Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 34 Transformation

The hill was stunned by the scolding of Fat Ma. Then, his face returned to normal and he said coldly, "What did you say?"

"You are not." Fat Ma continued.

The hills suddenly laughed, but soon stopped again and looked at us coldly. The next second, Bai Shu and Alan's crossbow had been aimed at us.

My heart is cold, and the answer has come out. She is really not a hill. We were fooled.

"You mailed that package to me, right?" I asked.

Yes, she is no longer hiding it.

"Can I see your true face?" I continued.

"This is me. What you see is the most real me." The hilly tone said coldly.

Fat Ma has now confirmed that she is not a hill, and he has no scruples about speaking: "Don't defile my hilly girl."

Black glasses protected Xiaonan behind him, with a serious expression and ready at any time.

The hill looked at the fat man coldly: "Believe it or not."

Three cold arrow feathers are facing us.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

She said, "They can go, but you have to stay."

Fat Ma said unconvincedly, "What about you if you don't stay?" Mr. Sun, don't listen to her.

"You have no choice, or you will all die," the hill said coldly.

"Brother Sun, Xiaonan is not afraid of death," Xiaonan came out from behind his black glasses.

"You want to scare the fat master, and you are very young. With those broken bows, you think the fat master will be afraid." Fat Ma said bluntly.

"Alan, it's time to shout.

Alan took out the configured explosives from the bag. Fat Ma still wanted to speak, but I stopped him.

"I promised," I replied.

"Grandson, don't..." Fatty Ma didn't finish his words and was interrupted by me: "Den man, take them out." The clay figurine looked into my eyes, but was indifferent. I repeated what I just said.

"I can't leave you, unrighteous," said the clay figurine in a low voice.

"Don't worry, he won't be fine," the hill replied.

Fat Ma looked angrily and said, "If Lao Sun lacks a hair, I won't let you go."

"Let's go!" I urged them.

The clay figurine sighed, stopped hesitating, and took the lead in taking a step. Fatty Ma cursed and left unwillingly. Then the black glasses dragged reluctant Xiaonan out.

After about ten minutes, the hill asked Bai Shu to check whether the fat man had retreated and got Bai Shu's affirmative answer.

The hills let Alan put away the bow and crossbow.

"Don't blame me," the hills said to me.

I was silent and did not answer. After a while, I said, "Is she all right?"

When she heard this, she was stunned and said, "Don't worry, she's fine." I took a deep breath and put my hanging heart back into my stomach.

"What do you need me to do for you?"

"You will know then."

"We have basically visited this mausoleum. Don't be in vain."

The hills didn't say anything, but took out a map. I saw it at a glance that this was the map she refused to show me before.

"Look at this," she said and handed me the map.

I didn't hesitate and took it directly. After the map was opened, I was confused at first, and then I was shocked. Isn't this the house mentioned by black glasses?

I couldn't help saying, "Is this map real?"

The hills nodded heavily, and I could see the firmness in her eyes. And black glasses are real, and he can't lie.

The rest of the people stared at me, but no one dared to come forward to see this map.

I returned the map to the hills, and the hills rolled it up and took it back into the bag.

My inner shock has not subsided. Even if this house really exists, what does it have to do with me? I asked my doubts.

The hills said in an unquestionable tone, "I can't say it yet."

Seeing her keep her mouth shut, I didn't ask any more, because I knew it was futile.

"But it's impossible for you to find the import again?" I said. The white jade chair has disappeared, and it is not easy to find the import.

"I will have a way," the hills said in a low voice.

The hill ordered: "Let's look for it separately, find it and come here to meet," several people dispersed in response.

I was about to start when the hills stopped me and said, "Follow me."

I was stunned and said, "I won't run away."

"I don't believe it," the hill said coldly. I have no choice but to follow her. They went to the Golden Road, while the hills and I went to the dark and wet tomb road, and there may be a dry ghost.

We entered the tomb with light. Suddenly, my old problem happened again, but this time it was more serious. After spitting blood, there was still a fire burning in my chest.

The hills handed me a pot of water, and I took a sip and felt a little better.

"Are you all right?" asked the hilly coldly.

"It's okay, it's an old problem." After a few minutes of delay, we stepped into the tomb. My heart tightened and I couldn't help reminding the hills to be careful.

The hills looked at me in surprise and answered.

We have walked through this tomb path, which is a familiar road, but I dare not take it lightly. It's always a hidden danger in my heart.

After walking for about five minutes, I suddenly found something shining in front of me.

Against the background of the flashlight, it emits warm light. However, I don't see it clearly, because the distance is a little far away. And I dare not be too distracted. I must pay attention to the situation at the top of the tomb.

After walking some distance, suddenly, the hills shouted, "I found it."

I found it, took my eyes back and put it away. I saw that the white jade chair was smoothly located in the middle of the tomb road.

The hills walked forward quickly, and the mood was obviously a little excited.

I followed her steps. I don't know why, but I still don't want anything to happen to her. Soon we arrived at the white jade chair, and the god ghost did not appear.

"What are you going to do?" I shouted.

The hills were about to touch the hand of the white jade chair in mid-air, but one foot had been sold.

I knew that this question was abrupt, so I said, "Aren't you waiting for them?"

"There is no need for so many people", hilly road.

"Isn't it really necessary?" I struggled to ask this sentence.

The hills seemed to be laughed at by me and said, "Don't worry about this idleness." As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly stretched out a gloomy claw from behind her.

My pupils dilated quickly and pulled the hills. After Hill recovered, she thought I wanted to attack her, so she punched me in the chest. I stepped back a few steps and covered my hand to see, mother, she is so strong! But I didn't have time to care and shouted, "Behind you."

When the hill looked back, the gloomy claws had reached the door. The hill immediately lowered its body, and the dry ghost's claws fell empty and screamed fiercely.

Then its two claws attacked at the same time, and the hills stepped back and stood side by side with me.

At this time, two extremely ugly dry ghosts appeared in our sight.

I looked at the hills, and her side showed her firmness. There was no doubt that she would not retreat.

I took out the dagger at my waist and was ready at any time.

The dry ghost is at the top of the tomb and slowly moves towards us, and the white jade chairs are behind them, which are also close to us.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in my mind, and I blamed myself for forgetting this.

I quickly shone the flashlight into their eyes, screamed viciously, and then covered my eyes with one hand. But he didn't stop and continued to come towards us.

"Listen to me, retreat slowly, and don't remove the flashlight." The hills speak out.

I answered and walked back slowly.

The hell is not fast because I'm shining on the flashlight.

After retreating about dozens of meters, the hill suddenly took out another '*' from its pocket. Before I asked, she said, "This is a signal bomb made by Alan. When I throw it away, I will run there quickly. I will count 123." When exit 3, a strong light lit up.

The hills and I seized the opportunity and ran over. While I was still gasping, the hills dragged me to the white jade chair.

At that moment, I didn't know what was going on. I just felt that it was dark in front of me, and I appeared in another place.

Yes, it's really another place. The only thing that is the same is that it's dark here.

The white jade chair is gone, and I called the hills. The hills respond.

Turn off your flashlight, hilly road.

I heard the sound and extinguished it. In an unknown dark environment, light may be more important than anything else, including food. Just like a prisoner, if you don't see light for ten days and a half, normal people will also become crazy.

The hills grabbed the flashlight and moved slowly. We stood on an open space. Above our heads, we supported the roof with wooden structures, with decorations, complicated patterns, and crowds in twos and threes.

is supported by a large pillar, at least a pillar held by two or three adults, and the red paint on it has begun to peel off. But it is not rotten.

The roof is at least ten meters high from the ground. After looking up for a long time, I felt a little dizzy. And the open space we occupy should be four or five hundred square meters.

What a big deal! I was amazed in my heart.

If these are dug out by archaeology, it is estimated that they will have to be specially written by big books. In fact, the design of the ancient tomb is very laborious and requires a very smart 'architect'. First of all, he must consider the bearing capacity. If the bearing capacity is not enough, a mausoleum will collapse within a few years.

The structure in front of us should be extremely strong, and I believe that it will not stand for less than a few hundred years or even thousands of years.

The ancients believed that after death, they actually went to another world, so they lived the same as before, so when building tombs, they would buy their own tombs after death according to their habits when they were alive.

However, it is because of this that tomb robbers and archaeology appear.

I was stunned by the scene in front of me, and so was the hills. I hurriedly took out the map and looked at it and said, "Yes, yes, it's here."