
Chapter 43 Protecting the Body

Ye Lang has been checked in the backpack. In addition to three kettles and some spare dry food, there is also a tent made of unknown materials and a dark green laser-guided glasses. Ye Lang took it casually on the sword. The tent can be inflated. After it is set up, it can be drilled into the sand dunes with six special drill nails around it to consolidate the tent. This special drill nail can drill into dozens of meters under the sand dunes, and the shape of the tent can greatly reduce the blowing of the strong wind, so this kind of tent can make people sleep and rest worry-free even in the storm desert as long as they find a good place. Laser-guided glasses are a box that looks like dark green, 20 centimeters long and five centimeters wide, and three fingers thick. Sometimes it is tightly fastened to the eyes, and the buckles on both sides of the box can be very reliable to ensure its stability. Laser-guided glasses allow people to see things that they can't see in the violent desert, and can also use the micro scanner above to grasp the approximate movement of nearly one kilometer around. It is a necessary equipment for people who participate in the trial in the storm desert. Without it, you can say that it is difficult to walk in the storm desert. However, I have a better alternative, that is, Ye Lang's powerful mind. His sensing range is ten times larger than laser-guided glasses, and the feedback information is more subtle than what Ye Lang himself saw with his own eyes.

After a beautiful sleep, Ye Lang put on his backpack and walked to Ye Lang's second trial ground, the storm desert. There will be a harsher environment waiting for Ye Lang's challenge.

It was not until two days later that Ye Lang really entered the territory of the storm desert. There is a strong wind and sand everywhere, and he can't open his eyes at all. Ye Lang wrapped his head tightly with the special soft leather hat carried on his suit. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were not exposed at all, and he only used his thoughts to constantly feel around.

It was also Ye Lang's bad luck. As soon as he entered the violent desert, he suddenly encountered a huge sandstorm.

The hot gravel came to his face. Ye Lang quickly ran his body to strengthen his resistance and accelerated his pace, hoping to get out of the sandstorm quickly and find a place to set up a tent and have a good rest.

Time passed slowly, and the gravel swept up by the strong wind around still ravaged Ye Lang's body. If it hadn't been for this special suit, I guess I would have been bloody at this time. Even so, Ye Lang has to rely on the continuous operation of the "Silver Dragon Battle Power Tips" to support his body and keep moving forward.

Ye Lang carefully operated the true power in his body for fear of accidentally bursting the meridians in his body, because at this time, Ye Lang had continuously run the "Silver Dragon Battle Power Tips" in his body for more than 12 hours, which has exceeded the limit that Ye Lang's body could bear. However, Ye Lang could not stop immediately at this time, because Ye Lang had not found a good place to set up the tent. With the power of the current storm, even if Ye Lang firmly tied down the tent, it would not be long before Huangsha would be completely buried. A trace of power inadvertently penetrated the meridians and leaked to the outside of the body through the pores, gradually forming a faint silver film-like thing on the surface of Ye Lang's body. And Ye Lang also seemed to suddenly feel that the wind and sand around him seemed to have decreased.

At first, he didn't care about it, but as the physical pressure slowly decreased, and through his mind, he felt that the sandstorm around him still did not seem to have reduced its power. At this time, Ye Lang began to take it seriously. Then Ye Lang tried to deliberately release the Yuanli in his body, but as soon as the Yuanli came out, it immediately disappeared, and the Yuanli in the origin of the heart nucleus in the body also quickly lost. Ye Lang quickly withdrew the Yuanli in his body and dared not try in chaos.

After a long time, the power of the sandstorm did not decrease at all, but Ye Lang could not feel any pressure. At this time, Ye Lang's body surface was wrapped in a silver transparent film. However, this situation cannot last long. Because the continuous operation of the "Silver Dragon Battle Formula" for more than 15 hours is estimated to reach 20 hours, Ye Lang has already felt that the cells of the body are about to be destroyed. Ye Lang knew that this was the maximum limit of energy that his body could withstand. Ye Lang knew that if he didn't stop running the "Silver Dragon Power Tips", his body might be blown up soon. In desperation, Ye Lang began to slowly stop the operation of the yuan force, but did not take all the yuan force back into the core of the heart, but kept it in the meridians.

However, unexpectedly, the pressure on the body has not increased much, and it seems to be no different from just now. Ye Lang was surprised and hurried to find the root cause, but unexpectedly found that the silver film on the body surface did not suddenly disappear because the power stopped running. After careful observation, it was only dissipating little by little. At the same time, Ye Lang also felt that the power remaining in the meridians in his body was also slightly reduced, and the pressure on his body was slowly increasing. Ye Lang immediately realized and quickly adjusted the reduced power in the meridians from the core of the heart. Sure enough, the silver film on the body surface immediately became thicker, and the pressure outside the body was reduced. Ye Lang breathed a gentle sigh of relief in his heart, and finally he didn't have to worry about being bombed by the power in his body or being buried by the wind and sand.

However, Ye Lang was still a little worried about this inexplicable reason, so in the following time, Ye Lang constantly sensed the change of the power in his body with his mind while moving forward against the sandstorm, thinking about the reason for the formation of the silver film on the body surface.

Finally, Ye Lang gradually touched some doors. It turned out that the original force in Ye Lang's body penetrated from the meridians to the outside of the meridians, and then strangely began to twist and rotate along the outer wall of the meridians, and with the excessive elemental force of penetration, the original power that originally revolved around the meridians was forced to leave, flowed around through various cracks in the body, and finally escaped from the pores. Moreover, these forces do not dissipate easily, but form a film on the surface of the body to block the invasion of wind and sand.

After knowing the principle, Ye Lang immediately thought, if he consciously let the true power rotate around the meridians, and then release it from the pores, will it cause the same effect?

After a moment of hesitation, Ye Lang immediately made up his mind to try. Thinking of doing it, Ye Lang calmed down and carefully mobilized the true power in the body. After letting it run in the meridians in the body for a week, he immediately rotated around the meridians. Circles were like a resistance wire. It was not until he knew that the meridians of the whole body were entangled by the true power that the extra force escaped from the pores.

I didn't expect the effect to be surprisingly good. As soon as Zhen Yuanli left the body, it immediately wrapped around the surface of the body, making the film with a faint purple and silver light rise, and the pressure all over the body was greatly reduced, which almost had no impact on the body's action. This makes Ye Lang very happy. Isn't Ye Lang free to come and go in this storm desert?

Ye Lang, who was so happy and didn't know why, immediately put the sandstorm behind his head, while constantly running this inadvertently understood skill, striding forward and walking forward, almost treating the sandstorm in front of him as nothing.

Happy time is always easy to pass, and nearly five hours passed before the fierce sandstorm gradually dissipated. But even if the sandstorm dissipates, it is still surrounded by wind and sand, and the sky and the ground are gray, and you can't see anything from ten or twenty meters away with your eyes. No wonder a lieutenant said that laser-guided glasses are indispensable in the storm desert, but they are not so suitable for Ye Lang. At least Ye Lang hasn't touched that thing yet.

After a period of research, I gradually discovered some mysteries of which light film formed outside the body by using that strange meta-force operation mode. The protective power of this silver light film is really not very strong. It is completely effortless to block such violent sand and dust, and the protection of the silver light film can continue to be strengthened with the acceleration of the rotation speed of the original force around the meridians. Another feature is that when the filamentous elemental density around the meridians gradually increases, the silver film outside the body is farther away from the body surface, but the protection ability is not reduced at all, and it seems to be strengthened. It can be said that this silver light film can be big or small, strong or weak according to your wishes. For this reason, the ecstatic Ye Lang immediately gave this strange skill a loud name, which is called [Protector Dragon]

The road in the future is much simpler and easier. Because of the existence of this [body protection dragon], Ye Lang basically does not invade the wind and sand, and what is more valuable is that its operation does not interfere with the [Silver Dragon Battle Power Tips]. It can run at the same time as the [Silver Dragon Battle Power Tips] and can be operated separately. What excites Ye Lang the most is that [Protecting Dragon] can run anytime and anywhere, as long as there is no lack of vitality. This is no problem for Ye Lang. As long as there is a sign of lack of Yuanli, Ye Lang will immediately carry out the "Silver Dragon Fighting Power Tips" to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth to supplement Yuanli. It can be said that these two magical skills have completely become Ye Lang's life-saving magic skills.

However, although this road is much safer, it does not mean that it must be peaceful. The storm desert is a worse place than the bloody desert. Not only some wind and sand, but there are still inexplicable fierce creatures in it, and it is much bigger than the red sand snake and the red flame poison scorpion in the bloody desert, and the attack power is even stronger. If a person wants to cross a violent desert more than 1,000 kilometers wide, he needs not only strong strength, but also absolute care and superhuman strength and resilience.

After walking in the storm desert for three days, Ye Lang finally met the first creature. It was a sand wolf bursting out of the dark sand. From the previous information leaked by Xinghe to Ye Lang, Ye Lang learned that this sand wave has a loud name, known as the "stopper in the wind" sand wolf. But the strange point is that this sand wolf is not the gray raised by Xinghe and Ye Lang, but very pure gold, and the golden feathers seem to shine. However, Ye Lang didn't care about this. As long as Ye Lang knew that it was a sand wolf. At this time, Ye Lang had already felt a little hungry and thirsty. I believe that the sand wolf's blood would be very delicious. Ye Lang, who hasn't been able to drink blood for several days, thought expectantly.


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