Capture the Beast

Chapter 117: Shaking

Red Night thought that Jin Ji had gone to the country of Allah for half a month, but in fact, Jin Ji only went for one day. His consumption was huge, and he traveled quickly with light power throughout the whole process. After arriving at the country of Yala, he had a move with others. When he quietly returned from the underground secret passage to the prison, he took three pills in a row before he crossed his legs to recuperate his internal breath.

After a long time, he reached out and sucked the paper on the table. He looked up slightly at the unmoved meal, and then he understood something. With a shaking hand and spreading the paper to look at it carefully, he was speechless for a long time.

To be honest... He never thought that Huangfu Ruoxi still had such a great ideal in his bones. He always thought that Huangfu Ruoxi was a soft shrimp, and it would be good to steal a life with the protection of Ximen Bingying. Who would have thought that this soft shrimp would want to protect Ximen Bingying in turn!

Yes, he has been mislooking at this soft shrimp. However, even so, with a little ideal soft shrimp, it is still a soft shrimp, destined not to live stably in this world of law of law. He will never change his original intention!

Jin Ji got out of bed, threw away his reply, and quietly left the room and turned to the other side.

At this time, in the palace, Ximen Bingying stepped into the trap set by the enemy step by step and frowned at the man who had not recovered.

A big man, are you afraid of suffering? Seeing him sip by mouthful and refusing to drink the medicine, she couldn't help standing up and grabbing the medicine bowl, pinching his cheeks and pouring it into it. She didn't stop until he coughed violently. He glanced at him with satisfaction, and he didn't spit it out, otherwise she would let the imperial doctor make another bowl!

Huangfu Zhenglong coughed for a long time before frowning and said, "Yinger, you will be more beautiful if you are gentle." But if she is gentle, she is not like the woman he likes. So he sighed in his heart: He really suffered by himself and pretended to be too much - in fact, he wanted to... let Yinger feed him with his mouth.

It's impossible to think with your toes. With the arrogant nature of Ximen Bingying, how could he make such a disgusting move? At most, it is a great achievement for her to admit her feelings.

"Is your injury almost healed?" Ximen Bingying put down the medicine bowl, regardless of his complaint and picked up the wet wipes to wipe the medicine splashed on his skin, and said naturally, "The doctor said that it will be completely cured in five days at most, and today is the fourth day. If you cry for pain or something, I will make you really hurt.

Since he was stolen by Huangfu Zhenglong at the most serious time of that day, Ximen Bingying has never let him succeed. After all, on the second day after the medicine, he was much better than the first day. The subsequent pain must be pretending, and she is not so easily fooled. Therefore, Huangfu Zhenglong still has heartache in addition to physical pain - why can't you have both fish and bear paws? While the injury is healed, it also makes his relationship with Yinger increase day by day...

"It doesn't seem to hurt that much." Huangfu Zhenglong intends to be careless. He didn't want to follow her and look at her anymore. He wanted to get her and really captured her body and mind. She will stay by his side obediently, stop looking at other men, and only see him - this is the result he wants.

Ximen Bingying couldn't help poking him and scolding, "What are you worried about? I didn't say I would accompany you..." She withdrew her hand and didn't say it completely for a month. At that time, she didn't say that she would only stay with him for a month. Now she said that he would turn against him, right? Without his cooperation, Jin Ji will trouble her again. She must complete this month's task with his cooperation...

So she continued, "It was said that I would accompany you, but I didn't say that I would leave the palace after you recovered." In the past few days, I have met the eldest brother. The eldest brother knew her situation, so he went back to report the letter to his parents. She just wanted to stop the conference against Jin Ji after rescuing Ruoxi. She doesn't think Dongliu Villa will get any advantage in this 'treat'.

Huangfu Zhenglong moved his body and said with a wry smile, "What the imperial doctor said is really accurate. It will take five days. I think I can really recover tomorrow. I will get out of bed and plead guilty to my father and mother.

Ximen Bingying scolded him in her heart, so that she had to plead guilty. After all, it was because of her that the emperor was furious and beat the prince. Everyone knows about this. Won't she plead guilty? At that time, don't let the emperor deliberately come to find her fault. She can't eat and leave.

So she was dissatisfied, so she snorted and sat down to ignore him. However, as soon as she heard the movement behind her, she moved a distance to the side, knocked off his salted pig's hand that stretched out to put around her waist, and scolded, "You lie down well. I won't stop you if you are healed!"

Suddenly, she felt a little uncomfortable. She was not really jealous or anything, but she felt that Huangfu Zhenglong... was too inhuman! I have always shown a special preference for her, but I didn't fall behind when I went to the brothel and found a woman to sleep in bed. She knows very well that the women in Dongqing Palace are not twenty or twelve years old!

She couldn't help wondering, so what is his so-called affection for her? It's really hard for her to imagine that the scene - there is a person in her heart, but she does that kind of thing that her lover can do with many other people... In the end, she can only borrow a rotten sentence - men are animals that think in the lower body. Huangfu Zhenglong is the kind of animal that especially thinks with its lower body. So even she came to take care of him, regardless of the seriousness of the injury, and took away her so-called 'real first kiss'.

It's really... Alas. She sighed, and the cold face was not like that. It seems that getting a woman's body is more important than anything else. Thinking of this, she still felt that Ruoxi was good. Ruoxi liked her, and she faintly felt something. However, Ruoxi has never shown any evil thoughts about her. She is very relaxed with him, but maybe it's because Ruoxi is still young. As for the eldest brother who respected her the most, she smiled secretly: That's because the eldest brother was originally a brother and sister to her...

"Yinger, what are you thinking about?" Huangfu Zhenglong suddenly felt unhappy when he saw her frowning and smiling. Is she still thinking about Ye Bing? Everything reported by Liu Yuanchen shows that the only man Yinger had in her heart was Ye Bing. Sooner or later... he hummed.

"I'm wondering which sentence you said is true and which is false." Ximen Bingying glanced at him and was not afraid that he would think about it and said directly, "You have so many women, and you can't sleep at night, but you want to accept me, an unclean woman, as if you have a special preference for me, and you have to be me. I really can't understand what's in your mind.

Huangfu Zhenglong suddenly had a little unnaturalness. When it comes to his women... He turned his head and looked elsewhere. It took him a long time to come up with the wording and said, "This... I am the prince. I have known it since I was a child, and the prince will be the emperor in the future. The emperor is all three palaces and six courtyards. So... I have always been restrained in this regard. If I meet a woman who is still appreciated, I will accept it, and occasionally go to the brothel because of my own needs. Of course, that refers to the time when I was in Dongliu Villa.

Ximen Bingying hummed, "Of course. You are the prince now. If you want any woman, they will bring it for you. Where do you need to go to the brothel?"

She turned her head and didn't bother to look at him. That's not what she asked, okay? She wants to say: Since he has so many women, why do he have to get her? She even wanted to ask him if he would give up on her after serving him all night?

Of course, she can't say such explicit words, but she does think so. Maybe... he is unwilling to have another bee to pick the flower he has been coveted for a long time before him.

"Yinger, I admit that I have had a lot of women, but that's all before. Now, I have decided that you are doing the same as you. Huangfu Zhenglong remembered what his master Sun Jianghao and the woman in red said, so he changed his words and said sincerely, "As long as you want, you and I can abandon the past - you don't care that I have had many women, and I don't care that you are cheated by the cold face, and then we will be happy together. I will use my imperial power to shield you from the wind and rain. Yinger, as long as you say 'good', I can give up other women for you.

It seemed that her heart had been stabbed again. Ximen Bingying's face changed and stood up to walk out. Isn't it always in his heart that he can say cold words to lie to her body? If he remembers it, he will remember it. Why did he mention it in front of her and hurt her again with a cold face? Doesn't he know that she remembers all the bits and pieces of coldness after eating heart-eating fans?!!

"Ying'er!" Huangfu Zhenglong did not pretend to be sick and hugged her tightly from ** with extremely light skills: "I don't mean anything else. I just want to tell you that everything in the past has passed. You don't need to punish yourself for the mistakes you made. You can be happy. Believe me, I will take care of you and spoil you in every way so that no one will bully you. No matter what wish you have, I will help you complete it. Even if you want me to die, I will.

Ximen Bingying was stunned. She only felt that the sentence 'You don't need to punish yourself for the mistakes you made for Lengrong' was particularly clear and hit her heart. Then, his touching eyes were particularly bright and full of expectations, which made her unable to bear to push him away...

"Believe me, Yinger, stay by my side... I will make you the happiest woman in the world..." Huangfu Zhenglong slowly approached her and wanted to kiss her, but she turned his head. He also knew not to force her too tightly, so he turned to press her head into his arms and hugged her quietly.

And this time, the chaotic woman in her mind did not refuse. Maybe being simply hugged like this is the time when a woman feels safest...