I have something to do with you

281 Royal Driver Back

Because imitation incense needs to be used as the basis for distinguishing incense, the winner should be the Qian family, but it can only maintain the similarity for two days and still lose to the Ding family.

The Ding family in Nanling can easily imitate all kinds of best fragrances. However, if the imitation is successful, the original creator will be defeated, so the Ding family should not be underestimated.

"Chuangxiang" is the highest level and the most difficult state to achieve. On the basis of the practice of distinguishing incense and imitating incense, we should design and create an aroma to meet the needs of a person or something.

In this way, it is necessary to master the application range of spices, because some spices have similar smells and are difficult for ordinary people to distinguish. However, one is pleasant, the other can kill people, and some spices are used alone. It is okay to mix with some spices, but it will produce great lethality just by encountering another spice.

It is said that the Xiling Su family was killed by a full family for this reason.

Creating incense is not only a skill. It is necessary to produce the most suitable fragrance according to the environment, utensils, and even people. The best fragrance creator can communicate with the soul of the created fragrance, and the soul is changeable. Therefore, the fragrance prepared by an excellent incense creator cannot be easily imitated. This is also Beiling Mu Why can't anyone imitate the fragrance in the family's goose pear tent for so many years, because how can a person clearly perceive another person's heart? Even I sometimes can't figure out my emotions. For laymen, the fragrance in the goose pear tent only feels that the fragrance has always been long, but I don't know that there will always be subtle changes because of the change in the mood of the creator, so it is unpredictable at all.

Luo Wener closed the book and fell into meditation.

No wonder I feel that the smell of the fragrance in the goose pear tent mixed with Mo Xi's breath is different from before. That's why.

However, the Mu family has reached the peak in the stage of creating incense. The last procedure of each incense fighting conference is to imitate the fragrance in the goose pear tent. How can she defeat this thousand-year-old family, take the lead, and save Sanlang?

She only has three months.

She sighed and looked out of the window, only to find that it was dark, and Wanying was dozing off against the bookcase. Her head was a little by little, and her body was slanted outside the chair. It was really difficult for her to persist for so long and not fall to the ground.

This girl seems to be energetic only when she is with Sanlang.

If it hadn't been for the fact that she came to the secret room of this bookstore every day to save Sanlang, Wanying would have even violated Mo Xi's order.

And why did she listen to Mo Xi's words and have to follow Wanying?

That man... should have reached the cool threshold now, right?

She lost her mind for a moment, then picked up the hat on the table, put it on her head, and still muttered in her heart that it was already dark. It didn't seem necessary, right?

But she still tied the ribbon under her chin and walked over to ask Wanying to leave.

Although Wanying's sleeping posture is dangerous, she has no intention of waking up at all.

She is a little anxious. If she doesn't leave, she will have a curfew.

In an emergency, an idea...


Her voice was not loud, but she saw Wanying successfully opened her eyes.

I just found that the person in front of me was not Sanlang, and his suddenly focused eyes were scattered, and there was a danger of dreaming again.

Luo Wener quickly reached out to support her eyelids: "Wanying, if we sleep again, we will spend the night here!"

Although Wanying's eyelids are thin and fragile, their will to fall is very resolute and strong.

Luo Wener couldn't help it, so she had to take "Sanlang" as an emergency again. However, after several times, Wanying was as dead as the deceived people in "The Wolf Is Coming" and refused to open her eyes again.

The door sounded softly: "Girl, what's the matter?"

Luo Wen'er realized that she must have been so excited that she screamed, but she was heard by people outside.

It was not until she got her response that the outside opened the door, so Luo Wener saw a clean and beautiful face that was a little serious.

"Uh," she was a little embarrassed: "The girl who came with me fell asleep."

If others hear it, they will think that there is something wrong with her brain. Isn't it just that someone is asleep and worth shouting like this?

But this clean bookstore clerk didn't seem to be surprised. He turned back and turned around later. He politely said to her, "Please avoid it."

Luo Wener dares not leave... Who knows what this seemingly serious teenager will do to Wanying?

So he only turned around.

However, after a while, Wanying suddenly heard a scream.

She hurriedly turned around and found that Wanying had woken up and was energetic. She was angry and stared at the innocent little guy.

Luo Wener was only worried about Yi Wanying's temper and was afraid of fighting with the little guy, but Wanying only stared at the little guy angrily and went out of the door angrily.

Luo Wen'er couldn't help looking curiously at this little guy with a calm face. She really wanted to ask him how to wake up Wanying. Because since she returned to her side, she fell into a state of not waking up. She even had to use all means to get up and go out with her in the morning, so she cursed hundreds of times how Mo Xi sent her like this. A hard job.

However, Mo Xi said, "Although Wanying is not the most ideal person to stay with you at present."

She thought about this sentence repeatedly and felt that it was a sick sentence.

At this moment, she was worried that although Wanying was awake, she was afraid that she would drift to the road to sleep. She quickly followed her out, but she saw Wanying standing by the carriage in the yard, hanging her head, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Luo Wener turned around and said goodbye and thanked the little guy.

The little guy only hooked the corners of his lips, and his young face was a little cool, but Luo Wener clearly remembered that every time he greeted guests outside, his face was full of enthusiasm.

These people under Mo Xi are really interesting.

She walked to the carriage, and the little man took two steps quickly, brushed her like a wind, and walked to Wanying.

Luo Wener didn't know what he said to Wanying, but Wanying suddenly raised her head, with anger and panic in her eyes.

She got into the car as if she hadn't seen anything.

With a swing of Wanying's whip, the car moves forward smoothly.

She lifted the curtains, but saw the little guy standing by the door bowing slightly to see him off.

Although the action is humble, the face is still calm.

put down the curtains and close your eyes to meditate.

However, at this moment, she doesn't know that since this time, Wanying has never been so sleepy before someone came back.


In a flash, it has entered March. It is a good time for grass to grow and warbler to fly, willows to spit green, and spring flowers to compete.

However, Luo Wener had no time to enjoy the spring. She rushed to the bookstore at dawn every day and didn't come back until the curfew.

When she sat in the car and closed her eyes to digest what she had gained during the day, the breath of spring slipped in through the moving curtains.

slightly cool, slightly fragrant, slightly sweet and slightly damp.

She took a deep breath, allowing the freshness of the dark night to fill her lungs, and her whole body seemed to be soaked in this freshness, floating in the gauze-like night.

Spring does seem to bring vitality. Not only are the branches of the trees softer, not only the fragrance of the flowers warms the coldness of the night, not only all the sounds are clear in the increasingly clear color, but also the heart seems to feel this joy, with a slight throbbing.

She covered her chest, but the shadow of the man appeared in front of her.

It's been a month. I don't know how the business is doing, and I don't know when I will come back...

The carriage is dark, and she doesn't want to light the light. She just let the curtains move and expose the light under the eaves from time to time.

In such a quiet night, in such a gently shaking car, in such a tired body, at this moment, she doesn't want to do anything or think about anything. Only that person's figure floats in the air and looks at her with a soft smile as before...


In April, the color of the eyes is more, and this bustling city becomes more lively because the spring is thicker and the warmer the sun is.

On April 15, 190 of the lunar calendar, the imperial driver returned to Luang, and everyone went to have a look. Luo Wener also put down her daily busyness and looked at the crowd.

It seems to be a headless convoy, gorgeous, through the guarded sword halberd, moving in front of you like a satin.

The noise and the sound of silk bamboo are mixed together, covering all the sounds that belong to spring.

From time to time, fine objects burst out of the car like fireworks, folding out or short golden light in the sunlight and scattering it on the crowd.

is a golden melon seed.

Everyone was busy picking up the rewards that fell from this day, so the crowd was even more chaotic.

Luo Wen'er was like a small boat on the sea, which was squeezed here and there for a while, but her eyes never left the convoy, and the golden melon seeds shining with happiness passed by like raindrops again and again.

Mo Xi... Will Mo Xi come back with the team? Or, if this team passes by, it will be his carriage and horse? Anyway, this is the only way to Beijing.

I still remember that last year, he came back on the day the king drove back to Luan. She was surprised, but she didn't want to make trouble because of Bai Ling.

And this year...

She hasn't figured out what he wants to say, and she doesn't know why she wants to appear here. Maybe she just wants to see if he is okay.

The cool threshold is thousands of miles away from Shengjing, and it will take time to go back and forth. Moreover, no matter how luxurious he is, he is bumpy and tired on the journey, and what he wants to do is "big business", which is laborious and laborious, in case...

And with a long journey, will you encounter robbers? Bandit? And...

How strange a person is. The more you care about a person, the more you will fantasize about him in a bad way. In the end, it will make you panic and eat and sleep.

At present, Luo Wener, who is full of trembling and looking forward to it, is wrapped in a crowded crowd, trying to stand up and look at...

The motorcade was too dazzling, and she only cared to look at the end, so she didn't see a car with golden jade curtains slightly opened, a pair of gorgeous and elegant eyes, looking at her with thin mackerel. The corners of her lips were that she wanted to see and drive away in countless dreams, but she was lingering. A soft smile.