Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 19 Secret

The bronze fish mouth and the bronze fish body form a complete bronze fish key, which may be a complete key.

I temporarily forgot the current situation. What kind of existence is the so-called Ghost Heavenly Palace? How many people are pursuing the so-called Ghost Heavenly Palace?

Now I'm sure that my father must be one of them, and so is the fake hill.

And I seem to have become one of them, and I have never left this route. Since I went to the ground for the first time when I was an educated youth, I got this bronze fish mouth. It was also from that time that I learned about the mysterious nation of ghosts.

Several mausoleums in the later sand-tao seemed to have something to do with ghosts.

Yes, we seem to have been brought up by something.

From the first Shaanxi to the second Dujiangyan and the third Xing'an Mountains, the tombs in these three different places seem to have a continuous causal relationship.

And this causality should refer to the ghost side.

"What's wrong? Let's eat something first." The fat man proposed.

But I didn't have any thoughts. When eating, the fat man said seriously, "Comrades, the difficulties we face this time are unprecedented, so everyone should be prepared for a long-term battle."

Fat Ma was a little stunned by what Fatty Ma said. I'm used to mud people, but the other three people's faces are a little **.

I have to say that in this regard, the fat man is also a master. Even if he can't go to the ground in the future, he can still be a senior high school teacher and ignite the blood of students.

After eating a little and calming down for a while, we still have to face the bad situation in front of us.

I told the fat and clay figurines what I knew.

Although they were a little surprised, what surprised me most was Zhang Tong. She said that she knew something about this situation. But she still has a difficult face. Because this is about state secrets.

"It's inconvenient to say that we are not reluctant," I said.

Zhang Tong did not speak immediately. She seemed to have had a fierce ideological struggle and finally decided to tell us, but the premise is that if we go out alive, we can't tell anyone about it. Because this is a state-level secret.

We all nodded and agreed.

Zhang Tong said, "I told you one thing before, that is, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Xi'an have not been fully excavated and completed. It claims to the outside world that it is due to the immature archaeological technology, so it has not been opened to the outside world, and it is indeed a first-class secret inside."

Fat Ma immediately came to ask with interest when he heard the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, "What secrets are hidden in it?"

Zhang Tong's face was a little rigorous and shook his head: "I don't know about this. Many ancient emperors' tombs are recorded in fascicles. Not every member of the archaeological team knows everything, and it is rare to know part of it."

At that time, the Japanese proposed to provide technical support for the excavation of terracotta warriors in China, provided that some of the contents should be given to them. Of course, this was rejected by the authorities, so the terracotta warriors are still being excavated.

This is also to pave the way for the ghost palace. The nature of the ghost palace and the terracotta warriors are similar, and there are amazing secrets buried there.

Because the archaeological team I belong to has participated in the pursuit of the Ghost Palace, so I have read the records in this regard.

The seal on the information is a national first-level secret.

We didn't interrupt Zhang Tong's narrative and waited for her to continue.

She paused and said, "Actually, we came here with you this time to pursue this secret. For decades, we have never given up the archaeology of this project. This is an ancient nation in the period of Chinese mythology, and what is involved is not clear in a few words.

"What exactly is recorded in it?"

This question has captured all the spirits of us, even Yu Nu and Huang Lin in the archaeological team. Obviously, they don't know.

"I see only part of the information."

"Say it." Someone urged again.

"According to the data, Guifang is the country most closely related to the Xia Dynasty in addition to the orthodox dynasty of the Shang Dynasty, and the Xia Dynasty was almost a dynasty in China's Shenhua era. Its growth went through the mythical characters such as Yao Shun and Dayu, and finally violated the Zen concession system and created slavery. Later, it was destroyed by the Shang Dynasty.

After that, a nation had been fighting against the Shang Dynasty until it was defeated by Wuding in the late Shang Dynasty, but they never really disappeared. They are ghosts.

According to the records, the ghost party is a nomad, but the strange thing about this nation is that they seem to have been looking for a place to settle down.

"Isn't this normal? Who doesn't want to live a stable life," Fatty Ma interrupted Zhang Tong's words.

Zhang Tong gave Fatty Ma a white eye.

Fat Ma knew that he was embarrassed: "Go on."

Zhang Tong continued: "It's strange that it's here. They are looking for a place to settle down. There seems to be a special requirement, that is, to be close to Yao Shun's land. This is very important information.

However, it has never succeeded, but in the last battle, after being defeated by the Shang Dynasty, it migrated, but many people were unwilling. Among them, a man named Kui Wu returned with his family, but did not start a war, but slowly integrated into the dynasty of the Shang Dynasty.

Until the fall of the Shang Dynasty, the family led by Kuiwu slowly passed down in this ancient land. Up to now, there are still descendants in this family, but it is not recorded on the data.

"Why is the name Kui Wu a little familiar! I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

"Have you really seen it?" Zhang Tong's tone was a little excited.

"Wait, let me think about it."

They didn't bother me, they all held their breath and waited for my answer.

"I remember, fat man, do you remember the time in Dujiangyan? It seems that I saw it there."

"Dujiangyan?" Zhang Tong said doubtfully.


"What are you going to Dujiangyan for?"

I just wanted to talk, but I was interrupted by the clay figurine: "We are traveling to Dujiangyan."

The fat man and I looked at the clay figurine in surprise.

Zhang Tong obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't delve into it.

"Then how did you recognize it as Kui Wu's? As far as I know, the ghost side has exclusive words. Is it possible...?"

"Yes, I can recognize the ghost Fangwen," I answered before Zhang Tong asked.

Zhang Tong was obviously shocked by my words, and Yu Nu and Huang Lin were also stunned.

"Brother Sun, you are so awesome. When it comes to our archaeological team, there is only one person who knows this kind of text. I'm afraid China won't have five fingers.

Zhang Tong was a little dazed, and I didn't talk about it in detail, because the clay figurine seemed to need us to hide something. Although I said that I know this kind of words, I don't want to say what the clay figurine needs to hide.

The matter is over.

"You go on," I said to Zhang Tong.

Zhang Tong adjusted his mood and said, "Later, the state sent more than a dozen archaeological teams to pursue this secret. We are the weakest."

"But now it seems that we are crooked and closer to the real answer than them." When Zhang Tong said this, his eyes were a little erratic, but we didn't care.

"Is your archaeological team sent out at one time or in total for decades?"

"It is the total for decades, but some archaeological teams have lost contact, and even the whole archaeological team has lost contact. This situation is very common. Now these materials have been brought back by Professor Sun."