yu feng xing

Chapter 30: Disintegration

Back in Tianfeng Bangbao, I saw two middle-aged men and a woman outside the door entangled with the gatekeepers. They were well-dressed and did not look like those partner scoundrels.

"I've told you a thousand times, and my son is in it! I want to see him!" The white-haired middle-aged man shouted and kept pushing the gatekeeper. As for the woman, she simply cried and cried.

"Oh, my God, how can there be such an unscrupulous person who won't even let his son see him! Whoo..." Looking at the woman's tearful and tearful appearance, the two people holding their gangs were embarrassed. It was not the rules to let them in, and it seemed too unhuman to let them in.

Just as the two sides were entangled, Chen Rufeng and others had arrived.

"The Lord is back!" When the two gangs saw Chen Rufeng like a savior, they said to the middle-aged couple, "Our master is back, and everything is up to him."

The two turned their heads. Before Chen Rufeng could see their appearance clearly, the river next to him had already screamed, and he couldn't say whether he was happy or sad, and shouted, "Dad! Mother! Why are you here?"

As soon as they saw the river countercurrent, the middle-aged couple changed their bitter gourd-like expression and ran to the river countercurrent with joy. The two kept looking at him up and down, and the woman patted him in the face again. Although the river countercurrent had been smiling, it was still sad and looked very awkward.

Chen Rufeng said lightly, "Since your father and mother are here, let's go in and sit down first!"

So the parents of the river against the current followed the brigade and walked into the Tianfeng Fort together. Along the way, they all booed and warmed against the river, and said painfully that he had lost a lot of weight and asked him if he had suffered a lot. But the river's countercurrent is just a sad smile and has been shaking his head, saying that he has been doing well these days. But when Chuan's mother saw his sad face, she suddenly forgot the strange disease on his sad face. She thought that he looked like this because of many grievances and looked at Chen Rufeng complaining for a moment.

Entering the living room, Chen Rufeng ordered someone to bring tea and politely greeted Chuan's father and Chuan's mother, but both of them spoke coldly to him and did not pay attention to his majestic Tianfeng gang leader at all. Chuan countercurrent understood that they thought it was Chen Rufeng who had made his only son in the family suffer a lot. They even explained, but it was difficult to explain the misunderstanding for a moment. The two still raised their faces high and ignored Chen Rufeng.

"Don't be surprised, master." The river went against the current and made amends for the two.

Chen Rufeng smiled faintly, knowing that Chuan's father and mother only loved their son to have such a reaction, and he was not too worried.

"Why are you so polite to him?" Chuan's mother said angrily and stared at Chen Rufeng, "Well, this so-called master kidnapped you, and I don't know what the intention is."

Chen Rufeng smiled bitterly and couldn't help saying, "According to the countercurrent, you drove him out of the house that day. He volunteered to join our Tianfeng gang. How can he say 'guai'?"

Chuan's father and mother blushed. At the same time, they looked at Chuan Yiliu. Chuan Yiliu only looked sad. Thinking of the painful experience of being expelled from the house by their parents at that time, tears were about to come out of their eyes.

Father Sichuan stammered and defended, "I... I'm just angry for a moment! After that, we also regretted it and dispersed our hands to find him. Unexpectedly, he set foot in the world and joined your nondescript gang!"

"What's wrong with you?" Hu Jiuwei said a little angrily. The two were stunned by Hu Jiuwei's angry face. Chen Rufeng glanced at him reproachfully.

"The old man doesn't know the situation. Don't be surprised by them." Chen Rufeng still kept a smile and looked at the two and said, "Our Tianfeng Gang is a famous and decent gang. If you don't believe it, you can ask what kind of gang my Tianfeng Gang is."

As soon as they heard this, they were just angry and slandered the Tianfeng Gang, but now they can't think of words to continue to fight against Chen Rufeng, so they have to sulk.

Chuan countercurrent comforted: "Master, he treats me very well, and I'm doing well here."

"Very good?" Chuan's father was angry with Sichuan and scolded, "Although I don't know the beginning of your gang, which of the world doesn't live a life of licking blood with a knife? You are the only son of the Sichuan family. If anything happens to you, can you be worthy of the ancestors of the Sichuan family?

Including Chen Rufeng, everyone heard Chuan's father's words and suddenly stared and froze on the spot.

"That's right!" Chuan's mother squeezed out another string of tears and cried, "You have to go back with us today anyway!"

Sichuan looked at his parents sadly and helplessly, and also looked at Chen Rufeng, not knowing what to do.

"Although you have a strange disease, you are our son after all. How can you give up your flesh and blood so easily? If you go back with us, I promise that I will never kick you out of the house in the future, let alone blame you for disturbing people. Chuan's father said solemnly.

"This..." The river has no independent opinions against the current, and the sad clouds are bleak.

Chuan's mother suddenly knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Chen Rufeng repeatedly, and cried, "Please, give me back my son!"

Chen Rufeng jumped up and helped her up, and his face was extremely embarrassed. "I can't stand such a big gift. I have something to say!"

"Master..." Chuan's countercurrent did not know what he was thinking. It seemed that he was a little ignored his family affection when he stayed in Tianfeng Gang. When he left with his parents, he seemed unrighteous. He had to turn to Chen Rufeng for help.

"You stinky boy, you only care about looking at the outsider's face..." Chuan's father saw Chuan against the current and asked Chen Rufeng for advice. He gasped on fire and slapped him.

"You go with your parents."

The hall suddenly became silent, and even Chuan's father, who had waved half of his palm, hung in mid-air and looked at Chen Rufeng in disbelief.

However, Chen Rufeng's eyes were immersed in the shadow and his eyes could not be grasped.

"Lord... be careful..." Hu Jiu did not remind him.

If the river goes against the current, then there will be only one of the three heroes of Tianfeng.

Chuan's father and mother stayed on the spot, and Chuan's mother also questioned the gentleman's hinterland with the heart of a villain, "Don't use these bitter tricks to keep my son."

Chen Rufeng ignored him, but looked at the river and said lightly, "Hundreds put filial piety first. Your father is right. What you live in the world is life-threatening at any time, especially if you follow me, the master who has formed a relationship with so many strong enemies, which is more dangerous. You are the only son in the family, and I can't make your family extinct because of your selfishness.

Sichuan's eyes said sadly, "But... I have already regarded the Tianfeng Gang as my home, and you can say it's my family!" In fact, Chuan Countercurrent is more inclined to stay in Tianfeng Gang. He is used to everything here and suddenly wants him to leave. If he changes, no one will be reluctant.

"That's right!" Ling Xiaoyu scrambled and said, "I'm used to listening to his complaining flute to fall asleep at night. I won't sleep without him!"

After listening to Ling Xiaoyu's words, Chuan wanted to laugh against the current, but as soon as the smile came to his face, he became sad.

"Don't say more. Even if you don't want to leave with your parents, I won't allow you to stay in Tianfeng Gang!" Chen Rufeng stood up and walked out of the living room, full of determination.

Everyone looked at Chen Rufeng's back and didn't know what to say for a moment. Only the river burst into tears and wept. This time, he was really sad from his heart, and there was no reason.

Ling Xiaoyu looked at the direction of Chen Rufeng's departure, as if there was an impulse, and finally restrained herself. He watched Chuan's parents constantly coaxing him, and Chuan's parents's face was crying again, and he couldn't help but feel funny, just like watching his parents persuading an obedient urchin. Suddenly, there was a pain in his heart and suddenly remembered that he had been without a father or mother for many years.

At this time, his parents are alive and have the opportunity to be filial, but he himself...

Considering this, Ling Xiaoyu faintly sensed Chen Rufeng's mind. Looking at Chuan's father and mother in the hall, she felt something clear in her heart. Although he was extremely reluctant to part with Sichuan's countercurrent, he still did not say anything to retain her. He sighed and left the hall with Chen Rufeng's back.

"Let's go, people have driven you away. Why do you have to die here?" Sichuan's mother advised bitterly. After a long time, Chuan had to listen to his parents, obediently entered the room to pack up his bags, and prepare to leave the gang.

In front of the Tianfeng Gangbao Gate, only Hu Jiuwei, Liu Hong and Chai Yuanlang came to see them off. Chen Rufeng and Ling Xiaoyu were not present for reasons whether they could not stand the pain of parting or for other reasons.

Chuan followed his parents sadly against the current and looked back reluctantly. On that day, I met Chen Rufeng in the valley for the first time, but I didn't expect that so many days had passed in a flash. He didn't know how many days and nights he lived in this big castle. Looking at the top of the castle that was not in sight, the scene of the three heroes of Tianfeng practicing hard and diligently came to his mind again.

Everyone is used to the sadness of the river's countercurrent, and the sadness is even stronger at different times.

"You two, I have something to ask you." Hu Jiuwei suddenly said to Chuan's father Chuan's mother.

"Please say it." Chuan's father was extremely impatient and just wanted to take his son home early to avoid more trouble.

"I want to ask who told you that the river is in our Tianfeng Gang?"

The mother of Sichuan replied without thinking, "It was a gang called Shadow Pavilion stationed in our town that told us. He said that our son strayed into a gang of thieves..."

"Shh..." Chuan's father interrupted in a hurry and scolded her in a low voice, "We promised what others can't say!"

Chuang's mother found that she had made a straight mistake and quickly closed her mouth.

"The Shadow Pavilion... It's their trick again..." Hu Jiuwei nodded and narrowed his eyes into a crack.

"Farewell." Chuan's father and mother hurriedly pulled Chuan against the current and ran away. Chuanhou looked back from time to time and gradually disappeared into the forest in the distance.