yu feng xing

Chapter 60: Martial Arts Wizard

The ear of Yu Yishu is accompanied by the noise of the ear, as if there is electric light cracking the air.

With instinct, at the moment when Han Ling took action, Yu Yishu had already avoided it at a rapid speed.

However, the blue light on Han Ling's palm was like an eye. The palm that was supposed to split in the air actually changed the trajectory in the air. Han Ling shook his palm like a snake in the void, and then pushed it out.

The blue light turned into a lightning-like gas and shot at the Yuyi book. The Yuyi book was moving to dodge, but saw that the direction of the direct shot was exactly the direction he flashed. He shouted in his heart, but it was too late.

In a hurry, Yu Yishu had to do his best, barely carried his body over, clenched his teeth, and planned to use his back to meet this momentum and reduce the frontal injury. The spirit mercilessly stabbed his back, as if the feeling of a sword scratching his back. If it hadn't been for the true spirit of protecting his body, I'm afraid he would have been pierced through his flesh and blood by this momentum.

However, he couldn't help the stuffy blood in his chest. Wow, he vomited blood all of a sudden, and his lips were covered with blood. He covered his chest with his hand. The blow just now seemed to be a great injury.

"Come on, show your killing." Han Ling picked up his arms and urged impatiently, "Where is your Qianyu magic power? At that time, you didn't say that you just used the most basic moves. If you had used the most powerful moves early in the morning, you would never have tied with me, right?"

Yu Yishu wiped the blood around the corners of his mouth and stared at him.

He vaguely remembered that the last time the two of them competed martial arts, he was imitated by Han Ling, who was known as a "wu wizard" on the spot because he used the original stunt "Qianyu Shen Gong", but competed with Han Ling. Unexpectedly, Han Ling just hurriedly passed by and could use this imitated "Thousand Yu Shen Gong". "I tied with him.

This time, Yu Yishu refused to use his unique skills, and he was afraid that he would be imitated by Han Ling again. The last result was only a draw, but this time it was very difficult to say.

However, if you have been in a passive situation, you will be defeated sooner or later.

Yu Yishu was worried and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Han Ling's eyes are a kind of confident eyes that manipulate the overall situation. With this kind of eyes alone, it is enough to scare anyone against the enemy.

However, Yu Yishu can know Han Ling deeply. He knows that Han Ling's superficial disguise is extremely strong, and ordinary people will definitely lose confidence in his eyes.

What Yu Yishu is most afraid of is Han Ling's current strength. What an unfathomable situation he has reached. If he hastily reveals his card, but on the contrary, he knows nothing about the depth of the other party, which will also put himself in a bad situation.

He can see through Han Ling's heart, but not his strength.

However, he suddenly felt in horror that Han Ling could guess what he was thinking at the moment, and he was trying to do it in the direction he was afraid of.

It is a good thing if he has exhausted the top moves of "Thousand Feather Magic Skills" to defeat him, but once he imitates and even surpasses him on the basis of imitation, this result is not what he can afford.

"I'm waiting for you to do it now. If you don't do it, I'll take the initiative." Han Ling smiled easily and said that compared with Yu Yishu, their emotional nerves were already in two completely different situations.

Yu Yishu can no longer think too much about this issue. Han Ling is willing to give up the initiative. If he really doesn't grasp it well, he really doesn't know whether he can stop Han Ling's attack next time. After all, he is injured now.

"Fight!" Yu Yishu said to himself secretly, lifting the true spirit of his whole body, suddenly bounced high into the sky, and gently raised his palms, as if he were holding some invisible object.

Han Ling's eyes flashed with excitement. Looking at Yu Yishu's body gradually rising to a high place, Han Ling did not have a trace of fear, as if he had seen a long-awaited baby appear in front of him, and muttered happily: "Finally!"

A little light began to rotate around the body of Yu Yishu, as if the stars in the sky had been removed. These stars keep shining, making the whole Yuyi book look mysterious.

"This should be the highest level of Qianyu's magical skills... Qianyu's rain, right?" Han Ling's eyes are getting stronger and stronger, and he, known as a "wu wizard", has a strong interest in those novel and powerful martial arts. Today's insight is really hard for him to control.

He looked very carefully without blinking, and remembered every subtle action of Yu Yishu.

His eyes seem to have a special power to see through his true air operation method, just like a closed book. Even if he doesn't open it, he can still clearly read the contents of it.

Those star dots slowly stretched out the light and turned it into a ball of Buddha beads-sized light, neatly arranged around the body of the Yuyi book.

"Yu!" After all, Yu Yishu was injured, and the word was also slightly weak. With a wave of his hand, the light began to tighten and turned into feathers, vibrating with strong real strength.

"Rain!" Yu Yishu pushed his hands forward, and all the feathers were as strong as falling raindrops, rushing to Hanling. The strength of each feather was enough to make a hole in a heavy stone, which could not be ignored. As for these rain-like feathers, it is estimated that a cave can be carved out on a mountain.

This is the real killing of Yu Yishu, and it is also the highest layer of Qianyu's magical skills.

The flying speed of feathers is amazing. Even if you have the ability to move with lightning, you can't avoid it.

Han Ling did not try to avoid it at all. In his eyes, everything seemed to have become much slower.

Those feathers, as if the most beautiful snowflakes he had ever seen, slowly drifted down, made him intoxicated and couldn't help laughing.

"Good...wonderful...wonderful! He deserves to be the person of Qingfeng Pavilion. I don't think I can create such a powerful martial arts even in the name of my own martial arts genius. Han Ling praised in his heart, but these feathers did not leave any affection for him at all. They were a knife with a strong desire to kill people. They were not those wonderful snowflakes in Han Ling's eyes.

"Go to hell!" Yu Yishu shouted and added another palm, and a wave-like spirit was poured on the feathers, which made it reach a terrible level in speed or power.

The watch was full of soft feathers and finally enveloped Han Ling.

Han Ling did not panic, and his face was still light and intoxicated, as if he had seen the mystery of a beautiful and touching tune.

His hands and feet also began to move casually, and the punch was at no point. It kept swaying, between intentional and unintentional, and his legs were also raised one after another, as if kicking, as if he couldn't find a target.

It's just that in his unpredictable movement, he has smashed the white feathers close to his body with his elbows, fists, toes and knees.

It should have been a strong and brutal spirit, but in the series of actions of Han Ling, it seemed so vulnerable.

Yu Yishu's eyes were straight while gasping for breath. He watched Han Ling drive such a action and turned himself into dust and smoke. It's so easy, just like pulling away real feathers.

A kind of unconcealed shock quickly unfolded on the face of Yu Yishu.

The last feather also completely melted with the wave of Han Ling's fist.

Yu Yishu's expression at this moment can no longer be described as stunned. He looked at Han Ling as if he were looking at a strange alien ape.

"Impossible... You can't become so strong..." Yu Yishu shook his head, and his whole body was in chaos both inside and outside.

Han Ling's sleeves hung down gently and smiled faintly.

"Qianyu turned into rain..." Han Ling's hands also began to imitate the action of Yu Yishu just now. The void was raised, the breath was adjusted, and the green light began to shine.

If he just described Yu Yishu with surprise, he is completely crazy at this moment. Because his eyes are like those crazy people on the street, wide open, but crazy and untrue.

Then, those green lights, like the white light just now, rose, turned into beads, and then turned into green feathers around Hanling.

"Rain!" Han Ling shouted, and those green feathers turned into arrows away from the string and shot at the feather game book that he had not yet wanted to pass in mid-air.

"No... How could he see through the beauty of my Qianyu magic skills and then imitate them completely?" Yu Yishu is still trapped in his own chaotic thoughts, and the green feather-like momentum has arrived.

That is the pain of countless needles piercing on their own flesh, not only that, but also through the bones and then drilled out of the flesh on the other side.

The severe pain finally woke up the Yuyi book like a dream.

"Impossible!" Yu Yishu shouted that his body was like a bird with broken wings and fell to the ground.

When he tried to sit up his trembling body again, he was still shaking his head. He was already a complete madman.

"Impossible... The Qianyu magic skills he used can only be tied with me at most... It's impossible to surpass me..." Yu Yishu said to himself.

"Even if he is a martial arts genius... he won't be so powerful... It must be a nightmare..."

A palm fell from the sky and directly grabbed his spiritual cover. The strong force came, and blood flowed down from his hair, and he could no longer make a sound.

Han Ling withdrew his hand and quickly fell back to the original place. He watched Yu Yishu gradually lower his lifeless head and stayed in the doubts before his death. His eyes seem to be constantly thinking about this question: why is the Qianyu magic power imitated by Han Ling more than him?

Is his amazing martial arts understanding? Or his extraordinary insight?

Just after seeing the martial arts used by others, he can imitate it flawlessly, and it is better than before.

Until the moment he was breathless, he never figured it out.

Han Ling smiled at his body and walked over.

"Forgive me for involuntarily. For that plan, I have to destroy and annex Jing Haimen and kill you. Or if you hadn't opted out of the Qingfeng Pavilion, you wouldn't have ended like this today. Han Ling squatted down as if he were talking to an old friend.

However, there is no sadness in his eyes.

"Don't, my opponent." Han Ling's hand fell from his eyebrows and closed his eyes for him.

The figure in white rises with the wind, and the autumn wind in the woods is even more desolate, as if it is in a mourning tune with the devastated fortress a few miles away.