
Chapter 44 Sand Waves Attack

Although the sand wolf suddenly rushed out of the wind and sand and rushed to Ye Lang with its sharp and bright wolf claws, Ye Lang did not seem flustered, because Ye Lang had already found its existence from the induction of divine thoughts, but what surprised Ye Lang was why it waited for more than two hours after following him before attacking. What? Is it true that as Xinghe said, this wolf is a natural blocker who knows how to use the best opportunity to give its prey a must-kill stunt?

However, at this time, Ye Lang has no time to think about this problem, because Sha Lang's sharp claws have come to Ye Lang. Ye Lang stared closely at every subtle movement change of the sand wolf, and at the same time, he was very cautiously scanning around with his mind. Ye Lang remembered the lesson of being attacked by the red sand snake last time. In this harsh and dangerous environment, it was difficult, and Ye Lang did not dare to be careless at all.

Since the frequent operation of the "Silver Dragon Battle Power Tips", Ye Lang's already sensitive five senses have become more and more powerful. No need to think, just rely on your own hearing. As long as you calm down and no one interferes with all the wind and grass around you more than a thousand meters, you will not escape Ye Lang's grasp. Ye Lang's vision has also become extremely strong. Under the attention, it seems that the composition of every grain of sand can be distinguished by Ye Lang. But even such vision can only see a distance of more than 20 meters in the storm desert, and when there is a sandstorm, you can only see vague things two or three meters away. You can imagine the horror of the storm desert. Ye Lang couldn't imagine how the testers selected from various armies would cross more than 1,000 kilometers of storm desert in a month. All Ye Lang can do is to pass through here quickly with his own ability and advantages.

Every slight movement of the sand wolf that rushed in front of him was caught in Ye Lang's eyes, including the trembling gravel on every muscle on its body. But what shocked Ye Lang was the flashing almost contemptuous eyes in Shalang's sharp eyes, which made Ye Lang almost make a delicious meal in Shalang's mouth.

The flying sand wolf accelerated again in the impossibility, and the speed of running is comparable to that of a high-speed fighter. A golden light flashed away, and the sand wolf, which had surpassed the speed of sound, hit Ye Lang's body at the moment of losing his mind, and the sharp claws ran straight to Ye Lang's head.

I'm glad that Ye Lang is now running his own "protector dragon" all the time, and "protector dragon" is always around and guarding Ye Lang's body. Moreover, since it was found that the sand wolf followed Ye Lang, it has been running the "protecting dragon" with all its strength, increasing the strength and toughness of the "protecting dragon" to the limit and pushing it away from Ye Lang's body half a foot away. So at this time, Ye Lang's whole body was wrapped in a silver mask.

"Bum!" With a muffled sound, Ye Lang was hit by the powerful inertia of the sand wolf and flew straight back. After a long sound, he barely stood up. His head was scratched by the sharp claws of the sand wolf. If it hadn't been for the "protective dragon" protection, the brain would have been cracked by it. It was really unexpected. Ye Lang was afraid for a while. Unexpectedly, the sand wolf suddenly increased its speed by more than ten times at the critical moment. The speed was enough to surpass the speed of sound. At this speed, Ye Lang had no time to avoid it at all, and he had no ability to dodge at all. Why is there such a monster in this storm desert? Does every tester have to face this fast and indistinguishable sand wolf?

What's the difference between that and letting them die? Ye Lang clearly knew that none of the excellent soldiers who came from the same transport ship as Ye Lang to participate in the trial of the Wild War Legion exceeded their own energy intensity. With their strength, there was only one end to face this sand wolf and death. Even if they have laser guns and crystal shields in their hands, they are still living in this sandstorm desert.

However, Ye Lang did not know at this time, but in fact, this is not the case. Not to mention other reasons, just the sand wolf Ye Lang is facing now is not an ordinary sand wolf at all. Ye Lang, who basically knew nothing about the real situation in the storm desert, only heard the sand wolf from Xinghe's mouth, but Ye Lang would never think that there were also levels in the sand wolf group in the storm desert. From the lowest gray, the increasing levels are white, yellow and gold. Among them, gray is the largest number of all sandwolves, accounting for 90% of the total number of sandwolves, and then white and yellow, with the smallest number of golden sandwolves, with a probability of appearing is about 1 in 10,000. The most powerful of all sand wolves is the golden sand wolf, but there are exceptions, that is, pure white and pure yellow sand wolves, which are enough to compete with the golden sand wolf, but this pure white and pure yellow sand wolf is less likely to appear than the golden sand eagle. Of course, there are pure white and pure yellow sand wolves, and theoretically there must be pure golden sand wolves, but the probability of the appearance of golden sand wolves is already 1 in 10,000. If there is pure golden sand wolves, it can only be more than 1 in 10 million. And even if the ordinary golden sand wolf is already the king of the sand wolf, if there is a pure golden sand wolf, it can only be described as the emperor of the sand wolf. But are there tens of millions of sandwolves in the storm desert? This is obviously impossible. In such a harsh environment, even if the adaptability of the sand wolf is, it is impossible for more than a million sand wolves to appear, so the existence of pure golden sand wolf can only be legends and theories. Even if people stay in the storm desert for a year, it is estimated that it is difficult to see white and yellow sand wolves. The chance of encountering black sandwolves is extremely small, not to mention the legendary pure golden sandwolves. Moreover, the purpose of the tester is to cross the storm desert for a certain period of time, not to survive or wander around in the storm desert, so the number of times the tester encounters the sand waves along the way can be counted with two hands. The biggest difficulty for the testers is how to cross more than 1,000 kilometers of violent deserts in a short period of a month and how to cope with various harsh environments in the desert. And Ye Lang no longer knows whether to describe it as lucky or unfortunate

Forms a nearly elliptical sphere around the body. The "Silver Dragon Fighting Power Formula" also runs slowly and firmly, providing a strong source of power for the "protecting the body dragon".

The sand wolf ran around Ye Lang in a strange way of sand. Ye Lang's eyes could no longer see its figure clearly, so he had to listen with his ears and feel it with his mind, but this did not reduce his mastery of every movement of the sand wolf at all.

A moment later, the sand wolf spinning around Ye Lang suddenly shouted, and his voice was sharp and loud, as if he could feel the anger of the sand wolf and a feeling of being insulted, and it actually conveyed an endless idea. Hearing the call of the sand wolf that seemed to convey ideas, Ye Lang not only felt an unexpected chill in his heart, but also a sand wolf with thoughts. Ye Lang was dealing with a sand wolf with human-like thoughts in front of him. How can such a monster Ye Lang defeat it? It seems that there is only one way to go in front of Ye Lang now, that is, to leave here quickly and cross the storm desert as fast as possible. When you get out of the storm desert, you may be able to get rid of the sand wolf in front of you.

Thinking of this, Ye Lang immediately made a decision for himself. But just as Ye Lang was about to turn around and run away, the sand wolf suddenly turned around and left unexpectedly, and disappeared from Ye Lang's sense of mind for a moment. Ye Lang was stunned for a moment. Did Shalang leave like this? Impossible. Ye Lang can clearly feel how strong the vengeful psychology in the cry of the sand wolf is. It will not easily give up killing itself. Suddenly, my heart moved. Is it going to ask for reinforcements?

Ye Lang was immediately shocked by his idea, quickly sorted out his backpack, and ran in the direction indicated by the summoner without hesitation. Ye Lang doesn't want to face dozens of sand wolves, which will definitely kill him.

However, Ye Lang never thought that his trial across the whole storm desert had become a desperate journey to be hunted and eaten by almost all the sandwolves in the desert. In front is the edge of the storm desert. Ye Lang knows that as long as he passes the edge of the storm desert and walks forward less than 50 kilometers, Ye Lang can reach the destination of this trial journey in the storm desert. Ye Lang thought that by that time, maybe it should be Ye Lang completely got rid of the endless pursuit by those seemingly irritable sand wolves.

At this time, Ye Lang stayed behind a short sand dune, and Ye Lang must have a good rest. For more than 20 consecutive days, dozens of werewolves always wander around Ye Lang and did not attack Ye Lang. They just followed him and stared at Ye Lang. Ye Lang had reached the point of exhaustion. Although the power in his body was still surging and strong, mental fatigue could not be recovered for a while. From here to the assembly point to reach after crossing the storm desert, Ye Lang believes that it will not take ten hours at this time, but it must be without the obstruction of those damn sandwolves. Today is the twenty-seventh day when Ye Lang enters the storm desert. There are still three days left before the final assembly. Ye Lang still has a lot of time to tire his body too much. What's more, these sand wolves can basically not threaten Ye Lang's life.


The world has not been destroyed, so Xifeng's novels are copied. On the first day of the boutique recommendation, I wish everyone a happy New Year and all the best.

I hope you don't forget to give Xifeng a collection before you go out to pick up girls, and update ten thousand words for a month to ensure quality.