yu feng xing

Chapter 36: Three Visits to Sirou

Han Ling frowned and listened to Bi Jiangsheng's story, and he had a fixed idea in his heart.

"Alas, I didn't expect the influence of the black yuan stone, which has not subsided so far." Jiang Shengtian sighed, and Hu Jiuwei, who didn't know why, had to listen to the conversation between the two.

"Ze Kunyun, the owner of Qianjianmen, is also a reasonable person. He is already lucky in his misfortune that he does not blame. However, I'm afraid that the doormen of Qianjianmen will not look good to us after that. Han Ling said solemnly, "In particular, we are also in Cuihua Mountain. Although we are far apart, we have a chance to meet."

Han Ling said that Hu Jiuwei nodded and agreed with Jiang Shengtian, but he didn't know how to repair the relationship with Qianjianmen. Although Ze Kunyun is broad-minded, after all, it is a proud person who has hurt their family, and it is impossible not to be hindered.

"Do you think Ze Kunyun once proposed to teach Rufeng swordsmanship?" Han Ling asked Jiang Shengtian.

"Well, but we think it's a little inappropriate for a Tianfeng Gang to major in practicing the swordsmanship of Qianjianmen... So we didn't respond." Jiang Shengtian replied that he knew that Chen Rufeng must be eager to practice the supreme swordsmanship of Qianjianmen, and his brain would be dizzy with excitement and did not figure out what the intention behind Ze Kangyun was.

Han Ling nodded and praised, "Indeed, Rufeng is not as meticulous as your mind. However, if he really wants to learn swordsmanship so much, I have some ways..." Jiang Shengtian heard Han Ling's praise, and his face was secretly happy, and he didn't want to show too much, so he had to smile.

At this time, Chen Rufeng's excited voice came: "What? What's your way?"

Chen Rufeng came out of the bedroom lively, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with his body. The three people in the inner hall cast strange eyes at him together, which made his originally relaxed smile stiff. They looked at the three people in amazedly, and the three people seemed to have the same expression on their faces: Isn't what you caused is not enough?

However, Han Ling also took into account Chen Rufeng's thoughts and said lightly, "I do think of a person who is suitable for teaching you swordsmanship, and is not afraid to involve Qianjianmen."

With superb swordsmanship and not a thousand swordsmen, how many can be counted in the world?

"Who?" Chen Rufeng, Jiang Shengtian and Hu Jiuwei asked in unison, but the expressions on their faces were different.

The hidden bamboo forest covers a vast area and is covered by green bamboo. It is mostly inhabited by hermits. It is divided into north and south sides. The scenery on the two sides is almost the same. The streams are gurgling, the birds are singing, and the smell is fragrant. It is like a bamboo fairyland forest map, full of seclusion. No wonder the eight hidden people in the Central Plains and some strange people choose to live here.

It's just that this hidden bamboo forest is extremely large, and only more than a dozen people live here. Generally, there are not many opportunities for them to meet. Most people live a leisurely and un disturbed life, or enjoy silk bamboo, birds, or poetry and lyrics. Many hermits also have different tempers, and they are too lazy to move with others. Make friends and live on your own.

No one thought that he would disturb other people's tranquility. Except for some important things from time to time and need to gather a few hermits to discuss, the rest of the time, Song Zhuo, the head of the Eight Hidden, will not come to the door.

Yuan Sirou, who has been annoyed by Ruiyun's awakening for a period of time, is now lying on the roof and looking up at the blue sky. The fog around him is lingering and leisurely. No matter where Ruiyun has gone, as long as he is not annoyed with his own door, he will not care about anything.

Just as he stared at the sky, the blue clouds and sky had a long green tail, which was particularly conspicuous in a blue.

The green is flying towards itself, and the figure in the sky is becoming more and more recognizable. After a while, like the fall of the sky stone, with a "bang", a large circle of smoke appeared on a small piece of grass in Yuan Sirou's house. After the smoke dissipated, the man with green light also appeared. He patted his rough clothes, coughed a few times, looked at the roof and shouted, "Hey, old friend, I'll explore. Looking forward to you!"

Yuan Sirou glanced at him dissatisfiedly, and her body rolled across the roof. She stood on her feet, supported herself on the ground, held her arms, and looked at her unkempt face.

"You old drunkard, you are so impolite to come to other people's homes. Fortunately, I can recognize you, otherwise I will cut you into slices." Yuan Sirou snorted at Chaogu. Chaogu just responded to him with a smile and walked into the house like two long-lost old friends on his arm.

Chaogu sat down rudely, rubbed his hands, glanced around with a pair of mouse-like eyes, and asked, "Is there any good old wine here?"

Yuan Sirou pushed a teacup in front of him, hummed and said, "You know that I don't like alcohol, so I have to take tea. Where did old wine come from?"

Chaogu showed a depressed face and was extremely disappointed to take a sip of Yuan Sirou's tea. The tea seemed to be made with good tea, but it was obviously more suitable for his appetite.

"That's right, you came from afar. Isn't it as simple as asking me for a sip of tea?" Yuan Sirou raised her eyebrows and looked at him suspiciously. After all, one of them lived in the south and the other in the north. They ran from the north of the hidden bamboo forest painstakingly to the south. With his character, he would never waste his footpower for no reason. It seemed that this guy asked for something, but he was embarrassed to open his mouth when they met like this. Yuan Sirou simply As soon as he came, he was exposed and asked him to speak directly.

"With so many old friends, I won't beat around the bush. Hee, one of my apprentices was accidentally infected with the evil spirit of the demon family..." Before Chaoguo finished speaking, Yuan Sirou had raised her hand with a straight face and stopped him from saying.

"Come on, you don't have to say, there's nothing I can do. But I didn't expect you to accept an apprentice..."

Chaoge still smiled and said, "There is more than one, it's two, but there is something wrong with the other body, and I can't practice it to store true qi... So, in fact, I only have only one apprentice. Come on! Just think of it as helping me. There is still magic poison residue in his body. If you don't save him, I'm afraid he will have a magic poison attack in the future. At that time, no one will inherit my manor!"

Yuan Sirou turned her face aside. It seemed that the scenery that had been looking out of the window for more than ten years suddenly became particularly attractive at this moment. She didn't even look at the morning and said, "This is not good! If he dies, there will be one less scourge! Humph, with the evil spirit of the demon family, I'm afraid I will also be a demon family in the future..."

Seeing Yuan Sirou so indifferent, he suddenly became violent. He suddenly knocked on the table, and the tea in the teacup overflowed. He said angrily, "Hey, old man Yuan, don't lose face like this, okay! In this world, only your 'soft swordsmanship' and 'good water flow' can help him understand the magic in his body. Are you unwilling to help like this?

Yuan Sirou hummed, as if she didn't listen to the loud shouts of Chaogo.

Chaoku's forehead turned red. After an insult, Yuan Sirou was still unmoved. Chaoku had to walk out of the house and stepped on the floor and shouted at Yuan Sirou: "I don't believe that you are the only one in the world who can help him purify the magic in his body, hum!" After saying that, a green light rose, and the figure flashed and disappeared.

Yuan Sirou looked at the slowly flowing tea on the table and whispered, "I'm a hermit. How can I intervene in these things, alas! I can't help..."

Not long after Chaoge left, another figure approached from a distance. Yuan Sirou looked at the door and narrowed her eyes into a crack.

Han Ling's figure gradually appeared, with a respectful smile on his face. He hugged Yuan Sirou through the door and said, "Senior Yuan!"

Yuan Si said, "Come in." Han Ling came in gracefully, but did not sit down as rudely as Chaogu. He stood aside respectfully and smiled and said nothing.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Sirou asked impatiently that although it is also the Eight Hidden in the Central Plains, the general hermits have nothing to do but go to the Three Treasures Hall. Today, Han Ling must have come to him for something extraordinary.

Han Ling bowed his head and said, "Today, the younger generation came to disturb the seniors. There is something to ask for."

Yuan Sirou waved her hand and said, "Typ and listen!"

"There is a friend in the younger generation who is infected with the evil spirit of the devil's family because of misfortune..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Sirou shouted, "Wait!" Han Ling quickly stopped and looked at him with a little surprise.

"That man... shouldn't he be the apprentice of the old drunkard?" Yuan Sirou raised her eyebrows and stared at Han Ling.

Han Ling nodded and said, "Exactly, he is Chen Rufeng, the leader of the Tianfeng Gang..."

"Come on! Needless to say! Forgive me for doing nothing, you can go!" Hearing that this person is still the leader of a gang, Yuan Sirou doesn't need to think about it. How can a hermit interfere in the world? Even the characters in the world can't deal with it.

"But..." Han Ling was about to go on, but when he saw that Yuan Sirou had issued a eviction order on his face, he didn't say much for a moment, so he had to say goodbye slightly and sighed away.

Yuan Sirou stroked her chin and said suspiciously, "Who is this Chen Rufeng? Why did two people come to him in one day? Humph, but I don't care. It's better for the person who is infected with magic gas to let him die to avoid a disaster..."

Thinking of the wind and rain brought by the demon king Xingshi, Yuan Sirou couldn't help shivering. Chen Rufeng could not guarantee that he would not become the second demon king. If he saved him and caused an irreparable disaster, how could he make his conscience live?

Yuan Sirou comforted herself like this, and finally climbed up the bamboo bed with peace of mind, closed her eyes and went to bed.

It's just as soon as the mind became drowsy, a sound of footsteps disturbed him, which made him open his eyes, and he felt angrily angry and shouted at the door, "Who is it?"

A man in blue entered with his hands on his face with a smile on his face. Yuan Sirou fixed his eyes and screamed in his heart.

"Oh, my God! Why do so many people come to my house this day? I just want a moment of quietness!" Yuan Sirou shouted bitterly, and Ze Kunyun walked in with a smile.