Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 13 Wildcat

A sense of suffocation suddenly surged into my heart, but it disappeared in a moment.

I couldn't help looking back and saw the faceless female body lying back in the coffin.

Fat Ma was stunned and shouted anxiously, "Lao Sun, come here quickly."

When I reacted, I instantly felt a rush to attack my heart. I covered my mouth with my hand and coughed violently. After taking my hand away, I found that I coughed and bleeding again, and I wiped away the blood without a trace.

Fat Ma has come close.

At this time, I shouted, "It's okay."

Everyone gathered around, and Fatty Ma asked suspiciously, "Sun, what did you do to it?"

Looking at his evil eyes, I really can't think on the right path.

I replied angrily, "Fat, can you be serious?"

Fat Ma was embarrassed and laughed a few times.

Mr. Shan checked the body and said in an unbelievable tone, "Was it back to the light just now!"

This sentence shocked everyone present.

"Impossible! "Mr. Mountain," Fatty Ma was shocked and denied.

Mr. Shan frowned and did not answer Fatty Ma's words, but looked at the faceless female corpse.

I also think it's ridiculous. The return of light refers to the sudden mental multiplication in a few minutes before or at the right time, and this faceless female corpse can't die in only a few minutes.

I turned around and looked into the coffin. The faceless female body lay motionless. Mr. Shan held a pair of tweezers in his hand, slightly pried open the mouth of the faceless female body, and picked out a black bead from its mouth.

Mr. Shan's eyes were all gathered on the black beads and slowly put it in his hand. Before we could take a closer look, the black beads actually turned into a wisp of smoke in Mr. Lao Shan's hand and disappeared.

Mr. Shan's pupils contracted sharply and immediately took off his gloves, but it was a step late. When he spread out his hand, a black mark appeared in the palm of his hand.

Just as our attention was all on Mr. Lao Shan, the clay figurine shouted, "It's not good!"

I moved my eyes to the coffin and saw that the skin of the faceless female corpse was rapidly aging, the water was losing at a speed visible to the naked eye, the cheeks of the face sank deeply, the bones of the face bulged out, and the original black hair became like dead grass. The faceless female corpse became extremely ugly in an instant, and her body swelled down. .

"Grandma's! What's the matter," Fatty Ma said in disbelief.

The original pink became a skeleton in an instant, and my heart was secretly squeamed, and sweated in my hand. It should be the black bead. We waited for the meeting, and the faceless female corpse stopped changing, and there was no change. We couldn't help but calm down.

The color of Mr. Laoshan has returned to normal, but the black mark has not disappeared.

Mr. Shan straightened his face and began to continue his work. He greeted Fatty Ma and said, "Get the body out!"

Fat Ma was stunned first, and then realized that although he was not happy, he had to fulfill some obligations by taking all the bright weapons in the coffin.

After all, he is facing Mr. Lao Shan, and Fatty Ma dares not put his arms.

Ma Fatty raised the feet of the faceless female corpse with his hand. Mr. Lao Shan did not do it himself this time. He did it with black glasses. The two carried the faceless female corpse under the stone platform.

Now it seems that Mr. Shan is going to decide on this pair of ebony coffins.

The clay figurine doesn't look very good.

Xiaonan turned behind Mr. Shan's buttocks and asked, "Master, do you want me to help you?"

However, Mr. Shan has no time to pay attention to him. I can see the light in his eyes, and his hand gently rubbed on the coffin.

After a few minutes, he called us to take down the ebony coffin.

Since the previous agreement has been agreed, we have to abide by it and start preparing.

The clay figurine pressed the coffin and said, "You can't move it away. There are living things underneath."

Mr. Shan looked up at the mud man. I inadvertently glanced at Mr. Lao Shan and saw that his face was faintly purple, and I couldn't help shivering inexplicably.

And I feel that Mr. Shan is going to be angry.

I pulled the clay figurine, but the clay figurine was unmoved. Fatty Ma also saw that the posture was wrong. He came forward to round the field, pulled the clay figurine and retreated back. He whispered in the clay figurine's ear, "If you want to worry about that leisure, we will run away immediately after the coffin is removed."

Fat Ma winky at me, and I know he definitely doesn't have a good idea.

When they walked on the stone platform again, the clay figurine's face softened a little. Since the appearance of Laoshan, the clay figurine seemed to have resistance to them.

"Okay! Let's do it," Fatty Ma said with a shy smile.

This ebony coffin is not as heavy as expected. It doesn't need the strength of six people at all. The key is that the black glasses are a little unexpectedly strong.

But when the ebony coffin was just removed, there were a few more scratches on my wrist, and the tingling immediately reached my brain, and so did the others.

Fatty Ma became a shopkeeper and openly shouted: "Lao Sun, clay figurine, move smartly."

After hearing the sound, the clay figurine quickly retreated from the stone platform.

I was in pain and couldn't control so much, and I jumped off the stone platform.

But we underestimated the threat of underground living things. Just after Fatty Ma's words, I felt a burning pain in my back, and I cried out in pain.

Then Fatty Ma was not spared to be killed and cursed.

I turned around and looked back. The light of the flashlight shone, and there were many more shining eyes in the tomb.

The grunting voice was even louder, one after another, and the listeners were in a panic. The next second, Xiaonan's screaming voice came out.

I was worried.

Fat Ma is about to enter the tomb.

I ran to Xiaonan's side and helped him open the living things on his back. At this time, I saw that these living things were all wild cats.

My hair stood upside down. While I was distracted, the wild cat cooed fiercely and jumped on me again. A claw mark made my arm directly see blood.

I was in pain and shook away the wild cat hard. The wild cat fell to the ground and cooed. It seemed to smell blood and was even more excited and crazy.

It looks skinny, but it is full of wildness. It doesn't look like a cat, but more like a jackal. It is besieging its prey.

Looking at so many pairs of glowing glasses lit up in the tomb, the number of wild cats is not small.

Xiaonan still crawled on the ground and straightened up in fear. I kicked him to get him up. Xiaonan stood up tremblingly, and I handed him a dagger.

In a trance, four or five wild cats appeared in front of me, and I was scared.

I was calculating in my heart and wanted to retreat to the root of the wall so that I wouldn't suffer from the enemy, but these wild cats didn't give me a chance at all.

After the last cooing, they rushed towards me together.

I asked Xiaonan to run, but it was too late. I was thrown to the ground by a wild cat.

I held my head with my hand to protect important parts, and then turned over and struggled, during which there were many more scars on my body.

I saw a night cat open its mouth and exposed its fangs to bite me. Don't! I said in fear in my heart.

The moment its fangs were about to touch me, I closed my eyes and didn't dare to look. But with a grunt.

Xiaonan kicked it away with another scream. He cleaned up two in total.

I took the opportunity to get up and threw away several wild cats on my body. At this time, I don't know how many big and small scars I have.

The smell of blood also began to spread, and more and more wild cats gathered around me. From the previous four or five, more than a dozen have gathered.

I protected Xiaonan and retreated to the root of the wall.

At this time, Fatty Ma's voice came: "Sun, hold on first. I'll save you right away."

I dare not be distracted. I must be wary of them.

I whispered, "Xiao Nan, why did you come back after letting you run away!"

Xiaonan replied stubbornly, "Our northern faction is not greedy and afraid of death."

I was speechless for a moment. After a few seconds, I said, "Wait for me to divert their attention, and you will seize the opportunity and run away."

Xiao Nan replied, "I don't!"

"Are you not afraid?" I said with a smile.

Xiaonan said, "This... I'm afraid, but the master taught me that I can't be greedy and afraid of death."

The wild cat approached step by step, and its bloodthirsty eyes locked on me, and each of them flocked to me.

It was at this time that I ran away quickly, and the wild cat followed me like crazy.

I was running away and didn't expect to hit a meat mat and was bounced back a few steps.

"Old Sun, why are you running? I'm here to save you." It's Fat Ma's voice.

"Save your dead head and run away quickly," I said hurriedly.

"With the fat man here, you still have to run away!" Fat Ma is full of confidence. This conversation took place in a few seconds of lightning and thunder.

After that, Fatty Ma said, "Lao Sun, you are right."

"Then why are you still stopping me?" I said angrily.

As soon as we turned around, the clay figurine came up again.

I made a sound from the bottom of my heart, it's over. The three of us have to cheer up and deal with these wild cats.

As soon as I turned around, I hung up again.

Fat Ma hit a wild cat with a Luoyang shovel. After being surprised, he immediately became confident, patted Luoyang shovel and said, "The fat man has never suffered losses when he is so old."

After saying that, he took the initiative to go forward and patted accurately all the way. The wild cat actually retreated tremblingly when it saw the fat horse.

Fat Ma saw that I didn't have a self-defense guy and threw me a dagger.

The cooing sound is like frogs in the field at night, but the calls of these cats sound extremely horrible.

Fat Ma was full of momentum and strode forward, and the clay figurine hit the light.

Taking advantage of the gap, I looked at Lao Shan. Mr. Shan drank black glasses, and they were still next to the ebony coffin.

Their flashlight is very concentrated, much stronger than ours.

It can be seen that Mr. Lao Shan was calm, and Xiaonan also returned to them.

At this time, I saw the method of black glasses. I almost saw blood with a knife, and the formed aura was only stronger than Fatty Ma.

Fat Ma pushed forward and smiled proudly. I saw that he had forgotten his situation again.