yu feng xing

Chapter 35: Magic Reappearance

Even Zeyu, who usually has no good impression on Ye Guhong, couldn't help laughing at this moment. The wave of laughter of thousands of sword disciples suddenly flooded Chen Rufeng like a sea of fire, causing a burst of fire on his face.

Only Ye Guhong did not smile. His eyes shot out two cold, and Chen Rufeng could feel the endless sarcasm inside.

That is the sarcasm of the weak.

Jiang Shengtian and Hu Jiuwei quickly ran to him and helped him up. However, when he stood upright, as soon as the two let go, his legs were weak, his knees were kneeling, and there was a wild laugh in the crowd around him.

"Look! What a Tianfeng Gang, haha! Not even as good as a homeless dog!"

"That's right, that Tianfeng Gang is just a dog kennel, hahaha!"

Ye Guhong's cold eyes are more than his sword spirit, constantly hitting Chen Rufeng's heart.

Zeyu shouted happily, "How's it going? You dog! Are you convinced now?"

Dog! Dog! Dog!

Every laugh hung his heart like a knife, blood trembled and flowed, and unspeakable anger surged crazily at this moment.

"Come on! Let me teach them a lesson!" A strange voice sounded in Chen Rufeng's ear, and Chen Rufeng's eyes loosened and clenched his fists.

"No! You devil! I won't let you occupy my body again!"

In Chen Rufeng's body, the two Chen Rufeng are facing each other fiercely.

"Look at them!" Chen Rufeng, with red eyes, pointed to the people around him who laughed unscrupulously and said, "You are just a useless dog in their eyes!"

Chen Rufeng swallowed the tears from the corners of his eyes, turned his face to one side, and covered his ears with his hands, trying to isolate those mocking and disdainful words.

No one saw that a red dot had appeared in Chen Rufeng's eyes, which was small, like a small red hole in a black pearl.

Chen Rufeng's body trembled uncontrollably, and the laughter of the disciples of Qianjianmen became bigger and bigger. Jiang Shengtian and Hu Jiuwei's faces looked like they were forced to eat spoiled pork. They held Chen Rufeng's arms and wanted to help him up.

"Come on! Let them see how powerful I am!" The ferocious devil in Chen Rufeng's body has turned into a black fog, passed through Chen Rufeng and flew directly into the sky. Chen Rufeng only felt that his consciousness was gathering infinitely, and finally he was trapped in a narrow bead. He could only watch every move of his body, but he could not control himself.

Two red rays have lit up in Chen Rufeng's pupils, like the blood fire of hell. The corners of his mouth are also wickedly bent. I'm afraid that as long as two fangs are regenerated, he will be no different from those ghosts.

Jiang Shengtian and Hu Jiu didn't do their best, but they couldn't help him up.

Ye Guhong also saw the strangeness of Chen Rufeng. In his two red eyes, he spewed out a fierce angry light, which seemed to destroy all the terrible light in the world. He quickly became alert, and the Langyue sword cut through half of the sky. With a crack of sword spirit, he made a posture of preparing for battle.

The voices of the disciples of Qianjianmen who were present also gradually stopped, and a strange momentum gradually spread, like an invisible ghost appeared beside them, preparing to break their necks, and everyone gradually showed panic.

Chen Rufeng suddenly raised his head, his two red eyes were bloody, and a black gas was shocked from his body. Jiang Shengtian and Hu Jiuwei were shocked and fell to the ground.

The five experienced swordsmen also showed great shock. Xu Chengjun stretched out his trembling hand, pointed to Chen Rufeng, and said hoarsely, "He...he is a demon!"

The demon's true anger broke out again, occupying Chen Rufeng's body.

Langyue's sword light masterpiece seems to be competing with the red light in Chen Rufeng's eyes to see who is stronger.

Ye Guhong shouted violently, with the bright sword light like the moon in the sky, and the sword flew to Chen Rufeng. The sword spirit gathered frantically on the Langyue sword, as if as long as it had cut down, it would collapse and crack, and the sun and the moon would have no light.

Chen Rufeng stood in place, sneered unmoved, and looked at Ye Guhong who attacked with a sword, and the two red lights flashed provocatively.

Ye Guhong raised his sword over his head, holding the moonlight in his hand, and chopped it with all his strength. He cut twice in a row. Two white lights broke out of the sword, and the blade was extremely sharp.

Chen Rufeng raised one hand and gently waved twice over himself. When the two sword lights touched his hand, they "clapped" two black round virtual shadows. The black circle opened like a wave of the lake, and then disappeared together with the two sword lights.

No one could see clearly. Chen Rufeng's figure had moved to Ye Guhong faster than the ghost and grabbed his wrist with one hand. Ye Guhong felt that endless strangeness came from Chen Rufeng's hand and constantly invaded his meridians. Suddenly, it wrapped around him like a tentacles, making himself Unable to move.

Chen Rufeng's other hand was already full of black gas. He grinned and pushed the black gas to Ye Guhong's chest. Ye Guhong couldn't move at all. He ate this palm hard. His body was like being struck by lightning. The black gas on his chest did not dissipate and kept pushing his body back. After pressing him to the ground fiercely, and then the feeling of acupuncture spread from his chest, so much pain that he could only lie on the ground and no longer move.

A group of disciples of Qianjianmen were already shocked. They were so scared that they opened their mouths and dared not speak. Zeyu also looked at Ye Guhong, who was seriously injured on the ground, and gasped repeatedly. Unexpectedly, Ye Guhong, the most famous among the rising generations, was defeated in this way.

The five swordsmen, one of the best in the Qianjianmen, quickly moved and flew around Ye Guhong. Xu Chengjun squatted down and looked anxiously at Ye Guhong's injury. The four swordsmen lined up into a human wall and confronted Chen Rufeng.

All the disciples of Qianjianmen exclaimed that they could make four sword guards take action at the same time. This Chen Rufeng seems to be very simple!

"Aren't you very proud to say that I'm a dog just now? Let me see now. You are not even as good as dogs!!" Chen Rufeng shouted with a wild smile and raised his index finger and pointed to the sky, but a mass of black and purple gas began to wrap around his finger, just like absorbing the evil spirit between heaven and earth. A wisp of gas quickly gathered on his finger. Soon a spherical black and purple air mass condensed on his finger, the size of ten fists. In the middle of the air mass, there is a purple strange gas spinning constantly.

Everyone's minds were absorbed into the spherical air mass. What evil attraction was born from the air mass and was soul-catching. Even the five swordsmen were not spared. They couldn't help staring at the black and purple air mass and couldn't help it.

"Hehehehe..." Chen Rufeng smiled, and two red light suddenly expanded and forced his eyes out, like two pieces of red jade inlaid. "You all die!"

The air mass on Chen Rufeng's index finger flew out and rushed quickly to the four swordsmen who had been absorbed, making a roaring sound.

However, I didn't expect that a blue light fell down, abruptly splitting the air mass into two sides, and suddenly burst into a trace of black smoke, spreading everywhere.

Chen Rufeng restrained a ferocious smile and looked at the gradually clear figure in the dissipated black smoke.

Ze Jingyun stopped in front of Chen Rufeng, with a sharp face and a blue continuous real light in his hand, like a long sword.

Everyone also woke up, and the four swordsmen pulled out their swords and stood behind Ze Kangyun in preparation for battle, as if facing a big enemy.

Ze Kongyun's figure was reflected in Chen Rufeng's two red eyes, but Chen Rufeng did not launch another attack, but looked at Ze Kongyun coldly, as if he was guessing something.

"Humph," Chen Rufeng smiled, "I can't beat this man. I'm not the next mess to clean up."

The wind blew this silent silence.

The air sword in Ze Kunyun's hand constantly urges the cold light of the people, and the real power flowing on it is also extremely profound. His eyebrows tightened, and his deep eyes looked at Chen Rufeng.

Chen Rufeng took a step back and made a "goodbye" mouth shape to Ze Kongyun, and then the two red light in his eyes faded and returned to normal.

It's just that his body fell to the ground as if he had run out of strength, and his eyes slowly closed.

Hu Jiuwei and Jiang Shengtian hurriedly grabbed it. Jiang Shengtian picked up Chen Rufeng, wrapped his hand around Hu Jiuwei's neck, let Hu Jiuwei carry him, and then arched his hand to Ze Kunyun in panic and said, "Master Zemen, we are now goodbye."

The Qi sword in Ze Kunyun's hand also shrank into an inch and disappeared in his palm. He nodded slightly. When the surrounding Qianjianmen disciples saw the door owner's consent, they didn't say much, gave way and left them away.

"That teenager has the smell of a demon. Shall we let him go like this?" Lin Lingluo asked, "Maybe he has something to do with the altar of the Red Devil."

Ze Kunyun stared at the back of the three people and shook his head: "I don't think so. According to my observation, the magic spirit in his body was not deliberately practiced by him, because he can't control this magic spirit. I think there must be a reason why he didn't know where he was infected with the evil spirit of the demon family. And..."

"Dad! How can you let him go? It was he who injured Ye Gu... Brother Ye!" Zeyu shouted to Ze Kunyun unconvincedly, and some disciples of Qianjianmen also nodded one after another to agree with what Zeyu said.

Ze Kunyun stared at him and shouted harshly, "Do you think I don't know who is deliberately causing trouble without wind and waves? If you hadn't kept others in trouble, would he have done it with Gu Hong? Don't think I don't know. You deliberately attacked others yesterday. It's lucky that they didn't blame them today!"

Ze Yu couldn't help but be shocked when he saw Ze Kongyun's fierce reaction. Ze Kongyun had never been so fierce to him. Today, he couldn't help but be angry. Moreover, when so many disciples were watching, Ze Yu suddenly felt that he lost his face and his cheeks turned red, and then Be aware of it, he glanced fiercely at Yanyan, but Yanyan lowered his head and dared not look at him.

"I admit that in the past, I was too arrogant to you, causing you to be so arrogant and arrogant today. From now on, I won't treat you in particular anymore. How ordinary disciples live, you can live, or one day you will destroy yourself!" Ze Kunyun brushed his sleeves angrily, and the eyes of the disciples swept to Ze Yu's face, making Ze Yu eager to get into the ground immediately.

"Is Gu Hong all right?" Ze Kunyun's tone turned and became peaceful. He bent down and looked at the situation of Ye Guhong.

Xu Chengjun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "For good, Gu Hong has profound internal strength. In addition to a little skin injury, it's just that the true qi is a little disordered by Chen Rufeng's magic spirit. Give him some medicine, and it will be fine in time."

Ze Gengyun nodded and said, "That's good!"

"You all disperse!" Ze Kunyun shouted, and the disciples did not dare to disove and retreated one after another. After a while, the court immediately returned to the cleanliness of the past.

The five swordsmen also took Ye Guhong back to their room to rest, leaving Ze Kangyun alone, staring at the gate of Qianjianmen.

Ze Qianyun looked at the direction of Chen Rufeng's departure, and his eyes were full of deep thought.