Capture the Beast

Chapter 126: Plant the root of disaster

The bad news spread to Dongliu Villa, and everyone was shocked.

Her ears were noisy, but Lin Ruosu said in a trance: "Ying'er, she... is just angry with me..." She figured out that it was Ying'er, a living Ying'er who has been with her for so many years... How could she deny the mother-daughter relationship with Ying'er for more than ten years because of a ridiculous statement?

"Sir, go and tell Ying'er... Just say I'm wrong..." Lin Ruosu didn't look at the two people whose clothes were stained with blood, turned around and grabbed Ximen Dongliu's clothes, and begged expectantly: "My father-in-law apologized for me. I won't drive her away again. She will always be my daughter..."

Ximen Dongliu is completely confused at this moment, and his mind is full of his daughter acting coquettishly and calling 'Dad'. He has not yet come out of the chaos that his 'daughter' is not his daughter, but he has fallen into the sad news of the death of his 'daughter', which is really difficult for him to accept. He even doubted whether his daughter knew that she would die soon, so she made up that lie to deceive them so that they would not be sad about her death in the future...

Jin Ji came forward, and several people in black behind him quickly carried the coffin forward. He leaned over and put Bingying's body into the coffin. He got up and said coldly, "This is the crystal coffin of the State of Ara, which can keep the body from rotting. However, it must be buried within three days so that the crystal coffin will no longer see sunlight, otherwise her body will turn into a pool of black water.

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and turned around, and the purple-gold cloak rubbed against the crystal coffin, and his people had already walked out of the door.

"Wait a minute!" Ximen Dongliu shouted in a low voice. Seeing that Jin Ji stopped, he just took two steps forward and asked, "Did you kill my daughter? Why did you send the crystal coffin? Unbelievable, incredible. He has heard that this crystal coffin is a treasure of the State of Ara. How could Jin Ji get it? And Jin Ji was extremely indifferent and without a trace of sadness. How could she be so kind enough to bury Yinger with a crystal coffin?

"I don't kill people." Jin Ji reiterated and said silently after a while, "But she died because of me. This is what I should have given her."

"Ting it clearly!" Ximen Dongliu glanced at his daughter in the crystal coffin, suppressed his sadness and roared. He wants to know who killed his daughter, and he wants revenge!

Red Night knew that the Lord always spoke little and was not good at explaining, so he dodged out and said anguly, "It's all caused by Feng Hanlong! Originally, our lord just saw Feng Hanlong cheating Miss Ximen and decided to teach him a lesson - to catch the future crown princess and force him to choose between the crown princess and Miss Ximen to save her. But who knew that he chose the crown princess at the critical moment, and the general ordered his men to shoot arrows at us, which made our master unable to save Miss Ximen. Miss fell off the cliff of Fengshan Mountain, and the fragrance disappeared..."

Ximen Dongliu was stunned, but it turned out to be related to His Royal Highness...

When Hongye saw that he was suddenly stunned, he knew that he was still worried about the loyalty of the Ximen family to the Huangfu family, so he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and choked, "Poor Miss Ximen... she was still singing that song... Ask Feng Hanlong if he loved the country or the beauty..."

Jin Ji's silver hair flew behind his head, which seemed to be driven by internal forces, and immediately shocked the red night, making the red night dare not say more. Red Night thought about it later, and pretending too much would also reveal flaws. However, when Ximen Dongliu went to inquire, Feng Hanlong did not dare to deny that he abandoned Ximen Bingying and saved the crown princess, nor did he dare to give the order of "archery" by the general. At that time, there were so many people present, and the general's subordinates must also have the eyes of Dongliu Villa. Ximen Dongliu should know that the situation was not difficult at that time.

"Remember: if she is not buried within three days, she will turn into a pool of black water. Say goodbye." Jin Ji said, waved his hand and disappeared into the divine arrest house with a few others, as silent as when he came.

The hall was extremely quiet, and no one dared to speak. They just looked at the lifeless lady in the crystal coffin and cried silently.

"Mrs. Zhuangzhu! Madam Lord!"

The anxious voice came, and Ximen Dongliu hurriedly turned around and hugged his fallen wife quickly. Suddenly, two tears gushed out of the corners of his eyes: "Ruosu..."

That night, the signboard of the Shenfu Mansion was demolished, and the owner of Dongliu Villa left the capital with a crystal coffin and quickly returned to the location of Dongliu Villa. The crystal coffin was even more bright at night. Many good people secretly peeked out of the window and felt more weird and dared not go out. This added a little mystery to the mysterious 'Prince Yan History', and later it was rumored to be rumored...

In the Prince's bedroom of Dongqing Palace, wine flows freely, and the walls and floors are everywhere, like the blood hidden in memory, which is creepy. The drunk man held the wine jar and stumbled to get drunk and forget his worries, but he was more sober and painful.

"Jiangshan... Yinger..." The drunken man muttered with dementia and finally laughed sadly: "There are rivers and mountains! There is no Yinger! Prince...Your Majesty..."

The prince made great contributions to rescuing the general's beloved daughter. The emperor allowed the two to get married three days later. After marriage, the prince was immediately ordered to ascend the throne.

Liu Yuanchen outside heard the roar in the hall and felt a lot of pain in his heart. The prince... What's the pain... He was also uncomfortable, but the fact has become, and it can't be irreparable. The spies he sent had heard that Jin Jiguo really sent Yinger's body back to the God's arrest house, and Ximen Dongliu and Lin Ruosu took people back to Dongliu Villa overnight.

He was a little worried. He didn't know if Dongliu Villa would be... Thinking of this, he looked up at Ye Bing and suddenly became more melancholy. Ye Bing... also fell into pain like the prince. But what's the use of any pain? Yinger is dead and will never open her eyes or laugh or cry at them. Perhaps, he was both uncomfortable and relaxed - Yinger was too tired to live, so it was better. He didn't have to look at her anymore, and then he felt even worse.

Ye Bing looked at the front motionless, and the heavy damage to his chest seemed to have nothing to do with him. He was just thinking - don't know where the young lady's soul is now? What is he worth remembering in this world? Why didn't he go to the young lady?

The idea just moved, but he gave up again. He has just made up his mind to take care of the fourth prince for the eldest lady. The fourth prince is the person the young lady most wants to protect. He must complete the task for the young lady until he dies!

"I want to go in." A soft voice came, and the two looked up at the general's daughter Hua Zhen, the crown princess three days later. The inexplicable emotions breed in the hearts of the two, all for this woman, Yinger...

But both of them just retreated silently, without stopping or saying anything, even avoiding basic politeness. If you hold your anger, it is already the biggest concession. Why is it easy to kowtow? Even Liu Yuanchen can't do it.

Hua Zhen sighed and didn't think so. She opened the door of the palace and walked in. She knew that these two people didn't dare to stop her, but she didn't want this kind of 'dare'. She wanted to really integrate into the life of the prince, including his cronies. The subsequent strong smell of wine made her frown and look at the chaos in the hall. Her heart ached - was he so uncomfortable for the Ximen Bingying?

She slowly walked towards the drunken man and knew very well that the reason why he 'saved' her was just because he cared most about the country. But he still loves Simon Bingying, so he is so painful and even disgusted after making a choice. She understands his pain, she understands...

"Don't cry, you are the son of heaven..." She hugged his head and gently coaxed him. A man is actually very easy to coax. He is like a child at this moment, lost his way and can't find the way home. She, just point it out to him.

It's true that men are like children, but men's childishness is only left to the woman they love the time, and others see it - it's not a good thing.


Hua Zhen covered her face in a staunch, and the hot pain showed that her true destiny slapped her in the face - but, how could it be? How could he... hit her...

"Who allowed you to come in?" Huangfu Zhenglong looked at the strange woman with confused eyes, got up and grabbed her hair without mercy, and roared viciously, "Don't think that I am afraid of you!" The prince can insult you to death, but you dare not say a word about the prince!"

He recognized her, but his eyes were so strange when he looked at her. Huazhen was suddenly frightened. She shouldn't have come today. She came wrong. At least, she shouldn't have come here when he was most vulnerable - because she was the culprit who caused him not to save Simon Bingying.

Her chest was cold and painful. She opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

"How dare you say a word to your father when I treat you like this?" Huangfu Zhenglong smiled cruelly at the corners of his lips, and he slowly approached her: "Don't think that I don't know anything, my father - is that what you said? What must be married before ascending the throne? What kind of princess background should be solid? It's all bullshit!"

Huazhen bit her lip and dared not scream. He and he knew it... But she loved him. From the first sight of him, she fell in love with him. Because she loved him, she did not hesitate to persuade her father to give up the third prince and be loyal to him; it was because she loved him that she wanted to be his crown princess and help him consolidate his imperial power. Even if he has someone else in his heart, she doesn't care. She believes that sooner or later he will know the best for him - only her.

"Do you want to climb on the prince's bed?" Huangfu Zhenglong had tears in his eyes, but there was hatred in his heart. It was this woman who tried her best to marry him, which hurt Ying'er's heart, and even... even let Yinger die tragically in front of him... He closed his eyes, and the kneading action in his hand suddenly intensified. He pushed her to the cold ground full of wine and smiled coldly: "You only deserve to accept the favor of the prince on the ground. !"

Huazhen retreated in horror and shook her head desperately: "No, no... Don't do this, I know wrong... Your Highness..." The pieces of clothes on her body fell to the ground, and her heart was broken. Why? She really didn't mean to kill Simon Bingying... Why did he blame her? Why did he humiliate her so much?

Her tearful eyes were hazy, biting her lips tightly, staring at the man who was humiliating her with hatred. The softest place was ruthlessly pricked by her fingers. She bit her lower lip out of blood, and the hatred in her heart gradually expanded. Finally, after he pinched her chest heavily, she got out of control and shouted, "You are a beast! No wonder Simon Bingying would rather die than leave you! You deserve to suffer for a lifetime!"

After calling, she shrank and was scared by his extremely cold eyes. Then she looked up proudly. No, she was not afraid of him. She hated him! For the first time in her life, she fell in love with a man and made so much effort for him, but in exchange for his ruthless humiliation! She hates him, she hates him so much! Since she can't avoid becoming his woman, she will make him suffer as painful as her all her life and live in the shadow of Simon Bingying's pain forever!

"What did you say?" Huangfu Zhenglong pinched her jaw and asked coldly.

Huazhen has had no mother since she was a child. She has become fragile and strong under her father's doting. ** and extreme. At this moment, she can't stand the humiliation of Huangfu Zhenglong and said desperately: "Don't you dare to face yourself, right? Then let me, the future princess, tell you!"

"There is no one in your heart! All you care about is the throne and power! You are selfish. You want to get both the country and Ximen Bingying, but you didn't expect that someone would not let you go well! At the moment of your choice, have you forgotten the vow between you and her? You must have thought that if something happened to Huazhen, the general would definitely oppose my accession to the throne, and I would not be the emperor. Right? Am I right?" She twisted her body restrained by him and pierced his heart word by word. The more she saw his painful face, the more happy she became.

"So Ximen Bingying died well! Her death can make you see what kind of person you are! You don't deserve to say the word 'love' at all. You don't love her, you only love yourself! You beast, let go of me, let go of me!" Hua Zhen struggled desperately and suddenly became afraid under his increasingly fierce sight. She turned her head and shouted outside the door: "Help, help! Help..."

Huangfu Zhenglong slapped her fiercely and stopped shouting before sneering, "My princess, it seems that you know too much. I heard that women will feel pain for the first time, right? Why don't you try it too?"

Hua Zhen still had time to say anything in the future, and suddenly felt that her body could not move. She opened her mouth in a daze, but found that even the dumb hole had been lit. The last bit of clothing on her body disappeared, and she closed her eyes in despair. Dad... My daughter has provoked the devil...

"Tut, don't cry. Xiao has been thinking about it for so long, isn't he just going to have a spring breeze with me?" Huangfu Zhenglong grabbed her hair without pity and dragged her to the wooden table. Then, he left her on the table, broke her thighs, and began to pick her rudely.

Stop, stop... Good, so painful... Hua Zhen opened a pair of tears and begged him silently. His fingers scratched her most vulnerable place like a sharp blade, almost making her painful.

"Actually, there is no sound, but it's not interesting." Huangfu Zhenglong pulled out his hand, frowned and looked at his very dry fingers, then untied her dumb hole and heard her begging for mercy with satisfaction. He untied his trousers and shook his head regrettedly, "It's too late to beg for mercy. Don't you know that this is the best way for men to deal with women, huh?"

When the word 'um' fell, he pushed into her narrow and tight corridor and rudely went in and out in her screams.

"Despicable..." Hua Zhen's whole body was drained, leaving only the feeling of pain that made her unable to breathe continued. But when she was about to faint several times, he woke her up with some refreshing medicine to make her extremely awake and continue to bear his atrocities.

"How do you feel, my concubine?" Huangfu Zhenglong was not in a hurry to release, and he was very dissatisfied after feeling that she was getting wet. He pinched the white and tenderness on her chest and said with a cruel smile, "It seems that you enjoy it. It's so pleasant. But - I won't serve you."

With that, he withdrew from her body and slowly slid down.

"Ah... what are you going to do?" Hua Zhen's body kept shrinking and wanted to squeeze him into the impossible place. But it didn't make sense. She suddenly opened her eyes, opened her mouth, and cried in pain: "No, don't... It hurts... I beg you... Prince, Your Highness... Don't..."

When begging for mercy, Huangfu Zhenglong has successfully entered her rear with the lubrication of blood. He bumped quickly and laughed, "Don't you like to see my pain? It happens that I also like to see your pain. This is the real prince and princess, emperor and queen, right - concubine?"

Pain... Hua Zhen's consciousness gradually faded, and a voice in her heart kept reminding her: Remember the man she fell in love with, thousands of times, and give it back to him...

Huangfu Zhenglong took several drugs, but never saw Hua Zhen wake up. Knowing that she had reached the limit, he quickly ended the boring game. Then, he washed his dirty body with alcohol and called Liu Yuanchen outside the door in.

Liu Yuanchen was shocked. If the general knew about this... But seeing the prince's fierce look, he hurriedly lowered his head and waited for the order.

"Relax her here, and no one is allowed to visit or go out." Huangfu Zhenglong straightened his clothes and said coldly, "When you get married, let someone come here to pick them up. At most, it is said that the prince spoils the crown princess." After saying that, he raised his foot and went out and threw the messy things to Liu Yuanchen to deal with.

Liu Yuanchen looked at the coma future crown princess with a headache. He knew that the master was really angered by the crown princess this time, and even ignored the rule of 'the master's woman is not seen by the servants', so he threw a mess to him.

When he came forward, he began to clean up the messy prince's bedroom alone. In the end, he didn't dare to put Hua Zhen in the prince's **. He didn't want to lose his head too early. After thinking for a long time, he could only give Hua Zhen pills, pass through the true spirit, and then put her on the soft collapse after dressing her.