Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 36 Dream

The first long head has been knocked down... The second...the third...

The white silk appeared again without warning. I dare to say that I didn't blink or lose my mind. Bai Ling appeared so out of thin air.

I tried to suppress the fast-beat and stared at the white silk. In the beam of light released by the flashlight, it looked extremely enchanting, and its long hanging in front of the hills.

I stared nervously at the situation in front of me. I really wanted to wake up the hills now. As soon as I stepped out, a strange scene appeared. I saw the hills grabbing the white silk and soaring into the air. My footsteps were frozen, short of breath, and my forehead sweating.

The next second, I rushed forward and hugged the waist of the hill, trying to drag her down. The hill suddenly lowered my head. I happened to bump into her eyes, and she winked at me. However, I didn't react and still hugged her. She seemed to be a little anxious and kicked me.

I suddenly realized that the hills' eyes were clear, proving that she was not confused. I felt that I let go of her hand and took a few steps back.

I grabbed the flashlight, and the beam of light never escaped from her trajectory. The hill quickly went to the position of the beam of the room. Just when I thought she was going to stop, a more strange scene appeared. Suddenly, a skylight appeared on the roof of the main hall, and Bai Ling slowly sent the hills to the skylight.

I stared at it and thought it was broken. I hurriedly shouted at the hills, but the hills did not answer me.

I was anxious and quickly ran out of the door, but I couldn't see the shadow of the hills in front of me. I quickly retreated, but I still couldn't see it.

I suddenly realized that the roof of the main hall was triangular. It was impossible to see it from the front. I shouted the name of the hills and hurried into the main hall. Fortunately, I found a curtain hole. I opened the curtain and rushed in, but I hit it hard.

Damn, I scolded, and there was a wall behind the curtain. But when I saw the curtain, I was stunned. Mother, it was not the curtain at all, but a portrait, which was black and gray. Because the color was too dark, we didn't notice it before.

I quickly glanced at the portrait, and then my eyes were firmly caught.

He said, "Isn't this painting a hill?"

I wiped my eyes and pinched my arm, thinking that I was still in a dream.

Stretch out his hand again to touch the painting.

A sudden voice sounded: "What are you doing?"

What are you doing? What are you doing? It's like a magic sound in my mind. If you hug me again, don't blame me for being rude," the voice is still ringing.

Suddenly, the back of my neck hurt and my eyes became clearer. I saw the hills standing in front of me with anger and a little shy scolding me.

I looked at the position where my hand was staying and quickly took it back. The old man blushed and smiled awkwardly.

"Oh! Why are you still here," I asked in surprise.

The hills said angrily, "I've always been here."

"Where's Bai Ling?"

"What white silk? I think you are fascinated by ghosts.

"I..." At this time, I don't know what to say. At this time, my head was in a mess, and there was no place at all. Didn't anything happen just now? It's impossible! I secretly speculated in my heart.

I looked at the hills again, and my face has returned to normal.

I scanned the main hall again, and the spiritual platform and the spiritual card were fine.

"How long have we been in?" I asked.

"Five minutes."

"Five minutes," I said in a surprised tone.

What just happened is far more than five minutes! Am I insane? What the hell is going on!

I suddenly thought of kowtowing, right! It's a kowtow. I ran to the front of the spiritual platform, knelt on the yellow futon, and knocked three times in one breath. After knocking, I immediately looked up at the beam.

What about Bai Ling? I thought to myself.

Bai Ling did not appear, and the hills stared at me with this series of behaviors.

Maybe I had audio-visual chaos before. After figured this out, my heart was empty.

"Are you all right?" The hills couldn't help asking.

I wiped the sweat on my forehead: "It's okay." I adjusted my breathing to calm myself down as much as possible. Looking at the hills, I thought, fortunately, I didn't do anything out of the way, otherwise I would lose face.

"What are you looking at?" The hills are not good.

I took my eyes back and felt guilty.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the hilly face immediately became serious, but what I felt was cool.

"No, how can there be wind?"

This sentence reminds me that I have put my mind back. Inadvertently, my hand touched my face, and it was still a little hot. I put my hand down.

Let's go out. I always feel that there is something wrong here, hilly road.

Why is this sentence so familiar, I think. The hills retreated outside the main hall without waiting for me to answer.

In the dark environment, a beam of light broke a road, and we followed the light out of the house. After leaving the house, I felt relieved.

I stood in the yard and looked at the main hall, and an inexplicable uneasiness spread from the depths of my heart.

I took a deep breath and wanted to touch a cigarette, but I didn't find a cigarette all over my body, only a lighter.

There should be guest rooms on both sides of the yard. According to black glasses, all the guest rooms are tombs, and pushing the door is a grave, which sounds strange.

However, after entering the house, it was not surprising to see that there was a grave in the middle of the main road. Thinking of this, I looked back and quickly took my eyes back, because the hills had already walked towards the room on the left.

I didn't hesitate to follow the hills.

After coming to the corridor on the left, this is also a wooden building with two floors, and the stairs leading to the second floor are in the first house.

But I and the hills started from the third room.

The door is dilapidated, and some doors are not closed. This should be done with black glasses.

The hills pushed the door and entered. Although I had been prepared before, I was still a little surprised when the door was pushed open.

A circular tomb with a bag bulging in the middle, facing a tombstone. What's more strange is that in addition to this tomb, there are some home furnishings in the room. It's really incredible.

But the whole room is clear, and the scenery can be under the eyelids.

We entered the room. There was also no handwriting on the tombstone, and there was also a blank tombstone with no traces of carving or writing on it. Are they hiding their identity? I think so.

Behind the tombstone is a raised earth bag, which is piled up with stones all over the body, hey! What is this?

The hills were pulled out of my thoughts, and their eyes quickly focused on me, waiting for my next step.

Look at the tomb bag, there seems to be traces of sacrifice.

The hills circled behind the tombstone in a few steps and cast their eyes on the tomb bag.

"Look", I pointed to the dead plant on the grave bag, but the appearance can still be identified. If I guess correctly, it should be flowers. It should be soon.

The hills picked up the withered rhizomes with their hands. As soon as the hand touched them, they broke into two pieces. Generally, if plants are folded off, they will quickly become nutrients of the soil. There is not a poem that says that falling red is not a ruthless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

But it doesn't have it yet, which means that the time may not be long.

And the grave bag seems to have been cleaned up, and there are signs of loose soil on the surface. These seem to show that someone has been here, and although black glasses have also come, it will definitely not be done by him.

I got up and looked at the other facilities in the house, which were dusty.

"There's nothing to see in a grave bag. Let's go," I said to the hills.

Just as I stepped out of the door, suddenly, there was a black cat under my feet. It meowed and looked down. It rubbed its head against my feet. He behaves very well. Just as I reached out to touch the black cat's head, my hand was pulled by the hills.

The ominous word came out of her mouth.

It drove the black cat away, but the black cat meowed and refused to leave.

The hilly face was gloomy and clear, and he looked at me.

"What is a cat afraid of?" I tried to comfort the hills.

Cat? Do you think it's normal that there are living things in such a place?

I subconsciously shook my head and looked at the black cat under my feet. Its eyes were flashing, and I seemed to see a touch of cunning.

"Take it away," the hills repeated.

I tried to drive the black cat away, but it seemed to rely on me and refused to leave. I took a step back, and it followed, and my mouth kept meowing.

I squatted down to catch it with my hands, but I was persuaded by the hills.

So when the black cat touched my foot, I shook it a little hard. The black cat stepped back a few steps. I thought to myself that if it dared to come forward again, it would be cruel.

But it did not come forward, but fell to the ground, twitched violently, foamed at the mouth, and bled seven orifices. After about half a minute, the black cat died.

The hills and I witnessed this process, which was terrible.

I was stunned and restless, but the hills reacted quickly and pulled me away from the dead black cat.

And when I was about to leave, I looked back at the black cat. Suddenly, I saw that the black cat seemed to stand up.

I shouted hills.

The hills did not look back and said to me, "Don't look."

I stopped: "The black cat is gone." My voice was a little chilly, and I was also panicking. The footsteps of the hills also froze and turned pale. The black cat is missing.

It is said that the black cat has nine lives, which is equivalent to immortality.

And it seems that if a black cat suddenly appears when the coffin is opened again, the probability of the corpse turning into a zongzi will increase several times.