yu feng xing

Chapter 7: Jian Gang Ceremony

Singing the sky, as if to invite the gods down.

As soon as they entered the courtyard with four walls, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian only felt that this was just a courtyard. On both sides of the wall were built to help people's residences. The thatched hut leaked, and the only those who came out to meet each other were the old, the weak, the sick and the altar that forcibly occupied a large square in the middle of the courtyard. There were two gorgeous golden chairs on the altar. The exquisite pattern seems to be a valuable product, which is incompatible with the simple scenery here. Obviously, it was purchased by Li Linfu.

The wooden chairs in two rows on both sides are much more ordinary and old, and some of them are even dusty. It seems that they have been abandoned in the warehouse for a long time, and they are in a hurry to turn them out again today.

When Li Linfu led the two of them in, both of them were speechless.

Only the altar set up because of the construction ceremony is a little powerful, and the rest are far from their expectations in terms of houses, people and floor space.

Li Linfu happily introduced the two and attracted three men.

"These two are the masters of the Tianfeng Gang, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian." Li Linfu introduced to the three people separately. Chen Rufeng's eyes swept over the three people. Their bones were still strong, but they were just lazy, especially the person in the middle, who looked careless and looked at them with disdainfully.

"They are the left guardian Chai Yuanlang and the right guardian Liu Hong, and this one," Li Linfu introduced the man in the middle, "Chang* Jiuwei."

The three so-called left and right guardians and elders suddenly felt funny when listening to Li Linfu's words. They were originally only responsible for the firewood room and the other responsible for the food and living, and living, and Hu Jiuwei only dealt with some trivial matters, such as the disappearance of a chicken raised by a family or the sister-in-law next door, but This gang has always been ahead of others.

Originally, when the three saw that the two future masters were just two young children, they were quite dissatisfied and did not want to listen to them in the future. However, since the Prime Minister was present, they had to hold their fists casually and say, "See you!"

Looking at their insincerity, as if they were unable to lift their fists, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian were dissatisfied. Li Linfu just smiled with satisfaction and led them across the threshold and walked in.

Unexpectedly, a familiar voice stopped them behind their backs.

"Like the wind! Shengtian!"

"Brother Guan!" The two turned their heads and said with one voice.

Guan Xingyi shouldered and devoured the sun and tiger knife, and rushed there. The two quickly greeted them, holding Guan Xingyi's hand, and the joy of reunion was full of words.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you two could become the master! I'm out of sight! Haha!" Guan Xingyi smiled and patted them on the shoulder with admiration. The two responded with a smile and invited him to the "Yaza" and looked at the waves of guests from the door, but most of them were new faces. Obviously, it was Li Linfu's fox friends and dog friends who came to reward him.

The sound of drums is still deafening, and the two are still waiting at the door. Those guests who come in are politely congratulated, and they are just hastily returning gifts. After all, these are not their guests.

"I really don't know if Li Linfu is the master or we are the master." Chen Rufeng said angrily that after sending him into a fat merchant, he finally couldn't help complaining to Jiang Shengtian.

"Shh... After all, this gang used to be the prime minister. Don't let him hear these words." Jiang Shengtian looked around warily. Except for the three left and right guardians and elders who were dozed off next to the gate, no guests entered, let alone heard what they said.

"Why hasn't Brother Han come yet?" Chen Rufeng looked at the road under the mountain, his eyes were full of expectation, but he had not seen anyone for a long time.

"After all, Brother Han is one of the eight hidden in the Central Plains. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to attend these occasions, right?" Jiang Shengtian guessed the reason. Although Chen Rufeng was frustrated when he heard this, he had to admit that it was true.

"Then the master should also give some face to our two apprentices, right?" Chen Rufeng crossed his waist and looked at the sky, as if a green light would fall at any time, but only white clouds floated in the sky. Occasionally, birds flew by. No one flew by.

At this time, Hu Jiu behind him said in a sleepy tone: "Two masters, the construction ceremony is about to begin. You'd better go first. If there are any guests, we will welcome them for you."

The sound of beating drums gradually weakened, and Chen Rufeng had to glance at the sky anxiously again, and then was dragged in by Jiang Shengtian.

"It's not good to let the Prime Minister wait for a long time." Jiang Shengtian accelerated his pace, and the two stepped on the altar and ran straight to the two golden and luxurious chairs.

Both sides are full of guests. In addition to some businessmen and officials, there are also some Jianghu people, with tiger backs and bear waists, holding all kinds of weapons in their hands, and a fierce face, staring at the two upcoming Tianfeng Gang masters.

No one will be optimistic. Two hairy little boy who don't know anything about the dangers of the world will lead the gang to a glorious future.

There are even villains like hungry tigers, thinking in their hearts when they can annex this gang and put it into their arms.

However, after all, Prime Minister Li Linfu is in the town, and people with these ideas are only a little moved.

The two walked to the two golden chairs, but saw that Li Linfu had already sat firmly in a chair, next to the back of the chair, talking comfortably with the guests, and there was only an empty chair beside him.

Originally, I thought that the two masters had one chair, but they were dominated by Li Linfu first, but Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian dared not say anything and walked to another golden chair angrily.

"Sit down!" Chen Rufeng whispered, but Jiang Shengtian shook his head. Li Linfu was still talking to people and didn't notice that the two were already beside him.

"You sit down." Jiang Shengtian said firmly and let him aside. When Li Linfu turned his head, he pressed Chen Rufeng's shoulder with one hand. Chen Rufeng's buttocks firmly adhered to the tiger leather cushion of the golden chair, and his hands were right on the two handles, while Jiang Shengtian stood aside and his eyes turned to the noisy guests.

"Oh? Are you here?" Li Linfu smiled and said, "Well, let's start."

Li Linfu stood up and coughed loudly. The altar suddenly calmed down and saw that the Prime Minister had something to say, no one would not appreciate his face.

"Gentlemen, welcome to today's Jianbang Ceremony!" Li Linfu raised his voice so that the whole altar could hear clearly. Because there were not enough chairs, some of the attendants brought by the guests could only stand, and the thunderous applause sounded, which aggravated Li Linfu's pride on his face.

On the contrary, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian's faces are very ugly. Is Li Linfu the master's family or are they the master's family?

However, most of the people present here are here to give Li Linfu a favor, otherwise the number of guests today will be unimaginably thin and pitiful.

"Since ancient times, heroes have been young, and today, there are two young talents beside me!" Li Linfu retreated aside, spread out a hand, and showed Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian to the crowd.

The two couldn't react for a moment, and their faces immediately turned red and hot. Everyone's eyes fell on them. For a moment, they became the focus of everyone's eyes. Chen Rufeng stood up, took a step forward, met everyone's eyes, and straightened his chest.

"In order not to waste your intelligence and martial arts, after days of thinking about it, I decided to give this gang to the two young masters, and the two will serve as the leader. Presumably, the Tianfeng Gang will definitely flourish and dominate the world in the future!" Li Linfu said boldly, and Chen Rufeng secretly sneered in his heart. If it hadn't been for the emperor's order, would you be willing to cut off this piece of meat? Although this is just a piece of rotten meat.

"Unveiled!" Li Linfu said to the people at the gate. Chai Yuanlang and Liu Hong hurriedly climbed up the ladder and lifted the plaque hanging on the lintel. The red cloth fell. The three golden words "Heavenly Wind Gang" appeared in the sun, awe-inst and majestic, like a beast roaring silently, indicating that there was another mountain in the rivers and lakes.

"I, Chen Rufeng, will definitely live up to expectations, develop the Tianfeng Gang into the largest gang in the world, get along well with the gangs, and the river will not violate the well!" Chen Rufeng was also excited for a moment. At this moment, full of pride broke out in his chest. He raised his fist as if to break the air, and had changed into a brocade robe. At this moment, he was in high spirits, and his cloak rose with the wind, with the spirit of overturning the world.

Jiang Shengtian also took a step forward, side by side with Chen Rufeng, and said in an unprecedented loud voice: "I, Jiang Shengtian, must work with Chen Rufeng to benefit the world. One day, we must have no worries about food and clothing, old people, and children!"

The applause of the guests on the stage resounded through the sky, especially Guan Xingyi, with a simple smile on his face, almost even the palms of their hands.

"Good! It's rare that the two young talents have such ambitions, so they don't want to be their stumbling. In the future, everything of the Tianfeng Gang has nothing to do with the prime. No matter whether they survive, they will not ask a word!" Li Linfu smiled and said to everyone. Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian were shocked when they heard this. Li Linfu's intention is to clarify that he is not a Tianfeng Gang*, so that those coveted Jianghu gangs no longer have any scruples.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Linfu said this, the faces of the Jianghu people on the seat changed, and some of them had already rubbed their hands in their hearts, and the blades were about to come out. Although the Tianfeng Gang is just a gang like a dilapidated hut, these low-level gangs can only be hungry and can swallow.

"Haha! Two young heroes have a good day, why don't you invite us!" Seven figures appeared at the door, wearing black bodyguard robes, and a ghost headdressed sword around their waist made people feel creepy. Strong murderous intent swept over them. Everyone looked at them with breath and knew that these seven people were not good.

The ghost house finally met Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian again at today's Jianbang ceremony.

Chen Rufeng raised his eyebrows and stared at them coldly. On that day, they were compared with Tianyu's friends and wronged them to rob Tianzhu's tribute treasure black yuan stone. From then on, a hatred that could never be washed away was built between the two sides.

"I didn't expect the ghost mansion to enjoy the face like this." Li Linfu said coldly, his eyes narrowed into a crack, like looking at the ghost house through the frost and snow.

Meng Qianxiao, the ghost leader, stepped on the altar, walked to Li Linfu, arched his hand and smiled, "See you, Prime Minister!"

Meng Qianxiao bowed his head for a moment, and his eyes quickly moved to Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian. Although there was a smile on the corners of his mouth, his eyes were as sharp as a blade.

After saluteing Li Linfu, he turned to Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian and said with fists, "Congratulations on becoming the masters of Tianfeng Gang!"

"Thank you for your kindness!" Chen Rufeng replied with his fists, and their sharp eyes kept touching each other, like an invisible spark bursting out between them.

"However, I hope Master Chen can know that our ghost house is the emperor's responsibility for managing the affairs of the world. The establishment of any gang must inform our ghost house, and it can only be regarded as a formal gang with the consent and filing of our ghost house." Meng Qianxiao smiled maliciously.

Chen Rufeng was shocked after hearing this. He didn't remember this. The ghost house was a hand of the emperor in the world. He looked at Li Linfu and looked at his face and didn't seem to realize what Meng Qianxiao had just said for a moment.

Indeed, the establishment of any gang needs to be approved by the ghost house.

For a while, the atmosphere on the altar fell into stiffness, and everyone's faces were tight. Only the seven people in the ghost house led by Meng Qianxiao smiled slightly.

In the mountains in the distance, there is a group of people dressed in black and wearing black cloth. A pair of eyes are condescendingly monitoring every move that took place in the Tianfeng Gang Construction Ceremony.

"What should I do? Even the seven knives of the ghost house have come. Percy Xinqing asked through the black cloth, and the man in black who stood looking at him tightened his eyes. Looking at the seven black dots, his mind turned quickly.

If the ghost house is present, I'm afraid it will have an impact on their actions.

"We will do it again at the end of the Jianbang ceremony. At that time, there were few guests present at the meeting. I hope the seven knives of the ghost house can leave as soon as possible." Perak Shouyang said in a calm voice.

A group of people in black stared at the Tianfeng Gang, clenched their fists and made a clicky joint sound.

The light clouds gradually retreated, as if they were shocked by something, revealing only a deep sky blue.