Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 20 Darkboard

The water of the dark river was flowing quietly. I went over and washed my face to wake myself up.

This is a death escape. I squatted by the river and didn't move. I looked at myself in the water. The glass of the searchlight was stained with a few drops of water, reflecting the dark shadow on the wall.

I wiped it with my hand and sighed leisurely.

I stood up slowly, and a cool breeze blew on my face.

I simply treated the wound and found that there was still Xu* hair on my body, which was sandwiched in various parts of my body. I couldn't stand it. I took off my clothes and ran to the river to take a shower.

Dipped in the coolness of the river, Fat Ma shouted on the shore, "Sun, I'm coming!" With that, he jumped into the water, and the splash was splashed a few meters high.

I cursed. Fatty Ma smiled happily.

The water in this section of the river is about waist-deep. I took down the searchlight and put it on the river, and the clay figurine squatted on the ground.

Fat Ma tried to swim, and his fat body pressed on the water, which looked very funny.

I couldn't help laughing and said sincerely, "You are really good! Fat man."

Fat Ma looked at me contemptuously and said, "Sun, you can laugh when you understand anything."

I shook my head with a smile, indicating that I was innocent.

I was almost washed and was about to go ashore when I found my feet trapped in the river sand. I pulled out my foot hard, but it got deeper and deeper.

"Mom," I scolded. There was a danger in a place. I asked Fat Ma to pull me.

I laughed at Fatty Ma in advance, but Fatty Ma didn't pull me at this time and looked at me with a smile.

I didn't take this little thing seriously. I played with it myself, but it was completely beyond my expectation. I got deeper and deeper, and I didn't reach my chest.

Only then did I realize the seriousness of my gaffe. I shouted at Fatty Ma. Fatty Ma looked at me, not like pretending, when he pulled me hard. Only then did I know that the matter was serious.

Fat Ma said, "Lao Sun, what are you doing? You got yourself in."

I said urgently, "You think I'm willing! Don't talk nonsense, get me out first."

Fatty Ma straightened his positive color and pulled me out hard, but the effect was not obvious. After a while, Fatty Ma was powerless and shouted, "Mao man, come and help!"

The mud man raised his head and saw Fatty Ma gritting his teeth and pulling me. He realized that something had happened and quickly ran over.

Fat Ma explained, "Lao Sun, you got yourself in and come and give me a hand."

The clay figurine obviously didn't listen to Fatty Ma's nonsense.

As soon as the clay figurine came, he said to me, "Sun, don't struggle, relax slowly."

I listened to the clay figurine's words and slowly relaxed. The speed of sinking has indeed slowed down a lot. Then the clay fig man said, "Fang your body and lie on your back on the surface of the water."

I did what the clay figurine said, and my feet were actually looser. I wanted to pull it out quickly, but I didn't expect to get stuck in again. I woke up in time and stopped.

"The momentum is wrong!" Fat Ma said. Old Sun is still sinking in!"

After being reminded by Fatty Ma, the clay figurine also noticed it. Remind me again not to move!

It was not easy to exert force in the water. The clay fig man asked the fat man to drag me first, then quickly ran to the shore to get the rope, and quickly ran back.

Throw me the rope head and let me tie my body.

I carefully tied my body. Fat Ma reminded me, "The knot is tied." I said yes.

The clay figurine asked, "Have you tied it up?"

"It's okay," I said.

They retreated some distance and began to pull me out. I was pulled out a little, and I shouted, "You work harder, and the momentum is getting better and better."

It's finally coming out, I thought to myself.

But it was at this time that my feet seemed to have been bitten to death and began to sink again. They were so powerful that they began to fall into the water.

Fat Ma saw something was wrong and quickly picked up the M11 submachine gun on the ground and hung it around his neck. Continue to be dragged into the water.

"It's not good! There is going to be an accident! You can't lose your family!" The military uniform was put on by Fatty Ma again.

Just when Fatty Ma put on a military uniform, I fell into a certain extent, and suddenly my feet seemed to step on a dark board. Suddenly, I felt that the devouring power under my body became greater, and the water flowed this way, forming a whirlpool in the middle.

Fat Ma and the clay figurine were sharply pulled and rushed here.

The next moment, we were swallowed up by this whirlpool with the flow of water. The dark board was unexpectedly empty, and the three of us fell down the huge current.

I fell to the ground. The key thing was that I wore a pair of underwear before I was dressed. Soon the dark plate above closed, and the water stopped running down.

"Mom," Fatty Ma turned over and scolded, "What the hell is this?"

It's dark, and there are no searchlights now, and we can't see who each other.

Fat Ma continued to say, "Old Sun, clay figurine, you are not dead!"

The clay fig man scolded back, "You didn't die. How could I die?" When Fatty Ma heard someone reply, he smiled boldly and said, "It's good that you didn't die."

"Where's your grandson?"

I replied, "It's still there."

Now the most fully equipped man is the clay figurine. Fatty Ma is still reluctant, and the most embarrassing one is me.

Don't be in a hurry to be happy. The clay figurine reminded me that I don't know what the hell this is.

"Do you still have a flare?" Fat Ma asked. The clay man said, "Yes." Then throw one," said Fatty Ma.

In the next second, before I could stop it, the flash bomb lit up. I'm gone!

With Fatty Ma's laughter, it was actually the funerary objects. Fatty Ma's eyes immediately shifted, with the white light that has not been extinguished.

Fat Ma hugged wildly for a while.

After taking a bite of the box, he found the clothes and shouted, "Lao Sun, come here and give you a dress."

I heard a costume and ran over. There were thick clothes in a box. I randomly chose one and put it on. It was the kind of ancient costume. I don't know exactly which era it is, but the pictures on it are quite beautiful.

The white light will soon be annihilated. At this time, the dark yellow light slowly replaced.

While Fatty Ma hugged the baby, I was looking for clothes. The clay figurine had already looked at the environment of this space and found that there was a lampstand on the wall, so I lit it.

I put on that dress and felt uncomfortable all over. I took it off again and shook hard. Then I put it on again.

Fat Ma said, "Sun, that's good! Dressed like a dead man!"

I was almost short of breath!" But the quality of this cloth is still very good. I couldn't help muttering.

Fat Ma has ignored me for a long time and looked for the baby.

Soon, he also surrounded his body with a dress and said, "Mom, don't wear clothes. It's windy down there. It's cool!"

The clay figurine also came over and saw us wearing an ancient dress and said, "You two really caught up with the times."

Fat Ma replied, "Don't make fun of us. Why don't you take off your clothes and put them on for us!"

The clay figurine replied powerfully, "Don't think about it, fat man."

This is a closed tomb, which may be the ear chamber, where the burial objects are placed.

The ground is still wet, and a lot of water has been leaked before.

"What kind of baby do you have?" I asked Fat Ma.

Fat Ma's upper military uniform pocket is full. Fatty Ma said vaguely, "Sun, don't worry, I will definitely have you!"

I know that this boy just refuses to tell. For so many years, I still know more about his temperament.

The clay figurine also began to search. After a while, I also joined. This time, I found the accompanying room for the first time when I entered this tomb.

The three of them carried out an inhumane search of the ear chamber like a sweep.

After the end, the clay figurines were also dressed in ancient costumes.

The three of us sat on the ground together to rest. Start to explore these things.

Fat Ma said quickly, "Last time my bronze ware was sold for 200,000 yuan!" He quickly asked me, "Old Sun, where was the bronze fish mouth last time?"

The clay fig man grabbed the gap and said, "Fat, you are a landowner now!"

Fat Ma couldn't get around and fought back fiercely: "C mud man, you can insult me, but you can't insult the purity of my revolution."

The clay figurine looked at Fatty Ma with contempt, and I couldn't bear it. The fat guy often plays the banner of revolution and does unknown things behind his back.

In the end, Fatty Ma was taught by me and the clay figurine that he knew that he was infected with the vulgar habits of capitalism and promised to give us some compensation after going out.

We just gave up. After talking nonsense for a while, he calmed down and began to seriously scan the surrounding environment

The function of this tomb should be simply a storage room, and it is closed.

The three of us stood up in robes and looked at each other. The feeling in our eyes was strange.

Fat Ma has a big belly, very much like an outsider in ancient times! I thought to myself that I was also a return to the ancients!

I looked up at the roof of the tomb. It was obvious that a large piece of it was divided, and it was impossible to expect to get out of there.