Capture the Beast

Chapter 137: Jin Ji's life

Xiangzui Township was surrounded by officers and soldiers. Qin's mother was very worried, but Bingying said that as long as she did not step out of the door, there would be no danger. Qin's mother couldn't do it, so she had to follow Bingying's instructions.

Fortunately, it is already daytime at this moment, and there are no guests in Xiangzui Village, so they are all girls in Xiangzui Township, plus Huangfu Ruoxi and Ye Bing. Bingying was not worried that the officers and soldiers outside would rush in. After all, she had just given the antidote to Liu Yuanchen. According to time, it would take Huangfu Zhenglong half a day to wake up. Before that, Liu Yuanchen would not order the officers and soldiers to attack Xiangzui Township.

Of course, Bingying thought of another person, the queen. She knew that the queen would soon learn about this, so she didn't know whether the queen would order her arrest. Although Jin Ji is still lying in **, she has more than a thousand poisonous snakes, and it is easy to save Xiangzui.

"Bingying, Ruoxi is missing." Ye Bing hurried into the room and didn't have time knocking on the door. He stayed outside the door all night, but he didn't know how Huangfu Ruoxi left the room, or who silently kidnapped Huangfu Ruoxi.

Bingying smiled gently and didn't leave the man for a moment, but said, "Maybe the fourth prince got the news yesterday that he had already left before the officers and soldiers surrounded Xiangzui Township. If the prince is worried, he can tell the officers and soldiers and follow the fourth prince. I heard that the prince is a close relative of the emperor, and those officers and soldiers will not embarrass the prince.

"I..." Ye Bing stopped talking, but finally just sighed, silently turned out and closed the door. Now she still refuses to admit her identity, but he didn't expect that she would really not miss the old feelings and hurt the emperor! Maybe there is still a little happiness in her heart, which at least means that she no longer loves the emperor, but she doesn't know whether she still has him in her heart.

He looked at the timid snakes and was sad. Maybe in her heart, he is not even a friend. But no matter what, he will stay with her until he succeeds in saving her. She protected Jin Ji against the emperor this time. Maybe there are other reasons. Maybe Jin Ji is fine at all, just testing her.

In the room, Bingying undressed with a comfortable look, and only Qiu's clothes and trousers lay beside Jin Ji. She pulled up the bedding to cover the two, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When she was undressing for Jin Ji, she had already felt his unusual heartbeat. That shows that Jin Ji is sober, but he can't move and can't say it. She didn't want to do anything to Jin Ji, so she neither pulled off his blindfold or check whether his self-sealed acupuncture point could be untied.

It's clear that she doesn't have to confirm who the man in front of her is now. She waited and gave her an explanation when he woke up. As for Chaos Pearl... she has...

After a day without external interference, the officers and soldiers outside Xiangzui Township never received orders to arrest the prisoners, so they did not move. When night fell again, the old guests in the village found that there was no way to meet their old friends again.

"Where's the chaotic bead?" The woman's shoulders were caught and she was woken up at the same time.

Bingying slowly opened her eyes and smiled: "I threw it away." If she is stupid enough to give him chaotic beads and make him have no dead corners, she is really hopeless.

"You!" Jin Ji raised his hand, but he didn't fall for a long time. He quickly calmed down, pulled her up to his eyes, and then asked, "Where did you throw it?"

Bingying still smiled: "It's the Blackpool, or I'll take you to find it?" She estimated that Jin Ji was dead. Even if he had great ability, he could not find the chaotic beads from the black mud.

Jin Ji let go of her and sat aside for a long time without saying a word. Maybe he doesn't even know what he is thinking at this moment.

"Do you know why I threw away the chaotic beads?" Bingying put on her coat, looked at Jin Ji, who was expressionless but exuded coldness, and asked with a smile. She wanted him to be honest, and she also asked him to choose her. Whether the means are despicable or not, she will definitely be as invincible as he is, because she doesn't want to be manipulated anymore.

"You want to blackmail me." Jin Ji's slender fingers began to knock on his knees, and he was already immersed in thinking. Of course, his secret has been known by Bingying. Originally, relying on Chaos Pearl, he could destroy the incompetent Huangfu Ruoxi during the day and become a powerful and invincible Jin Ji. Unexpectedly, Bingying threw the chaotic beads she tried her best to look at into the black quagmire and could no longer be found - his plan completely failed.

He is still the weak teenager who has no resistance at all, and he can't be regarded as the first in the world. Now he has made too many enemies and even offended the emperor of Dong Dai. How can he deal with the entanglement of the enemy day and night? And if Bingying shakes out his secret, he will have no place to hide.

So, he wants to kill her?

"I think it's better to cooperate with me than to kill me." Bingying felt his murderous intention and laughed softly: "And you have a principle. Did you break this principle for me this time?"

Jin Ji's murderous intention retreated, and he looked up: "How to cooperate?"

"The art of demon face." Bingying's eyes bloomed and slowly said, "Ji Ji, or I should call you - Ruoxi. I am the only one who knows your secret. Even if you kill me, Ruoxi still has no martial arts. This fact cannot be changed. But if you cooperate with me, we will be invincible. I can protect you in the daytime, and you can protect me at night.

Jin Ji looked at her for a long time, and the regular tapping fingers on her knees suddenly stopped. He nod: "You have been premeditated. Indeed, you are very smart. But you are more stupid.

Bingying was vaguely puzzled and calm: "What do you say?"

Jin Ji sat cross-legged, conditioning his limbs that had been stiff for too long. Then he explained, "Chaos beads themselves have the effect of enhancing internal strength, but you throw it away. In addition, your proposal is good and meets the requirements of the art of evil face. This kind of martial arts was originally for men and women. Women are for the day and men for the night, and they never abandon each other. However, chaotic beads can break this taboo, as long as it is led by chaotic beads and boil water for seven or 49 days.

Only then did Bingying understand that even if she learned martial arts, she was only powerful during the day and really had to rely on Jin Ji at night. Fortunately... she was secretly shocked. Fortunately, she didn't really throw away the chaotic beads.

"Now even if I promise you, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape when your hands gather to deal with me." Jin Ji paused slightly and said, "It seems that I can only recall the Red Night first, resist them for a while, and wait until you practice martial arts."

"Are those hands really so powerful? Can't you deal with them with your martial arts? Bingying couldn't help trembling slightly when she thought of the situation that day.

Jin Ji looked sideways at her and said, "It's impossible to be completely untouched by the other party. In addition to his martial arts skills, he also has a cup in his hand. As long as you are met by them, you will definitely win. That day, I only fought against the four hands, and they touched my clothes and released the worms, not to mention that they gathered here?

That's also true. If he could deal with those hands, he would not have suffered so much on that day. Although Bingying still thought about the blood of that day, she was also very indifferent. If Shang Tian wants her to die, she doesn't want to die. However, she won't die. She hasn't been so stupid to throw away the chaotic beads. Now as long as she learns Jin Ji's martial arts, she will take out chaotic beads so that the two can work together to deal with those hands.

"I will practice martial arts well." She took his hand and promised, "What's more, we still have snakes to help. You said that insects are afraid of your group of snakes, didn't you? Moreover, as long as I learn your martial arts, even if I run away with light skills, no one will catch up with us.

Jin Ji looked at her and said nothing. However, he did not push her hand away, perhaps helplessly accepting her proposal.

Bingying knew that the matter had happened, so she asked, "I really didn't expect that you and Ruoxi were the same person, because your personalities are really different. Did you become like this after practicing martial arts? Even when she first doubted, she was extremely shocked. No matter how indifferent she was after her death and came back to life, she didn't expect the two of them... At that time, it was really difficult for her to accept her guess.

If Jin Ji's character is concerned, he will never tell a woman his past. However, Bingying is the first woman in his life, the woman who has made him feel inexplicable recently, and the woman he destroyed the naive woman with his own hands. Her weight is finally different from others. He should not be able to be indifferent.

No one knows better than Jin Ji. What he has done to this woman is enough for her to kill him 10,000 times. Even if he has difficulties, it is not just so. For the first time, he felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably, especially when he looked at her forced smile.

Facing Bingying's question, Jin Ji was also silent for a long time, until Bingying thought he would not answer. However, Jin Ji still opened his mouth after a long time, because he found that he actually wanted to tell this woman about himself. Perhaps what he wants to know more is what the woman will have after listening to his story.

"My real name is Tang Ji. The Tang Qian you know is my grandfather." Jin Ji's eyes drooped, which made people unable to see the feelings in his eyes: "Tang Qian practiced peerless martial arts and was ordered to go to Dongtai to explore the whereabouts of the treasure of the country. At the same time, he also wanted to find his beloved wife. It is said that his wife was exiled to Dongtai. Unfortunately, Tang Qian found his wife, but found that it was an empty grave, so he became magical and did something wrong in Dongdai, which finally caused him to besiege and suppress all the parties.

Bingying was surprised to hear that Tang Qian was still an infatuated man, and she didn't know how he and his wife were separated.

"Later, Tang Qian narrowly escaped and avoided death, but fell off the cliff and died. Fortunately, he was saved by a woodcutter and changed his name to hide the world. When he returned to the country of Yara with great pains, he learned from one of his loyal Tang servants that the culprit who separated him from his wife from yin and yang was the Emperor of the State of Yala! He was angry but could no longer avenge his wife, not to mention that he had learned that he had a son left in the world. Jin Ji continued to say.

"That Tang Qian's son is also your father? Who is your father and how was he found? Bingying asked, thinking that since the emperor was the enemy of the Tang family, why did Jin Ji still help the emperor of the Arab country?

Jin Ji looked up at her, and his eyes were calm: "It was also the servant who helped to find out. My father's name was Jin Qing at that time, and he was in the harem of the emperor of the Ara Kingdom."

"The harem?" Bingying stared slightly, and then realized that the state of Yala was in power, so Jin Ji's father would be in the emperor's harem. She said awkwardly, "Go on, keep talking."

Jin Ji continued: "I am the son of Jin Qing, but I was not born by the queen, but by another woman, that is, my mother. The queen was greedy for my father's beauty, killed my mother, and brought my father into the palace. Originally, she was going to kill me, but my father forced me to die, and the queen let go of my life. At the same time, Tang Qian tried to rescue us, but failed many times. Later, he was discovered by the queen that Tang Qian could not escape the disaster of killing. Tang Qian was buried in the wolf's belly, but the servant escaped.

"That..." Bingying was still a little sad. Maybe she felt that Tang Qian's death was too wronged. At least, he was also famous in the world at the beginning, causing a big shock in Dongtai, but he didn't want to die like this. She settled down and asked, "Then you were thrown into the wolves. Where's your father?" She remembered that he said that it was because a woman had an idea about him, which seemed to be the queen's daughter.

"The queen always insults my father in front of me. My father lives for me, but there is a shadow in my heart." Jin Ji's voice trembled unconsciously. Fortunately, Bingying held his hand, and he recovered, so he continued to say, "The queen has a very spoiled daughter, that is, Princess De. Princess De didn't know the things between my father and the queen, so she was very kind to me, and I have always been grateful to her. But I didn't expect that she had that kind of thought about me. She got drunk once and touched me for the first time, breaking my trust in her ever since. And she was not as reserved as usual. It got worse and worse. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I rejected her harshly.

"Since you are a princess, you must be ashamed and angry." Bingying sighed slightly and didn't need to say that he expected the fierce dispute at the beginning.

"Yes, at that time, she said, 'I'm going to ruin your innocence tonight' and left angrily." Jin Ji held her hand and closed her eyes: "It happened that the queen once again 'favored' my father, and my father was dying and was injured all over. I couldn't stand it and ended his life with a knife after asking my father's permission, and then rushed into Princess De's house and killed her, a waiter. There was a particularly powerful man in the world among Princess De's male waiters. He broke my tendons and hamstrings on the spot and threw me into the barren mountains with other male waiters. The place where wolves are most haunted is Tang Qian's burial place.

Bing Ying was stunned. Like Leng Rong, he killed his father with his own hands? But then she was relieved. Leng Rong was revenge, while Jin Ji asked his father's permission to free him and his father at the same time. Presumably, he also did it with a mortal heart at that time. Unfortunately, God's will was so. He did not die, but inherited Tang Qian's manor.

"It's strange that although the wolves surrounded me day and night, they didn't approach me." Jin Ji had calmed down at this moment, and his voice was indifferent: "Later, I learned that it was a sachet that Princess De had given me, and the beast did not dare to approach because of the smell of the sachet. That's why I found the blood suicide note and martial arts secrets left by Tang Qian in the white bones. Only then did I know my original background and learned the art of demon face to restore my broken body. But in the daytime, I am still a teenager who doesn't know martial arts, and my heart is exactly the same as mine.

Bingying fully understood at this moment: "You learned a lot of secrets from Tang Qian's suicide note and secrets, so you decided to pretend to work for the queen and sneak into Dong Dai to find the treasure of the country. In fact, your purpose is to get chaotic beads and change your strong and weak physique at night?"

Jin Ji nodded and said nothing. Everything carefully planned was ruined by her, but he couldn't take her.

Bingying was also silent for a while, thinking that Jin Ji was indeed very simple sometimes. She said she threw it away, but he really believed that she threw it away without doubting it at all. It was really annoying.

She looked up again: "There is one more thing I don't understand, that is, Leng Rong told me at that time that he poisoned you 20 years ago, so..."

Jin Ji's tone was calm, but what he threw out was a strong medicine: "I'm 42 years old this year, but the magic of evil face itself has the effect of staying on my face, so I look like a teenager."

Rao Bingying was no longer moved by anything. At this moment, she couldn't help straightening her waist, and a pair of beautiful eyes seemed to stare out of her eyes. Four, forty-two...? She has been in her previous life for more than 20 years, and in this life for more than ten years, she is only 40 years old...

It's really an old monster. Bingying slandered and had to accept this shocking fact. In this way, it makes perfect. She is still thinking that Tang was in his thirties when the news of his death in Dong Dai Kingdom thousands of years ago, so Tang Qian's son should have been in his teens a hundred years ago. Even if Tang Qian returned to Yala and lived for about 40 years before he found that he had a little grandson, Jin Ji should be around 40 years old now.

Strangely, she was inexplicably found that she was close to Jin Ji's age. After all, he is only three or four years older than her.

Bingying coughed gently, withdrew her increasingly chaotic thoughts, and nodded, "I finally understand these things. So how long will it take for you to finish your martial arts?"

"With your current foundation, ten days will be done." Jin Ji got up and said, "I'll get the secret for you. Wait for me."

Bingying looked at his figure out of the room and knew that the officers and soldiers outside could not help him, so she thought to herself: Of course I will wait for you.