Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 42 (end of volume)

Originally, the sun had come out in the morning and was just about to expose the earth, but it was not interesting. Dark clouds gathered and slowly shrouded the top of the old city, as if the whole sky was about to be thrown down, and the pedestrians were out of breathless. The streets were full of traffic, and the crowd was in a hurry. .

All kinds of hawking and noises trying to break through the obstacles of this thick cloud to get a freer venue.

The dark clouds are piping up and rolling repeatedly, but it doesn't rain. This also smoothed the hearts of several of us after walking around Changsha.

Maybe it's because of the weather, so it's not very interesting.

The sky was gloomy. When he returned to Fatty Ma's nest, all the clouds avoided the sight and did not feel at ease.

Fat Ma personally cooked something to eat.

Night is coming, announcing the end of the day, and a new day is coming soon.

Time repeated so much. Finally, on the third day, the long-standing dark clouds finally couldn't help venting, and the downpour fell unscrupulously like the end of the world.

The originally prosperous streets were empty at this time, and the loneliness was like this, and the rain lasted for several days. During this period, we have been staying in the Ma Fatty store and rarely go out

I stood on the threshold and looked out. Raindrops fell from the eaves, and a bleak cold wind suddenly blew, and my feet consciously took a step back into the room.

It is the sun, the rain is over, behind the clouds, and the sun releases weak light.

"I want to go back to see the master," the clay figurine suddenly said. The words of the clay figurine reminded me of my grandfather, so we said goodbye to Fat Ma.

Fat Ma refused to let us go, and finally invited us to have another meal. Before leaving, I said, "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't worry, Sun, if I can't even deal with those old guys, my fat man won't have to come out."

Seeing what Fatty Ma said with such confidence, the clay figurine and I embarked on the train leaving Changsha.

Two days later, I returned to the city where I was born and raised

The familiar yard came into view, and it has been almost a month, but the feeling of home has never changed.

The red glow was staining the sky, and several wild geese passed by inadvertently. I collected my emotions, pushed open the door of the yard, and called my grandfather.

Grandfather came out of the room with a crutch and shouted, "Is it Liangzi?"

"It's me," I answered loudly.

The low night reflected the dim light under the eaves, and my grandfather's face seemed to have a few more wrinkles. I helped my grandfather into the house.

Grandpa laughed happily. After sitting down, he asked me if I had had dinner.

I'm not frank, because you don't need to be polite at home.

I helped my grandfather make dinner. My grandparents drank a little wine and listened to me when I went out. My grandfather used to tell me stories, but now I also try to tell my grandfather.

That's how the years are!