yu feng xing

Chapter 29: Collapse

Lu blazing came with a yin smile and glanced at Ding Yu beside Chen Rufeng.

"Ayu!" Lu Qiyin suddenly spoke softly and kindly. Ding Yu was shocked when he heard the words and slowly turned his head. Hearing that Lu Qiyin actually called him with these two words, all kinds of feelings surged in his heart. When he remembered the past, Lu Zhiyin was not only a teacher, but also a half father. He taught him martial arts and raised him. Since he left Bixuexuan, he has never heard anyone call him so affectionately. Now when Lu Chiyin shouts like this, the kindness of the past comes to his mind.

Ding Yu just looked at Lu Chiyin in a glan. Although he kicked him out of the wall, he was always grateful to this master and was unforgettable for his teachings. Without Lu Qiyin, there would be no Ding Yu today.

Chen Rufeng frowned, stood up for a small step, and almost stopped Ding Yu.

"What advice does Lord Lu Xuan have?" Chen Rufeng knew that he had bad intentions, but Lu Chiyin ignored him at all and stared at Ding Yu, just like looking at a lamb he had worked hard to domesticate.

Ding Yu looked complicated and was stunned for a long time. Finally, he lowered his head and said word by word, "Master...father..."

Chen Rufeng stared at him with regret, looked at Lu Chiyin and said, "This kind of person doesn't deserve to be a master."

"Master Chen, I'm afraid it's up to you to judge whether I deserve to be his master or not." Lu Chiyin smiled and said to Ding Yu, "Ayu, I want you to go back to Bixuexuan with me. Your brothers are not in the weather. I see that you have achieved success outside. It's time to come back and take the lead alone."

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" Chen Rufeng looked at him fiercely, "He expelled you that day and had no intention of letting you return to the clan. Today, he did this just to deal with me and weaken the power of the Tianfeng Gang!"

Even if Lu chiyin was told to be in his heart, he still smiled and did not change his face. He said, "Master Chen's words are not good. At the beginning, I explained to him the law of strength and weakness, which was intended to encourage him to continue to move forward on the road of becoming a strong man and drive him out, in order to let him go through the storm and waves, and his martial arts and things should be more stable. Speaking of this, I also want to thank Master Chen. Thank you for giving Ah Yu an opportunity to enter the Tianfeng Gang and become one of the 'Three Heroes of Tianfeng'. Today, he finally achieved success, and I just let him return to the sect.

Chen Rufeng clenched his fist and said, "Don't alienate us here."

"I didn't force Ayu back to pull back to Bi Xuexuan. I respect his opinion and see how he will go." Lu blazing smiled and looked at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu looked worried, squeezed his lips, and stared hard, as if he was constantly struggling in his heart.

"Don't listen to him. We are indispensable!" Ling Xiaoyu came over and stretched out her hand to hold his shoulder. "A good horse doesn't turn back. Now that you have joined the Tianfeng Gang, it's really unreasonable to change the school again!"

Lu Qiyin rebuked, "It's ridiculous! Although I expulsioned A Yu from Bi Xuexuan on the surface, in fact, I still thought he was a person of Bi Xuexuan. His name was still on my list of Bi Xuexuan. Originally, he was a person of Bi Xuexuan. He joined the Tianfeng Gang to change the sect, which is unreasonable!"

Ling Xiaoyu was about to return his mouth. Chuan Yanliu had already shed tears and came to Ding Yu's side. "We have been together for many days and have treated each other as brothers. Do you have the heart to leave us like this?"

Everyone also advised in unison, but Chen Rufeng just stared at him without saying a word.

Lu Chi smiled and said nothing, looking like a bamboo in his chest.

In the end, Ding Yu was really uncertain and looked at Chen Rufeng confusedly with a look of inquiry.

"I respect your opinion, Brother Ding." Chen Rufeng said, "Although I am higher than you in the gang, I will always treat you as my brother in my heart."

Hearing the three words "Brother Ding", Ding Yu remembered that he had originally met Chen Rufeng in the prime minister's mansion and learned his "law of the weak". Later, he became a neighbor and further became a deep friend. The scene was vivid in his mind, just like yesterday, and he was suddenly full of emotion.

Seeing Ding Yu's so gloomy look, Lu Qiyin's smile suddenly faded a lot.

Everyone was silent, waiting for Ding Yu to make a decision.

It seemed to be a long time. Ding Yu closed his eyes and thought hard.

Finally, he opened his eyes and sighed.

He took Ling Xiaoyu's hand on his shoulder, turned to Chen Rufeng, and bent down. "Rufeng, I'm sorry. Master has always raised me, and Bi Xuexuan is my sect. I can't be ungrateful and drink water without thinking about the source.

Chen Rufeng choked and looked deeply at his guilty and ashamed eyes, knowing that he had made a decision and it was difficult to change it, so he had to wave his hand and give up.

"Let's go." A little helpless and a little reluctant. Chen Rufeng walked to the two ships moored on the shore first.

Tianfeng helped the people still want to persuade more, but Ding Yu has walked to Lu Chiyin and looked at the brothers and sisters who shared joys and sorrows in the past. It was difficult to face, so he had to look down at the ground with shame.

Seeing this, everyone had to follow Chen Rufeng onto the boat, leaving Ding Yu.

Looking at the boat of the Tianfeng Gang sailing grayly and gradually disappearing on the river bank, Ye Zhihang, Lu Chiyin and others smiled comfortably.

Only Jiang Shengtian looked at the shadow of the boat from afar, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

In this duel, Chen Rufeng was completely defeated and could not stand in the transportation party. Ding Yu, one of the three heroes of Tianfeng, was taken away by Lu Chiyin with confusion, which can be said to have lost his wife and soldiers.

But Chen Rufeng, who he knows, will never be such an easy loser, and even if he loses his luck, Tianfeng Gang has accumulated a lot. He still has many chips in his hand to compete with Ye Zhihang.

Or, compete with him, Jiang Shengtian.

There was only a piece of melancholy left in Dutou. The Taishou anxiously ordered people to clean up the mess. Ding Yu was faintly depressed beside him. Lu Chiyin and others did not dare to say more in front of him, so as not let him know that the fire was their masterpiece.

"Let's go." Ye Zhihang urged faintly that Jiang Shengtian seemed to wake up suddenly. Lu Chiyin and others had left with a happy smile. He didn't know how long he had been here.

And Ye Zhihang also stood here with him all the time, watching him in a daze.

Jiang Shengtian quickly followed him, and their figures also disappeared on the Guazhou ferry.

Returning from Shunyuan Waterway, Chen Rufeng has been sitting cross-legged in the cabin, without saying a word, closing his eyes to refresh his mind.

No one came in to disturb him. Even Pei Xinqing knew that Tianfeng helped with changes, and his heart must be uncomfortable. Instead of saying some useless comforting words, it is better to let him calm down and think about what to do next.

Only Jin Yilai leaned his back against the wall, and his eyes were inseparable from Chen Rufeng.

After he slowly opened his eyes, Jin Yilai said, "Is it still a step late?"

Chen Rufeng nodded.

There was a moment of silence in the cabin.

"If you pestered me alone at that time and let others go first, maybe you can stop it." Jin Yilai suddenly said strangely, "Why don't you let those people do this and leave it until we finish fighting?"

Chen Rufeng just stared at the box in the cabin and didn't seem to want to answer Jin Yilai's question.

But Jin Yilai is also a smart person and quick-minded. He frowned, "Is it possible that you deliberately didn't let them rush there first for me?"

Chen Rufeng was finally willing to meet his eyes head-on.

"If I really get there and prevent this fire from happening, then you will be charged with ineffective interception." Although Chen Rufeng's tone was light, it was mixed with extremely complex emotions. "I don't know their real plan. If I knew in advance that they were so careless, they would not only burn up the ship and burn up the goods, but also didn't leave a living mouth, maybe I would really bypass you and rush there directly."

Jin Yilai's face also turned gloomy.

"All mistakes are all my faults. It not only implicates you, but also implicates the Tianfeng Gang and so many people..." Jin Yilai couldn't restrain his emotions for a moment and showed a gloomy look.

"Don't say that. The culprit is Li Linfu." Chen Rufeng grabbed the void, as if to crush an invisible person. "And Ye Zhihang and Jiang Shengtian, as well as Lu Zhiyin's four accomplices."

The people on the ship were in a heavy mood. Hu Jiu did not roughly liquidate the loss, compensate for the goods and the pension given to the porters, and consumed a total of one-fifth of the property of the Tianfeng Gang. However, the biggest loss was that the "Three Heroes of Tianfeng" lost one of the heroes, leaving Ling Xiaoyu and Chuan against the current.

This is just the beginning.

The strategy formulated by Ye Zhihang beat the Tianfeng Gang and had no power to fight back. Chen Rufeng is well shud that Ye Zhihang must come one after another in the future, and the purpose is to completely sink Tianfeng's help.

All the way, he has not been afraid of any enemies, and until this moment. This intelligent battle, as long as you can keep the Tianfeng Gang, it can be regarded as a birth. Now that the winning conditions are clear, everything is easy to do.

The ship was close to the shore, and everyone got off the boat one after another. Chen Rufeng and Jin Yilai said goodbye to each other on the shore.

"I'm going back now and immediately start to prepare to rescue Mrs. Jin. You can go back to the prime minister's house for the time being and cooperate with me at that time." Chen Rufeng said, seeing that Jin Yilai was worried and worried, "Don't worry, with the human and material resources of the Tianfeng Gang now, although it is a prime minister's mansion, it is not difficult to save the two people."

Jin Yilai had to listen to what he said, pretended to fight with Chen Rufeng and returned home with an injury, lurking and waiting to save people. The two exchanged treasures, and Chen Rufeng looked at his back until it disappeared.

At this time, Pei Xinqing also came over and said, "I will immediately investigate who bought that large number of mixed bombs. Even if it is turned upside down, I will help you find out!"

Chen Rufeng couldn't bear to show too much hard face in front of her, so he had to squeeze a smile and told him, "Be careful!" Then he followed the brigade of the Tianfeng Gang and returned to the gang.

Perilinqing stared at his back worriedly, and suddenly felt a sense of colic in his chest. Suddenly, he couldn't help covering it with one hand and snorting.

"Lord!" The two people accompanying them were shocked and panicked when they saw that their beautiful face was distorted.

"I'm fine!" Li Xinqing took a few deep breaths of atmosphere in a row. Looking at Chen Rufeng's gradually disappearing back, the pain seemed to penetrate into her heart, "Let's go!"