Capture the Beast

Chapter 124: Breaking Love

In this battle, the Red Night was defeated.

The figure floated, and the solemn cold wind came: "I said, only me."

The red night spit out blood, and my heart is unwilling. The Lord said that he was the only one who could defeat the green love swordsmanship of the Ximen family, but she didn't believe it. Now that the Lord gave her a chance to try, she knew that what the Lord said was true, and the green swordsmanship was really powerful. But the woman in front of her is not a descendant of the Simon family, so how can she understand the swordsmanship of the Simon family? She is really puzzled about this.

Bingying took her sword and didn't look at the red night. She asked the person, "Where is my person?" She knew that he would definitely appear. And she had a vague premonition that Ruoxi would not come back to her so smoothly.

Jin Chi said nothing and stretched out his hand to her. The red fluorescence reached her waist, but he had already soared.

Bing Ying was shocked and suddenly felt that her waist was bound, and her body couldn't help following the direction of Jin Ji. If she doesn't perform light skills, she will fall down and be dragged forward. In desperation, she had to carry light work by herself, half with her waist and half with her own strength, barely kept up with Jin Ji's speed, and quickly left the original place and walked on the tip of the tree.

I don't know how long it took to fly, Jin Ji finally stopped, and she was also panting, sighing in her heart that Jin Ji's internal strength was amazing. The future had time to speak, and he held him around for a moment before landing again. She looked around and saw that it was in a room, the layout of this room...

"Is this Laifeng Tower?" She was surprised. What did he bring her here for? Is it possible that Ruoxi is here? She looked at him doubtfully, but saw him pointing to the big bed covered by the bed veil, and she didn't know what it meant.

Jin Ji stretched out and pointed to her acupuncture point, even the dumb hole. Then, he took her to the bed and stretched out his hand to pull the bed mantle...

The person who suddenly dilated her pupils and looked at ** in disbelief was - cold!

But the cold face at this moment is naked and serene, presumably Jin Ji's way, otherwise how could he be so obedient? What makes her unbelievable is the lower body of Lengrong... Unexpectedly, unexpectedly...

"The famous drug doctor in the world poisoned my little prodigy for 20 years without any effort, but he fell here for a woman." Jin Ji said so, and his tone was extremely calm - neither sarcasm nor sighing, but it sounded very unpleasant.

20 years? The surprise that just rose in Bingying's heart was replaced by a new surprise. How old is Jin Ji? She always thought he was only 20 or 30 years old, but now it seems that he is more than 30 years old. After thinking about it, she returned to the current doubts: How on earth did Lengrong become like this? Since Jin Ji brought her to see it, it's not Jin Ji did it. That's...

Actually, the answer is obvious, but she must not dare to think about it.

"The phoenix cold dragon is poisonous enough to not only destroy the cold face, but also get you." Jin Ji still narrated the truth, but at this moment, she reached out to untie Bingying's acupuncture point. Presumably, she knew that she had accepted it and would not make a fuss to attract others.

Bingying's heart trembled, and it was really him...

She has always been puzzled. With his bound nature, how can he easily forgive the coldness? Now she knew that he retaliated against Leng Rong with palace punishment. No wonder... No wonder Leng Rong stopped pestering her anyway. With such a cold face, how can you still want to stay with her for a long time?

"Don't be afraid, Yinger, I'm here."

"I will protect you, take care of you, and love you..."

"There is no woman in the world who can compare with me..."

The dusty memory suddenly surged up, which shocked Bingying. She hurriedly retreated from the bedside and looked aside with a slightly red face. How could she... think of the days when she was with Leng Rong? He lied to her and gave her that medicine. Even if it happened now, he deserved it. She couldn't pity him.

Then she laughed. Why didn't they think about her feelings when they hurt her? Why can't you pity her?

"At this moment, you are thinking about Feng Hanlong, not Leng Rong." Jin Ji seemed to be quite dissatisfied with her reaction. With a wave of her sleeve robe, the fragrance rushed into her nose, which fascinated her.

"I didn't expect you to have this hobby. I thought - women like to make themselves fragrant and wait for men to pick it." Bingying smiled frivolously and walked a few steps closer to Jin Ji to smell the fragrance on his body. Since she had an in-depth conversation with Jin Ji, she has inquired about the country of Yala, and now she finally understands that Jin Ji is the product of such an environment.

Women in Yala are not lower in status than men. Many times, they are even taller than men. Officials in the dynasty are also mostly women, and fewer men. Men can marry women, and women can also recruit men, saying that they are equal and unequal.

There is a difference between male brothels and female brothels in Yala, and women can also go to the kiln, which shocked Bing Ying, who heard about it. After knowing more, she suddenly woke up. Jin Ji may have come out of the kiln. Looking at his loneliness and arrogance, Red Night's obsession with him, as well as his behavior preferences, are very different from the men in Dongtai. Therefore, Jin Ji's charming and charming ability is also in line with the national conditions of the State of Yala.

She felt that Jin Ji was very disgusted with this kind of thing. She must have encountered something painful as he said before she gradually developed today's virtue. She deliberately provoked him. Who let him make her sad? This is called 'equivalent exchange'.

"Looking for death." As she expected, Jin Ji's anger rose and grabbed her neck with great strength.

Bingying suddenly felt suffocated, but her heart was happy. How fulfilling it is to be able to anger this long-different 'great' master... A person will be angry, which means that he still has a dead corner, which means that he is not invincible.

"Go somewhere else." Jin Ji suddenly let go of her, as if nothing had happened. He grabbed her wrist and dodged and left the room, which made her feel that she was actually grasping a wisp of soul.

Bingying muttered all the way, isn't it too emotional? At least she has to be complete when she gets angry. She hasn't felt much pain yet. However, she muttered that the men around her were still unsurprising and did not take her deliberately 'clear' muttering to heart.

In the end, the two crawled on a roof, and the hard tiles hit her chest and knees, but Jin Ji pressed her head with her hand, which made her have to concentrate and look under the tile. Then she was shocked again: the emperor and the prince!

"Father, son..." There was a trace of embarrassment in Huangfu Zhenglong's voice, but he did not say the following words. At this moment, he is half kneeling on the ground in front of the emperor.

The emperor patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "I know that you are reluctant to give up Ximen Bingying. She is really beautiful. Men want to have her. But you have to remember your identity: you are the prince and will become the emperor of Dong Dai Kingdom! In order to control the treasure of the country, you have to stabilize her; for yourself, you have to stabilize her; in order to deal with the mysterious organization of the Valley of Fog, you have to stabilize her. So this time, you have to think of a perfect solution to put her in the dark.

Huangfu Zhenglong was silent for a long time, and finally answered: "Yes, father. The minister will send her to the country of Yala and say that he will investigate the movement of the Valley of Fog, so as to stagger the wedding period of the minister.

"That's good." The emperor nodded with satisfaction: "As soon as the crown princess enters the palace, I will tell you that you are the righteous new king of our Dong Dai country. You should know that the father of the crown princess is a great general who has experienced two dynasties. In your generation, it will be three dynasties. I don't know how many dead people are loyal to him, and I have never recovered the military power in his hands. The crown princess is his youngest daughter and his favorite woman. It's also very laborious for me to set up this marriage for you. You have to treat the princess well, understand?"

"I understand." Huangfu Zhenglong's voice could not hear any other feelings, but it made the eavesdropping feel embarrassed.

The person below said other things, and the man on the roof took the woman to a secluded place and stood quietly against her.

"Say, what do you think about me when you let me recognize the true face of the prince? One cry, two make trouble, three hang yourself? How can you let Ruoxi go? You said, I'll do it." Bingying didn't shrug her shoulders. Her heart was cold or hot, but she couldn't feel it. She thought about this kind of ending early in the morning. She never fantasized about it, so it was easier to accept it.

But what she can't understand is Jin Ji. He arranged her with the prince in every way, but wanted to make her hate the prince. Why? Suddenly, she remembered that Lengrong that day... It was also because of collusion with Fog Valley that she was so easy to lie to her! In this way, the cold thing is also what Jin Ji hopes to happen. But what is his purpose?

She was deeply confused, which was more confused than the pain in her heart.

"Don't you hate him?" Jin Ji's plain voice finally brought a trace of surprise. Although it was only a little, it was enough for people like him.

Bingying stroked her forehead: "Hate, of course. But you don't have to expect me to argue with him like a bitch, do you? Now I just want to know, how are you going to let Ruoxi go?

"How will you deal with Huangfu Ruoxi after I let him go?" Jin Ji didn't answer and asked.

"Let him go back to the palace, and the prince will take care of him." Bingying smiled, and she didn't intend to bring anyone around her - including Ruoxi and the eldest brother. From now on, she no longer needs relatives and friends. No matter who wants to threaten her, it's useless.

"What if he is in danger?" Jin Ji raised his hand and wrapped it around her neck.

"That's all for my protection of him." Bingying closed her eyes and sighed, "I went back on my way, but I can't protect him. I know myself."

After a moment of silence, she opened her eyes and said, "Ji Ji, all your tricks in the future will be useless to me. Do you understand?" She believes in people like Jin Ji, and some words only need a little bit, and he will understand.

"I give him the final choice." Someone said so.

Then there was no sound again, and then the hand on her neck quietly withdrew, and the figure also shook in front of her and disappeared. The forest has regained calm, as if she has always been the only one here, and no second person has stepped on it. Slowly, the fallen leaves floated down one after another. Maybe the internal force hidden in the tree when the man left did it work at this moment.

Bingying looked up and looked at the fallen leaves that hit her, and tears rolled down her face. You see, how fragile the oath is... It's obviously said that it doesn't hurt, but a heart still hurts unintentionally. It's colic and makes people unable to breathe.

"Why did I... come here..." Bingying asked every tree before she wiped away her tears, smiled, and walked towards the Fenglou step by step. She has only one thing to do, and then she will let Feng Hanlong make a choice as Jin Ji wishes.

Obviously, she knew what his choice was.

When she arrived at Laifeng Tower, she sat all night, quietly thinking about nothing, and her heart was surprisingly calm. Liu Yuanchen and Ye Bing have been here, but she didn't say anything, as if she didn't know them. Fortunately, they are not presumptuous, but Feng Hanlong must know.

She held her cheek, and it didn't matter if she knew it. Anyway, it had nothing to do with the plan. She came out to save Ruoxi now, and Feng Hanlong would not doubt her. It was not until dawn that the door was gently knocked. She stood up, looked at the door and said, 'Come in'. So the door opened, and Ye Bing looked at her with the unconscious Huangfu Ruoxi on his back.

She walked over, helped Huangfu Ruoxi down from Ye Bing's back, untied Huangfu Ruoxi's sleeping hole, and then was hugged in a 'ice' scream as she expected. She silently patted Huangfu Ruoxi on the back and comforted his frightened soul. What a fragile glass doll. If she hadn't saved him, it would have been better. He was still living such a life in the palace and would not be used to it at all.

Now he wants to return to the lonely palace after enjoying the warmth. I'm afraid he won't get used to it. Unfortunately, he had to get used to it and had no choice but to get used to his previous life. But she believes that with Feng Hanlong sitting in the palace, the other princes dare not do whatever they want. Therefore, Huangfu Ruoxi's life is better than before.

She led him into the room, turned around and locked Ye Bing outside the door, then walked to Huangfu Ruoxi and patted him on the shoulder: "Ruoxi, I'll ask Ye Bing to send you back to the palace later. You can't cry so easily in the future. People in the palace will laugh." She raised her hand and wiped his tears with her cuffs, but the tears did not burn her heart as before.

She knew that her heart was hardening little by little, just like Jin Ji.

Huangfu Ruoxi suddenly stared and grabbed her hand and panicked: "Bingying, are you going to send me back to the palace? Don't you want me? Do you dislike that I have caused you trouble? Don't you allow me to stay with you? You..."

"Shh..." Bingying made a gesture, then sat next to him and opened his hand to hold her tightly. After an indifferent smile, she said slowly, "I promised you to take care of you all my life, but it seems that I'm going to fail."

"Why?" Huangfu Ruoxi looked at her in a staring way and suddenly felt that she was strange. Bingying...will not ignore him...

Bingying spread her hands: "You can see it. I can't help your royal brother, but I can't help the master, and I'm not even the eldest lady of Dongliu Villa now. What can I do to protect you? Ruoxi, go back to the palace. Your brother will protect you. That's where you're home and where you can stay safe.

Her eyes were clear and clean, as if to express to him: I'm serious, and what I said is the truth. But this made him feel more embarrassed. It turned out that a month... could change so many things... He became her burden. He had no martial arts to drag her down, so she didn't want him to stay with her anymore...

"I know... I will go back to the palace... Stay well..." Huangfu Ruoxi muttered, but his eyes were already dim and dim.

Bingying got up and didn't look at him any more. She only turned her back to him and said, "Take care." After saying that, she opened the door and went out. Seeing that Ye Bing was still standing outside the door, she said a few words to him and flew away.

Ye Bing stood still. After a long time, he heard Huangfu Ruoxi's crying loudly. Then he walked in from the door, squatted in front of Huangfu Ruoxi, and quietly looked at Huangfu Ruoxi.

"I know... I've caused her trouble... She doesn't want me... It's right..." Huangfu Ruoxi saw Ye Bing look at him like this through tears. Even if he was extremely embarrassed, he still wanted to find someone to complain about his grievances. He thought that he would feel at ease when he returned to Bingying's side. But I don't want to, it's heartbreaking.

"Since it should be, why did you cry so miserably?" Ye Bing showed a smile easily, just like she had shocked Bingying and shocked Huangfu Ruoxi.

Huangfu Ruoxi suddenly forgot to cry and looked at Ye Bing speechless. It turns out that this is the person Bingying once liked...

"She gave up pride and self-esteem for you and wronged herself to be the prince's woman, which is nameless." Ye Bing said to herself that she put aside the confidential issue for the time being: "Now, it's probably time for her to leave the prince. She can't stand sharing the prince with other women. Do you know? She is very bitter."

"Bingying and my brother..." Huangfu Ruoxi's eyes widened, and the indescribable self-reproach suddenly drowned him. It turned out to be him... who made Bingying fall to such a point...

"So, don't blame her and don't cry." Ye Bing smiled gently and comforted Huangfu Ruoxi: "You are the person she has always wanted to protect. The reason why she gave up is to make you live better. If you really like her, then let her see you live well and live happily.

Huangfu Ruoxi wiped away his tears in an instant, and a firmness appeared on his face: "I will definitely!" Not only will he live well, but he will also pull Bingying's heart back. He wants the previous Bingying and will never give up!

Ye Bing sighed in her heart: Yinger, I know you did this for the good of the fourth prince, so let me help you continue to protect him.

But Ye Bing, guessed wrong...