Capture the Beast

Chapter 118: The Conspiracy to Apion

If you make a mistake, you have to admit it. What's more, if you make a mistake as the emperor thinks, it's not to admit it but to plead guilty. In fact, Ximen Bingying has exceeded the time limit for plea, but she has got the 'best time' to plead guilty.

If she went to the emperor to plead guilty on the day the prince was beaten, it could only make the emperor more angry. She was surprised by everyone, and the emperor would at least not order her to be punished immediately - after all, the prince's mouth was not her delusional, and there was Dongliu Villa behind her, which was also the emperor's chief arrest.

So she was injured by the prince, and then went together under the leadership of the prince. She has to spend half a month in this Dongqing Palace, and she has to make it clear to the emperor, otherwise the emperor really thinks that she, an unclean woman, still wants to be a crown princess. Her innocence is gone, but her arrogance is still there. She has never attached to the glory and wealth of the palace. Dongliu Villa gave her more than the palace could give her.

"My son and minister knocked on my father and mother." Huangfu Zhenglong knelt down, but he held the woman beside him and refused to let go.

Ximen Bingying is helpless. The most important thing is that she can't struggle too hard in front of the emperor and queen, which will make it seem that she is neither noble or humble. She tried to struggle several times to no results, so she had to let him go unbridled. She also knelt down and said, "Immen Bingying knocked on the emperor and the empress. Long live the emperor, the queen is a thousand years old.

The emperor hummed again and turned his head. He didn't bother to look at these two people.

Seeing this, the queen said on behalf of the emperor, "The prince is just injured, so don't kneel." The meaning of the words is that Ximen Bingying still has to kneel. How can she not know what the emperor is thinking? If the emperor complains about the prince, it's better to say that the emperor complains about Ximen Bingying! After all, everyone knows the means of this harem woman. It's just that she didn't expect that a woman like Simon Bingying would also use means to confuse the prince, and she actually thought about the position of the crown princess...

The queen sighed that if the emperor had asked for Ximen Bingying to enter, but now... So far, Ximen Bingying has not been separated from the relationship between husband and wife with Lengrong, and even if she separated, she would no longer be innocent. This matter is well known all over the world. Even if Ximen Bingying wants to be a side concubine, it is impossible. As far as this matter is concerned, the prince is too ignorant.

"Thank you to your father and mother." Huangfu Zhenglong stood up, but he also wanted to pull up Ximen Bingying, but to no result. He was secretly angry with him, but what was she afraid of? His father has long known about the treasure of the country, so he is sure that he will not condemn her in any case.

Ximen Bingying was a little embarrassed. Although Huangfu Zhenglong had not given up holding her hand, she still knelt down and pleaded guilty and said, "Your Majesty, I know that the crime is unforgivable, so I came to plead and ask the emperor and the empress to repeat it again."

The queen was surprised and said, "What's wrong with Lord Ximen? But do you want the emperor and me to punish you?" Then she suddenly realized, squeezed her lips and smiled, "Is it for the prince's previous proposal to make Lord Ximen become the crown princess?"

"I dare not." Ximen Bingying hurriedly clarified: "As a woman, I can enter the court, and there is only one minister as my daughter in the court. The emperor treats me like this. The kindness is higher than the sky. It's too late for me to be grateful. How dare I have other thoughts? I..."

She paused and thought, did she really want her to admit that she did have anything to do with the prince, otherwise in what capacity would she follow Jin Ji's instructions and stay in Dongqing Palace? Didn't the Red Night say that there will be a test in the future? Thinking about it, Jin Ji's pass is not easy to muddle through.

The emperor and the prince were waiting for her to continue to talk. Seeing that she was hesitant, the emperor and the queen were suspicious and didn't know why she suddenly stopped. The prince pinched her hand fiercely, but still didn't see her come back.

Ximen Bingying is not unrejud, but she doesn't know how to say it.

"It's not that she has a wrong thought, but that the minister has a wrong thought!" Seeing that she wanted to speak and stop, Huangfu Zhenglong knew that he had to give her a strong medicine, so he knelt down and said loudly beside her, "I have known Yinger since I was a child. It can be said that I am a childhood sweetheart. Since childhood, the minister has vowed to take Ying'er as the crown princess. Now that the minister has finally returned to his father and mother after hard work, it is time to fulfill his promise. The minister has never begged his father and mother, so he asked his father and mother to agree to this request and let him accept Ying'er as the crown princess!"

" shut up! You... you untiless unfilial son! You have lost all my and my faces!" The emperor is not fake. He is really angry with his son. If the queen hadn't persuaded him, he would have abolished the prince! In order for a woman to abandon the dignity of the royal family, can such an emperor carry forward the imperial family in the future? What a joke!

"The emperor calmed his anger, and the emperor calmed his anger." Ximen Bingying was really angry for the first time when she saw Long Yan. It turned out to be a little scary. She knew very well that the scary thing was not the emperor's anger, but the consequences of his anger. The emperor holds the power of life and death. If he is forced, it is possible that he will copy Dongliu Villa. After all, most of the people in Dongliu Villa were taken away by the prince.

She pinched the man around her and calmly said to the two people in front of her, "Your Majesty, Empress, I can swear that I will never sit in the position of the crown princess!" I..." She paused again and finally said with determination, "I just want to accompany the prince, no name or reward. Please complete the emperor and the empress."

After saying that, she fell to her knees, but her heart was relieved. Finally... said it.

There is still more than half a month, more than half a month, and it will pass quickly. She comforted herself like this. However, there is a voice in her heart saying: more than half a month can change many things... But now she doesn't want to think about anything and can only follow Jin Ji's arrangement, because she wants to save Ruoxi.

She can't help it. She doesn't want to see another self, so pitiful at the mercy of others. Ruoxi should not be hurt now, but if she doesn't save him... I don't know how Jin Ji will torture him...

Huangfu Zhenglong quickly made a few gestures to the emperor when she knelt down, but even the queen didn't understand.

The emperor was stunned, and the anger in his chest suddenly disappeared - he thought that the prince was trapped by love, but who knew that the prince was for the treasure of the country? He suddenly realized: Yes, the map of the treasure of the country is in Dongliu Villa! As long as the prince gets Ximen Bingying's heart, aren't you afraid that she won't help the prince enrich the treasury? Although the use of a woman is not very honorable, national affairs are important and a wonderful plan.

After thinking about everything, the emperor calmed down. After a long time, he waved his hand and said, "Singer, get up."

When Ximen Bingying heard that the emperor used a nickname to call her, she immediately understood that the emperor had forgiven her and agreed to her request. At this time, she stood up with the strength of Huangfu Zhenglong and said, "Thank you, Emperor, thank you, Empress."

"Yinger, are you really willing to wrong yourself like this? You should know that choosing this road means that you will get nothing even if you follow the prince. This 'what' includes fame, status, and even the name and status of your future children!" The emperor looked at her severely, but his eyes were serious. Even if she is from Dongliu Villa, he will never allow the prince to change his mind and sacrifice royal dignity for her in the future!

Ximen Bingying's heart twitched, and it was not like that, but suddenly it seemed to be like this. She couldn't help thinking: If she was really moved by Huangfu Zhenglong in the future, and he promised to touch only her, where did his children come from?

A faint smile appeared on her face. She coughed gently and replied, "Yes, Your Majesty, I have figured it out." There is no need to think about this at all. Even if she has affection for Huangfu Zhenglong, she will never go to the palace, let alone be the woman behind him all her life. If she and he really have one day, then he should be cut off after he becomes emperor.

My heart hurt unconsciously, which was inexplicable.

Huangfu Zhenglong looked at her movedly, grabbed her hand tightly, and whispered, "Yinger..." Although he led her to say such words in front of her father step by step, when she said that she only wanted to be with the prince's side, his heart was still full of joy and wanted to spoil her. Sky...

She turned her head and gave him a smile, signaling him not to stand up against the emperor. He nodded his head to show that he understood.

"In this case, I will not interfere in your affairs. If it hadn't been for the previous thing... alas!" The emperor still felt a little pity when he thought about it. This is a good daughter-in-law's material, but it's a pity that he encountered that kind of thing. After sighing, he said, "I originally planned to pass it on to the prince in March, but now it seems that I will put it aside for the time being. After I reassure you, I will send an edict. All right, you kneel down."

Huangfu Zhenglong was stunned, but he didn't say much. After pulling Ximen Bingying to kneel down, he left the imperial study.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness..." Ximen Bingying saw his depression and probably knew why he was unhappy, so she said apologetically. For an ambitious man like him, the emperor's decision... is indeed enough to upset him. The later he becomes the emperor, the more the ideas in his heart will not be implemented.

Huangfu Zhenglong had let go of her hand and walked in front of her when he went out. At this time, his face softened when he heard her apology. He turned his head to look at her and turned around again and said, "Don't worry about it."

Ximen Bingying's heart trembled. She thought he would not admit it, so she didn't finish the words behind her. Unexpectedly... he admitted it in front of her! Admit him - I want to become an emperor earlier.

She looked around and saw no suspicious person before she squeezed her lips and followed him back to Dongqing Palace.