Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 10 Secret

We gathered in this closed basement, and Professor Sun planned to 'open the skylight and speak up'. He frowned: "Actually..."

I'll wait for the following.

The Ghost Palace is a top secret of the country, and Professor Sun repeated it uneasly.

"Hm," I answered.

The next words are all about Professor Sun's story about the process of tracing the Ghost Palace.

I don't know why. After receiving the order, I came to the archaeological team to gather. I thought it was an ordinary task, so I didn't pay attention to it. But when I came to the archaeological team, I was shocked. It was far from as simple as I thought. Looking at the team, many people were not in the formation of the archaeological team at all, but from the people. Come here.

There are ten people in our team. There are only three original colleagues in the archaeological team, plus four of me and six new faces, but according to the introduction, they are not new. Needless to say, my three colleagues were all named by the archaeological circles at that time.

Just like this, ten people came together.

After seeing this team, I was not a novice at that time. I thought that a more difficult tomb had been found somewhere and needed us to clean it up.

But in fact, what I thought was too simple. When the order was issued, my head was confused and I was actually going to find the Ghost Heavenly Palace.

This ghost palace has always been circulating in our archaeological world, but no one has ever regarded it as a real existence. Even if it really exists, I'm afraid it is a castle in the air and can't be seen or touched.

Because before us, many people tried to pursue the secret of the Ghost Palace, but to no results, I really can't believe that it really exists.

It was not until I saw the newspaper that the photo in the newspaper was the picture of the bronze fish mouth that I believed that maybe this ghost palace really existed.

But the day after the bronze fish mouth was excavated, that is, the day after the newspaper, it mysteriously disappeared, but I was particularly impressed by it, so I imitated one. Speaking of this with a wry smile, I still ignored a detail.

So the day after the order was issued, we began this decades-long task. During our continuous investigation and verification, we waded through mountains and rivers, and almost half of China was run all over by us.

We have examined the ancient clan of Guifang dozens of times, but there is still no sign of this Guitian Palace. I'm afraid that the wandering ghosts who were defeated by the King of Shangwu and moved away have little to do with them. And the most likely is that branch, which was later embedded in the Central Plains, and the Guitian Palace may have been built in his hands.

During this period, we have been to the northwest and southwest, which are the most likely places for the ghost palace to exist, but in the end we returned without gain.

"What kind of people are in your team? Why haven't you found it for so many years?" The fat man couldn't help interrupting.

You can't blame us for this.

Next, the name said by Professor Sun shocked me and the fat man.

Professor Sun looked at the fat man jokingly, and then sighed leisurely: "Our team was the first to carry out this task, so for so many years, there have been few deaths and injuries left now."

I'm also curious. After all, the members of their team are top secret from the country, and I believe they will never be mediocre.

Professor Sun pondered for a while and said his first name, Mr. Lao Shan.

When we heard the name, the fat man and I felt that the brain nerve was pumped, and there was a wave in our hearts. We have seen this person. It is definitely a fighter in the inverted world.

We stared at Professor Sun like a monster. What we are curious about is not him, but the name that is about to pop out of his mouth. The first one is already so powerful, so the second one won't find anywhere.

The second one was immediately exported: "Chen Yutou."

Fuck, I can't afford to turn over the huge waves in my heart. This is simply a legendary character. How can it really exist!

But Professor Sun did say it. I stared at Professor Sun and wanted to find a flaw in his face, but it was useless.

Chen Yutou is actually one of you.

The fat man was also excited and incoherent. Anyway, the characters in this story actually appeared. How can they not be excited: "Is he still alive?"

Professor Sun: "It can't be said that this is a top secret of the country, and it is the biggest limit to talk about fame."

Just hearing these two names, I know that this archaeological team is absolutely a big deal. With these two people, ordinary tombs, it's easy to deal with. One or two zombie dumplings or something are just looking for death.

I was relieved, but my heart had not calmed down. Chen Yutou, Mr. Shan, I have seen Mr. Shan. Naturally, I can't say his means.

And Chen Yutou escaped by his method last time. Speaking of which, we have some connections with both of them.

Fat Ma was slightly disappointed when he heard Professor Sun say that he could not say life and death, but then he became active, because we all wanted to know that there were still those sand-fighting men in this team.