Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 7 Village Bandit Next

The current situation is very critical. If you are a little careless, you may lose a life. We tried to lower ourselves to avoid being hit by strate bullets.

At this time, the dark shadow outside the window is like the sickle of ghosts and death in the night. The adobe house has been hit with holes, and another shuttle of bullets has been hit in. The window has been knocked off the wall, and the cold wind outside has poured in.

The five people from the same crawled on the ground and dared not move.

Don't shoot. I don't care whether the people outside understand, because we have been completely exposed to the enemy's muzzle. If they shoot again, we may die.

When I finished speaking, the gunshots outside stopped, and I felt at ease. They could finally understand my words. I continued, "I'll give you the things and let us go. How about it?"

I didn't quite understand what he said outside, but the gunfire finally stopped.

I motioned Fatty Ma to throw his backpack out of the window. Before throwing it, I told him that Fatty Ma threw the first bag out through the window.

It was calm outside, and only the sound of the backpack being picked up was heard. It seems that they have agreed to this transaction method. So we slowly relaxed our vigilance, and everyone slowly stood up.

But just as we stood up, suddenly, the gunshot sounded again. I hurriedly told them to lie down, but it was too late. One of them was shot, made a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

Four people gathered around and called the man's name, but he could no longer answer.

I'm angry, but I have to calm down. I want them not to get together and spread out.

I said in a low voice, "Fatty, turn them over."

The clay figurine also seemed to hear me and raised five fingers. I know what he means is that there are five people outside. Fat Ma has been invable of this anger for a long time.

At this time, the gunfire outside stopped again. After a short period of tranquility, a man actually shouted in poor Mandarin: "We want things, but we all have to die."

"Fuck you," it turned out that these bastards could speak Mandarin. I scolded angrily, but the reality told me that it was useless to curse, and it was replaced by a shuttle of bullets.

I immediately lay on the ground, and so did the rest of the people.

The clay figurine stuck to the wall behind the door and gestured to me. After the experience of the last underwater tomb, the three of us still had this tacit understanding.

I understand what the clay figurine means, that is, when they throw their backpacks out, the clay figurines take the opportunity to rush out to subdue them. But I don't agree. First of all, clay figurines are not familiar with guns and are likely to suffer great losses.

I shook my head. The most talented gun player here is Fatty Ma. If we want to implement this plan, Fatty Ma must come forward.

I whispered to the fat man, "You go and help the clay figurine."

The fat man nodded, crawled forward and climbed behind the door. In order to buy time for Fatty Ma, I shouted outside, "I can give you everything for you. Can you let us live? We can also give you the money."

The outside quickly gave me the answer and dispelled my idea: "When people die, everything is naturally ours," they laughed gutterly.

That's when the clay figurine motioned to me.

But before taking action, I motioned to signal the four people who were still alive to lower themselves as much as possible. After all this was done, I lowered my voice and shouted outside, "Is there really no room for negotiation?" After saying that, without waiting for an answer, I threw out a backpack. The bullet quickly pressed down and the backpack was beaten into a sieve.

Someone of them cursed angrily in dialect.

At this time, the clay figurine suddenly broke out of the door, found the enemy accurately and quickly, hit the key with a knife, and seized the gun in his hand.

When they reflected, the clay figurine had already rolled away and the bullet brushed his body, which was very thrilling. Just as the clay figurine attracted all their attention, Fatty Ma rushed out and shouted loudly, just like Li Kui's resurrection, which stunned them for a few seconds.

The clay figurine accurately seized the opportunity and handed the gun to Fatty Ma, who caught it steadily. Then there was a fierce shooting, and the other four ended their lives. As the gunfire fell, it was surprisingly quiet outside.

I rushed out and saw the body lying on the ground and the safe two people. I understand that the danger has been lifted. I shouted to the room, "It's all right."

They came out of the house one after another, and they were really shocked. And a man died. Looking at the body lying on the ground, there were actually four Vietnamese faces. I didn't have the slightest pity. They were too greedy and demanding. They asked for something and actually hurt our lives.

Finally, we buried the body of the same person in a hidden place, and several other bodies were also buried hastily. Then quickly moved towards the mountain, because if it is found, we have no good fruit to eat.

There are no special thick trees in this mountain forest, all of which are composed of dense weeds and wild trees. The concealment is not very good. We ran a long way in one breath to slow down.

The other four people were still shocked, their faces looked like white starch, and their eyes and mouths did not seem to be their own at all. They were empty and surprised.

I said steadily when I saw this: "It's safe. Don't worry."

Finally, the girl couldn't help but break down and cried loudly. A living person died like this. To some extent, this is also the danger of war.

She has been crying, and the other three have not reacted yet. I don't know how to comfort the girl.

Fat Ma kicked one of the men: Go and tell him not to cry. The boy reacted, as if he had returned to his soul and shouted, "Zhang Tong, don't cry, it's useless."

However, Zhang Tong did not stop crying, and her emotions were like a collapsed embankment, venting presumptuously.

The man still repeats that sentence and is completely unskilled. I can't stand it: "Let her release it." I also have a certain sense of guilt in this matter. If I don't negotiate, maybe he won't relax his vigilance and he won't die, but without so many maybe in the world, the foregation can't be changed.

After I said this, Zhang Tong looked up at me and then buried his head and sobbed again.

The surroundings are covered by weeds. In this case, people are very uncomfortable. Although we hold a map in our hands, we can't read it at all.

First of all, we don't even know the basic direction and position, and the people who know it are venting due to emotional problems. As a last resort, we have to stay where we are and wait.

The night is like a ball of thick ink diluted in the water, slowly melted, and it was dawn.

The hazy light opened the new day. Hunger and fatigue, coupled with fear, made them fall asleep. At night, I was on guard and waited for the light...

I wiped my hazy eyes. After putting the wastewater accumulated in my body all night, I suddenly saw the vegetation in the distance moving again, and there was no wind at this time.

I soon realized that things had been discovered, and they have now come up to search the mountain. We must retreat. Fatty Ma is stubborn to fight with them because he has a few more guns in his hand.

I scolded, "Fatty, I think you are dying. You will definitely die if you fight like this."

Fat Ma was unconvinced: "*Comrades have said that there is power in the barrel of the gun, let alone kill a few Vietnamese."

"It's not just your life here, there are other people."

This sentence calmed Fatty Ma down.

We began to move, and Zhang Tong's mood almost recovered. We moved into the deep mountains. We moved forward deeply. The mountain road was rugged, and the ground was covered with strange rocks and surrounded by dead vines because of the loss of water. The height of weeds is much higher than our height, so the tingling itching is particularly uncomfortable.

Fat Ma opened the way ahead and carelessly cleared the way for us. This made us feel more relaxed, and Fatty Ma kept cursing all the way.

At this time, the sun also slowly rose, but it was not strong. The air seemed to be mixed with restless factors. The environment was very depressing, and there was a sultry and restless atmosphere.

After I broke, I kept paying attention to the situation behind me. There was no movement behind me. It seemed that they had not found our footprints, but I dared not relax my vigilance, because it was about my life.

We rushed into the mountain again, completely like headless flies, rushing around aimlessly.

Suddenly, Zhang Tong said, "I can't rush to the front anymore." Her voice was not very loud, but the silent and depressing environment here made everyone hear it.

Let's stop. After saying that, she ran away, found a thicker tree, and climbed up. I was a little stunned, which was completely different from the previous image of crying. She climbed to a high branch, fastened the trunk with her feet, looked into the distance for a while, and quickly jumped down.

We are getting farther and farther away from our destination, holding a sheepskin map.

I looked up at the sky and felt dizzy.

"Come and have a look."

We quickly formed a circle. Zhang Tong pointed to the map and said, "This is the top of the mountain we are in now, but we are going to go to the opposite hill, and if we go further, there may be guards, and then we will be more troublesome."

The boundary line between China and Vietnam is very long, and the mountain opposite seems to be part of it, which may be very dangerous, but after all, the limelight of the Sino-Vietnam war has passed and should be unimpeded.

The biggest difficulty now is how to deal with the bandits who are pursuing us.

And as long as we move to the opposite mountain and hit the Luoyang shovel, everything will be safe. Hide in the mausoleum to see who else dares to come in.

First of all, we need to determine the route. We are all laymen and can only let Zhang Tong make a decision.

Zhang Tong climbed to the tree again, and his hands and feet were very sharp.

After watching the meeting, she soon showed her talent. Looking at the map, she told us a lot and then determined a route for us.

Secondly, our obstacle is the deep stream between the two mountains and the village, which was originally in the middle of the mountains. As far as the current situation is concerned, we can only take a long detour.