yu feng xing

Chapter 31: Conspiracy

The three scorpion gang did not notice that a ghost was secretly hanging behind them and kept following them. Except for a few uncold winds blowing across their backs from time to time, they don't realize anything strange.

In front of the archway of Peijiazhuang, it is obvious that the people of the Scorpion Gang who had known that they would visit Pejiazhuang came back today. There were already several disciples waiting there, welcoming the three distinguished guests into the village with a respectful face.

Silently, a vague figure flashed in the air, causing a gentle fluctuation. However, the two sides of the Peijiazhuang and the Scorpion Gang are talking happily, and there is no way to notice it.

For the road of Peijiazhuang, even if Chen Rufeng has only walked once, he has long been familiar with it. It is easily hidden in the air, only bringing waves of lukewarm air on the roof tiles.

Soon, under Chen Rufeng's eyes, the three Scorpion gang were brought to the inner village, and Chen Rufeng also slipped through the air and entered the inner village.

After three days and two nights of the search that almost turned over Peijiazhuang, there was still no trace of Chen Rufeng and Pei Xinqing. For this reason, Xuanjing was furious and thunderous. I wanted to find someone to bring them out for ten days and ten nights, but I didn't know that the Scorpion Gang was suddenly going to visit, so I had to put the search and arrest on hold for the time being, so as not to make others mistakenly think that something great happened in Peijiazhuang. At that time, it would be very difficult to explain.

Therefore, as soon as the Scorpion Gang arrived today, Peijiazhuang showed them a peaceful and neat appearance, and the whole inner and outer village was not turned upside down like a few days ago.

Even more, Xuanjing never dreamed that Chen Rufeng would be so bold to go back to find out what ulspeakable collusion they had with the Scorpion Gang.

Pianjing has been waiting in front of the door of Neizhuang for a long time, with a fake polite look on his face. The two sides came forward to greet each other, and Pei Xuanjing served as the master and took on the leading role in front.

With the master of Percy Xuanjing here, Chen Rufeng did not dare to be careless. He hurried to concentrate and restrain his breath. Only when Perak Xuanjing walked a long distance before he dared to follow.

"I don't know what happened to the seniors of Perixianlong... Perak Xuanjing should not dare to embarrass them too much, right?" Chen Rufeng said worriedly and had come to the gathering house. Percy Xuanjing smiled so much that he couldn't see his teeth, and he didn't know what kind of intention was hidden under his hypocritical face. But the Yu Tufang is not simple, keeping a faint smile, which is unfathomable. As for Wen Taihe and Zhu Liuer, they have always been among the descendants, and they have to walk behind them like two attendants. They dare not interrupt.

Chen Rufeng stopped for a moment outside the gathering house and thought about whether to slip in or not. If he didn't go in, it was difficult to know what their plans were. But if you go in, it's like going into a tiger's den. If someone inadvertently let them find out, he will really be unable to get out of his three heads and six arms.

Seeing that everyone is already sitting in the house, the tea has been fashioned and is about to begin to talk in detail. Chen Rufeng made a firm decision, took a breath of truth, and strengthened the concealment. Where he flashed, there was not even a trace of air flow, which was already the highest realm of escape.

Entering the house in fear, the people inside seemed to be unconscious. Chen Rufeng's heart was slightly relaxed, and his body floated like a ghost, leaning on a pillar.

Yu Tufang took a sip of tea, put it down slowly, praised a few words of good tea, with a cunning smile on his face. Percy Xuanjing also smiled politely, arched his hand, and began to show a messy praise for the Scorpion Gang, which made Yu Tufang with Wen Taihe and Zhu Liuer's face full of light.

The more Chen Rufeng looked at them, the more he felt that their faces were three feet thick. Listening to these flattery words, his face did not turn red.

Just as Chen Rufeng scolded them secretly, Yu Tufang began to turn his words to the topic, coughed dryly and said with a straight face: "Pie... The head, we came today to cooperate with Guizhuang."

Pianjing also looked solemn and said with a light smile on his mouth, "Deputy Master Yu can say it, as long as it is beneficial to everyone, I will definitely refer to it."

He just said his intention with the word "detail" and did not agree to anything arbitraryly.

Yu Tufang had a wisp of his beard and said in an extremely attractive tone: "The poison of our Scorpion Gang is famous all over the world, and we are all kinds of deadly poison methods. To say the courage, we can solve the poison of people. But if we get the secret poison of our Scorpion Gang, we can't solve it.

Speaking of this, Yu Tufang deliberately stopped for a moment and looked at the expression of Perak Xuanjing to see if he showed a tendency to be interested, but Perak Xuanjing's face was plain and just maintained a smile of etiquette.

Yu Tufang was boring and continued to say, "The Peijiazhuang is a unique hidden weapon family in the world. I'm afraid I don't need to say more about the subtleties. All kinds of lethal hidden weapons in Guizhuang are frightening in the world, and I heard that many gangs have also purchased hidden weapons from Guizhuang to strengthen their strength.

At this time, Percy Xuanjing's eyes narrowed, flashed a fleeting light, and said, "Isn't Deputy Master Yu the same intention to trade, right? In this case, why do you need to help the workers come to visit? Only one or two descendants need to come and negotiate the price.

Yu Tufang smiled gloomyly and raised his jaw a little, as if he was proud that Perak Xuanjing guessed their wrong purpose.

"It's wrong to say that we are here to make a deal, but we don't buy hidden weapons from Guizhuang."

Pyan's smile disappeared, and his eyebrows raised and said, "Oh? What is that so-called?"

Yu Tufang smiled more and said, "I don't know if the head of the family has ever thought about what kind of terrible power will be produced by the hidden weapon of Peijiazhuang, coupled with the unique poison of our Scorpion Gang?"

Chen Rufeng, who was hidden on the pillar, couldn't help but be shocked. In his mind, he began to outline the bloody scene of the vicious hidden weapon of Peijiazhuang, which penetrated through the flesh and blood of people after being contaminated with the poison of the Scorpion Gang. Those who were slightly contaminated with the poison on the hidden weapon turned into a mummified corpse in half a column of incense.

He trembling secretly, and Chen Rufeng didn't dare to think about it anymore.

As soon as Peril Xuanjing heard this, his eyes glowed and the corners of his mouth were raised, as if he could see a scene of the hidden weapons flying unscrupulously among those hostile famous disciples. The wounds caused by the hidden weapons turned black, and even the slightly injured people were poisoned and unable to fall down after a moment.

The invincible scene suddenly fascinated the Xuanjing.

When Yu Tufang saw that Peri Xuanjing was already moved, he smiled while it was hot and said, "At that time, our Scorpion Gang and Peijiazhuang can also trample on the flow of Qianjianmen." Yu Tufang became more and more crazy, "As long as Guizhuang is willing to provide us with hidden weapons free of charge, we can make quenched hidden weapons, and then we will be invincible in the world."

Now Pu Xuanjing suddenly woke up, returned to his original state from the dreamy expression, his eyebrows were locked, put on an unpredictable smile, realized the clue inside, and said, "So, will the newly made hardened hidden weapon be used by you, or will we use it?"

Yu Tufang's cunning color remained unchanged and said, "The head must have mistakenly think that Peijiazhuang can already be counted as a gang in the world and act independently, right? I might as well say that many gangs in the world just treat you as a shop. If you dare to make any changes, they will definitely attract groups to attack you. What can you do without the help of our scorpion and alliance with us? Therefore, those fighting and killing matters should be left to our scorpion help, and you can safely provide us with hidden weapons. Wouldn't it be nice for us to ring our names and come up together with your Peijiazhuang?

Hearing this, Percy Xuanjing's face was full of shame and anger, and it was not easy to attack on the spot, as if he had swallowed a few peppers, but he could not spit it out. He knew in his heart that nowadays, the major gangs in the world don't pay attention to their Peijiazhuang at all, but when they are tied to ants with only silk rope, if they dare to behave uneasy, they will end them with one foot and not give them a chance to look up. What those gangs need is just to sell hidden weapons to them obediently. They absolutely do not allow Perak House to come out.

After holding a fire and being silent for a long time, Pei Xuanjing finally stood up and said, "Let me think about it for a few days. You can stay in the inner village for a while."

Without waiting for the three people of the Scorpion Gang to have any objection, Perak Xuanjing walked out of the gathering house and left three guests at his own.

Yu Tufang, Wen Taihe and Zhu Liuer looked at each other and smiled treacherously, like three wolves who had just broken the sheep pen, and could easily get in and have a big meal.

As long as Percy is willing to respond to their request, they don't need to pay anything at all, which can make the strength of the Scorpion Gang soar. At that time, they will really be rampant in the world, and even Qianjianmen can't help them.

When they fantasized about the future, the smiles of the three people were even brighter.

Chen Rufeng's cold sweat kept sweating behind his neck. If it is true as they thought, the balance of power in the future will be completely broken by them. At that time, once those hardened hidden weapons that kill gods and Buddhas are made by Scorpion gangs, it is really a disaster for the world, and no one can defeat them.

We must not let their cooperation plan succeed! If Pejiazhuang has such strength, he will definitely be the first to deal with their Tianfeng Gang. Chen Rufeng secretly thought that his figure had floated out of the house like a ghost and quickly walked through the air. He could not delay. He would definitely try his best to stop them before they agreed.

Out of the archway of Peijiazhuang, Chen Rufeng dared to appear and run to the woods outside the valley, so fast that he could only see a series of shadows crossing the ground.