Capture the Beast

Chapter 125: Catastrophe

When night fell, the whole Dongqing Palace fell into an uneasy atmosphere. All the masters came out and lay dormant in the quiet darkness, waiting for the order of the dragon.

Huangfu Zhenglong punched the table fiercely and saw a crack, but it never broke up due to the absence of internal power. He is angry! That damn man put him in such a predicament! He could even imagine the man's pride, because he was trapped and was extremely embarrassed for the first time in his life.

General Hua Anjing has already gone to Fengshan, and now he is only waiting for him to go, but he has never hesitated so much and has not made up his mind to go to Fengshan. His appointed crown princess, the future queen, fell into the hands of the damn Jin Ji, and Jin Ji was threatening him to save his crown princess - and he knew that Yinger, who had not returned for four days, must be in Jin Ji's hands.

So on this trip, he is bound to make a choice - to save the crown princess or save Ying'er.

Huangfu Zhenglong was extremely annoyed. He should have asked Liu Yuanchen to bring her back when Yinger was still coming to Fenglou, regardless of whether the emperor was about to issue the decree of the prince's wedding. He thought that everything could be arranged as planned, but he didn't expect Jin Ji to be so bold!

It's still because... he's scared.

His eyes dimmed and he had to admit that he was afraid that she knew that he was going to get married, and he was heartbroken. He promised that she would be the only one in the future. Even if he was just intentional cheating, he didn't want her to see his ugliness. She is a kind of poison. The closer she gets to her, the more she wants to keep her forever.

"Master, time is almost over." Liu Yuanchen was anxious, but he had to remind him. He can be sure that Bingying will not be hurt by Jin Ji at all, so the master doesn't have to feel embarrassed to choose. The master saved the crown princess, that is, the throne, and then he can do whatever he wants, not to mention just a woman. He believes that his master knows this better than him, but he is still a little worried and afraid that his master will be angry and his previous achievements will be abandoned.

However, what Liu Yuanchen didn't know was that his master was not worried that Bingying would be hurt, but knew clearly in his heart that this was Jin Ji's trap and only cares about his choice. Once he chooses, there is no room for him to look back.

Huangfu Zhenglong tightened his fist and stiffly said two words: "Let's go!" His father said that this matter was related to the reputation of the princess, and he could only send his cronies to lead him to rescue the princess. The royal family can't afford to lose this face, and the general can't afford to lose this face, he understands.

Liu Yuanchen answered and went out to send an order. Then, Huangfu Zhenglong and Liu Yuanchen led a group of masters to Fengshan.

There is a cliff in Fengshan, which used to be the place where Lengrong risked Bingying to save him. Now, Jin Ji took advantage of this place again, as if he intended to evoke Bingying's sadness. Although there is no sad expression on Bingying's face at this moment.

Bingying was tied to the tree trunk, with a thousand cliff under her, and dozens of people in black stepped on the unsuspended end of the tree trunk. Therefore, she did not fall off the cliff with the tree trunk. One of the men in black held a big knife, and the blade was facing the suspended tree trunk, as if he would cut off the tree trunk at any time.

Whether it's a play or really, she doesn't care much in her heart. She just quietly looked at the bottomless body of the clouds, and her body was tense. She laughed secretly that she was still a little afraid of heights, even if she had flown many times. However, the altitude of flight is not worth mentioning compared with this height. This is the joy of dying. She really feels like she is about to be free...

The tense confrontation between the two people did not affect her mood at all - anyway, it had nothing to do with her. She closed her eyes and just wanted to pretend to take a moment of time, but when she heard the familiar sound, she couldn't help shaking her eyelashes.

He is coming!

"Ji Ji, it is ridiculed by the world to blackmail me with two women!" Huangfu Zhenglong saw Bingying hanging in front of the cliff at a glance, and his heart tightened. He knew that she was a little afraid of heights. From childhood to later when she grew up, she had no intention or unintentionally said things that she would be afraid of if she was too high. He always remembers it, so he is heartbroken.

Jin Ji didn't move, and he spoke to the red night: "Two women? So - does the prince admit that in addition to the crown princess, there is also a woman who the prince wants to save? After saying that, she giggled and looked at the sudden chill of Huangfu Zhenglong without fear.

"See His Royal Highness." General Hua Anjing led his subordinates to kneel down to Huangfu Zhenglong. Even if he knew that this matter was caused by the Miss Dongliu Villa, he dared not say anything. After all, His Royal Highness is the master, and Zhen'er is still in the hands of the enemy and can't act rashly.

Huangfu Zhenglong frowned, and this visit reminded him of his identity and taught him to turn his eyes to the prospective crown princess Huazhen. At this moment, Hua Zhen was gagged and her limbs were tied to the pillar, but her eyes were not afraid, which surprised him a little. He looked down, but squeezed his lips - Huazhen's position was a high platform, and under the high platform was wood. Are they going to light a fire?

"I am very grateful to ask His Royal Highness to save the little girl." Hua Anjing's eyes were full of urgency. He only loved one woman in his life, and she only left a daughter for him. He couldn't let Zhener have any accident, even if he lost his life!

"General, please rise, I will definitely..." Huangfu Zhenglong spoke and began to judge the situation, considering whether he could save two women at the same time. However, before he finished his words, he was interrupted by the red night.

"Prince, how about we play a game?" Hongye approached the high platform where Huazhen was with a smile, and coldly threw into the burning fire folds, and then walked to Bingying's position in the chaos she had created. She took the big knife in the hand of the man in black, condensed her internal strength in her hand, and cut it fiercely on the trunk of the tree.

With the fierce knife, Bingying's body shook, and the place where the tree trunk was cut also sank into a groove. Red Night stuffed the knife back into the hands of the man in black, ordered him to continue to cut, and then smiled and said to Huangfu Zhenglong, who clenched his fist, "Do you think... is it funny? So many people want to save people, but only when the prince saves people will they not be hindered. Our Lord said that the choice is in the hands of the prince - choose to burn the princess or kill the chief catcher.

Huangfu Zhenglong's forehead is blue veins, and the bloodthirsty factor in his body is shouting to kill all this thieves! However, he clearly knew that it would be impossible to have Jin Ji. He can't risk losing so many lives, not to mention that the fire under the high platform has been lit, and the people in black over there are also starting to cut tree trunks, and it's too late to fight hard.

"Yes, the Lord also said that you can only save one." Red Night blinked and reminded him very 'good': "If the prince wants to save one and save the second one, he will definitely be absolutely blocked. Unless the prince is confident that he will annihilate us. However, the prince's hands and feet must be fast. The fire is about to burn to the princess, and the trunk is about to break.

Hua Anjing tried his best to kill the enemy, but found that the group of people in black used some formation, which only delayed the battle time, but did not conflict with them head-on. He roared in his heart, "Your Highness! Hurry up and save the princess! The wedding is approaching, and the imperial edict has been issued. Does the prince want to regret the marriage? How to ascend the throne without a big marriage?

Huangfu Zhenglong's head rang, and there was no big marriage... He couldn't ascend the throne... He looked at the woman hanging outside the cliff with difficulty and muttered softly: "Ying'er..." She... She has never looked at him...

"Love the country, love the beauty more... Which hero would rather be lonely?" Bingying closed her eyes and sang, mixed with a little sadness and broken heart, and spread the song with internal strength: "Good son, you are full of courage... You want to be famous with ambition..."

She was dizzy and tried her best to do something, but she only wanted to sing. What do you want to sing? She suddenly sadly found that she had also become a beauty to be abandoned by the emperor, just like Tang Xuanzong abandoned Yang Guifei for the sake of the country. So she thought of this song, and she wanted to use it to tell him that the throne and her could not coexist. There are too many obstacles between her and him, and they should not have had any feelings in the first place. Now it's wrong.

She may know Feng Hanlong. She knows that he is reluctant to give up on her because he has not made a choice. If he had no feelings for her, he would not be so late, so silent and hesitate so long. However, it is not enough to have feelings between her and him.

"The fire is about to burn to Miss Three!"

"Save Miss San!"

"Let's go!"

The seven-mouthed shouts made Huangfu Zhenglong's eardrums hurt. He slowly turned his head and looked in the direction where Huazhen was. Sure enough, he saw the fire spread, and his tongue of fire had reached to Huazhen's clothes. And the general's eyes were even more red and desperately wanted to come forward to save Hua Zhen, especially the general's angry eyes made his heart tremble - he knew that if Hua Zhen died, the general would definitely become the first person to oppose his accession to the throne.

An emperor who only cares about his children's personal affairs really doesn't deserve an emperor - he told him so when he saw Hua Anjing's eyes.

Then he turned his head and looked at Bingying. He caught a glimpse that the trunk of the tree had not been broken. If the estimate is good, there should be still a moment of time. So, is he still in time? His selfish desire defeated his emotions. He forgot the rule of 'only one person can be saved' said by Red Night, flew to the high platform and reached out to grab Huazhen's shoulder...

Bingying heard the crackling sound, and something broke all over the ground.

With her hearing, it is not difficult to know where Huangfu Zhenglong is at this moment. So she finally opened her eyes and looked sideways at the man who untied the future princess, and his eyes touched her - she saw him say...

Wait for me.

With no smile or tears, I looked at him calmly. She didn't complain about him at all. She guessed the ending early in the morning, so she hummed in a low voice: "Life is just a few autumns, and you won't stop drunk..."

People live their lives for too short time, but there are too many hardships. So, it's not good to live too sober. She thought it was better to get drunk when she could.

With a 'crip', the tree trunk finally broke.

"Ying'er!" With a heartbreaking cry, a figure rushed to her, but it was blocked by Jin Ji.

Jin Ji gently slapped Huangfu Zhenglong back, and his voice was still frozen and warm: "If you choose, don't regret it." He waved his hand back, and the people in black retreated, forming a posture behind him, staring at a large group of people opposite him.

Huangfu Zhenglong stabilized his figure and was almost unable to stand firm. His eyes were red and he couldn't believe it: "You really let her..." How could it be? How could Jin Ji really let Yinger die? The secret of the treasure of the country has not been found yet. How can Jin Ji give up his decades-old plan?

Liu Yuanchen, who was beside him, held his master, and was also shocked or deeply regretful. How could it be like this? Ying'er... Did she really fall off the cliff? He deeply doubted whether Jin Ji had arranged everything under the cliff. Although this cliff in Fengshan is extremely dangerous, Jin Ji, the enemy, is too terrible. Everything is possible on this person.

"What? Does the prince think that our lord is so kind that he will just act for the prince? Red Night looked around the corpses on the ground and sneered, "Even if the prince has this leisure, our elite in Fog Valley will die worth it."

For this plan, all the elites of Fog God Valley have been dispatched, otherwise how can they win a complete victory without taking action? She was despised in her heart. It's really wasteful for a Bingying! However, since the Lord said that it is useful to keep Bingying, there must be a reason to respect the Lord. She believes that everything the Lord does makes sense.

Huangfu Zhenglong's face suddenly turned pale. At present, regardless of the prince's demeanor, he let go of Huazhen in his arms and walked to the edge of the cliff: "No, I don't believe it... I'll go down and have a look. I'm sure I can't find her body..."

"No need." Jin Ji raised his hand and the palm wind rose again, instantly shaking Huangfu Zhenglong back again. He looked up and pointed his index finger to Huangfu Zhenglong: "Feng Hanlong, I will let you give up."

After saying that, he jumped to the cliff and soon disappeared into the vast clouds. Liu Yuanchen, who was shocked, rushed to the edge of the cliff and found that Jin Ji really jumped down. And the red night, who knew everything, even if she believed in her master's magical power, she couldn't help sweating coldly at this moment. I don't know if this cliff can trap the master.

"Fight arrows!" As soon as Hua Anjing saw the opportunity, he immediately waved his hand and let the archers go up to kill all the thieves. With his order, the archers pulled their bows one after another and aimed at the people of Fog Valley.

"No one is allowed to move without the order of the prince!" Huangfu Zhenglong gave the order majestically, and then turned to Hua Anjing and sneered, "The general should have heard of Jin Ji's power. Why don't you make a decision after you are sure whether he can come up?" In other hands, there will be revenge like the Feng family.

Hua Anjing was stunned and remembered the tragic death of Prince Feng's family that day, and suddenly silenced. He thought that His Royal Highness had said it well. If Jin Ji really died under the cliff, the killers above would not be afraid. But Jin Ji is not dead - when Jin Ji comes up and finds that all his men are dead under his bow and arrow, the revenge makes people shudder.

He'd better wait. Hua Anjing was silent and looked at the cliff that kept rising in fear as others. He sincerely hoped that Jin Ji would not come out again and the world would be peaceful.

However, half of the people are happy and half are disappointed.

A man flew from the bottom of the cliff with a woman in one hand. The woman was flat on the grass, covered with blood, which was shocking. The man is silent, and the woman is the ice that fell from the cliff before.

If Huangfu Zhenglong and Liu Yuanchen were convinced at the beginning that Jin Ji would not kill Bingying, then they had completely overturned their previous ideas at this moment. The facts in front of them made them have to believe that Jin Ji really let Bingying fall off the cliff and die...

Everyone was quiet. Jin Ji's side dared not make a sound, while the prince's side could not make a sound. A beautiful woman who has just had life, but now she is lying on the grass lifelessly, allowing the bright red blood to spread and hurt people's eyes. More uneasiness is the scruples about the forces of Dongliu Villa behind this woman - there are not many people who know that Bingying has left Dongliu Villa, so they are afraid of the revenge of Dongliu Villa at this moment.

The first person to go there was neither Huangfu Zhenglong nor Liu Yuanchen. Yes, Ye Bing.

Ye Bing endured the trembling of her hands and feet, walked over step by step, doing what the other two dared not do - to verify her body. He didn't believe that he never dared to treat each other with sincerity. He doesn't believe it at all! He would rather she annoy him, hate him, tos him, and be angry with him than her lying in front of him so motionless. He wanted to hear her call again: "Housekeeper Ye..."

He remembered that he left Dongliu Villa and became a close relative of the prince. That's what she called him. So in fact, in her mind, he has always been the housekeeper of Dongliu Villa and has never changed.

Clothes, headwear, jade pendants, are all hers...

Eyebrows, nose and lips, hands and feet are also hers...

His hand slowly stroked the places engraved in his heart without scruples. His heart trembled more and more. He did not give up and touched her hair, hoping to find the traces of ease, but...

The powerless hanging of her hand is really her...

"Yinger, Yinger, how did you become like this, how did you become like this..." The painful voice came, stumbled, but it was the cold face of receiving the note left by Jin Ji early in the morning. He hurriedly picked up the ice soft body and kept feeding true qi into her body, but to no avail.

Seeing the arrival of Leng Rong, Ye Bing ignited a glimmer of hope in her heart: Maybe Leng Rong can save her...

Leng Rong took out the healing medicine and fed it to Bingying's mouth, but she didn't move again. Untimely, he hit her pulse, and he cried bitterly: " Yinger, when you wake up, you can beat me, scold me, torture me... Please wake up..."

"How's she...?" Ye Bing squeezed out his voice with difficulty, but found that it was the sound of hell, not his own.

Leng Rong couldn't say anything. He hated himself and everyone. His eyes are stained with anger. Who is it? Who made his Yinger suffer this kind of pain?

"The muscles and veins are broken, and there is no way to return to heaven." Jin Ji answered instead of Leng Rong, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Red Night giggled again: "The prince is really bold. I thought the prince would save Ximen Bingying. After all, the prince can have today, but it's all the work of Dongliu Villa - isn't it?

"It's you!!!" Leng Rong put down Bingying and stood up with an angry face. All his hatred for Huangfu Zhenglong broke out at this moment: "Feng Hanlong, if it hadn't been for Yinger, you would have died long ago!" But you were so cruel to watch her die so badly! Today, I will avenge the only woman I have loved and die with you!"

As soon as the cold voice fell, he attacked Huangfu Zhenglong. However, the person who protected Huangfu Zhenglong naturally refused, and Lengrong fell into multiple constraints. However, Leng Rong did not rely on martial arts to win, so in the end, he used his unique skill - poisoning and putting down a few people who pestered him.

"Feng Hanlong, die!" With a strange cry, the person has rushed to Huangfu Zhenglong with the internal force with poison powder.

Huangfu Zhenglong's light skills are excellent, but I don't know why he doesn't want to hide. He felt that his heart was bloody and opened a big hole. He watched Leng Rong jump in front of him, but he was powerless to hide. At this moment, Hua Zhen behind him suddenly stood up and stabbed Leng Rong with the dagger in his hand fiercely.

At this time, Huangfu Zhenglong woke up and could not let Hua Anjing's daughter suffer any harm, otherwise it would be a disaster for the country! He hurriedly hugged Hua Zhen and escaped the cold attack. Leng Rong screamed and was stabbed in the heart by the dagger in Huazhen's hand, and Huangfu Zhenglong and Huazhen also avoided the erosion of poison powder at the same time.

"Give her to me." Jin Ji stretched out his hand to Ye Bing, and his tone was beyond doubt.

Ye Bing was stunned and subconsciously hugged the woman who had lost her breath in her arms. No, he can't... It's this demon who killed Bingying... Holding Bingying tightly, he quietly sent out a hidden weapon.

"I don't measure myself." Jin Ji waved his hand and nailed the hidden weapon into the tree. Then, he slapped Ye Bing's spiritual cover, but temporarily changed his direction and flew Ye Bing behind Huangfu Zhenglong.

He looked at the crowd coldly for a while. He leaned over, picked up the broken body with one hand, put it in his arm, and said to Huangfu Zhenglong, "She is from Dongliu Villa. I want it back to the original owner. Get ready." The implication is that Dongliu Villa will not give up on this matter.

Soon, everyone in Wushen Valley disappeared at the end of Fengshan under the leadership of Jin Ji, leaving only the vast twilight and lonely birds wailing. The wind blows the trees, everyone has their own measure, and silence spreads endlessly on this mountain.

Fengshan finally returned to calm, but since then, there has been another big event for the people after dinner.