a big ceremony for building a gang, they have been successful and raised their eyebrows.

No matter what others think, that's what they think. They want to carry forward their gangs. In the future, they will be able to be proud of the heroes in the world and see the mountains.

But in the eyes of more people, this is just what the emperor rewarded them to coax children.

What's more, this is the worst gang under Li Linfu's name. I'm afraid that in a few months, this gang will cross the sky like a meteor in the sky, once shining for a moment, and eventually fall.

After the two argued day and night, peace finally ended after Ding Yu said something.

The names of their gangs, each take a word from their names, called "Tianfeng Gang".

The two future masters of the Tianfeng Gang were also so excited that they couldn't sleep these nights. They remembered that they had suffered from the Tianyu Gang in Ningzhou in the old days. Although they could not commit the Tianyu Gang in the matter of Heiyuanshi, they always fantated that they could annex the Tianyu Gang one day and watched Wen Zicheng bow down.

At the thought of this, the two of them suddenly became extremely happy!

When you are about to leave, you will eventually say goodbye to others.

After passing the spiritual shadow platform and looking at the closed doors of the two rooms, Chen Rufeng felt nothing in his heart.

It has been five days since the last meeting with Jin Yilai. In the past few days, he has been trapped in the room without leaving home. No matter how many times Chen Rufeng knocked on the door, no one answered, but he could be sure that there was someone in the room. Finally, he could only talk to him through the door, hoping that he could attend the Jianbang ceremony.

And the spirit on the opposite side has been missing for many days.

Lefting from the west passenger compartment, Chen Rufeng walked to the east compartment. His heart was full of trembling, and his face turned slightly red. Constantly wording in my heart for fear that it will be difficult to say later.

In front of Li Yinru's room, the pleasant and touching sound of the piano, like yesterday, spread into Chen Rufeng's heart, like falling into a fairyland; suddenly, with a little sadness, the small bridge flowing water, flowing slowly, as if the person who plucked the strings was gently brushing his delicate hands by the river, with a slight sadness on his face.

Chen Rufeng walked into the garden, and the sound of the piano suddenly stopped.

The man in the room looked at him with watery eyes, making his heart beat crazily, as if he was about to penetrate his chest and come out to breathe fresh air.

"Yinru...Miss Li..." Chen Rufeng's face turned red and saluted her through the window with his fist in his arms.

Li Yinru's gentle eyes seemed to roll people into a piece of silk and smiled at Chen Rufeng.

That kind of smile is enough to make people fall in love.

"Sister Ping, please help me get some snacks in the kitchen." Li Yinru said to the fat maid, Sister Ping stared at Chen Rufeng outside the house, opened the door, looked at him maliciously, and walked to the kitchen.

"Come in." Li Yinru's voice was as light as mist, but Chen Rufeng could still hear it clearly and walked into the room.

"Yinru..." Chen Rufeng suddenly forgot the words he had just prepared in his heart and looked at the Yiren in front of him, and there was only a blank in his head.

That pitiful look completely melted Chen Rufeng's heart in an instant.

"I... I'm leaving." The two looked at each other for a long time, and Chen Rufeng could only squeeze out such four words.

Li Yinru's face suddenly faded, and the tears in her eyes seemed to be about to overflow.

Chen Rufeng was even more at a loss and looked at Li Yinru with a panicked face.

Although she knew early that sooner or later, he would leave.

She also received the news that her father was going to call out a gang to take care of him, and she clearly understood that this day was not far away.

But her heart seemed to be empty, and she didn't know what words to use to retain the man who had always occupied her heart.

Looking at the touch-and-go tears, Chen Rufeng secretly gritted his teeth, crossed his heart, stretched out his strong arms, and held Li Yinru in his arms.

It's so tight, as if you will never let go.

"I love you..." Chen Rufeng didn't know where he had courage. "You wait for me... When I stand out, I will come to propose marriage to your father and marry you!"

Tears were no longer checkpoints, and suddenly a spring gushed out and dripped on Chen Rufeng's shoulder.

The heart seemed to be immersed in the flames and roasted crazily. The heart had been waiting endlessly, as if there was finally a way to extend to the light of the future.

Her hand wrapped tightly around his waist.

This hug, let everything freeze at this moment. The wind will not stop, the rain will not go away, and everything will not turn. Pray that heaven and earth can love them until eternity.

"I'll wait for you." In the end, Li Yinru put down his hand and ended the hot hug. He looked at Chen Rufeng affectionately. Chen Rufeng also had water in his eyes. From this moment on, he secretly vowed to spend his life with the woman in front of him and never be separated from each other.