Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 8 Longkou

But Zhang Tong showed us a shortcut. At the back of the village, there is a low hillside, which can be used as our bunker. At that time, we can save a lot of time by going directly.

After the route is determined, the next step is to implement it. I took a look at the crowd. The three of us are fine, but their condition is really not good to avoid accidents. I propose to take a break now and wait for the evening to take action.

After eating something and replenishing energy, I asked them to rest. I went to watch. I chose a commanding height and stared nervously. Fortunately, they didn't seem to find our trace.

Time passed like this, and the sun slowly set along the trajectory. A sunset glow reflected half of the sky, and the time was almost over. I got up and walked down the hill. Several people were a little sleepy, but they were almost ready. At this time, a gust of evening wind blew, which made people feel much more comfortable.

Zhang Tong led the way, but for her safety, I asked Fatty Ma to follow her. This time, after the clay figurine was broken, and when everything was ready, we set out.

At nine o'clock in the evening, we were close to the village, and then we extinguished the light source, but when we saw the current situation, I knew that there was an accident. The hillside pointed to by Zhang Tong was simply a small slope, and the height of the shelter was not enough.

But we have reached this point and can't retreat.

Fortunately, the whole village was very quiet and did not seem to be angry because of last night's incident. The village was not energized, so it was dark. Fortunately, there was moonlight.

Fat Ma said in a low voice, "Let's go," and then lowered his body as much as possible and took the lead. We did not hesitate to follow. The slope was like a low wall behind the village.

Suddenly, there was a figure on the slope, and Fatty Ma immediately stopped his steps. With the help of the moonlight, we could see clearly. It seemed to be a child. He was standing on the slope and urinating.

We didn't dare to squeak, but at this time, one of them sneezed and the urinating child immediately looked at us.

It's not good. I'm thinking about how to deal with it.

At this time, there was a cat barking sound. The child looked in our direction, picked up his trousers, and went home. I was relieved, and Zhang Tong also closed her mouth.

I almost frightened the snake. The man who sneezed was a little embarrassed, and we didn't blame him. After the child disappeared, we crossed the small slope and finally approached another hill.

After all the people went up the mountain, I completely calmed down. Undoubtedly, the mountain forest is our biggest*. After entering the mountain forest and letting go of the tense heartstrings, everyone was a little excited, because this means that everyone is safe.

After following Zhang Tong to the mountain forest, she suddenly stopped and pointed to the map and said, "It's almost there."

I came forward. On the sheepskin map, there is a clear sign of the faucet and the location of the dragon mouth. I know what this represents. If you want to enter, you must find the location of the dragon mouth.

"After tossing around for a few days, I almost lost my life. After going back, I have to talk to the old man about the division of accounts again," Fatty Ma said relieved.

At present, we will no longer delay and rush to the destination quickly.

Because the mountain range here is generally north-south and relatively low, it is not too low to be called a hill, but one feature that is not available in other places, that is, the vegetation here is dense, and the mountains are repeatedly superimposed, and the terrain is slightly complicated.

Another rush. When Zhang Tong stopped again, I knew that the location of the tomb had been determined.

This is a relatively flat terrain, and it is still surrounded by undulating terrain. Although the location of the tomb is determined, the location of the dragon mouth is not known. If you want to enter, you must find the dragon mouth.

The role of the sheepskin map has also ended here.

I looked at the surrounding environment. Fengshui is often very important when the burial person chooses the address, and the sheepskin map has been clearly marked with dragon veins, which means that this tomb is not simple and is definitely not ordinary people.

And if it is the emperor's family, feng shui is particularly important. Looking for the dragon vein is the highest level of the feng shui master. Of course, I don't know so much feng shui at all.

Although we don't know this, we have two experienced sand-taoists here. Ma Fatty's family is even more a fighting family, and the clay figurines are also mysterious.

Luoyang shovel has a good opportunity, but every time it is used, Fatty Ma's face is a little ugly. Later, he simply scolded.

"What's the matter, fat man?"

"What's the breaking ground? I can't get in at all. The guy who eats is going to be ruined."

I looked at Fatty Ma's thief hole and only a few tens of centimeters into the ground, so I couldn't move forward. I put my hand in and touched it. It turned out to be a stone inside. Although it was that kind of ordinary granite, it was impossible to rely on the Luoyang shovel to penetrate it.

No wonder Fatty Ma keeps complaining for no reason. It seems that the construction of this tomb has taken a lot of effort, and the protective measures are very strict and strong.

I don't know when the clay figurine disappeared, but Fatty Ma was still not discouraged and looked around for the best place to make holes. Usually, experienced veterans will not be as blind as fat people, but it is not ruled out that dogs jump over the wall in a hurry. Fat Ma is the kind of dog jumping off the wall.

Finally, he gave up. There was nothing he could do. There was no flaw at all. All of them were sealed by natural granite.

Fat Ma sat on the ground with his back against the big tree, gasped, lit a cigarette, and didn't want to move. The other four people also looked at each other and looked at us, thinking that there was no hope.

I'm also worried about this. If we can't find the import, we will have to return without success.

Zhang Tong held the sheepskin map in her hand, so I asked her to show me the map. I stared at the sheepskin map carefully. Although I couldn't understand the terrain, I didn't see this. I looked at the dragon head and Longkou.

According to Zhang Tong, the ground we are stepping on now is where the dragon head and dragon mouth are located, but we have not made a breakthrough from here.

According to what the old man said, this sheepskin map has a history of hundreds and thousands of years. Just when he was puzzled, the clay figurine suddenly appeared. He gasped and sweated out of his forehead.

Lao Sun, come with me. The clay figurine suddenly called me, and his tone was a little short.

I followed the clay figurine without any hesitation, walked to a deep stream and stopped.

A cracked gap separates the two mountains. The narrowest part is three or four meters wide, and the widest is seven or eight meters. So it was right that we didn't choose to come here just now.

"This may be the so-called Longkou!" The clay figurine suddenly said.

"What evidence?"

"What do you see in the head of the mountain opposite?"

I looked at the mountain opposite with the help of the light of the flashlight, crawling quietly like a snake. I suddenly realized something, and a surprise appeared on my face: "You mean..."

I didn't finish my words, and the clay figurine interrupted me. I could see that the clay figurine was a little excited. Yes, Lao Sun was like this. Just as the clay man's words fell, there was a sudden sound of gunfire and bullets brushed through my ears. I hurriedly extinguished the flashlight and was found.

Fat Ma rushed over when he smelled the gunfire and asked anxiously, "What's wrong?"

"Don't talk, get down."

Fat Ma lay down when he heard the sound, and the gunfire sounded for a while, and soon the light of the flashlight came. We were found in the light, stayed for a while, and there was a humane: "I was beaten to death." Another person answered, "Go and have a look. The sound fell," they turned around and left, probably coming.

I wiped the weeds off my face and stood up.

I heard what I just said clearly. I know I can't wait any longer: "Fat, you go and ask them to come here, and we'll explore the way."

This deep stream is hundreds of meters long. Even if you suspect that the dragon mouth is under this deep stream, you can't accurately determine the location of the dragon mouth.

So I explored the way with the clay figurine first.

We didn't dare to turn on the flashlight, so we could only find a suitable distance with the help of the hazy light of the moon. We tied the rope separately and soon went down to the deep stream.

When I went down, I took out the flashlight and turned it on, and the flashlight was also processed in advance and covered a piece of gauze on the lamp head, so the light was pressed to the lowest point.

The weeds growing in the deep stream are full of this narrow space. I'm seriously searching, and now I'm competing for time with those bandits.

I'm sweating.

Finally, Huangtian lived up to his intentions. On the cliff of the strange stone, he lifted the dead vine and found the font, which was written in traditional Chinese characters, the years of life and death.

I am ecstatic.

And this cliff was not very tight. I pulled out a weed growing from the stone, and suddenly a small part of the cliff collapsed, and the gravel fell into the deep stream, sounding empty and leaking sounded.

The position I have reached now is more than ten meters deep.

I quickly climbed up and told them the news, and the clay figurine also climbed up, which confirmed that what he had said before was right.

Let's all go down first, tie our bodies to the roots of the tree, and then cover them with weeds.

Wait for the gangsters to take action.

I climbed on the cliff and didn't dare to make any big move.

To my surprise, they arrived here an hour later. They were very fast. Fortunately, we reacted quickly. The noise on the deep stream was very loud. We stuck to the cliff, held our breath, and dared not move at all.

Finally, an angry curse accompanied by gunfire resounding through the night sky, and then they all retreated.

"It should be safe," Fatty Ma said next to me.

I exhaled and nodded. At this time, I can free up all my energy to deal with the cliffs engraved with inscriptions. Fat Mud and the Fat Three struggled to get closer to that side.

The cliff fell off a little. The clay figurine grabbed the rope with one hand and listened on the cliff. After that, he was surprised and said, "Sun, that's right."

The inscription can no longer be recognized due to the shedding of the cliff. But it is certain that Longkou is the position. Fatty Ma couldn't stand it for a long time. He picked up the guy and got started.

After a few heavy blows, the cliff wall was penetrated. After seeing the dawn of hope, Fatty Ma worked harder and said, "After going back, I will be two or eight points, or I will suffer a big loss."

As the gravel continued to fall, a half-square irregular space was created on the cliff wall. Fatty Ma was in high spirits, but then it withered.

Because there is a paragraph difference between the broken dragon mouth and the cliff, that is to say, you can't go in directly, and you have to toss around.

Now the rope is not enough, so we have no choice but to fold it again and put away all the other ropes, leaving only one rope.

When the clay figurine goes down, fix the rope put into the dragon mouth. We climbed the rope and went down again. It's really tiring for everyone to toss around like this!