Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 19 Is it a human? Is it a ghost?

Fat Ma was blocked outside and was also anxious, shouting, "Sun, don't be stupid. Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about the hilly girl."

I hesitated for a while and scolded outside, "Fatty, don't talk nonsense."

After Fatty Ma heard me talking to him, he smiled and said, "Old Sun, you finally figured it out!"

I didn't answer, so I pushed forward again.

The clay figurine asked me rigorously, "Do you really want to go in?"

I nodded.

The clay figurine followed: "What did you go in for? We usually seek profit and avoid harm in this industry.

I can't answer for a moment. But I still want to go in and see what the hell 'it' is. I was almost killed by it several times, and in the end, I don't know who the murderer is.

I answered him with action, and I moved forward.

The clay figurine knew that there was no way to stop me and said, "Then I'll go with you."

"No, it's very dangerous in front of you. Two people squeeze in. It's not easy to turn around. You can pick me up outside." That's all I've said.

The clay figurine was no longer reluctant. Knowing that it was afraid of light, the clay figurine prepared a flare.

I began to move forward, only a distance of one or two meters, but in the narrow and low space, coupled with psychological tension, I moved very slowly.

I always press the trigger of the submachine gun with my fingers, and I thought to myself that as long as it appears, I will shoot immediately.

Well, I can stand up. I can stand upright within one meter near the wall. The wall is full of spider webs, the ground has lost a lot of dead mice and shriveled corpses, as well as some other creatures living in the dark, cockroaches, earthworms and so on.

A rotten smell permeates here, which is uncomfortable.

My heartstrings are tight, is it...

I suddenly looked up and looked up. It was dark, and the visual distance of the searchlight was blurred, and there was no end.

I exhaled and wanted to make some noise. If nothing unexpected happens, it will definitely hide on it.

I kicked the wall a few times and made some noise.

After hearing the noise, the clay fig man asked me what had happened.

I said, "It's okay."

I continued to stir and come out, hitting the wall with the butt of the gun, and the sound came one after another.

But the dark space above my head didn't remember any sound.

I stopped and looked up again. Suddenly, the back of my hand cooled down. I hurriedly looked down and found that there was a drop like a spit**. I wiped it off with my hand, which was a little sticky.

"See?" The clay figurine shouted at this time.

I was distracted and looked out. It was at this time, the hair wrapped around my face. At this time, I didn't have time to do anything. I pulled the trigger and opened the gun up. Maybe it was a spark when the bullet was fired. The sound of rubbing, the hair was actually ignited, and the hair wrapped around my face immediately contracted back like tentacles.

Soon, there came a scream. This scream is not like the previous zongzi and face-eating monkey, but like the sound of human beings experiencing pain, ah! It's a bit like the voice of an adult man.

I clung to the wall, and a strong burning smell came, and the burning hair kept falling, and the sparks fell everywhere.

The clay man shouted anxiously and asked me to quit quickly.

But I didn't pay attention to it. Things have come to this point, and the truth should come out soon. I won't step back. After a while, the fire was a little darker. At this time, I reminded myself that I raised my head and looked up, and it actually put out the fire by itself.

A face just came into my eyes with a red firelight. My first impression was that I was old, and I didn't know what words to use to describe it.

The second feeling is that it is transmitted from the peripheral nerve of the brain to the toes. He looked at me with resentment, but at this time he had no time to take care of me and extinguished the fire.

I stepped back. At this time, something fell from above and fell right in front of me. I bent down to pick it up. The sharp sound continued and the fire went out.

Suddenly, it seemed to be moving. I immediately climbed outside and shouted, "Run away."

The clay figurine didn't move after I came out. I urged anxiously, "What are you waiting for? Go back!"

After I came out, the clay man immediately threw a lighting bomb inside and said, "Give some time to escape." After saying that, he climbed out at a high speed, and I followed.

The flare was annihilated in about a minute.

After climbing for a few more minutes, I could faintly see Fatty Ma's figure.

Suddenly, I felt that my feet were caught by something. I looked back and suddenly felt that my scalp was numb, and its skin was dry and wrinkled. The whole body seems to have atrophied.

My eyes protrud and stared at me. I struggled hard. Unexpectedly, I broke free. It is not strong.

The clay figurine has climbed out. It was still chasing me. When it was about to get to the exit, I shouted, "The fat man pulled me." I stretched out my hand.

After hearing my words, Fatty Ma immediately grabbed my hand, pulled me out vigorously, and even dragged the damn thing out.

Fatty Ma scolded his mother and immediately raised the muzzle of the gun. It saw Fatty Ma's muzzle and immediately contracted back. The speed was really amazing. Fatty Ma was facing a shuttle of bullets inside. After hitting, he blew the muzzle of the gun and scolded, "Looking for death."

But the actual estimate is that one shot was not hit, because it is really a little weird. It's a bit like a human, and this idea comes to my mind.

I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead, gasped, and said to them, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go down first!"

Fat Ma insisted on breaking it this time and said, "If it still dares to rise, I will definitely clean it up."

The clay figurine grabbed the rope and slipped down, and then me, and then the fat man.

After the three of us came down, we looked at each other and looked at each other. "What did you see," Fatty Ma asked me.

I replied, "It's a horrible face, anyway... I don't know how to describe it. It's a bit like a human..."

They looked at me in horror, with incredible words on their faces.

"Maybe not," I immediately denied it again.

Fat Ma asked, "Is it similar or not?"

After a while, I said, "I don't know."

Fat Ma had no choice but to ask. It suddenly occurred to me that I had found something and put it in my pocket in a hurry. I took it out. I didn't look at it carefully just now, and then I looked at it carefully.

After entering the sight of something, all three of us were shocked. Fatty Ma, in particular, took the thing directly from my hand and cursed in a low voice, "Sun, this thing is returned to the original owner."

I didn't say anything, which is a default.

This is the ora bone that was taken out of the armor before, and Fatty Ma put the orabone back into his pocket.

I just watched it for a while, but I didn't see anything, but this oraicle was not robbed by Jiang Erge before. Is Jiang's second brother in trouble?

Fat Ma said, "That guy must have suffered retribution."

I dare not deny this. If I face this ghost alone, the probability of death is absolutely more than 90%, or absolute death. Fortunately, it is thanks to the three of us, and the firepower is still strong, we can narrowly escape.

We have seen Jiang's method, but when we meet this thing, we can't prevent him from doing anything!

The clay figurine said at this time, "There must be nothing wrong with him." He asked me again, "Have you found any bodies in it?" I shook my head.

"That means that after a struggle, Jiang Erge escaped." I followed the words of the clay figurine.