Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 6 Under the Golden Way

I also expressed my helplessness.

The stone-paved ground became a groove under the cover of trees on both sides.

Now you can still see some rusty tools on the ground and the remains of some human daily necessities. What's more exciting is that there are many bones and even a complete skeleton here.

At this time, it was almost noon, but the big tree did not let us rest here, but kept on our way.

Going further, the road began to become narrow, and the crown completely covered the light. Spring water oozed from the cracks in the stone, and a coldness began to spread.

Since I entered here, I haven't even heard the sound of birds, not to mention the appearance of beasts.

The four of us were squeezed into a line. After the clay figurine broke, the big tree led the team.

Suddenly, I had an ominous feeling.

The road ahead is getting wetter and wet. Fatty Ma said behind me, "Is this going to walk into the spring?"

I didn't answer. The big tree in front of me began to become more rigorous.

"No!" The big tree whispered in a low voice. But it still drove forward, and the speed slowed down significantly.

Go forward and get more and more humid.

The big tree suddenly stopped and said to me, "I can only help you get here. After attracting the python, there is a real golden road ahead. After passing the golden road, it is where you are going."

After saying that, without waiting for my reply, the big tree accelerated his pace. After that, he suddenly turned around and ran and shouted, "Run."

The clay figurine stood still and asked me when I passed by, "What's wrong?"

"It's dangerous," I said quickly. Fat Ma has been running with the big tree for a long time.

When he saw that we didn't keep up, he called us back.

I pulled the mud man and urged, "Let's run first."

I ran after breaking the mud man, during which a strong smell came. I couldn't help looking back. A huge head came out, and my heart, which was already hanging in my throat, almost jumped out of my mouth.

The clay figurine said, "It's a python."

Although I already know it, I can't help but be shocked at this moment! But at the same time, I ran harder, but because one hand was hung around my neck, the clay figurine quickly overtook me.

I'm anxious. The fishy smell is even stronger. I feel like I want to vomit. I was left at the end and couldn't help looking back.

The body of the python was completely exposed, and the snake letter spit out, and it was about to catch up with me.

It suddenly occurred to me that the old generation said that snakes have poor eyesight and can confuse the public by running the S line.

I tried to turn the curve and kept turning around. What I didn't expect was that it was really effective. The python actually bypassed me thrillingly. I ran to the three people in a straight line in front of me.

I narrowly escaped, stopped behind and gasped. My heart was faintly calm but couldn't stop beating wildly. I shouted at them, "Walk the curve!"

After my words, all three of them looked back at us. Fatty Ma saw that I fell behind the python and shouted, "Grandson, how did you do it!"

I shouted again: "Take the S curve!"

After Fatty Ma heard my words, he began to twist around. The clay figurine narrowly avoided it, but Fatty Ma was abducted and fell to the ground by a python.

The python chased the tree and soon disappeared into our sight. Fatty Ma got up from the ground, his hand just scratched some skin, and the rest was fine.

The clay figurine wanted to catch up, but I stopped him.

"We can't sit idly by!" Mud man.

I repeated Dashu's words just now and added, "He is an old hunter and nothing will happen." Let's hurry up and get there!

They are not hesitating either.

We began to travel. When we passed by the python's nest, I almost vomited. The fishy smell was too strong. The ground has been coiled by pythons for a long time, forming a big pit.

The water in it has stinked, but we dare not stop, for fear that the python will kill us back, then we will be miserable. After passing the snake's nest, a mountain bag appeared in front of it, and under the mountain bag was a dark tunnel. We rushed in without hesitation.

I asked Fatty Ma to turn on the flashlight and light it for us.

After entering the tunnel, a smell of ore spread out. We walked carefully and didn't know where it led.

But the big tree said that this golden road is where we are going.

I guess this should be left by the previous mining of gold mines, but it should have been abandoned for many years. The construction of the tunnel is fortified with modern fortifications, and collapse should not happen.

Fat Ma suddenly said, "Why do I feel that this road is wrong?"

Because I walked in the front, I felt particularly strong. It was cold inside. In addition, our bodies had already been wet with dew, and gradually I felt a little cold and piercing.

I asked Fatty Ma to turn off the flashlight and I'll light it. Fatty Ma turned off the flashlight, and I turned on the flashlight. The light lit up about 50 meters ahead and did not shine to the end.

Fat Ma poked the mud man in the back and asked, "C mud man, do you feel anything wrong!"

The clay figurine's eyes were also wandering everywhere, subconsciously biting his head.

The further you go, the more abnormal you feel. I can't help reminding them to be careful. That cold feeling made me feel cold and unnatural.

Suddenly, I shone on the top of the tunnel, and I was shocked and shouted.

Fat Ma and the clay figurine quickly asked me, "What's wrong? Lao Sun.

When I saw the things above my head clearly, my heart slowly relaxed. In the top corner of the tunnel, there were many black bats crawling.

Several of them were shocked by my screams, but they soon fell back. Fortunately, nothing big was important.

Continuing to push forward, the tunnel began to slowly extend down, rather than flat. A terrible idea suddenly came to my mind, that is, the tree was lying and deliberately leading us into the tunnel.

But I forced myself to deny it again and forced myself to think on the positive side.

The three of us didn't speak loudly next, and sometimes we could only hear our breathing and heartbeat.

There were some gravel on the ground of the tunnel. I squatted down and picked up a piece of it. There was a gold edge in it, shining under the light of the flashlight.

There is no doubt that this is a gold mine that has been mined. I began to feel a little afraid that since it was a gold mine, how could there be a way out?

At this time, my flashlight suddenly found a pale face... Suddenly, I was scared, and a chill surged in my spine.

I froze and stopped.

The clay figurine knew that something had happened and immediately stood in front of me. When he saw the body, the clay figurine couldn't help shivering.

Fat Ma was even worse. After being scared, he directly broke his mouth and scolded.

I adjusted my breathing and collected my heart. How could a person die in this? Seeing that the body has not decayed and is well preserved, if the judgment is correct, it should be dead soon.

The clay figurine carefully stepped forward, and I followed him with a few steps.

When I saw this dead body, I only felt that I had fallen into hell and felt cold all over. Fatty Ma shouted even more at this time. The clay figurine's face turned pale, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

The body is actually a big tree that was still a guide for us before.

The clay figurine came forward and carefully checked the body and said, "It should have been four or five days since he died. There are already body spots on his body," the clay figurine turned over his body, which was full of maggots, and the body began to rot.

At this time, the stench was strongly perceived by us, and we were all forgotten in fear before.

We hurriedly covered our noses, and the clay figurine retreated, but we didn't cover our noses like us.

I suddenly realized something and hurriedly asked the fat man to check the wound for me to see if it had been poisoned. It turned out that I was too worried.

"Maybe we were fooled!" Mud man.

Let's go out first, and I'll answer. Fatty Ma can't ask for it. Although he is most afraid of killing people in our industry, it is different at this time. We are caught in a trap.

The three of us began to run outside, and when we could see the light outside, our footsteps were slowing down.

Sure enough, when we stood at the entrance of the tunnel, we saw the python coiled in the nest.

"You can't take risks," I spit it out from my mouth.

It suddenly occurred to me that how could such a giant python be deceived by my casual position? The only explanation was that the previous 'tour guide tree' smelled like a python.

It's my careless! I sighed.

Fat Ma said urgently, "What should I do now?"

Mud man: "There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain. Let's go inside first to see if there is an exit."

This is the best and only way now. Because the groove outside is too small and surrounded by dense trees, it is difficult for us to get out.

Turn around and continue to walk inside. When I passed the body, I stopped and asked Fatty Ma to insert a cigarette so that he could walk all the way without changing the zombie and the fierce ghost.

Fat Ma first sucked his mouth and took almost one-third before putting it on the ground. I scolded Fatty Ma, and Fatty Ma smiled shyly.

We made a few simple sacrifices.

Then we began to walk inside, which was cold, and we were introduced into a trap, or a road to death.

The road of the tunnel has changed from straight to steep. I watched the situation very carefully, afraid that I would lead them to a dead end because of my carelessness. If such a thing happens, it will be my fault.

Fatty Ma walked for a while and couldn't help light a cigarette, but no one stopped him. He said that there may be combustible gas in it, so be careful to cause an explosion.

Fat Ma said, "Ma man, you made a big fuss again! Don't think I don't understand. That's what happens in the coal mine.

Although Fatty Ma's explanation is reasonable, what the clay figurine said is not wrong. For the sake of safety, I still dissuade Fatty Ma.