yu feng xing

Chapter 49: At the beginning of the disaster

Since the person in charge of the chase brought back the body of Perak Xuanjing, there has been a layer of haze all over Pejiazhuang.

In the house, no one has a bloody face.

Pei Xinqing's eyes were full of sadness, and she turned her head aside and couldn't bear to look at the body of Per Xuanjing Chen put in the hall.

The rest of the elders of the Perak family are solemn. Although Perak Xuanjing did not treat them well in the past, he has always been a member of the Perak family. When he died for no reason, he was still a little uncomfortable.

As for Perak Xinqing, even if Perak Xuanjing has been unfavorable to her many times in the past, the last time we met him was still a living second uncle, but today they are separated by yin and yang. The family affection whose blood is thicker than water is finally better than the past grudges.

After all, she couldn't help crying and drooping her head.

"Master, the second master escaped with Xue Chengui. Now he only sees the second master, but he is gone..." The disciple of the Perak family village, who was in charge of the pursuit, said his suspicion.

Pei Shouyang pondered, "The second master was plotted to death by the 'shadowless needle'. So it seems that the person who plotted him with the shadowless needle is Xue Chengui."

pi xin qing still didn't say a word, covering her eyes with her hands, as if she wanted to cover up her sadness.

It has always been her daughter's home, and she is not as calm as the older generation such as Perse Shouyang, but she soon realized her identity as the owner. She forced her wounds and cried. She put down her hand, glanced at the crowd, squeezed her lips and asked, "Why did Xue Chengui plot to be the second head?"

Everyone meditated for a moment, and at this time, Perixian Long said, "Maybe there was a dispute after they escaped together. One disagreement, Xue Chengui's martial arts was defeated by Xuanjing, so he had to use a plot."

Everyone listened to Perixian Long's opinion and nodded in agreement.

Percy Qing endured the pain and said, "We must get this bloody account back from Xue Chen and pass it on. Even if we search all over the ends of the earth, we will catch Xue Chengui!"

They never dreamed that Pei Xuanjing was carelessly poisoned by Xue Chengui in order to maintain the peace of Pejiazhuang.

"Qing'er, I have another hidden worry." Perak Shouyang frowned and said.

"Third uncle, please tell me."

"Xue Chen has many secrets in our village, especially in the manufacture of hidden weapons. Now he hates our Peijiazhuang and doesn't know what he will do after escaping." Pei Shouyang said so, which immediately aroused uneasiness in the hearts of the people present. Everyone looked at each other and their worries overflowed with words.

Percy Xinqing nodded, "The top priority is to find Xue Chen as soon as possible. You have to see people in life and corpses when you die. Percy Xinqing finally said harsh words, which was enough to show his decision. Because Xue Chengui's interest in Peijiazhuang was too great, she had no choice but to make such a decision.

"As for the second uncle... bury him well. After all, he is also a member of our family." Percy Heart doesn't want to say more, and there is a depression in her heart.

Everyone sighed slightly. People can't come back to life, so they let the past estrangement and hatred disappear. Except for what Percy Jing has done in the past, he is a part of the Perak family.

I don't know how long he has been walking. In order to avoid those desperate disciples of Peijiazhuang, his foot strength has reached the limit. Along the way, he hid in the trees and slept in the forest, and slept in the wind. His clothes that were originally slightly worn out were countless more holes and unkempt. Except for the clothes, a little shiny clue can be seen. In addition, the rest are no different from those beggars on the street.

Anyway, he finally came here, Chang'an!

He looked up at the towering tower, with a smile on the corners of his dirty mouth.

"Hight!" The guard of the gate looked at him with disgust and blocked his way with the spear in his hand.

He bent down and shook a wisp of hair in front of him, but his eyes could not hide the fine light.

"Where did the beggar come from?" The guard set him away with a spear, "How can a person like you go in and out of Chang'an City?"

Xue Chengui just smiled at him stupidly.

"It turned out to be a madman!" The guard's disgust was even heavier, and he almost kicked him away.

Only at this time, a silver projectile quietly rolled to the ground. As soon as the guard lowered his head and noticed that the projectile had burst into a smoke, like a smoker, devouring the whole gate.

It was chaotic, and the people preparing to enter the city panicked and exclaimed repeatedly.

Xue Chengui's figure passed through the thick fog like an arrow and broke into the prosperous capital Chang'an.

The fog dissipated, only the angry voice of the guards and the lingering joy of the people.

Under half fall and half collision, Xue Chen returned to the prime minister's house.

He looked at the plaque on the door of the house in disbelief.

In the mansion.

Lu Zhiyin, Yuan Fan, He Chengpiao and Liu Feilong were all present, but they were not happy on their faces. On the contrary, they were a little indignant, but they just didn't want to show too much.

Two people came outside the door of the living room. Li Yinru was dressed like snow, but the mourning period had not passed. His face was as cold as frost, and his charming face gave people an irresistible chill. The figure of the once weak woman has disappeared on her body, and the rest is to prepare to resist the condensation of the enemy.

Next to her is Ye Zhihang, who has always appeared rarely.

Originally, the four people were about to attack when they saw Li Yinru's dissatisfaction. After seeing Ye Zhihang beside them, they swallowed those angry words back into their stomachs.

"Guys, I've been waiting for a long time." Li Yinru said lightly without looking at them, and went straight to the main seat and sat down.

Lu Chiyin glanced at Ye Zhihang standing next to her with a little fear, and finally stiffened his waist and said, "Miss Li..."

"Call me Mrs. Jiang." Li Yinru corrected him without blinking.

Lu Chiyin changed color slightly, as if he had put down something, and continued: "Mrs. Jiang, since the battle of Guazhou, we have done our best, and our cooperation with Xiangfu has also come to an end..."

Lu Chiyin said while doubting. Since Jiang Shengtian's death, this Li Yinru seems to have taken his place and deal with all the world affairs related to the prime minister's mansion. He wonders whether this woman is good and weak, or her means well-evident and tough. The so-called self-knowing enemy can win the greatest gain for herself. Benefit.

But after he finished speaking, Li Yinru smiled coldly and said, "End? Don't you want to be a monk after the fasting?"

The atmosphere in the hall became stiff.

Yuan Fan couldn't help saying, "The prime minister has made a lot of benefits that time. Aren't you satisfied?"

"Is that less beneficial to you?" Li Yinru sneered angrily, "Since then, the strength of the Tianfeng Gang has plummeted, and even the three lines of rice grain, canal transportation and satin have been handed back to you. Could it be that Elder Yuan has such a poor memory?"

Yuan Fan was mute for a moment. He wanted to bully Li Yinru who was unfamiliar with the past, but he did not know that Ye Zhihang had already made the past clear. Li Yinru was not a weak woman on that day, but a strong man who could be alone.

Li Yinru continued to say, "I'm calling you here today, not for you to work for the prime minister. The so-called mutual benefit, since we have the first cooperation, we can naturally have a second cooperation. Li Yinru broke the mentality of the four people in a word. They couldn't let go of their face. They felt that they were doing it as if they were doing it with the prime minister's house. Hearing Li Yin's clear explanation, the four people were a little relieved.

"Mrs. Jiang, please continue to elaborate." He Chengpiao made a "please" gesture calmly.

"I only have one goal: to destroy the Tianfeng Gang, and my prime minister will not intervene in the rest of it." Li Yinru said simply and clearly, and his eyes glowed like snakes and scorpions.

After hearing this, all four people were stunned and suddenly understood that Li Yin's intention was to avenge her husband. As long as she could destroy the Tianfeng Gang, she could do anything. As for all the benefits after the overthrow of the Tianfeng Gang, it was occupied by them.

The four of them hesitated and began to calculate whether the business was a loss or a profit. They began to whisper again, and they did not get a result for a long time. Li Yinru was not anxious and waited coldly for their discussion to finish.

At this time, Tian Yishan, the housekeeper, rushed in. Obviously, Li Yinru's status in the prime minister's mansion today was second only to Li Linfu. He bowed respectfully and did not dare to speak too loudly and said, "Miss, there was a ragged beggar outside who said that he wanted to see the prime minister. He said that he had a way to deal with the Tianfeng Gang. The little one dares not make a decision..."

Li Yinru frowned slightly and looked at Ye Zhihang inquiringly. Ye Zhihang just nodded and said nothing. Li Yinru said to Tian Yishan, "Take him in and see who he is!"

Soon, a group of families seemed to take back Xue Chen back.