Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 18 Complete Bronze Fish

During the location of the coffin where one of my feet separated, fortunately, the clay man pulled me and did not fall down.

All the people panicked. Several times, people almost fell down, but when they were in danger, they were pulled back.

After such a period of time, the violent shaking finally stopped.

Fortunately, there was no collapse in the tomb, and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all right."

At this time, we realized that our hands were lying on the coffin and hurriedly pulled their hands back.

"Mom, I'm scared to death," the fat man complained.

"As long as it's okay," I said calmly.

After such a meeting, after everyone calmed down, they decided what to do next. We all sat down, and the place where the coffin was placed became our habitat.

Looking at the sea that has become ruins, several cracks have been torn open on the dome, but surprisingly it has not collapsed. The flashlight was about to die, and we replaced it with a backup battery.

The surprise of escaping from death echoed in his chest, although he has not completely got rid of danger.

"What should I do, Brother Sun?" Yu asked me angrily.

Now the way back has been completely blocked, and it is basically impossible to retreat. If someone asks why they didn't choose the way back, there will be nothing, but it has happened and it's too late to say.

"Don't worry," I can only answer like this.

"Open the coffin," the fat man said angrily. With that, he was about to take action: "Old Sun, the clay figurine, come and give me a hand."

The coffin was covered with a piece of cloth. The color was yellow, but it was already tattered. The fat man rudely lifted the yellow cloth.

A black coffin appeared in our sight, but it seemed ordinary and ordinary. But I look a little familiar.

This seems to be the coffin in the tomb previously connected by the entrance of the black tunnel.

I remember that the clay figurine and I opened it, but it was empty inside, but the clay figurine said that it had never gone down. Why did this coffin appear here again?

It's really incredible.

It may not be the same pair, but it does look similar.

"What if the coffin is opened and the corpse is cheated again?" Zhang Tong's words fell, and the hands of the clay figurine and Fatty Ma were frozen. In this size, if you open a zongzi, you will have no place to escape.

Fat Ma seemed to meditate for a while: "Well, you go and open the coffin. As long as there is a zongzi, I will immediately shoot it into a sieve."

I saw that the clay figurine didn't answer.

Fat Ma came forward and said, "Mao man, what do you think of this idea?"

The mud man's face changed: "Fatty, every time you take advantage of it."

Fat Ma laughed a few times, and the matter was settled. It was not enough for the clay figurine to open the coffin alone, so I also joined in.

"Fatty, you must seize the opportunity." I can't help reminding.

Fat Ma held a few shots and pointed at us with a confident face.

Zhang Tong and the three of them retreated behind Fatty Ma to avoid the gun from going off.

The clay figurine and I have also been together for several years, and we have a tacit understanding. After a look, we have already discussed it.

One angle for each person.

I looked at the coffin carefully. There was already a gap between the coffin lid and the coffin body. When I saw this, my heart was shocked. It was so similar.

I tried to lift the coffin lid directly, but it was unrealistic, because the coffin lid and body were nailed to death by the coffin. If you want to open the coffin, you must remove the coffin nail.

Because the coffin itself is a little rotten, it is not so difficult to start.

After removing the coffin nail, I exchanged a look with the clay figurine.

The fat man also witnessed the whole process and tightened the gun in his hand. At this time, there was no room for any mistake.

"Okay," the fat man gave a sentence.

The clay figurine and I didn't have any scruples. We gritted our teeth and directly overturned the coffin cap. After that, we took a few steps back. The sight never left the coffin. After a few minutes, there was no movement in the coffin.

The clay man and I touched it again. When we saw the situation in the coffin, my scalp was numb, but the clay man breathed a sigh of relief.

There seems to be no burial in the coffin, but an empty coffin.

This is exactly the same as what I had encountered before. I almost suspected that I was still dreaming. I looked at the empty coffin with a blank face, and my expression was a little dull.

Fat Ma rushed forward like a bandit with a machine gun: "Is there anything good?" But when I saw the situation inside, I couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

"Mom, so many guards are guarding an empty coffin." Just as Fatty Ma was talking, his eyes suddenly lit up. Fatty Ma without any hesitation, stretched out his hand and touched the coffin, and a bronze product was caught by it.

There is finally a fish that leaks the net! Fatty Ma's injured heart has been stabilized.

"Oh! Why do I think this thing is a little familiar?

Fat Ma held it in his hand and looked at it carefully. Where on earth did he see this thing? "Maoman, look."

The clay figurine can't remember.

At this time, the fat man patted me on the back. I seemed to be shocked and sweated coldly, and the expression on my face was very unnatural.

"Sun, look at this thing."

I took a deep breath, recovered, and took over the bronze in Fatty Ma's hand.

The fat man shined for me. When I saw it, I saw that it seemed to be a fish, but half of the fish's head was missing. I almost subconsciously took out the bronze fish mouth hanging on my body.

When they saw the bronze fish mouth, Fat Ma and the clay people were shocked.

I found that my hands were trembling and I couldn't help trembling. I felt that I was approaching some truth.

Zhang Tong's eyes also turned over. But they don't know the reason for this.

Fat Ma said, "Sun, let's see if you can connect it."

In the surprised eyes of the three of us, the bronze fish mouth and the bronze fish body fit together. When they were combined, I felt something slowly recovering.

"It's done. The price must be several times higher this time!" Fatty Ma said excitedly.

Zhang Tong is not very interested in antique dealers like Fatty Ma.

It suddenly occurred to me that on my father's desk, I once read a report about this bronze fish mouth, saying that it was the key to the so-called ghost palace.

At that time, my newspaper was published in 1949, and a bronze fish mouth was found. When I saw this report, I thought there might be several bronze fish mouths, and then a few keys.

Now it seems that there should be no one bronze fish mouth, but why did we get this bronze fish mouth when we were educated youths in Shaanxi?

It's been decades.

It is reasonable that after the bronze fish mouth was excavated at that time, it should belong to the state and should not appear in the mausoleum. This is a strange place.