Capture the Beast

Chapter 138: The brothel turned into a public court

Jin Ji in the day is actually Huangfu Ruoxi, a weak teenager with no martial arts, and Huangfu Ruoxi doesn't even know his true identity at all. This is the drawback of the art of evil face, which is also the fundamental reason why Jin Ji said about 'male and female double cultivation'. Only men and women who trust each other can practice this martial arts at the same time to ensure safety.

According to Jin Ji, the real Huangfu Ruoxi actually died at the age of three. He just used a small trick to make the 15-year-old Huangfu Ruoxi, who was exiled abroad, return to the palace smoothly and accept the bullying of his brothers and brothers. A crazy concubine in the palace has a weak prince, which will not attract attention. No one will risk killing such a prince. Things without interests will not be done by the scheming people in the palace.

Before that, Jin Ji spent every day in the cave, and clicked his sleeping hole to prevent anything from happening in the daytime. This situation continued until he dived into the palace for convenience. However, the 'Huangfu Ruoxi' in the daytime had feelings for Bingying, which was unexpected by Jin Ji.

Although Huangfu Ruoxi will not know everything about Jin Ji, Jin Ji can clearly remember everything that happened to him in the day, even every change of mood. And this is also the reason why Jin Ji is special to Bingying. Maybe he has already fallen in love with Bingying without knowing it under the influence of Huangfu Ruoxi.

Bingying later learned something about Jin Ji's revenge, but to her surprise, Jin Ji did not retaliate after his great success in martial arts. If he doesn't take revenge on Princess De, it makes sense that he avoids the danger of being bitten by the wolves because Princess De gave him a sachet. What about his father Jinqing? After being tortured by the queen for so many years, why didn't he avenge his father? And Tang Qian, didn't he also feed the wolf by the queen?

When Jin Ji gave her the secret, she asked him. As a result, he said, "Before my father died, he said that if I could live, he would not be allowed to hate or retribution. His greatest wish is to live well and be happy, so I have to fulfill this wish for him.

Bingying later thought about this question for a long time, but still felt that Jin Ji was not hateful, but because he listened to his father's words, he buried his hatred in his heart. But Jin Ji later said blankly, "Hate is gone, but I don't know how to be happy." As a result, she changed her mind and felt that Jin Ji was very pitiful and more pitiful than her.

At least, she has more wealth than him - family affection. She has been loved by her parents and the care of her eldest brother, which is the happiness of being loved by her relatives. Although this happiness is far away from her now, she has never forgotten it in her memory.

Red Night was quickly recalled. It turned out that Jin Ji sent her back to the queen in order to prevent bad things about Hongye. Now, when the red night returned, she found that Bingying had become Jin Ji's wife, and her anger could be imagined. Although Hongye's smart choice was to fight with Bingying when Jin Ji was away, it is a pity that Bingying has now practiced half of the martial arts on the secret, and Hongye is far from her opponent.

At night, Hongye suffered and was punished by Jin Ji without mercy. Jin Ji warned her: "If the enemy is acting arbitrarily, he will no longer be the elder of Fog God Valley!"

Naturally, Red Night did not dare not listen, so he was sent by Jin Ji to take people to intercept his hands. Jin Ji was well expected. Although he had decided to move, he did not arrive in the capital, but sent small roles to harass him one after another. Now with the obstruction of the Red Night, these little characters can't prevent Bingying from practicing for the time being. As long as the red night drags on for another three or five days and Bingying's success, he can also recuperate for some time, and then he will deal with this group of hands separately with Bingying.

Before Bingying's success, Jin Ji had been unable to move and open his mouth during the day, in order to prevent 'he' from disturbing Bingying's practice, but he had to let 'he' follow Bingying and be protected by Bingying. After all, now the whole Xiangzui Township is in an extraordinary period, and he is afraid that 'Huangfu Ruoxi' will run around and cause unnecessary trouble.

Ten days later, Bingying came out, and trouble came.

"Bing Ying, what the hell is going on? Why have I been ordered acupuncture points for so many days, and I have heard your voice? Huangfu Ruoxi panicked, and his beautiful big eyes were full of fear. He grasped Bingying's sleeves tightly with both hands and refused to let go at all.

This is the first time that Bingying has felt the excitement of a strong internal force in her body. She has soaked the chaotic beads in the water. After only seven and 49 days, she can completely break away from day and night and do what she wants to do without being controlled by anyone anymore!

In the face of Huangfu Ruoxi's panic, she felt a little funny: "Ruoxi, do you know Jin Ji?" She is not going to hide it from Ruoxi. After all, it's no good to hide it from him, and it may cause trouble. Instead, let him accept this fact and stay by her side and don't go anywhere.

"Of course I know, that big devil!" Huangfu Ruoxi said with hatred that it was the big devil, which made Bingying suffer so much grievances and pain.

Bingying shook her head and smiled, "Actually, Jin Ji is you, and you are Jin Ji." She knew that Huangfu Ruoxi would not accept it so easily, so she told him the whole story. Finally, she patted him on the shoulder and said, "Ruoxi, I won't lie to you. You have to believe me. I know it's hard for you to accept this fact, but you must accept it! Now that the big enemy is now, the only thing you have to do is to stay by my side and don't cause me any trouble, okay?

Huangfu Ruoxi was stunned on the spot, his head was muddle-headed and could not hear anything. God... Is he the big devil? Is he the culprit who caused Bingying so miserably? He has been saying that he wants to protect her, but in fact, he has been dragging her down, and another one is still hurting her...

Bingying looked at him for a long time, and I didn't know if he understood what she had just said, but she saw that his face was suddenly pale, and she had already knelt down with a 'plop'.

"I'm sorry, Bingying, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Huangfu Ruoxi kowtowed to Bingying like crazy, and his forehead fell to the ground without any pain. He cried, "I'm sorry, I don't know it was me... It's just that I made you suffer so much... so much..."

"What are you doing? Get up!" Bingying frowned and held him up with a little force. She looked at his bloody forehead and immediately realized how hard he was confessing, and she didn't know what it was like in his heart. But then she knew her heart that she didn't need this kind of confession - Ruoxi was innocent. He doesn't know anything. He is another person to her.

She sighed, held him in her arms with a force, patted him on the back and comforted him, "Okay, Ruoxi, I don't blame you. Besides, I don't hate him, do you understand? Up to now, it's all about making fun of people, and hating anyone can no longer play any role. What we can do is to live better, so you have to be obedient and stop blaming yourself.

To be honest, she feels a little sorry for Jin Si. Looking at Ruoxi's appearance, she knew what Jin Ji's original heart was like. And the once naive and beloved teenager was grinded into such a cold feeling as Jin Ji. If she had suffered those hardships, she must be like him, maybe even more.

Huangfu Ruoxi was comforted by her and continued to sob and cry for the disaster he brought to her. Then, he firmly decided to compensate her. No matter what he does for her, as long as she is happy, he will do it for her!

"The officers and soldiers outside have withdrawn." The sound of red night came from outside. Bingying let go of Huangfu Ruoxi, turned around and walked over, opened the door, and asked, "What's going on?" She didn't believe that Huangfu Zhenglong would let them go easily, otherwise something else would have happened.

Although Hongye was extremely reluctant, he also put the overall situation first and told Bingying the truth: "I found out that the queen went to see Feng Hanlong and seemed to have said something to Feng Hanlong. Feng Hanlong believed that you were not Bingying from Ximen, so he asked Liu Yuanchen to withdraw the officers and soldiers outside the village."

Bingying frowned: "That's even worse. Since he believes that I'm not Simon Bingying, why didn't he immediately order me to kill me, but withdraw his troops?" Is it possible that there is anything else here?

Red Night sneered: "You really guessed accurately. Feng Hanlong really wanted to kill you, and the Lord. However, he knew that even the people who gathered the whole palace were not necessarily opponents of the Lord, so he followed the queen's advice. Those Western Regions were summoned by the queen's father, General Hua Anjing. Now Feng Hanlong and the queen are waiting for news in the palace, waiting for the news that you and the Lord were killed by the Western Regions.

Bingying raised her eyebrows and could probably imagine Huangfu Zhenglong's furious mood when he woke up. Coupled with the queen's added fuel and vinegar, it was easy to convince Huangfu Zhenglong that she was not Ximen Bingying. However, she is indeed no longer Simon Bingying. This time, she didn't even visit Wen Chenyang, the eldest brother. She felt that they would live better without Ximen Bingying.

"Well, inform Qin's mother that Xiangzui Township is open normally." Bingying didn't expect how many things another man had caused her. However, she will know soon.

After the closure of Xiangzui Township for more than ten days, it finally opened again. Moreover, on this day, according to Bingying's instructions, several girls shouted 'free drinks' at the door, and the fragrant drunken countryside was quickly full of guests and completely became lonely in the past few days.

At the second hour, Xiangzui Township became even more lively, because there was an influx of more than 30 men and women, but they didn't seem to come to have fun. They were all crying and some were full of anger. But it was Ye Bing who brought them into Xiangzui Village.

Qin's mother saw that the situation was wrong, and the leader was the man who seemed to have something to do with Boss Bing in Xiangzui Township, so she quickly ordered someone to ask questions first. After getting the news, she quickly went upstairs to inform Bingying. It turned out that the people brought by Ye Bing were all ordinary people in the capital, and they were all hardships with grievances and nowhere to complain. Ye Bing told them that the Bing boss in Xiangzui Township was the only one who could avenge them, so they came to look for this last hope.

After listening to Qin's mother talk about the situation, Bingying still looked calm. Does Ye Bing think that she can surrender by playing tricks in this way? She will no longer plunge herself into the previous crisis, so this move is useless to her.

With Huangfu Ruoxi, Bingying slowly went downstairs and saw the people kneeling on the ground in the hall. She looked carefully, but did not see anyone deliberately pretending to be ordinary people. As soon as she wanted to speak, she was disturbed by the sudden noise.

"Ask the ice boss to be the master, ask the ice boss to be the master..."

"Boss Bing, we are wronged, wronged..."

"Evil officials harm people, Boss Bing can't ignore it..."



shouting one after another, Bingying couldn't help taking a look at Ye Bing and admired his persistence in her heart. Did he do so much to make her recognize Simon Bingying's identity? Unfortunately, she will not admit it anyway, because she has never been Ximen Bingying!

"Let's get up quickly. This is Xiangzui Township, not the government office. Everyone wants to complain and redress their grievances. Did they go to the wrong place?" As soon as Bingying's words came out, the guests laughed and said that the group of people were out of their minds. However, despite this, the kneeling people still refused to get up and still kowtowed to her. She looked on coldly and refused to make any concessions.

Ye Bing couldn't stand it anymore. He didn't understand where her previous pity had gone. How could he watch these people cry and bleed and be indifferent? He took a step forward and pointed to the people kneeling on the ground and said, "Bingying, they really have great grievances. Their daughters were all robbed by their uncle Hua Yuan. If you don't reach out to help tonight, those innocent girls will all be ruined by evil officials!"

Bingying is a little impatient. Whether these people are real or Ye Bing is brought to play, she will not reach out and care about anything. She turned around and said coldly, "As I said, this is a brothel, not a public court. You should go to the old man to complain. I'm just the boss of a brothel. Isn't it ridiculous for you to come to me to make the decision? Mother Qin, see you off!"

She doesn't want to die, but her scars are still hurting, reminding her not to be stubborn all the time. This group of people provoked another uncle, that is, the queen's own brother. Once she took care of this matter, she admitted the fact that she had been a catcher and blatantly against the queen. Now the queen is supported by the emperor, and she doesn't want to get into this muddy water.

Mother Qin has brought people forward to drive these 20 or 30 people out of the drunken country. However, the 20s and 30 people were still begging bitterly, only to give them a hope for Ye Bing - saying that the Bing boss in Xiangzuixiang is strong in martial arts and is a sworn in the queen, so only she dares to save their daughter.

"I am such a daughter, and the eighth day of next month is the day she will leave the cabinet. Now I have lost her. I have no face to see her dead father. Let's just die!" Suddenly, a woman cried sadly, and then bumped into the pillar in the middle of the hall.

In a burst of exclamation, Bingying swirled to save her. Fortunately, she found out early, and the woman just scratched her skin. There was nothing wrong. She was really helpless. She stood firm and said, "Sister-in-law, why do you have to do this? Why don't you go to the court and come to my brothel to make trouble? Don't listen to the traitor's provocation.

The woman cried and said, "Boss Bing, it's not that I'm not messing around. There's really no other way... At the official's place, we went to sue three times today and were beaten three times. Now the government office won't even let us in... This young man is right. The person we are going to sue is the uncle. Who dares to care?"

"The prince commits the same crime as the common people. Even if he is an uncle, he can't rob the people's daughter." Bingying's words didn't feel appropriate, but the water was difficult to stop. At the same time, she also saw the smile in Ye Bing's eyes and couldn't help but be slightly annoyed.

"Boss Bing is right, but no one cares about it. I heard that there used to be a female catcher who enforced the law like a mountain, and many Jiangyang thieves fell into her hands. Unfortunately, she is now dead, otherwise our daughter would have been saved..." After saying that, the woman held her face with both hands and cried.

"Nowadays, people only ask for self- Protection, and even officials dare not care about such things. After all, he is the queen's own brother." Ye Bing held her arms and looked at Bingying and said, "There are things in the world, but officials can't oppress the people. It's a pity... Since the death of the female catcher, there has been no such person who has made his best to protect the rights and interests of the people.

Bingying's face was blue and white, and what the eldest brother said before he died suddenly sounded - 'Xiaoying, the eldest brother only regrets two things in his life: one is that he failed to confess to your future sister-in-law, and the other is that he failed to catch more criminals to stand up for the people.'

Dad said - 'If you do more small good deeds, you will become a great good person.'

Mom said - 'I have cooperated with your father for so many years, and I feel that I am also a public servant of the people.'

Seeing Bingying's inner struggle, Ye Bing pushed the woman. The woman who understood his meaning took the lead in kneeling down and begged again. Under the leadership of the woman, other people who lost their daughters also knelt down and begged.

Bingying was upset and had to make an exception in the eyes of everyone. She raised her hands and said in a low voice, "Okay, I'll help you once. I will save your daughters one by one. Now please tell me the name and appearance of the captive daughter.

She turned around and stared at Ye Bing: "You record it."

"Yes." Ye Bing suddenly smiled and felt much more at ease. She just closed a little and didn't really destroy her conscience, did she?

Xiangzui Township became busy this time, but the brothel turned into a public hall.