Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 35 House

In front of us, there is a quaint house surrounded by a high wall and can't see the situation inside. In the middle of the high wall, there is a wooden door half a person high. The old paint on the wooden door has completely fallen off and is old, and the bricks of the high wall are also potholes and look fragile. A plaque hanging above the wooden door is hanging white and half hanging, and it will fall down at any time.

The two wooden doors are tightly closed, just like a closed coffin cover and coffin body, and the whole house exudes a smell of vicissitudes, and intentionally or unintentionally permeates a smell of decay. After all, it has been too long.

The hills put the map back together: "Let's go in!" With that, I stepped forward and followed the hills.

There is a lock between the two wooden doors, with a bronze lock hanging on it, but there are thousands of holes that have been corrupted. The bronze lock fell as soon as the hill touched it with its hand.

With the sound of 'woo...woo', the sound of the wooden door was like the old man's whimpering before his death. A lot of dust fell from the wooden door. The hill covered his mouth with his hand and coughed a few times.

And I'm still pushing these two heavy wooden doors hard. The sound of woo...woo' sounded intermittently in the dark, which couldn't help but make people's hair creepy and numb.

It's strange that after such a long time, these two wooden doors are still so strong and heavy that it took a lot of effort to push away the space that can accommodate one person in and out.

I stepped in with one foot, and the hills grabbed a flashlight and followed me.

As soon as I stepped in, I was aiming for a tombstone. I was scared and trembled all over. The beam of light shone through the crack of the door. I carried the light behind my back, and my shadow was projected and hit the tombstone, so the image of the tombstone was looming, with a gloomy breath.

"What's wrong?" The sound of hills came from behind.

I took a deep breath and closed my heart: "A tombstone." With that, I didn't stop there. I entered the house, and the hills quickly followed.

A yard came into our eyes, and a conspicuous road was paved with bluestone in the middle of the yard, and it was this conspicuous road that stood a tombstone, about half a person high. The color of the tombstone was black, just a few meters away from us.

I stood side by side with the hills, projecting the beam of light, elongating the shadow of the tombstone and falling on the house behind, which was huge and strange.

And the whole yard has withered. A big tree held by one person has no branches. It seems to be dead. It is also strange that plants can grow alive in this environment without light and water.

Two weeks in the yard was occupied by the house, full of wooden houses, which look old like wooden doors outside.

The tombstone is the main hall. I heard from the black glasses that the main hall is full of spiritual cards, and the room is full of graves. Maybe I didn't believe it before, but I believed it when I saw a tombstone buried in the middle of the main road of the yard.

The hills looked intently at everything in front of them, and their eyes showed pure light.

I suppressed my fear and walked to the tombstone, looking for clues, but when I squatted down to look at the tombstone, my heart was cold, and it was a wordless tombstone, like a whiteboard.

The key is that there is a pit behind the tombstone, a tomb that is just enough for one person to lie down. My back spine is cold. Damn, what's wrong with this? No one buried someone to erect a monument and dig a pit in the middle of the road. What does it mean?

The hills stood behind me, and the light shone in, and a more incredible scene appeared. There was a dead skeleton inside, and a dress was wrapped outside. The rest of the bones had been smashed, and only the skull was well preserved.

My scalp is numb. I dug a pit, erected a monument, and buried a person, but I didn't fill the pit. We Chinese have always believed that it is safe to go into the earth. If we really can't go into the earth, we will scatter the ashes into the mountains and rivers. There will never be an immediate situation, and we will bury people without filling the pit.

More importantly, it doesn't even seem to have a coffin, which is evil.

I came across such a thing when I entered the door. It was really unlucky. The string in my head collapsed tightly, and the palm of my hand was cold.

The original red face of the hills has become pale.

I stood up, glanced around, and finally withdrew my eyes and settled down.

I looked at the hills, and the hills were silent, but looking at her expression, I knew that the environment and situation here were also unexpected.

Let's go, hilly road.

We carefully bypassed the tombstone and walked towards the main hall.

The gate of the house is one or two hundred meters away from the main hall, and it took us ten minutes to walk to the front of the main hall.

The main hall was covered by two carved hollow doors. I gently pushed it, and the door opened. It was empty inside. Looking far away, the dazzling spirit cards tightly attracted my sight.

That's right, black glasses are right.

Six old lacquered log pillars support the main hall, and there is a yellow futon in front of the spiritual plaque, which should be prepared by future generations to worship their ancestors.

And there is also a plaque hanging directly above the spiritual platform with four big characters written on it. I was shocked that it was actually a ghost square text, which translates to the meaning of Guangzong Yaozu and Guangyao lintel. It seems that there is no doubt that this should not be the main hall, but a mourning hall.

I looked at the hill and walked forward.

But when we approached and wanted to see the words on the spirit card, we were disappointed. There were also no words, but this was different from the previous tombstone. These should have fallen off naturally. After all, some spirit cards have been corroded. If there is a gust of wind, I believe these spirit cards will be blown into a pile of powder. I was thinking like this. Suddenly, my scalp cooled down and the bangs on the hilly forehead moved.

We looked at each other and our expressions were unnatural. The wind blows from behind. I look back and it is empty, but I believe that nothing will come from nowhere. There must be a reason.

Be careful, I reminded the hilly road, and the hilly nodded.

Just as my heart was about to calm down, another cloudy wind blew, and the spiritual cards on the spiritual platform sounded, some were cut off, and some fell to the ground. Suddenly thinking of the story my grandfather told me, Grandpa said: If there is a gust of wind for no reason, it must have hit evil or been haunted by evil things. Thinking of this, I am even more uncertain.

Hilly bent down to pick up the spirit card that fell on the ground and put it back on the spiritual platform, straightened the crooked spirit card again, and then knel on the yellow futon and knocked his head.

I stared at her behavior, but I didn't stop it. When she kowtowed her head for the third time, a white silk suddenly appeared in front of her.

My brain was short-circuited just now, and I didn't catch how the white silk appeared. I saw it hanging on the beam of the 'head' and hanging straight down.

The hill was facing me at this time. When she knocked on the third long head, her body was obviously frozen. Then she grabbed Bai Ling with both hands, pulled hard, and tied herself a knot.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, I grabbed Hill's hand and tried to pull her away.

The hills looked back at me and said, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" I asked the hills.

Hills' eyes suddenly withered down, and then regained some clarity and shook his head. When he realized that he was holding a white silk in his hand, he hurriedly released his hand.

"What's wrong with me?" The hilly face was full of doubts.

I told the story, and the hills grabbed my head and said in a fearful tone, "I don't feel it at all."

"It seems that you are evil."

Hills do not say anything. Then he stood up and said, "I didn't know why I did those things just now."

I picked up the flashlight and handed it to her. When I wanted to continue looking at the white silk, Bai Ling disappeared again. I wiped my eyes and quickly moved my eyes to the beam. There was still no shadow of Bai Ling. Strange, did I misread it just now? I'm a little distracted.

"What's wrong with you?" Hilly road.

"It's okay," I answered almost subconsciously. I have a hunch that something bad may happen again.

After finding what you need, let's get out of here as soon as possible!

The hills made a sound.

"Go out," I said. Staying in this mourning hall also makes me feel uneasy.

"Wait a minute," and then suddenly the hills approached the spiritual platform again.

"You just said that when I was kowtowing, a white silk appeared, didn't you?"

I nodded in a stunned way.

The hills knelt down again in my surprised eyes. Unless I'm really going to die, don't stop me from doing anything later.

"Why?" I blurted out.

"You just do what I say."

"Okay," I answered.

After getting my affirmative reply, the hills handed me the flashlight. Then he turned around and was facing the spiritual platform.

I was very nervous at this time and didn't dare to relax at all. I held the flashlight in my hand and changed several positions, but I always felt that it was a little uncomfortable.

I stared at the back of the hills. The hills stood in my eyes, standing graceful, and my long black hair was almost at my waist.

She put her hands together, closed her eyes and knelt down.

The thick dust of the yellow futon flies in the beam of light.

"Be careful," I couldn't help reminding again.

The hills turned around and smiled and said, "You should be clear that I am your enemy now. Even if you don't save me later, it's okay."

I didn't know how to answer this sentence for a moment, and my heart was a little sad.

Without waiting for me to answer, the hills turned their heads and knelt down slowly with their hands folded.

"I'm going to start," her voice came.

"Well," I clenched the flashlight in my hand and held the dagger in the other hand. As long as something happened to her, I would immediately cut off Bai Ling, thinking to myself.