Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 11 Secrets

Professor Sun deliberately pondered for a while and did not speak.

Fat Ma couldn't stand it and urged Professor Sun to continue talking. Professor Sun looked at Fatty Ma and said slowly, "There is another one who can be said to be my family, also surnamed Sun. By the way, it seems that this young man is also surnamed Sun." Professor Sun pointed to me and said. I nodded.

"There is a strange local master on the ground in Changsha, who is called Sun Dasheng. Speaking of this, Professor Sun couldn't help smiling."

Ma Pangzi's face has become creepy. Who is Sun Dasheng? Ma Fatty naturally knows more than anyone else. If the big man in this place is in this industry in Changsha and doesn't know Professor Sun, he basically has not really entered the industry.

"Sun Dasheng is also in your team?" Fatty Ma's tone is a little exaggerated.

Professor Sun nodded.

"Impossible! How can it be!" Fatty Ma said in an unbelievable tone. Sun Dasheng has appeared a lot over the years. How can he have time to participate in your team for decades?

When Professor Sun's words came out, Fatty Ma was completely silent: "I believe you know how big the energy of a country is."

Fat Ma and I both went to the mountains and the countryside to live the life of educated youths. Naturally, we understand the noble and huge energy of the country. Professor Sun's words convinced us all.

Is there anyone else?

The three of us stared at Professor Sun, but none of the figures that popped out of his mouth were ordinary people, and they were all few big shots.

This undoubtedly increases the weight of the Guitian Palace, and it seems that they have not succeeded. The Guitian Palace is still like the ancient city of Loulan.

Then with my fat muddy people, can I find the Ghost Heavenly Palace? Even if we find the Ghost Palace, can we deal with it? I was thinking that if I go this time, I need to find someone to cooperate with, and the people who are suitable for cooperation, I looked down at Professor Sun. Maybe they are the most suitable.

"The rest of the people are all unknown people. Professor Sun ended the topic with this sentence.

We can't help but be a little disappointed.

"Finally, did your archaeological team find the location of the Ghost Palace?"


"You have been looking for it for so many years, don't you have any clue?"


"Why don't we cooperate!" After spitting out these words, the conversation was over. In the meantime, Fatty Ma also objected and Professor Sun doubted, but after some compromise and discussion, a common will was finally reached.

The time is set to depart in half a month.

Professor Sun also needs to reorganize the team and report it, and Fatty Ma and I have to go back to prepare. We also need our own team.

First of all, of course, we need the participation of clay figurines. The three of them have cooperated so much, which is also a tacit understanding. A few days later, we arrived in Changsha.

Fortunately, the fat man's shop was not locked by anyone this time. I first turned out the bronze fish and carried it with me. Now it has become the most important item.

The fat man dialed the mud man's phone number, but no one answered. Several times in a row, no one answered. Three days have passed since I came back from Beijing, plus the time to take the train, and a week has almost passed.

Fatty Ma sat on the stool and scolded. Where did the muddy man go? On the fourth day, Fatty Ma almost left. When he was about to copy the mud man's door, he found the clay figurine's home address that he didn't know at all from beginning to end.

Fat Ma suddenly withered down like a deflated ball. This is no different from looking for a needle. Just as Fatty Ma was racking his brains, a man came in from outside the store.

Fat Ma and I suddenly came to the senses and stared at him.

"I was bored at home, so I went out for a walk." Take off the sunglasses, and the sun outside shines in from the outside at this moment, and the clay figurine in casual clothes is standing in front of us.

"Mom, it has become a little white face, now," Fatty Ma said angrily. With that, thousands of people punched him. The clay figurine dodged sideways and kicked the fat man. The fat man staggered back and laughed randomly: "I haven't seen him for half a month, and my kung fu has improved again."

The clay figurine also smiled, but made no sound.

"I've been looking for you for a long time."

When the clay figurine heard this sentence, he finally showed the difference.

"There is action," I said concisely.

The clay figurine also reacted, but it was relatively calm.

Fat Ma said not to say this first. It's serious to have a meal. Then the fat man came to the old restaurant. After entering the box, the fat man said, "I have to find someone this time."
