I have something to do with you

282 This heart is only for you

The crowd was busy running for competition. Only she stood, dressed in plain floral clothes, obediently wearing a hat, followed by impatient Wanying, and occasionally waved her arms to catch the golden melon seeds thrown over, just because she felt bored.

She was pushed by the crowd, slender and slender, and was about to be swallowed by waves several times, but it was so eye-catching that pierced into his eyes.

He looked at it for a moment, attentively and meticulously, and his eyes flowed with 74 days and nights of missing.

Although he sat in the car, his heart had already flown out, hugged the crooked little man and spoiled him with all his heart.

"Master..." Hu Lun, who stood aside, carefully opened his mouth.

He didn't understand that since the master missed that person so much, why didn't he sneak out of the convoy to find her like last time?

Qian Yumo raised his hand slightly, and he was silent. He only secretly looked at the back of the master who had always refused to move his eyes. He was afraid that he wanted to test his weight in Luo Wen'er's mind like the previous few times?

But people don't expect to wait for him to come back through the autumn water. Why do they need to do this?


Since the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the master has taken off the purple that has stayed on his body for six years, which is almost part of his body and even life, and changed into a snow coat.

He clearly remembered that day, the master personally put away all the purple, stroked them affectionately for a long time, and then pressed them all into the bottom of the box.

Maybe it's not just the color that has changed.

Now, should he be glad that Wang Shang finally came out of the old dream, or should he worry that his master has stepped into another dream hopelessly?

At this time, it is the time when wisteria is in full bloom. Will the master go to the purple garden and sit quietly under the scene of wisteria and lose his mind?

When my mind turned around, I suddenly saw the master's body shake and pulled the curtain.

He was surprised, but he saw that the master took out a neatly folded piece of paper from his skirt.

The corners of his mouth are shrugged...

Here comes again, it is a map like a ghost figure, which is twisted into a word "Mo", but when there is no one... Er, does the master not treat him as a person or treat him as his own now?

Anyway, he often had to take it out to see, and then this dreamlike smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and his hand gently stroked it, making him always get goose bumps.

The master seemed to hear the sound of goose bumps and looked at him.

Oh, my God, what kind of look is that? Although there is a sense of warning and threat, it is more joy, missing, intoxicated, warmth, relief, yearning and other emotions that have not yet been restrained.

Master, are you trying to seduce me?

Hu Lun was so excited that he shuddered all over, and then he saw that his master couldn't help opening the gap in the curtain and looking at it for a long time.

Hu Lun is a little stuffy.

Lang Hao may be right. As an eunuch, he may really not understand the love between men and women, but Lang Hao has a poor status with the eldest princess. He doesn't dare to show love. The identity of the master and Luo Wen'er is even more different, but the master is the lord of a country. If he wants any woman, he can be carried directly into the palace, no matter whether she knows her or not. Real identity?

What if you know? When she becomes the master, are you afraid that she will turn upside down? But I just looked at it so much, looking forward and backward, when will it be the end?

However, he was punished for concealing Luo Wen'er's danger. It is already a great favor that the master can allow him to follow him. Now he can't interrupt except to truthfully report the situation about Luo Wen'er, so he can only look at the master's back uneasily...

The master laughed.

With his understanding of the master, even in his back, he knew that the master laughed, drunkenly, laughing, laughing... weird, but nervous...


Luo Wen'er stared suspiciously at a gorgeous sedan that had passed.

Another handful of golden melon seeds spread over, and people rushed up and almost buried her.

She easily stood firm and looked at the car again...

The motorcade has traveled, and it belongs to the Wang family's noble and fragrant fragrance, but just now, how could it feel that these richness is mixed with a familiar atmosphere, that is, floating out of the car?

Friendly and alienated, contradictory and complex...

It's exactly the smell of water.


It has been five days since Wang returned to Beijing.

Inexplicably, Luo Wener also regarded this as the day when Mo Xi returned to Beijing, perhaps because of that fleeting, there seemed to be no water fragrance.

But how can Mo Xi's breath be in the sedan chair? Does Wang Shang also like to use this kind of fragrance? Or is it just her hallucination?

She had some random guesses.

And even if Mo Xi did not return to Beijing together, the alliance of princes has ended, and there is no need for him to stay at the cool threshold, isn't it...

Involuntarily, I remembered the enchanting back on the gathering of heroes.

And the cool threshold is at the foot of the emperor. Although it is not as rich as Shengjing, it is also a prosperous place, intoxicated with gold, bright red and purple...

The mood is chaotic, and I often go distracted when I read in the daytime, and the day of the Fighting Fragrance Conference is getting closer and closer.

It was night. She turned around in **, stroking her chest with one hand... The night spirit star with thousands of wings hidden there and the dragon-shaped jade pendant in the other hand. Her heart was indescribable and complicated, which made her feel more and more like herself.

She knew that this emotion was uncontrollable, but she couldn't control it. She seemed to walk alone on a deep path. As for where the road would extend, she did not know, but she continued to move forward uncontrollably.

She thought that after two months of calmness, she could make a clear choice and judgment. She did feel that her heart was still watery, but when things came, it was still chaotic. When she saw the convoy go away and smelled the fragrance of water, the dam built in her heart collapsed.

What she hates most is the watery poplar, stepping on two boats and swinging left and right, but now she has become such a person.

She once promised Qian Yuyi that she would not change her heart, and she once loved him so deeply, missed him, and was willing to live and die with him. Until now, she has not changed. And she even grinds with his temples and has a blind date with his skin...

All this is not a dream, but a living reality, but now, how can she care about another person? Is it because he has no news?

I don't know when her gentleness and persistence towards this person gradually became irresistible. She will also indulge in his arms, enjoy his gentleness, and learn to be jealous. Even if she still keeps the so-called defense line, is there any difference? She has changed.

Now, her heart is like a house. There is a person living in it, which can't be moved by thunder, and there is another person outside who once confused her with his cynicalism, making her relax her vigilance and let him approach unconsciously. When she looked back, she found that he was close at hand.

She was a little flustered and hurriedly closed the door, but she couldn't go away. She could only listen to his movements close to the door panel.

Now, he is outside the door. Even if there was a barrier, she looked at her as usual, guarded her, and waited for her to open the door to him, but she...

"Dong Dong".

Someone knocked on the door.

Luo Wener woke up from a heavy and tedious mood.

The voice was very soft, but it hit her heart like a heavy hammer, which made her heart beat wildly.

She turned over and sat up, feeling her heart beating rumble, but she still couldn't hide the faint tapping.

It's not a door, it's a window.

She moved to the window almost instantly.

However, when she opened the window, she saw a deep night.

The bottom of my eyes suddenly lost their luster, but the falling eyes suddenly stagnated...

She picked up a squarely folded piece of paper from the edge of the window, accompanied by layers of opening, and her heart beat violently.

is the simple map, the map that she never lost but was taken away by him.

On it, it is still the word she inadvertently sketched, but two thin words were added next to it, stroke by stroke... Peace.

I couldn't help smiling.

My heart is relieved.

However, when I wanted to fold it up, I found that there were a few more ink marks in the blank space in the lower right corner of the drawing.

To the edge of the lamp...

The iron- painted silver hook is unrestrained and elegant, leisurely and leisurely, very much like that person.

The light and shadow swayed, sprinkling tenderness on those four exquisite ink dots...

This heart, only you...


Chengyang Square has surrounded the bright yellow mantle since seven days ago. People passing by in the distance can only hear ping-pong inside, and people coming and shouting.

Because this year's incense fighting conference will be held in Shengjing, the venue is set in Chengyang Square, and the people sent by the royal family are stepping up preparations.

It is said that this Xiangdou Conference will be the largest and largest competition in history. Not only several vassal states, but also those small countries that can name have sent people out. Even the Yuanzhen Dynasty, who only watches on the wall, sent two people at each conference, and came with great interest.

However, although there are many people, most of them only have a reputation, because they all know that even if the Fighting Xiang Conference attracts talents from all over the world, it is only the Qian, Ding and Mu families of Xueling, and the winners are nothing more than the decision of these three families. The rest of the people are nothing more than a support. Who makes the Lord of Wuya too hospitable. , posted all over the world, Kyushu mainland, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he had won the Princess Huyang, who was from Xueling, and even loved her very much.

But it can gather so many people in one place, not only because of the extremely luxurious post of mud gold and silver, but also for the famous Tianxiang Building.

Recently, Tianxiang Building has been full of diners day and night.

The originally scheduled curfew has been lifted since May, so participants, relatives and friends from all over the world took turns to bomb Tianxiang Tower, making Zhao Yi and others turn like a top. They temporarily recruited 20 new guys for three shifts, but they were still too busy. Just yesterday, they were tired and one of them was announced by Luo Wen'er. The injury was specially treated by a doctor.