
Chapter 45 The Roar of Wolves

Ye Lang lay comfortably under the small sand dunes, allowing the strong wind mixed with gravel to fly on his body protection air shield - the "body protection dragon gang", so that the basically full strong true power in the body slowly broke away from the trajectory of the "Silver Dragon Battle Power Tips" and began to flow out from the meridians according to the "Silver Dragon Battle Power Tips" The way of winding the meridians runs in the internal organs of the body, and then even spreads to every organ, every blood vessel and every cell. For a while, an extremely comfortable and refreshing feeling came from every cell of the body, and Ye Lang almost melted into this feeling like a beautiful woman touching. Slowly, when Yuanli began to seem a little overstretched, Ye Lang began to pull Yuanli from the core and run according to the strange operation route of the "Silver Dragon Power Tips" in the meridians, dividing the pure elements from the heaven and earth qi gathered in the universe into two strands, one that still dares not dare to do anything. The intermittent operation of the "silver dragon combat power formula" is transformed into a "protective dragon", and the other strand circulates in every part of the body, even every cell. This is the method that Ye Lang inadvertently understood from the "Silver Dragon Fighting Power Tips" during the almost endless round-up and killing by the sand wolf. At that time, Ye Lang never thought that it was just a momentary helpless move that made Ye Lang lay a strong foundation for cultivating the "dragon golden body" after many years. .

Time passed minute by, and unconsciously, Ye Lang's body was constantly strengthened.

At this time, Ye Lang was observing a group of sand waves nearly three kilometers away with more than doubled his mind. Ye Lang has never been able to understand why it doesn't take long for Ye Lang to accurately chase after escaping the siege of the sand wolf every time. Even after Ye Lang finally perfected the Mahayana of the "air dance" that Ye Lang finally learned a few days ago, the difficult sand wolf could still be from the sky in Ye Lang. After walking more than ten kilometers, he quickly found himself. This is almost impossible in this storm desert where the sky is full of wind and gravel standing opposite and may not be able to distinguish the other party's faces.

But to be honest, maybe I should thank these sandwolves well. Without them, Ye Lang would not have had his current achievements in just 20 days. "Air dance" is just a helpless escape kung fu that Ye Lang learned under the endless "chasing" of the sand wolf. He used the true power after transformation to stimulate the wings of war. In the situation of sandstorms, it is extremely thrilling to shuttle through the sky, but this flying method is the most suitable and fastest to escape from the siege of the sand wolf. The best way. Today, Ye Lang's "air dance" can walk more than ten kilometers quickly in the sand dunes within ten minutes.

In addition to "dance ball", through the almost endless entanglement with the sand wolf these days, Ye Lang has also realized a lot of innovative skills. Among them, the method of using Zhenyuan power to relieve the body and quickly recover physical strength is the way to die under this huge pressure.

In the constant entanglement with the sand wolf, Ye Lang finally knew that the sand wolf Ye Lang faced for the first time was definitely not an ordinary sand wolf. This can be guessed from the more than a dozen gray sandwolves it brought on its second arrival. But what surprised Ye Lang more was that when Ye Lang struggled to solve the gray sand wolves that were not afraid of death and attacked Ye Lang again and again with his body and claws, the golden sand eagle that came for the third time brought hundreds of gray sand wolves again an hour later.

Compared with the speed of the sand wolf, that's impossible. However, in terms of physical flexibility in addition to speed, Ye Lang thought that except for the golden sand wolf, all the remaining gray sand wolves could not compare with himself. This is a weakness of the sand wolf that Ye Lang and many sand wolves have seen many times. The ordinary sand wolf can only hit the target at a very fast speed after accelerating, and the attack route is exactly like a straight line. Ye Lang can easily avoid this attack, but when the number of sand wolves continues to climb, it is impossible for Ye Lang to completely avoid the direct impact of sand wolves. At this time, Ye Lang can only rely on his flexible and strange footwork to avoid the impact of the sand wolf. Therefore, through the impression of footwork in the martial arts of the sword slave left in his mind, and then constantly combined with the environment in the surrounding storm desert, and finally with hundreds of sand wolves, a magical footwork was understood by Ye Lang. After that, it was improved with the continuous "assistance" of Shalang, and finally formed the current "big dream step". It is not entirely a footwork, and it also absorbs some advantages of the sand wolf, especially the golden sand wolf who was obviously the king of the sand wolf who attacked itself first. Its speed was so fast that it was within reach, and its physical flexibility made Ye Lang amazed. Every time he attacked it, he basically couldn't avoid it, so he had to use the "protector dragon" to block it with all his strength. Fortunately, it also knew that he could not hit him and let his hand die. Therefore, "Big Dream Step" can also be said to be a kind of body method, a kind of superb light body method.

But it's not like always playing hide-and-seek with sand wolves. I'm going to die of exhaustion sooner or later. Therefore, Ye Lang, who is not a good man and a woman, had to take out his only weapon - the sword came from the defense. So the casualties of the sand wolf began to increase.

This time, when Ye Lang consciously combined the boxing method used in the last battle with Xinghe to try to integrate into the knife method, it was actually very profiant, making it round and free and integrated. At the beginning, he killed the flesh and blood of the sand wolf was blurred and unbearable to be seen.

So, with the idea of constantly practicing martial arts, Ye Lang took these immortal sandwolves to "practice" how to kill them. A few days later, based on the "unnamed boxing" as the foundation, a new set of iron-blooded knife skills was created by Ye Lang. It can be said that it was soaked in the blood of thousands of sandwolves. It was completely created for the purpose of killing sandwolves and was named "Blood Warfare Eight". Even the most powerful golden sand wolf king was carelessly ruined by the "Blood War Eight".

It can be said that Ye Lang is very lucky. In the nearly a month-long confrontation with nearly 10,000 sand wolves, Ye Lang can live until now, and he can also create several proud kung fu in a desperate situation. It is completely based on the "Silver Dragon Fighting Power Tips" and "Protecting the Body Dragon". One of these two skills can be derived. Constantly absorbing the heaven and earth qi between heaven and earth is transformed into my pure power for Ye Lang's consumption, and the other is to use the true power in the body to transform it into a body defense [protecting dragon]. I can't live so long without these two magical skills to protect Ye Lang. Of course, this is also Ye Lang's proud capital, because these two magical skills are also "created" by his own hands.

Thinking of his complacency, Ye Lang not only became more and more happy, but also forgot that he was now living in a foreign country.

Suddenly, my heart moved, and the mind that had been monitoring next to the sand wolf for a long time came to feel it. Under the leadership of the leading golden sand wolf king, the whole group of more than 1,000 sand wolves moved, and the army moved quickly to the place where Ye Lang was in the strong wind and sand.

Ye Lang's heart raised doubts again. How on earth did they know their position? Isn't this a violent desert full of wind and sand? What on earth do they rely on to catch prey? Is it by the eyes? It's impossible. It's certain that their eyes are not as good as their own. Besides, no matter how good their eyes are, they are 20 kilometers away from them! Are they hearing well? It's impossible. The wind here is "hooting". Not to mention that 20 kilometers away, you can't hear it one kilometer away. Do they rely on ultrasound like bats? Thinking of this, Ye Lang's heart suddenly shocked, is it really...

Doubt suddenly appeared in his heart. Ye Lang tightly locked the sand wolves with his mind, and at the same time raised the sensing ability of the mind to the limit. There was silence in his heart, carefully reflecting every trace of information felt by the mind faithfully in his mind. Every gravel around me appeared in Ye Lang's heart, and every fluctuation in the space was reflected in my heart, especially in the direction of the sand wolf flying. Under the induction of divine thoughts, every sand wolf's running trajectory is firmly grasped by Ye Lang, and every slight change of each one can't escape the detection of Ye Lang's thoughts.

Sure enough, through the supreme sensing ability of divine thoughts, Ye Lang found a familiar and inexplicable fluctuation in the direction space flying from the sand wolf. The reason why he is familiar is that Ye Lang inadvertently feels this fluctuation in the space these days in the storm desert, but Ye Lang never cared about it. He thought it was a natural phenomenon in the storm desert, but now it doesn't seem to be that simple.

observed carefully again, and after a while, Ye Lang finally understood. It turns out that the subtle fluctuations in this space are indeed caused by the sand wolf. As the gray and dark eyes of the sand wolf flashed black again and again, an extremely weak space fluctuation spread forward like a fan around the sand wolf, and this strange space fluctuation was repeated every time.

And this strange spatial fluctuation is very weak, and under normal circumstances, Ye Lang can't detect it, but thousands of sand wolves gathered together, and this scene of spatial fluctuation was immediately captured by Ye Lang.

At this time, the sand wolf is only ten kilometers away from Ye Lang, and it is estimated that it will take ten minutes to reach the place where Ye Lang is located.

Ye Lang sneered. If it was so easy to be found by you beasts, wouldn't it make Ye Lang run 40 or 50 kilometers in the sand dunes? This time, I must teach you a profound lesson so that you can hide as far away from now on.

In my heart, I must have immediately turned around and ran to the edge of the storm desert. At this time, Ye Lang was different from the past, and the "big dream step" unfolded and moved forward calmly like a shadow in the endless wind and sand. At this time, I have put away the "body protection dragon", and it is also good to enjoy the wind and sand occasionally.

The wind in the storm desert has never had a law. Maybe this moment is the east wind, so it may be the west wind at the next moment. Maybe there is a wind and sand in front of us, so it is very likely that the wind will be quiet the next moment. Therefore, Ye Lang's body is also in the wind and sand, or against the wind, or against the wind, to break through the air. The true power is bulging in the body, and the flow does not go out. The gravel brings some slight pain but not damage to Ye Lang's skin at all. A comfortable feeling stirred in the chest, and unconsciously a long roar gushed out of the mouth with the turbulent true power.


With the help of Zhenyuan's power, the roar spread through layers of sand waves to the sand eagles more than ten kilometers behind him, and the wolves were in chaos. The leading golden sand wolf seemed to be angry, and a loud wolf howled the wolf immediately regrouped and chased Ye Lang.

Ye Lang couldn't help laughing for a while and finally found a big weakness of Shalang. Previously, Ye Lang had been wondering why only the leading golden sand wolf kept howling, and the remaining sand wolf with the howling was immediately afraid of suffering, and then rushed to Ye Lang without fear of death. At this time, he realized that those ordinary sand wolves were afraid of the loud roar. Immediately, Ye Lang's originally somewhat fearful mood immediately became much more cheerful, and there was another weight to win in his hand.