Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 12 Faceless Female Corpse

Fat Ma said feebly, "If you don't say it, don't say it."

Xiaonan turned his face and ignored Fatty Ma.

Mr. Shan held the white handkerchief in his hand, tried the toughness of the gold thread, and then pulled it hard. The whole coffin was actually pulled and shaken.

I was shocked that a small golden thread had such a great endurance. Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, the previous cooing sound sounded again.

My heart contracted sharply, and I looked elsewhere to look for the sound source. "It appeared again," the clay figurine said.

Xiaonan's face was a little nervous and asked, "What happened?" His lips squirmed slightly and he could see that he was afraid.

After approaching the coffin, it was found that the sound source did not come from the coffin.

Old Mountain's hand stopped.

Black glasses looked around. Can you see it? This question came to my mind for no reason. I was distracted and looked at the black glasses. He was looking around carefully and should be able to see it. I made a judgment in my heart.

The cooing sound continues. Suddenly, I remembered that the previous candle was not only not extinguished, but also not extinguished. Finally, it was forcibly extinguished by Fatty Ma.

"Afraid!" Fatty Ma seized the opportunity to intimidate Xiaonan.

Xiaonan said bravely, "I'm not afraid of my master," he said and deliberately straightened his waist, but soon the cat lowered a little.

The position of the sound source is not obvious and cannot be locked.

I asked the mud man, "Can you determine the location?"

The clay figurine listened attentively and motioned me not to speak. Soon he leaned over to the ground and straightened up. His eyes showed horror: "The sound source is underground. The coffin can't be removed. There are living creatures underneath!"

"living things? Clay man, are you right?" Fatty Ma asked.

"It won't be wrong," the clay figurine affirmed.

Mr. Shan said, "Little brother, can you tell what the living things below are?"

The clay figurine's tone changed and said, "I don't know, but it's better not to remove the coffin."

Mr. Shan has seen strong winds and waves for many years. Naturally, he will not retreat because of a word from the clay figurine. He is qualified to be there!

After a pause, Lao Shan continued to hold his hand with the golden thread, and the coffin rubbed the ground with a rustling sound, but he did not leave the same place.

Old Mountain's forehead was full of sweat.

The clay figurine did not look nervous and kept staring at the movements of Mr. Lao Shan.

I stood in the back, and naturally I was also on guard.

Suddenly, the side of the coffin was pulled out, proving that the whole coffin had been loosened.

When Mr. Shan saw this, he was not in a hurry, but became more cautious.

I suddenly realized that the design of this coffin is similar to that of the drawer. Just push it out. As long as the obstacles to consolidate the gear are destroyed, the drawer can be pulled out.

I waited and focused on the coffin, ignoring what the clay figurine said about the underground living things.

I also want to see what kind of person is buried in the legendary Oriental God Tree.

Fat Ma's eyes are about to protrude, indicating that he is very concerned about the bright weapon in the coffin.

When the coffin was pulled out sideways and saw a pair of embroidered shoes, Mr. Shan's movements became slower.

I held that breath in my mouth and inhaled back, and my heart was chilled.

Seeing that Mr. Lao Shan moved so slowly, Fatty Ma said with a shy face, "Mr. Shan, do you need help from the boy?"

Mr. Shan shook his head and refused.

Fat Ma stepped tight and leaned forward.

The coffin came out again, and the ankles have been seen. It can be judged that the skirt and shoes are not rotten. The key is that the body does not seem to be rotten.

This is a technical job, and it is very important to grasp the strength of the gold thread.

After Mr. Shan pulled out a piece, the coffin was suddenly stuck by the owner. Mr. Shan pushed it back and slowly pulled it out again.

Fat Ma was worried for Lao Shan in the back, and the expression on his face was wonderful!

Fat Ma looked carefully at me and said to me as if nothing had happened, "Sun, it should be a female corpse."

I didn't answer, but continued to pay attention to Lao Shan's movements.

Mr. Shan took another sip of wine during this period, and his spirit immediately improved. The coffin was pulled out again, and the legs and abdomen could already be seen. Surprisingly, the skin looks like it can be blown and broken.

Xiaonan stood next to the old man and wiped his sweat from time to time.

I was inexplicably nervous at this time, and Fatty Ma's eyes began to rotate.

Soon, the coffin was pulled out again and reached the knee position.

Fat Ma said, "F feet facing out and head facing in. What do you think? What's wrong?"

It's about to be true. I adjusted my breathing. My waist has come out, and my hands are visible, and I'm firmly pressing on my abdomen.

Old Mountain's breathing has become heavier.

The sound of cooing continues to ring, but at this time we are not in the mood to pay attention to it at all. This female corpse has attracted all our attention.

I felt that my heart had been caught by her.

Although Lao Shan's movements were slow, he did not stop. After a quarter of an hour, he arrived at the position of his neck.

We continue to extend back with the coffin and give way.

I also saw the black hair, and I judged in my heart that this should be a young girl.

But when the face of the female corpse was exposed, I felt that my heart and lungs were twisted together, from my scalp to my toes.

Xiaonan's face was pale and collapsed to the ground. Even Mr. Lao Shan's hand couldn't help shaking. Ma Pang shouted and muttered, "Where's your face?"

I collected my heart. This is a faceless female corpse. I have to say that the coffin made of gloomy wood is indeed the best. The only shortcoming of preserving this female corpse intact is that the female corpse has no face, as if it was caused by torture.

At this time, the cooing sound is even louder.

Mr. Shan's face was rigorous. He used surgical pliers-like tools to open the hand of the faceless female corpse, and a crystal clear red jade block was exposed.

Fat Ma's eyes lit up and reached out to catch the red blood jade in his hand.

Mr. Shan frowned and reminded Fatty Ma, "You are the clear weapon. The old man keeps his word, but you have to take it easy!"

Fat Ma said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Shan, I didn't hold his hand for a while, and I forgot to forgive him."

Xiaonan's mood recovered a little sarcastic: "You southern faction just don't pay attention to it. You can see money."

As long as Fatty Ma gets the weapon, he doesn't care what you say and cares about it.

Xiaonan continued to say, and Fatty Ma threatened, "Be careful that I throw you into the coffin."

Xiaonan was too scared to speak.

The clay figurine said, "The Southern faction has the rules of the Southern faction."

Mr. Shan was a little angry and said, "Shut up. Now is not the time to argue about this!"

Several people stopped talking at the same time, and it became quiet again, leaving only a strange sound.

Mr. Shan continued to move with pliers and got a golden jade lock. Mr. Shan did not go back on his promise. After taking it out, he handed it to Fatty Ma.

The fat man can't even open his eyebrows.

Next, it's time to turn over. Mr. Lao Shan can't do it alone, and Fatty Ma volunteered.

Old Mountain asked Xiaonan to give Fatty Ma a pair of white gloves.

Fat Ma took it on and said, "It's the first time I've been so exquisite on the ground."

Old Mountain reminded Fatty Ma to count his hands and feet. Although Fatty Ma readily agreed, I couldn't help reminding Fatty Ma to be careful.

Two people hold their heads and one foot.

Slowly turning over her body, Fat Ma said: It feels good.

But when Ma Fatty said something, the faceless female corpse suddenly sat up.

Fat Ma shouted and abandoned the body and ran away. Mr. Shan moved more steadily, but he quickly took his hand back, pulled Xiaonan and retreated from the stone platform.

I lost my mind at that moment and actually fell into the team. The faceless female corpse grabbed my hand. At that time, the seven souls went to the six souls, trembled all over and my scalp was numb.

I threw it hard, but I didn't shake it away. It was broken. I took out the dagger and turned around. All this happened at a critical moment.

I didn't expect that the faceless female corpse grabbed my neck again...