Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 7 Pool

Fat Ma had to put out the smoke.

The tunnel is dark and deep, and no one knows what danger is hidden inside.

We cautiously pushed inside step by step. The more you go in, the lower the temperature is, and there is a faint smell of rot, which smells very uncomfortable.

The scattered stones on the ground prove the grandeur of this gold mine.

Fat Ma whispered, "What do you think? Why do you feel that there is a dead end ahead?" Fat Ma also expressed my worries.

I spit it out from my mouth: "Go further down."

The three of us pushed forward, and the slope slowly became steeper and steeper, leaving traces of the wheels of the tools for transporting gold mines.

I walked to the front with the flashlight, just as I moved the flashlight to the top of the tunnel.

Suddenly there was the sound of water splashing. I hurriedly looked down. I don't know when I had stepped on the stagnant water.

I stopped and said, "There is water in front of me."

Because this tunnel is not very spacious, it can accommodate three or four people walking side by side at the same time, but for safety, one person must be broken, so the three of us can move forward in a shape.

The mud man said, "It's okay! Anyway, the clothes are already wet.

I shine a flashlight in the water. The water is very clear, and I can still see the bottom of the water in a close range.

Many minerals need to be drained during the mining process. This gold mine has been abandoned for many years, so there is so much water accumulation.

The water made a bang and bang as we walked.

After walking dozens of meters, the water has not crossed the knee. The key is that the ground of the tunnel has become flat again.

After another period of time, the water level has not changed much.

I was so nervous that I relaxed a little.

I have to say that the modern fortifications here are well done, and the tunnel is consolidated without leakage, and there is no trace of cracking, just when I praise it. The cement consolidation began to break, and I stopped.

The clay fig man came to me and said, "Maybe the gold mine will stop when it is excavated here."

My flashlight shone forward, but it didn't come to an end. I answered, "It's possible! But why is there still a way ahead?

The clay figurine couldn't answer and was silent.

The water in the tunnel is clear and cold. After being soaked for a long time, I feel that my feet are paralyzed.

Fat Ma said, "It's better to drive the donkey home and go back."

The clay fig man said, "I'm afraid that if the donkey is not driven home, it will become someone else's food."

The current situation is really awkward and in a dilemma. I squeezed my lips and made up my mind, "Keep moving forward!"

They stopped arguing at the same time.

I collected my heart, and the tunnel ore was excavated very unevenly. Although gold can still be seen on the jade, it is already pitiful. It is estimated that when the gold mine was excavated here, the construction stopped, but the tunnel was still extending inward.

The water level has unconsciously flooded the knee position. Walking in the water, it encounters strong resistance.

As I walked, I turned back to remind them that I couldn't stand it, because the water was getting colder and colder.

Just as I finished speaking, suddenly my foot was empty, my whole body fell into the water, and it was sinking. At that time, the only thought in my mind was that the water would be so deep and cold.

Across the water curtain, I heard Fat Ma and the clay man calling my name. The next moment, I heard a ploping sound.

I was still injured in one hand and didn't have the ability to paddle up at all. I tried to break the bandage. But the water is really cool and cold, and I feel frozen and paralyzed from my heart to my limbs.

I hold my breath and dare not be relieved. I clear my mind. On the other hand, I try to break free from the bandage and find a chance to survive.

After the flashlight fell into the water, it went out. Now the water is completely dark. The key is that I am still sinking inside.

Suddenly, I felt pulled and just pulled my bandage. I struggled hard to sink and was free. I was happy, but I was choked by the water. My breath was broken, and the water poured hard into my mouth. I was choked twice. Suddenly, a hand holding my mouth pulled me up.

Finally, we surfaced and saw Fatty Ma in a daze. The clay figurine shouted, "Fat, help!"

Fat Ma stretched out his hand to hold me and pulled me to the shallow water, and the clay figurine quickly climbed up. When I came up, my legs trembling. If it hadn't been for the fat man holding me, I wouldn't have stood still.

It's the same when the clay figurine comes up, but it's better than me.

I said tremblingly, "I'm freezing to death..."

Fat Ma said with concern, "Are you all right? "Old Sun!"

I shook my head and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just cold..." It was half an hour after I recovered.

Suddenly, the mud man said, "There is a way under the water."

"What do you mean," Ma Fatty asked.

The clay man explained and pointed to the deep water area and said, "Just now, when I was underwater, Lao Sun pushed me while struggling, and then I fell into a mouth."

I was refreshed by the words of the clay figurine. The clay figurine continued, "It's strange that it's as spacious as this pool, but I didn't take a closer look.

After the clay man finished speaking, I asked, "How long will it take to get through that passage?"

The clay figurine and Fatty Ma looked at me in surprise.

After a while, the clay figurine replied, "It shouldn't take much time."

Fat Ma said, "Old Sun, you don't want to go down again!"

I nodded, and that's what I meant, and Fatty Ma didn't object. The words of the clay figurine did arouse my curiosity, and it may be an outlet, I thought.

"Eat something first and replenish some energy," Ma Fatty suggested. Now there are only two flashlights left, one of which has just been damaged by blisters.

If you want to go down, you must take waterproof measures for important items.

After eating dry food, put all the rest of the dry food into a bag, and then take out two plastic flashlights.

After all this was done, the three of us discussed it for a while.

Let the clay figurine light, and then I grabbed the clay figurine's clothes. Fatty Ma grabbed me so that it wouldn't be lost later, because the water below was really deep.

The clay figurine went into the water first, and then I was followed by Fatty Ma.

Last time I fell into the water, so I was panicked. This time I was prepared, so it was relatively better.

When he entered the water, the piercing chill hit his heart.

The clay man led the way in front, and the light was wrapped. The penetration under the water was extremely poor, and the range that could be illuminated was only about one meter.

We all control our bodies from sinking. After swimming for a while, the clay figurine accelerated, and I knew that the entrance might be in front of him.

At this time, I was frozen. The water was too cold. In addition, my hand was injured and my strength could not keep up.

Suddenly, I sank under the force. When I turned my head, I saw Fatty Ma's eyes as big as a cow's eyes and his mouth was bulging. I knew something had happened, and Fat Ma was dragged into the water by something.

Fat Ma stared hard at his legs, and my heart skipped. I had to fight quickly, otherwise I wouldn't be eaten by any monster, and I would hold my breath to death.

The clay figurine also felt it. The clay figurine turned his head and looked at it, and the light suddenly lit up.

Fat Ma's struggling and twisted expression was seen more clearly, as if he was about to cut off his breath.

I gestured to the clay figurine and dived underwater with a dagger. The clay figurine pulled the fat man. When I dived into the deep water, my scalp was numb and my heart was frightened. Fatty Ma's feet were caught by a gloomy white claw. My first thought was to meet the water ghost again.

I took a strong breath in my heart and stabbed the white paw with a dagger.

Black blood immediately gushed out, but the claws did not loosen. At this time, the lack of oxygen had made my head a little dizzy. I had to solve it quickly, and I stabbed another knife with a dagger. But it still doesn't work.

I grabbed the hand with my hand, but as soon as I touched it, the hand was pulled up by me, and there was a huge wave in my heart. It was just a hand. I suppressed my fear and patted Fatty Ma on the leg.

Fat Ma looked back at me, and I gestured. After Ma Fatty understood, he went upstream.

This fat man is completely in the heart, and I thought to myself.

The clay figurine continued to lead the way. When I passed the road, I had reached the limit. I hurried out of the water and took a big breath of oxygen.

The first sentence after Fatty Ma came out of the water was: "I'm scared to death, his grandma."

The clay figurine reminded: "Let's go ashore."

Try to prove that the mud man's speculation is not wrong.

After the three of us swam ashore, my lips kept shaking and my words were not good.

Fat Ma then shouted again, and the gloomy and strange hand was still dragging Fat Ma's trousers.

Fat Ma broke it open and threw it into the water, scolding: "It's unlucky." Then he said, "Sun, you broke all its hands!"

I want to answer Fatty Ma, but I really can't speak. I jumped hard a few times. After getting better, I said to Fatty Ma inexplicably, "You are psychologically haunted, and you are just a hand."

Fat Ma immediately replied, "Impossible!"