Capture the Beast

Chapter 127: Her Mission

Three days later.

The prince got married, the old emperor's imperial edict issued, and the prince who had just got married became emperor.

Dongliu Villa fell into a sad cloud. Lin Ruosu, the owner's wife, cried several times and was not allowed to bury her daughter. As a result, the young lady in the crystal coffin turned into a pool of black water that night as Jin Ji said. Lin Ruosu learned that he completely collapsed, did not eat or drink, and only relied on Ximen Dongliu to forcibly cross the true qi and feed.

Before that, the martial arts conference held in Dongliu Villa came quietly. Heroes from all walks of life gathered in Dongliu Villa, but seeing such a scene in Dongliu Villa, it is not easy for Mr. Dongliu to make suggestions to deal with the big devil again. However, Qingping Town became lively because of this. People in the world can be seen everywhere, and naturally there are disputes.

One night, all the tranquility was broken, and the dream of dealing with the great devil was shattered.

Jin Ji appeared, like another hail in the snowflakes: "Are all here? It's all here - you can do it." The arrogant tone naturally angered all heroes and besieged them together regardless of chivalry.

One night is enough to make the whole martial arts tremble. No one can forget the shocking scene. Everyone became a supporting role, setting off the man's thin but strong body, and heaven and earth changed color. It seemed to take a stand and a warning that the sentence became the final end of that night - I don't want to kill anyone.

Many people understand that this terrible man is indirectly showing that he does not want to be the enemy of the whole martial arts, but if the whole martial arts wants to be the enemy of him, he is not afraid. Therefore, he doesn't want to kill people, not that he can't kill people. That night was enough to prove his position - he didn't kill anyone, he just hurt people.

I don't know when Qingping Town regained its calm, and it was still just the people living a quiet or lively life without any bloody storm. However, Dongliu Villa was quieter than usual, and even the new emperor summoned Mr. Dongliu was rejected. That mysterious mountain villa... seems to... feel a little retreated...

It is a good phenomenon that everything is quiet.

Far away, there is a small valley, a small wooden house, a small table, a small cage, and a small snow bamboo. Xuezhu mourned, and the man in front of him was unmoved and sat at the table in silence like night.

"You are not suitable for her." The man stretched out his palm and lay a silver needle in the palm of his hand, which was enough to kill the small animal. He seemed to be sure, sighed, and sentenced.

Xuezhu is human and smells the breath of death. It suddenly stopped screaming and lowered its head. Maybe it was missing something.

The man's finger flicked, and the silver needle sank into Xuezhu's forehead. Slowly putting his hand in front of his knee, he watched Xuezhu fall without pain. Then, he stood up, turned out of the wooden house with the cage, came to the already prepared pit, and put the cage down. The palm wind moved, and the loose soil covered the white body. After a moment, it returned to its original state, and a few leaves fell on it.

"Come out." He didn't turn around, but it seemed that there was a trace of warmth in his indifferent voice.

Behind the wooden house, a woman slowly appeared. Her face is a little round, her face is a little pale, and her skin is not very good; her eyebrows are curved, which are not the kind of natural straight eyebrows that are considered to be the most beautiful at present; her lips are a little dark, and the word 'red lips' does not apply to her. The only good-looking eyes are probably those eyes that can't cover the starlight.

"Bingying." The movement behind him made him turn around and was hugged by her. The eyebrows under the mask were gently raised, and he called with a little inquiry.

"I don't... I don't feel..." Bingying answered him honestly. Whether it is human or animal, they are going to die, and dying early and late is just happiness or pain. She died once herself, so the word 'death' is too light for her.

When she woke up, she saw the warm sunshine, which almost made her feel that she had entered heaven. Later, I learned that Jin Ji gave her a third life with a new look. She didn't thank him because he needed her to help him, but she relied on him. She hasn't left him for a day since she woke up. Even if she could only see him at night, she waited stupidly during the day, waiting for him to see her.

No one knows better than her. If she wants to live safely, she can only rely on him. She was not afraid of death, but she did not live lightly, so she climbed the driftwood, like the only light she saw in the dark, even if her darkness was all given by him.

Every time she hugs him, she just wants to make sure that she is still alive. He didn't like her to approach him, but he didn't refuse. Just like this moment, his body is stiff, as if no one has ever hugged him like this - or he hates someone hugging him so much. As long as he doesn't refuse, she can do whatever she wants and get closer to him. When she woke up, she found that she had no hatred and was as calm as water. There is no hope or despair. It's a strange feeling.

"Bingying, I..." Jin Ji had one unfinished thing. Everything he did was for that. But two months after Bingying was designed to fake death, he still hasn't taken the first step. At this moment, he opened his mouth, but he was extremely hesitant. If he didn't wear a mask, Bingying could see his face red.

"What...?" The most difficult thing for Bingying is to speak. Her throat was severely damaged, and Ren Jinji couldn't recover no matter how hard she tried. So now, speaking has become something that can be avoided for her. The hoarse voice is due to injury, but what is the reason for the tparting?

When a person has experienced such a thing, there will always be some shadows, even if she is not aware of it.

After two months together, she sometimes felt that Jin Ji was a very shy person. Many times she felt that he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and she didn't ask. Troublesome things... can still be less or less. She knew that such a day would not last long, and there must be an important reason why he saved her life. Is she still useful to him?

Jin Ji didn't say anything more, grabbed her shoulder, and gently pushed her into the wooden house without losing his head.

The door creaks open and closes, and the candlelight swayed in the night. She looked at him in a stunned way and suddenly understood what he couldn't say. Oh... She has seen her face, which is very ordinary and ordinary, so does he want to do it? Man, what a strange thing... Red Night girl, very beautiful, why does he need to...

But she said nothing and meekly lay down on the only bed in the wooden house. She really doesn't care. Looking at the roof, she thought quietly. And he hurt her and saved her. I don't know who owes whom. As far as the ancient way of repaying kindness is concerned, it may be the most common.

There was no movement for a long time. When she looked sideways, she saw Jin Ji silently pulling his trouser belt. Her eyes turned around and she didn't move away. Is he going to... not fade her clothes and go straight to the point? The corners of her lips hooked, which was really like his usual style.

The bed moved, and she saw him lying down. For some reason, she closed her eyes. Maybe she didn't want to see the cold and pale hand touch her. She would feel that it was a precursor to death. People who have died once will not want to die again, at least she is.

He was very surprised. He stretched out his hand, but put it on her lower abdomen, which made her feel... hesitant? The belt was untied, but he didn't touch her skin for a long time, but his fingers were still bent through the material, not like touching but like tapping. He likes to bend his fingers and hit his knees or thighs when he is meditating, and now he is like this again.

"What...what's wrong with you?" Originally, his voice was hoarse, but he felt a little ambiguous when he opened his mouth. As soon as she opened her mouth, she was shocked, and the people around her were even more shocked. The fingers on her lower abdomen retreated in panic. She opened her eyes and looked at him, as if she saw his trembling soul.

Jin Ji is indeed trembling, and Bingying feels right. But Bingying doesn't understand. Since he asked for it, why is it so... Can she say that he is 'afraid'? She really doesn't understand. This man is so strange. From the first day she met him, she only saw that others were afraid of him, but she had never seen him afraid of anything. And at this time...

Involuntarily stretched out her hand, and she put her hand on him. Sure enough, she felt that he was slightly shaken, so she gently patted the back of his hand to comfort him. She didn't know why she comforted him, as if she had been acting strangely since she woke up, always doing something she didn't understand but subconsciously. Maybe if she doesn't do something, she will feel bored. Now, he is the only one who is with her, although it is the attraction of interests.

"You, come on." Jin Ji's body was trembling, and even his voice was trembling. He opened his mouth, stuffed Bing Ying's hand into his fur trousers, and then his body tightened, and his hands quietly withdrew into his sleeves and clenched them.

Bingying was surprised to find that his lower body had no reaction at all... She was really confused. Why did she look like she was forcing him now? Obviously... it's what he wants...

She half stood up, but did not disobey his order, and her right hand was still in his place. But she didn't do anything, but felt that his body was getting tighter and trembling, but it didn't seem to be emotional, but like fear. Yes, it's 'fear'. She shook her head. If he was so scared, how could he react and do that with her?

"You, what the hell...why..." Without asking, she coughed slightly and even moved her hand that she put there. Then she felt his resistance, but he still deliberately endured, as if he didn't like her touch but had to endure it.

Seeing that he didn't say anything and seemed to be in pain, but still insisted on having such a relationship with her, she stopped asking and gently held his weakness and moved slowly according to his meaning. She thought that as long as he was still a normal man, he should react. As for his trembling with fear, maybe... He has a strange hobby, which she can only understand.

The crotch gradually swelled, but she suddenly felt a little dizzy and had an impulse to peep at what was in her hand. She had tasted too much rain and was too familiar with this feeling. She had a desire for this terrible man... She gasped gently and her men accelerated their movements.

He is still trembling, but in addition to fear, there is a trace of desire in it. She quietly pulled off his trousers and exposed the rosy thing to the air. Suddenly, she marveled, such a beautiful color... There was confusion in her eyes. Why did he... seem to have never done it with anyone?

"You." Jin Ji protested, and the word 'you' represented his dissatisfaction.

Bingying touched her nose. Do you want to continue? The man seems to be dissatisfied. However, she didn't hear anything from him, so she bent down and stretched out her tongue to hook the pink...

With a bang, the table not far away broke.

The next moment, Jin Ji has disappeared into the house, leaving only a confused ice.

Bingying looked at the swaying door panel in a daze, and her heart was very strange. It was the first time she served a man like this, but she took the first step and he ran away. She just saw him so scared and wanted to comfort him. Who knew that doing so made him more scared and ran away...

Do you want to repay? She wiped her body and tidied up her clothes - she had also been taken off by him. Then she got out of bed and put on her shoes. She got up and walked outside the wooden house, but found no trace of him. I was sad that she stayed with him every night for the past two months, and suddenly she didn't... a little unaccustomed to it.

She slowly followed the forest. Maybe the man went to the river. I heard that men like to use cold water to wake themselves up, but isn't he awake? She felt that he was awake, but he just needed to calm down. In fact, it is not difficult to find that the man is a little afraid of the love between men and women, but he doesn't know why he wants to try with her. But when she found his fragile soul under his strong appearance, she was surprised and happy - it turned out that there were no really strong people in the world.

"Come up." A cold cry made her stop.

She turned her head and saw him hiding in a place that was not easy to see through the shade of a big tree. She smiled, flew up and sat down beside him. As soon as she sat down, the branches shook, almost unstable but was supported by him.

"I must be with you..." Jin Ji's voice loosened, a little embarrassed and painful.

"Hmm." She answered. She had already said that she didn't matter. As far as I just saw, this man is good, and she won't suffer any losses. She smiled and felt that she would soon become a person like Lin's constantly changing boyfriends and comparing who is good.

Jin Ji looked up at the night sky and said slowly: "But do you know - why can't you see me in the daytime?" That kind of thing... must be her take the initiative and be patient, otherwise he... can't accept it.

Bingying shook her head and forgot that he didn't look at her. She was about to speak but heard him begin to explain, so she squeezed her lips.

"You may have guessed - I only have martial arts at night. During the day, I am another person. If I am known by my enemies, there is no place to die. Jin Ji told his secret, and he had to trust her. He reached over and held her: "Only you can help me, will you?"

"Good, good..." Bingying subconsciously asked this question, but forgot why she helped him become stronger. Then there was the answer in her heart - she wanted to rely on him. She doesn't want to go back to the past. She wants an extremely solid backing.

Jin Ji paused and then promised, "What do you want and what I give you."

"You," Bingying was not afraid of his anger. She knew that she was his only salvation.

Jin Ji grabbed her neck and warned: "People who get an inch usually die miserably."

He easily removed his hand and smiled: "I don't believe it... I won't tell me... I, I'll help you!" After saying the difficulty, she was not going to speak again. It was too painful.

Jin Ji hugged her and tried to get used to being close to her. It was still a little difficult, but he resisted: "Bingying, that thing..." He paused again and whispered, "Be patient."

Nodding on his shoulder, Bingying thought: She is patient enough, and she has never heard that women are anxious, which is too insulting her reserved style. However, she suddenly thought of the folk customs of the country of Yala, and there was a vague guess in her heart. Jin Ji is a man from the State of Yala... So he is really not good at taking the initiative. Moreover, it seems to have been hurt.

Sure enough, her guess was affirmed.

"In the past, my father was abused by that woman day and night in order to protect me, just in front of me. And the woman's daughter had an idea about me again..." Jin Ji's voice was a little unstable and tried her best to suppress: "She didn't succeed. I deliberately angered her men and was thrown into the wolves by them. I'd rather die than be..."

Bingying's heart was a little shocked that even a woman was not so determined to defend her innocence, but he...she was ashamed. It seemed that her education was really different. She will never seek to die for the so-called 'cleanness'. If everyone is dead, what's the use of innocence? However, the ancients did not think so. They suffered a lot, but their lives were secondary.

However, since he resisted this kind of thing so much, why did he have to talk to her... He just said that only she could help him. Can he help him by doing such a thing? She is puzzled.

"I have resistance in my heart, and I have martial arts skills. It's difficult for you to succeed." Jin Ji clenched his fist and said resolutely, "Dorrow night, point my acupuncture point."

Do you succeed? Bingying was stunned. She didn't think about it. How could she say 'sachibly'? She is actually the same in his heart, isn't she? She patted the back of his hand soothingly, indicating that he didn't have to be so nervous. Then she broke his delusion: "You... won't rush away...?"

How can it be easy to subdue him? Unless it's daytime. But she doesn't want to become a beast for the time being. She took the initiative to do that kind of thing with him when he doesn't want to.

Jin Ji was desolate and said the reason: "The Leng family, the Feng family, the Tang family, and the Ximen family, as long as you wear the needle and thread, you can finally enter the secret channel and get the treasures that can unite me day and night. So, you have to help me."

Bing Ying was stunned, Leng Rong of the Leng family, Feng Hanlong of Feng family, Jin Ji of the Tang family...

Spee laughing, it turns out that this is her mission...