yu feng xing

Chapter 32: A War Letter

Chen Rufeng felt his heart and was suddenly empty.

He stood on the quiet forest road, with the wind blowing the branches and leaves gently and the sound of sand like the sea, but at this moment, Chen Rufeng's ears were blocked, and no sound could enter his ears.

The heart is gone.

All kinds of speculation flashed in my heart. Did the people of Pejiazhuang find here? Or did something else happen? Or did she get lost walking by herself?

Chen Rufeng, who was scared and confused, seemed to have lost the ability to walk. His face was pale and he didn't know what to do next.

"Hey!" A sound came from a leaf bush, which made Chen Rufeng tremble all over. He turned his head in a staggered way and saw Pei Xinqing open the leaves and drilled out of it.

But is this Perak Heart Clear, is it really that Perak Heart Clear?

There are still drops of water hanging, and the original blackness on the face has been washed away and restored to clean and white. The messy hair was also washed wet and hung wetly on his shoulders. Shuixiu's eyebrows, exquisite mouth and nose, except for the clothes being a little messy, Pei Xinqing is like a completely changed person, fresh and refined, delicate and touching.

How's it going? I just went to the stream to freshen up a little, and you don't know me?" Bai Xinqing looked at Chen Rufeng's stunned expression with a puzzled smile and saw that his face was a little pale. He didn't know that he had just been scared by her disappearance.

Chen Rufeng's lips trembled, shook his head, calmed down, and said slightly staggeringly, "No, I...you just disappeared..."

Looking at Chen Rufeng's inexprehensible appearance, he couldn't help laughing, and the water in his eyes flowed, looking at Chen Rufeng with emotion.

Chen Rufeng was once again so burned by Xinqing's eyes that he dared not look at him. He turned around with a red face, as if he had great interest in the thick tree trunk in front of him.

pi Xinqing didn't say anything, but just stared at him ambiguously like this, taking advantage of the victory and asked with a smile, "Are you worried about me?"

Chen Rufeng's neck stiffened and shook it stiffly twice. A few drops of sweat had fallen on his forehead, and the range was expanding on his face with red and joy.

"Uh... let me tell you something important." Chen Rufeng only felt that the junction between his neck and face was getting hotter and hotter, so he quickly changed the topic and listened to the matter of the Scorpion Gang's desire to cooperate with Pejiazhuang.

After listening to Chen Rufeng's words, Percy's face became solemn, frowned and said, "If they really cooperate, the hidden weapons of Pejiazhuang combined with the poison of the Scorpion Gang will be extremely horrible. That power is by no means within our imagination.

Not only that, their ambition is to trample all the gateway gangs in the world and dominate the world. If they really make poisoned hidden weapons, how bloody will the world become? How many people will lose their lives at that time? They will bring catastrophe to the world. Chen Rufeng said solemnly, "Also, Perak Xuanjing has known the identity of the Tianfeng Gang master, and he will definitely be the first to take action against our Tianfeng Gang."

Pei Xinqing looked deeper and said, "Uncle, he said he would reply to them in a few days, right? We should stop their conspiracy as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will have a big disaster every day, and the storm will be difficult to reverse, and this world will become the world of the second uncle and the scorpion gang.

Both of them are in an emergency and must not delay for a moment, and immediately set off to rush back to the Tianfeng Gang.

Tianfeng Gang.

Chen Rufeng has lost his news for many days. The people in Tianfeng Gang are anxious and keep sending detectives to Peijiazhuang to inquire. Unfortunately, there is still no news to bring back. I don't know whether Chen Rufeng is in danger.

The legs of the gatekeeper rushed to the inner hall like a wind. Jiang Shengtian and Hu Jiuwei and others gathered in the inner hall. Hearing the report that Chen Rufeng had returned, they all frowned and hurried out of the inner hall to welcome Chen Rufeng together.

Chen Rufeng saw the people with comforting smiles from afar and waved to them warmly. All the way, his clothes were damaged a few more, and he looked a little tired.

Among all, only "Mr. Bai" Han Ling's face has not changed, as if he had expected Chen Rufeng to return safely.

Jiang Shengtian stepped forward a few steps and punched Chen Rufeng's chest fiercely. Chen Rufeng also slapped him on the shoulder with a smile. The words between the two brothers seemed to have made clear after these movements and said to each other that they were well.

As for Perce Shouyang, when he saw the Xinqing behind Chen Rufeng, he had been full of tears and was so excited that he didn't say a word. He just rushed over, hugged his niece, closed his eyes, and said happily from the bottom of his heart, "You're finally fine..."

Faxinqing also smiled with comfort and patted Pei Shouyang on the back, "Uncle, I'm fine."

After everyone felt the joy of reunion, Jiang Shengtian and others welcomed them into the inner hall, as if they were afraid that the sun outside the sun would make them dizzy.

As soon as Chen Rufeng sat down, he felt a long-lost feeling of comfort surging into his heart. Days of hardships and dangers have put his body and mind at the limit, and I'm afraid it will break if he pulls it down again.

However, it is a big deal, and he still needs to make it clear to everyone. Therefore, he talked about the thrilling experience from sneaking into Peijiazhuang for rescue, to being betrayed by Perak, fleeing to the tomb of Vulcan, and the thrilling experience behind. Before mentioning the conspiracy plot between the Scorpion Gang and Perak Xuanjing, he already felt that his throat was dry and the last strength of his body had finished speaking.

Percy Qing saw that Chen Rufeng's face was tired, and quickly grabbed the conversation and went on for Chen Rufeng. She told the most important cooperation plan between the Scorpion Gang and Perak Xuanjing, pointing out the terrible ambition of the Scorpion Gang. After saying that, everyone became heavy and thoughtful, but all of them were worried.

"Qing'er, do you think you have obtained the Vulcan Order in the tomb of Vulcan and the secret skill of the ancestors of the Perak family, the Vulcan Red Flame Kungfu?" Pershouyang said unbelievably.

"Well, it's as much as... the help of Master Chen." Percy looked at Chen Rufeng, who had held his forehead and almost fell asleep.

Jiang Shengtian also seemed to notice Chen Rufeng's fatigue, so he opened his mouth and said to the crowd, "Well, we will discuss this matter tomorrow. You two have just gone through a series of dangers, and now your mental strength is overdrawn and you need to have a good rest.

Chen Rufeng opened his eyes, which were as heavy as a stone, and his voice was full of sleepiness. He said, "No, we can continue to discuss. This matter is extremely important..."

"In your current state, what can you negotiate a result?" Jiang Shengtian rebutted, "Moreover, even if you don't want to rest, people have to rest!" As soon as his eyes caught a glimpse of Pei Xinqing, Pei Xinqing immediately looked up to the sky and yawned very cooperatively.

Chen Rufeng had no choice but to compromise and was forcibly taken to the bedroom by Jiang Shengtian. As soon as his head fell, the heavy sleepiness immediately drowned his consciousness.

I don't know how long he slept. When he opened his eyes, the window was the dazzling sunlight he saw before going to bed.

His body was extremely soft. He stepped on the ground with his feet, stretched his muscles and bones heavily, took a deep breath, and his mind gradually became clear.

Put on your clothes, sort them out a little, and cheer up. Although it's only a short sleep, Chen Rufeng is an insider after all, and a little rest is enough.

Chen Rufeng stepped out of the bedroom and walked quickly to the inner hall. As expected, all the people gathered here and bumped into Jiang Shengtian.

"Oh, I'm going to wake you up!" Seeing Chen Rufeng running by himself, Jiang Shengtian returned to his seat. Chen Rufeng's eyes just stuck to Pei Xinqing, and his eyes again showed yesterday's stunned look.

She changed her clean clothes. It seems that she borrowed it from the family, but this women's clothing is enough to give her a new look and give people a completely different feeling. Her hair was also combed, and there was a faint smile on her face, which was extremely beautiful. A strange feeling suddenly rose above Chen Rufeng's heart.

"Sit down!" Jiang Shengtian pulled the corners of his clothes, and Chen Rufeng suddenly woke up. His eyes glanced at him, and then his neck immediately turned into a boiling heat.

Sitting down, Chen Rufeng tried his best to avoid seeing Pei Xinqing, but his eyes seemed to have a strange gravity, and he insisted on going to go to where Pei Xinqing was.

"I don't know what you think about what we didn't discuss yesterday?" Jiang Shengtian took the lead in speaking.

Han Ling stood aside, holding his arms and hanging his head, as if he was not going to get into today's discussion.

Hu Jiuwei said, "We must not sit and watch. After their successful alliance, the first thing to move is our Tianfeng Gang. At that time, we will be in danger."

Chen Rufeng nodded and said, "I agree with Elder Hu. Pei Xuanjing knows that we support Elder Perak and Miss Peri behind his back to compete with him for the position of landlord, and they will definitely not let us go."

Liu Hong said in a low voice, "I have recently found unknown masters wandering around near Cuihua Mountain. I'm afraid it's the people sent by Pejiazhuang to monitor us."

"So, what's the solution now?" Jiang Shengtian said this sentence to brainstorm and hoped that everyone could come up with a good strategy to deal with the crisis. His eyes looked at Han Ling intentionally or unintentionally, but Han Ling lowered his head and thought about his own affairs without looking back at him.

Perak Shouyang pondered for a moment, stood up and said, "I don't think we can involve your help anymore."

pi Xinqing looked at him in astonishment and opened his mouth without saying a word.

Chen Rufeng's eyes darkened and he said solemnly, "Senior Perak, what do you mean? Do you think that since our Tianfeng Gang has taken over your affairs, will it be so dishonestly to withdraw?

His eyes suddenly met Pei Xinqing's eyes, and there was a panic in his heart.