Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 5 On the Golden Road

I dragged my injured body and ran forward desperately, and Fatty Ma shouted behind me, which made me more nervous.

The clay figurine ran wildly, and finally the clay figurine passed the light. I followed closely, and Fatty Ma was not willing to lag behind.

The brown bear whined and followed us, saying that sooner or later, the tree suddenly came down from the tree, and a wooden stick hit the brown bear's nose heavily.

The brown bear's arrogant cry suddenly turned into a whimper, and then fell to the ground.

The three of us sat on the ground and gasped, and the flashlight was thrown on the ground, and the light was scattered everywhere.

Looking at the brown bear lying on the ground, I still have a lingering heart. After sitting down, the pain in the hands became stronger and stronger, and the sweat on the forehead kept coming.

The clay figurine got up and helped me treat the wound. At this time, the big tree came over and said coldly, "If you deal with it like this, his hand may be useless."

The clay figurine was stiffened by what he said.

The tree came forward and grabbed my hand, pulled and pushed hard. I shouted in pain, and sweated on the tip of my nose.

Fat Ma was worried that I had something to do and scolded: "Hey! What did you do to your grandson?

At this time, my pain disappeared slightly and my hands could move slightly.

The big tree ignored the fat horse and turned into the forest. After a while, it came to me. First, it chewed the herbs with its mouth and applied it to my hands. Suddenly, a coolness went straight to the bottom of my heart. Then it was made of bamboo into a splint and helped me fix it with a rope. After all this, it left a sentence: "No surprise, it can be done in three days. OK."

Fat Ma blinked at me and asked, "Are you all right?" Lao Sun.

I nodded.

Then Fatty Ma immediately changed his bitter face and said sadly, "I have something to do..." He said, covering his buttocks and stood up.

I was amused by Fatty Ma. Fatty Ma scolded me and said, "Look at your gloating."

I hurriedly stopped laughing. At this time, the clay figurine went to help Fatty Ma bandage the wound. The clay figurine also knew herbs. After everything was done, everyone was tired.

The brown bear was still lying on the ground. Fatty Ma angrily kicked it. When he was about to kick the second foot, the big tree said, "If it wakes up later, you are responsible for it."

Fat Ma quickly took his foot back and said with a guilty heart, "It's not dead yet!" Life is really hard enough."

The clay figurine smiled and said, "Fat, why don't you kick!"

Fat Ma said with a serious face, "If I kick him, I'm really a fool!" With that, he closed his mouth and walked back to us.

The clay figurine smiled and spit out blood from his mouth. Fatty Ma hurriedly asked, "Are you all right! Clay man."

The clay figurine shook his head and said, "It's just a little internal injury, and it will be fine in a few days."

Fat Ma couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard that there was nothing wrong. Suddenly, he thought that the big tree was missing when several people were dealing with brown bears, so he questioned him.

The big tree replied, "I'm looking for an opportunity to kill a fatal blow."

Fat Ma looked at the brown bear lying on the ground and was speechy!

"Get out of here quickly! When it wakes up, it's hard to deal with!" The big tree urged us.

At this time, the sky had brightened a little. We packed up our things and continued to rush, so that there were three more injured people. Fortunately, they were not seriously injured.

In the morning, the humidity was particularly heavy. On the road in the forest, dewdrops fell down like rain.

The ground is surrounded by dead vines, and the new plants are climbing high.

The big tree walked in front, holding a firewood knife and constantly cutting the branches blocking the road. The breeze blew and it was very cold.

I was strapned around my neck because of an injury to one hand. Fatty Ma laughed at me as a one-armed man all the way and asked my aunt where she had gone?

This fat man looks unlearned, but he didn't expect to see the Condor Heroes.

The clay figurine later also colluded with Fat Ma, and I was lazy to talk to them.

The more you go to the old forests in the mountains, the fewer humans will dab. Various plants are growing staggered, and many prehistoric civilizations often hide in them.

All kinds of birds stand on the branches and sing, and beasts can be seen everywhere. A thriving scene.

Fat Ma blew the whistle and was very happy all the way. He completely forgot what happened last night.

Suddenly, the tree walking in the front stopped.

Fat Ma shouted in the back, "Why did you stop?"

I came forward and looked at the scene in front of me. I was shocked, and a black mud blocked our way forward.

"We took a detour," the tree passed the decisive way.

Fat Ma and the clay figurine also came forward when they saw this black mud.

Fat Ma said fearlessly, "What are you afraid of? The Red Army has come through the 100,000-mile Long March before."

But Dashu didn't have time to listen to him and said, "Don't waste time," he squeezed past the three of us, and the back team changed the front team.

Fat Ma had to take back his words and muttered, "What a mother met a strange man!"

I patted Fatty Ma on the shoulder, shook my head and smiled at him. Fatty Ma caught me and asked, "Sun, why are you laughing?"

Fat Ma has never suffered losses, but he often failed under the big tree! Is it okay not to laugh!

I didn't answer the fat man. I walked around him and walked forward. The clay figurine also smiled at the fat man.

Fat Ma was stunned, touched the back of his head and whispered, "It's evil! Can I become handsome again, fat man!"

Due to the dense mountains and forests, we were soaked after walking around.

The big tree suddenly said, "There is a golden road ahead, and many people have died."

After hearing this sentence, I raised my mind.

Before going up the mountain, I heard Lao Zhang say that Daxing'anling is rich in gold mines, so many places have been patronized, and there are many people who have died. I also heard that many gold mines are now garrisoned by the People's Liberation Army.

Fat Ma heard that many people had died in front of him, which was much more serious, while the clay figurines had always been rigorous.

Walking forward for a while, I saw clothes hanging on some branches, but it should have been some years.

Suddenly, I kicked a hard object under my feet. When I lowered my head, I found that it was a skull, and my heart felt cold.

As we move forward, there are fewer and fewer trees around, and a rocky mountain road began to appear, and the surrounding stones are everywhere. The field of vision is also relatively wide, and only a few small creatures have grown between the rocks, but some of them have feet.

The mud man said, "These should be gold mines with radioactive materials, so plants can't grow."

When Fatty Ma heard the word gold mine, in the surprised eyes of me and the clay figurine, Fatty Ma picked up two stones and held them in his arms.

"Fat, can you not see the money," Mud Man.

Fat Ma grinned: "This is accumulating wealth, a day when you beg me."

The clay figurine and I suddenly became short of breath.

"But you can't pick up some waste stones!" I added.

Fat Ma immediately threw all the stones in his arms and scolded the mud man: "You can talk nonsense!"

The clay figurine looked at me innocently.