Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 1 Calm

Unconsciously, when I returned home, a few months later, I also talked with the fat man on the phone several times.

This fat man has now bought a big brother and has become rich.

I laughed on the phone and said, "Next time you go to the ground, if you touch a zongzi or something, you can use it as a brick."

But Fatty Ma made up his mind on the phone and said, "Even if you smash it with your head, you can't bear to use its big brother. He really regards it as a treasure."

Later, I heard that Fatty Ma often showed off, and the eldest brother was targeted by the thief. In less than ten days, he was left by the thief. Fatty Ma called me to complain, saying as if Dou E was wronged.

I scolded him: "You local rich man, you still need that little money." After that, there was a blind sound over there. It should have been hung up. I just put down the phone.

After a minute, the phone rang again.

I answered the phone.

"The things have been packed. I'll visit the old man tomorrow."

Without waiting for my answer, Fatty Ma hung up the phone again. I sighed and dialed the phone back to clarify his itinerary before I calmed down.

In the afternoon, my grandfather went out to visit the door, and I lay on his rocking chair and rested.

Suddenly, a man stood outside the courtyard.

I didn't pay attention at first. I passed by. A few minutes later, the man hadn't left, so I got up from the lounge chair and walked over.

I said through the door, "Who are you looking for?"

"Does Sun Liangtu live here?"

I was a little surprised. The girl standing outside the door seemed to be still reserved. She wore a sun hat and covered most of her face. In addition, her head was low, so I couldn't see her face clearly.

"I am."

She suddenly raised her head and smiled at the corners of her mouth: "It's me."

When I saw her face clearly, I felt that my brain seemed to stop working, with slightly oblique bangs with beautiful cheeks and a knee-length skirt.

Hills? I can't believe my eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" She does light judo.

I shook my head and invited the hills in. After I closed the door of the yard, the hills were still standing in the yard. I led her into the house and asked her to find a seat to sit down.

"I'll make a cup of tea for you," she said and ran to the kitchen. When she came out with the teacup, the hills were looking around. When she saw me coming, she immediately withdrew her eyes.

The corners of his mouth smiled, as if mixed with greenness in it.

I shook my head to wake myself up. I don't know if the hills in front of me are real. I put down the teacup.

The hilly sat dry and didn't say anything, and I didn't know what to say. It took me a few minutes. Finally, I couldn't help saying, "What do you want from me?"

Hilly picked up the teacup with both hands, took a sip, put down the teacup, and said, "Fat by, come and see you."

I wonder how she knows that I live here, but I didn't say it clearly.

The hills seemed to see my doubts and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person."

After hearing this sentence, I was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The hill said, "I found it here through my grandfather." I still don't know how to answer the sentence.

The hills suddenly laughed and said, "You are still the same as when you were an educated youth." I also laughed with her.

My grandfather was reinstauted last year, and now he has been reinstared, so I found you through him.

I nodded thoughtfully.

I didn't expect her grandfather to be an official, so it seems that the official is not small.

Then there was another silence, but when she talked about the years when she was an educated youth, we had a topic. All the following time, we were talking about this topic, sometimes laughing, and sometimes sad. Anyway, in that special era, the feelings accumulated and precipitation were not understandable by ordinary people.

Unconsciously, it's night.

Grandpa has come back from the outside. When he saw a girl at home, he couldn't close his mouth with a smile. Grandpa has been worried that I can't find a partner, so he is very happy to see the hills coming.

But I always feel something is wrong.

Hill and my grandfather pulled a few words and got up to say goodbye, but my grandfather said that it was getting late, so he would not go back. As he spoke, he winks at me and interrupted my leg without dissuading him.

I worked hard with my grandfather before the hills promised to stay.

At night, the sky is full of stars. The hills have taken off the sun hat, and a dark hair has lit up. Her face is still so young, just like back then, years seem to be reluctant to leave traces on her beautiful face.

After dinner, she kept chatting with her grandfather. They got along very well, and her grandfather hadn't laughed so happily for a long time.

I sat aside and listened to them chatting.

It was late at night, and I took the hills to the guest room to rest.

After I came out, my grandfather grabbed me and**ed me well, saying that he must take down the mountain. I agreed with a wry smile. Looking at the gray-haired and wrinkled old man with such spirit, I was reluctant to say anything to refuse him.

I slept drowsily at night.

The next day, at dawn, the hills said goodbye. I keep sending her to the door.

Looking at her back, I always feel something is wrong, and I can't tell the feeling.

After another day, I went to the railway station to pick up the fat man. As soon as the fat man got out of the car, I ran up to help him carry his luggage. Welcome him into the house.

In the evening, I tossed my grandfather to find a restaurant to help Fatty Ma take over the wind and wash the dust. After the fat man got home, he affectionately called his grandfather the old man. After arriving at the restaurant, Fatty Ma called the clerk and asked for a few bottles of old wine and said that he would have sex with his grandfather. His grandfather did not recognize the old man, so he simply started drinking with the fat man.

I scolded the fat man. The fat man just woke up.

But my grandfather was so excited that he couldn't put down his glass and insisted on getting drunk. Finally, Fatty Ma said, "Sir, do you like to tell stories? Tell the boy a paragraph!"

Grandpa put down his glass and began to tell stories without saying a word.

My heart was also relieved. It's better to tell stories than to drink. As soon as he talked about storytelling, my grandfather was energetic and his eyes focused together.

Grandpa raised his hand and froze in the air for a few seconds, as if he was brewing emotions. After a while, my grandfather said, "Do you know what it means?"

Fat Ma and I shook our heads at the same time.

Grandpa stopped his voice and stopped. We both looked forward to looking at him.

"Have you ever been to Nanning?" We shook our heads again, and my grandfather seemed to laugh proudly.

"Nanning is on the border between Guangxi, Guangxi and Vietnam."

There was once a capable person on the ground in Guangxi. This person is amazing and can calculate. The main thing is that this boy can make dishes. Making dishes means a good job, and good and bad can catch them. The key is that he can control the scene.

I was fascinated and knew that my grandfather was going to tell ghost stories again, but he had never told me this story.

Fat Ma also stared at his eyes, waiting for his grandfather's follow-up.

Grandpa grabbed the glass and took a sip. He put the vegetables into his mouth. A light flashed in his eyes and seemed to be looking at us, but we didn't notice it.