yu feng xing

Chapter 1: Four factions

The rise and fall are like a year of withering flowers and continuous reincarnation. In this world, there is always something new to replace the old.

Chen Rufeng stood at the foot of Cuihua Mountain and looked up at the peaks stretching to the clouds in the sky.

One year, the Tianfeng Gang climbed from an unknown gang that was only rewarded by the emperor to the Jianghu Gang that can stand with the three major factions today, which is already a proud legend. And he is the creator of this miracle.

This mountain is full of his achievements. The two Qingtian gangs on the world, Qianjianmen and Tianfeng Gang, are located here.

A month has passed since Haimen was destroyed that day. At the beginning, Haiyuan asked the ghost house not to interfere in the conflict between them, so now even if they want to investigate, they can't find any evidence of the Tianfeng Gang at all.

In the eyes of other gangs, it ended with the victory of the Tianfeng Gang in the battle between Tianfeng Gang and Jing Haimen. It is not easy for the World League to interfere in any more, acquiescing to this result. After all, this kind of annexation between gangs is not uncommon in the world. Everyone knows that they will become kings and lose bandits.

Half of the disciples of Jinghaimen belong to the Tianfeng Gang, and even all the territories of Jinghaimen belong to the Tianfeng Gang. The power of the Tianfeng Gang suddenly expanded to an extremely terrible situation. Jinghaimen was originally very close to the three major factions, but now it is swallowed by the Tianfeng Gang, and the impact on the Tianfeng Gang is self-evident.

Now there are not only three factions at the peak of the world, namely, Qianjianmen, Red Devil Altar and Ice Tomb, and a "Tianfeng Gang" is added to the back.

A new pattern has been formed, and the success of the Tianfeng Gang has been squeezed in, and the world has become a situation of four factions and many gangs.

In recent days, other big gangs have been running to Tianfeng Gang to flatter, with the intention of having a good relationship with Tianfeng Gang. If there is any trouble in the future, there will finally be a strong support. But Chen Rufeng didn't have much affection for these flattering gangs, and politely sent them away.

A few days later, no other gangs came to the Tianfeng Gang to pull over the relationship, and the Tianfeng Gang was much cleaner.

Chen Rufeng closed his eyes and breathed gently. From an unknown boy in Ningzhou City to a fugitive in distress, to one of the four major factions in the world today, the process is really ups and downs and intriguing.

Now, he has realized his original ambition. A gang that is comparable to the three major factions in the world has grown from a seedling to today's thriving tree. A sense of satisfaction and pride filled his heart.

Everything went unimaginably smoothly, and those so-called difficulties and obstacles were solved by him one by one. Is this due to fate, or is it really due to his own efforts, not luck?

There is no way to investigate.

Or now it makes no sense for him to think about these things, because he is already at the peak, a place that many people dream of.

As long as it can succeed, who will pay attention to the means of the halfway process?

But how much did he sacrifice?

Originally, he did not do much evil in Ningzhou City, but since he was forced to leave his hometown and embark on the road of the world, he has witnessed many life and death, and how many people died because of himself, or died directly in his own hands.

Zhao Fengdae, the younger brother of Xianning Taishu Zhao Fengzhang, was the first person to be killed by him.

For the first time, I felt the feeling of a living life passing from my own hands, but this feeling was not good.

General Ma Yulin and Ghost King Song Zhuoyuan, these people died indirectly for themselves.

He sighed heavily and looked at the floating clouds. The price he paid for standing in today's position was his own change.

Since the last time he killed the shocking disciple who refused to surrender, he knew that he had completely become an unscrupulous person for his purpose.

Only the strong can dominate, which is an eternal truth. In order to survive, you must not tolerate pity and remove those things that may threaten your survival one by one, otherwise you can hardly expect that you will be dragged into the abyss of eternal disaster.

"Is I a good person or a bad person?" Chen Rufeng kept asking himself, and he felt that he was moving in the direction of what he originally thought was a "bad guy" and deviated more and more from the word "good man".

After thinking for a long time, he finally smiled bitterly and shook his head at the sky.

"Whether it's a good person or a bad person, I'm just a 'person'." Chen Rufeng stepped forward and walked to Tianfeng.

Although he is now at the peak, there are still three major factions on an equal footing with him.

Only the strongest can ensure survival. Chen Rufeng has already quickly formulated a goal in his heart. In the next step, he will make Tianfeng Gang surpass the three factions in an all-round way and become a top faction in the world. He wants to sweep away everything that hinders his progress.

His pace became firmer and more confident.

Chang'an Secret Office, along the wall of a big house, you can find an insignificant door.

Han Ling unconsciously walked to the door and knocked gently.

The door was just empty. Han Ling didn't think much about it. He pushed it open and went in.

He went in and looked up at the three dark green characters "Qingfeng Pavilion" on the door of the house. He could faintly feel that someone was already waiting for him in the house.

Maintaining a comfortable smile, Han Ling politely knocked on the door and asked, "Lord, I'm coming."

"Come in." A voice that seemed unable to hide his majesty came. Han Ling opened the door respectfully, and his eyes fell on the figure on the high platform and nod.

Li Longji looked at him slightly tiredly and waved his sleeves to signal him not to be polite.

"I don't know why the Lord suddenly has such interest. Is it a very important thing that needs to be explained?" Han Ling lowered his head and did not look at Li Longji.

"Recently, the state affairs have been busy, and it is really difficult for me to find time to deal with the affairs of Qingfeng Pavilion. Bai Mo regrets that he has another heavy responsibility in Tubo. Now you are the most capable person in the cabinet, Han Ling." Li Longji said lightly, and one hand began to play with the black and white on the chessboard, as if doing so could alleviate the worries in his heart.

"It is a blessing for subordinates to be able to share the worries of the Lord." Han Ling replied respectfully, "If the Lord has anything to tell you, just say it directly. You must do your best."

"Actually, I just want to know how the plan is going." Li Longji's fingers gently moved the chess pieces in the bowl.

Han Ling said slowly, "My lord, that plan has been going very smoothly so far. As long as there is no accident, it can be completed within a year."

"Very good." Li Longji's eyebrows were slightly relieved and praised, "You are worthy of being my valued person. You can achieve more than half of the plan in such a short time. I really didn't leak my eyes."

"This is all for your blessing!" Han Ling bent slightly.

The faint smile only flashed on Li Longji's face, and then a dark cloud spread on his face, as if he had thought about how annoying it was.

With a long sigh, Li Longji began to play the chess game on the chessboard while saying, "However, I don't know how many lives will be put on this time."


Li Longji seemed to drop a black man to a critical place and looked at the chess game set up by himself with satisfaction. "I can't be blamed. This is just to seek peace of mind. For the sake of the stability of the world, I have to do this."

Han Ling buried his head deeper. His smile and eyes emitted a chilling breath, covering up the hidden atmosphere he had before.